diff --git a/dimx/WEB-INF/system/world3net.dxw b/dimx/WEB-INF/system/world3net.dxw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8b567b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dimx/WEB-INF/system/world3net.dxw
@@ -0,0 +1,1057 @@
+ NAME The Beach
+ VERSION 2.30
+ 'Tested on DimensoneX game engine 7.1.2
+ 'AUTHOREMAIL cris@dimensionex.net
+ SITE https://www.dimensionex.net/thebeach/multiplayer.htm
+ HELP https://www.dimensionex.net/en/quick_start.htm
+ ' The following for local mode
+ IMAGESFOLDER_LOCAL https://localhost:8080/dimx/pics/
+ ' The following for network (light) mode
+ IMAGESFOLDER_PUBLIC https://www.dimensionex.net/pics/
+ SCENE SIZE 350x235
+ SCREEN SIZE 640x480
+ LOGOSRC thebeachfront.jpg
+ SKINS aqua.dxs,forest.dxs,default
+' **************************************************************
+' **************************************************************
+ROOM parcoLunetta
+ NAME The park
+ DESCRIPTION Spring always shines here.
+ IMAGE scnLunetta1.jpg
+ROOM spiaggia
+ NAME The beach
+ DESCRIPTION A beautiful beach stands before my eyes.
+ IMAGE scnBeach3.jpg
+ROOM spiaggia2 DEFAULT
+ NAME The beach and the palm trees
+ DESCRIPTION This is the classic beach made of white sands and palm trees... an old clich� but quite effective anyway.
+ IMAGE scnBeachpalm.jpg
+ROOM spiaggia3
+ NAME The beach and the boats
+ DESCRIPTION A beautiful beach stands before my eyes. The boats are somehow bound to the shore.
+ IMAGE scnBeachboats.jpg
+ROOM spiaggia4
+ NAME The beach and the rocks
+ DESCRIPTION The rocks shine in the sun and the weather now it's the right one to have a bath.
+ IMAGE scnBeachrock.jpg
+ROOM rocca
+ NAME The cliff
+ DESCRIPTION From here you can enjoy the beautiful landscape of the beach below.
+ IMAGE SHOWAREA -1,-1,0 scnSpiaggiaDasopra.jpg
+ROOM pathgate
+ NAME The gate
+ DESCRIPTION The path connects a hill with a cliff on the sea. There's a gate here.
+ IMAGE N pathgaten.jpg
+ IMAGE S SHOWAREA 100,-1,-1 pathgates.jpg
+ IMAGE W pathgatew.jpg
+ IMAGE E SHOWAREA -1,-1,0 pathgatee.jpg
+ROOM ballhouse
+ NAME The stone house
+ DESCRIPTION There's strange house, carved into the rock. There's nothing inside.
+ IMAGE S SHOWAREA 175,-1,-1 ballhouse.jpg
+ROOM mountains
+ NAME The mountains
+ DESCRIPTION From here I cannot walk any further.
+ IMAGE SHOWAREA 150,-1,-1 mountains.jpg
+ROOM bungalow
+ NAME The bungalow
+ DESCRIPTION A bungalow here proves that tourism is coming everywhere.
+ IMAGE SHOWAREA -1,-1,10 scnBungalow.jpg
+ROOM bungalowPatio
+ NAME The bungalow's back
+ DESCRIPTION The bungalow's back shows a door that looks unlocked.
+ IMAGE S SHOWAREA 170,-1,-1 scnBungalowPatio.jpg
+ROOM bungalowStanza
+ NAME Inside the bungalow
+ DESCRIPTION This place looks fine. I'd like to spend some vacation here sooner or later.
+ IMAGE S SHOWAREA -1,-1,0 scnBungalowStanza.jpg
+ROOM bar
+ NAME The beach bar
+ DESCRIPTION This must be the ideal place for a refreshing drink. Latin music is playing at loud volume.
+ IMAGE beachbar.jpg
+ROOM cellar
+ NAME The bar's cellar
+ DESCRIPTION Hmmm... I have not come here or a drink I guess!
+ IMAGE cellar.jpg
+ROOM kitchen
+ NAME Bar interiors
+ DESCRIPTION The bar's inner room is well equipped for a busy afternoon. There's a door, up there at right side.
