- At reg.ru
- Login to your account
- Settings - API allowed IP addresses for connecting via API - Add your external public IP, from which your will connect with API
- To connect with API use login/password of the personal account (you can also add an additional password (use with the main login) in the personal account - Settings - API)
- There is a limit of API connections - 1200/hour
- At Zabbix server
- Install Python3
- Copy *.py scripts to /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts
- Import template *.xml into Zabbix
- Create host "REG.RU___<reg.ru_account_login>"
- Add macros in the host:
- {$REGRU_USER} - reg.ru account login,
- {$REGRU_PASS} - reg.ru account password
- Attach template to the host
- Discovery rule will get array of domains
- items and Triggers will be created