+ IMAGE SHOWAREA 185,280,55 scnbarinterior.jpg
+ROOM beachcliff
+ NAME The cliff's bottom
+ DESCRIPTION I can somehow climb up here quickly, even though it's not quite comfortable. The sea is at my shoulders.
+ IMAGE E scnbeachcliff.jpg
+ROOM parco
+ NAME The park
+ DESCRIPTION This park is wonderful. Look, there's even a pond!
+ IMAGE N SHOWAREA 140,-1,-1 cortic_giardini.jpg
+ROOM parcoCollina
+ NAME The hill
+ DESCRIPTION The hill goes up smoothly starting from the lake and up, in between the fields in the distance.
+ IMAGE N cortic_collina.jpg
+ IMAGE S cortic_collinab.jpg
+ROOM downhill
+ NAME Down the hill
+ IMAGE N downhill.jpg
+ IMAGE S SHOWAREA 80,200,-1 chaletin.jpg
+ROOM scnCampoarato
+ NAME The pathway to the hill
+ DESCRIPTION A tortuous pathway leads up to the hill.
+ IMAGE S scnCampoarato2.jpg
+ IMAGE N scnCampoarato.jpg
+ROOM scnPassage1
+ NAME The passage
+ DESCRIPTION I'm heading north. There's a pathway passing under an arch. At my left I have a gate leading to another path.
+ IMAGE SHOWAREA 110,-1,-1 scnPassage1.jpg
+ROOM parcoAnatre
+ NAME The duck's house
+ DESCRIPTION I wonder how much do they pay for the rent!
+ IMAGE SHOWAREA 200,-1,-1 lakeside1.jpg
+ROOM scnBay
+ NAME The lake border
+ IMAGE W SHOWAREA -1,200,-1 lakeside2.jpg
+ROOM lakeside3
+ NAME The lake bay
+ IMAGE W lakeside3.jpg
+ROOM lakeside4
+ NAME The lake border
+ IMAGE E lakeside4.jpg
+ IMAGE W lakeside4a.jpg
+ROOM chalet
+ NAME The chalet
+ IMAGE S chaletview.jpg
+ IMAGE N chaletout.jpg
+ROOM pianeta
+ NAME The alien planet
+ DESCRIPTION I've never seen such a strange place.
+ IMAGE scnFloatingorbs.jpg
+ROOM pianetaAlieno
+ NAME Fields of Saturn
+ DESCRIPTION From the colors and from the local fauna, I suppose I'm not on the Earth here.
+ IMAGE SHOWAREA 0,200,-1 scnAlien.jpg
+' **************************************************************
+' **************************************************************
+MLINK w5 kitchen-beachcliff E
+ NAME door
+ ICON icoDoor.gif
+MLINK w4a spiaggia3-bar E
+ NAME to the bar
+MLINK w4b bar-spiaggia3 W
+ NAME to the beach
+LINK w7 bar-kitchen E
+MLINK w6 bar-cellar D
+ NAME a trapdoor
+ ATTRLIST open=0,locked=1
+ ICON trapdoor.gif
+ DESCRIPTION a square-shaped trap door, connects the bar with the bar's cellar!
+ IMAGE 41x30 td.gif
+MLINK w6b cellar-bar U
+LINK w18 pathgate-rocca N
+LINK w31 pathgate-ballhouse S
+LINK w32 scnPassage1-mountains N
+LINK w30 scnCampoarato-scnPassage1 N
+LINK gate1 pathgate-scnPassage1 E
+ NAME the gate
+ ATTRLIST open=0,locked=1
+ ICON icoDoor.gif
+ DESCRIPTION It's an old iron gate.
+LINK w10 parcoCollina-scnCampoarato N
+LINK w11 parcoCollina-downhill S
+MLINK w11b parcoAnatre-parco U
+ NAME climb the edge
+MLINK w11a parco-parcoAnatre D
+ NAME lake's edge
+LINK w11e downhill-lakeside4 D
+LINK w11f chalet-downhill N
+LINK w12 parcoAnatre-scnBay N
+MLINK w3b bungalow-parcoLunetta E
+ NAME to the park
+LINK w21 bungalow-bungalowStanza N
+ NAME the door
+ ATTRLIST open=0,locked
+ ICON icoDoor.gif
+ DESCRIPTION It's firmly locked.
+LINK w23 parco-parcoLunetta S
+MLINK w3a parcoLunetta-bungalow S
+LINK w13 scnBay-lakeside3 N
+LINK w13a lakeside3-lakeside4 W
+LINK w14 pianeta-pianetaAlieno E
+LINK w16 spiaggia-beachcliff E
+MLINK w16a beachcliff-rocca U
+ NAME to the cliff
+MLINK w17 rocca-spiaggia D
+ NAME to the beach
+LINK w24 spiaggia2-spiaggia3 N
+LINK w25 spiaggia-spiaggia2 N
+LINK w26 spiaggia-spiaggia4 W
+MLINK w19 bungalow-bungalowPatio N
+ NAME to rear
+MLINK w20 bungalowPatio-bungalow E
+ NAME to front
+LINK w22 bungalowPatio-bungalowStanza S
+ NAME the service door
+ ICON icoDoor.gif
+ ATTRLIST open=0,locked
+' **************************************************************
+ATTRLIST Health=10,Skill=1
+' **************************************************************
+ NAME a surfer
+ DESCRIPTION Walks up and down, I'd say he's got nothing to do.
+ POSITION RndSet(setBeach)
+ IMAGE 110x110 chrSurfista.gif
+ NAME Tommy
+ DESCRIPTION He's enjoying some loudpumping music..
+ IMAGE 45x100 punkjamming.gif
+ POSITION kitchen
+ ACCEPTS apple
+ NAME the barman
+ DESCRIPTION He's standing as he'd expect me to order a drink.
+ IMAGE 100x118 chrbarmanmir.gif
+CHARACTER bodybuilder
+ NAME a bodybuilder
+ DESCRIPTION He's one of those gym enthusiasts... big muscles and the like.
+ ACCEPTS lattina
+ POSITION scnPassage1
+ IMAGE 80x130 chrPalestrato.gif
+ SHOW ONSCREEN 164,35 FOR scnPassage1.jpg
+CHARACTER forestguy
+ NAME forest guy
+ DESCRIPTION It looks like a resting gorilla.
+ ACCEPTS cell
+ POSITION lakeside3
+ IMAGE 125x70 forestguy.gif
+ NAME Squix the alien
+ DESCRIPTION Points proudly his spaceship. It looks brand new.
+ POSITION pianetaAlieno
+ NAME a mime
+ POSITION rndSet(setFaraway)
+ DESCRIPTION He does a hard job... and no paid vacation!
+ IMAGE 120x120 chrMimo.gif
+' Animals
+ NAME a duck
+ DESCRIPTION The duck looks at me... it seems he's holding something in the mouth...
+ ICON icoDuck.gif
+ POSITION parcoAnatre
+ ACCEPTS hamb
+ IMAGE 200x141 duck2.jpg
+ SHOW ICON 125,120 FOR lakeside1.jpg
+ NAME a rooster
+ DESCRIPTION It's one of those pain-in-the-ass roosters capable of awakening you at 4 am!!
+ POSITION rndSet(setPark)
+ ICON icoPollo.gif
+ ACCEPTS bruco
+ IMAGE 70x70 chrPollo.gif
+' **************************************************************
+' **************************************************************
+' ************************
+' Containers - Boxes
+' ************************
+ITEM box
+ NAME a cardboard box
+ DESCRIPTION It's just an ordinary cardboard box
+ POSITION rndSet(setFaraway)
+ ICON icoScatola.gif
+ ATTRLIST open=0,hideable=0
+ IMAGE 60x48 box.gif
+ITEM box2
+ NAME a cardboard box
+ DESCRIPTION It's just an ordinary cardboard box
+ POSITION rndSet(setFaraway)
+ ICON icoScatola.gif
+ ATTRLIST open=0,hideable=0
+ IMAGE 60x48 box.gif
+ITEM box3
+ NAME a cardboard box
+ DESCRIPTION It's just an ordinary cardboard box
+ POSITION rndSet(setFaraway)
+ ICON icoScatola.gif
+ ATTRLIST open=0,hideable=0
+ IMAGE 60x48 box.gif
+ITEM box4
+ NAME a cardboard box
+ DESCRIPTION It's just an ordinary cardboard box
+ POSITION rndSet(setFaraway)
+ ICON icoScatola.gif
+ ATTRLIST open=0,hideable=0
+ IMAGE 60x48 box.gif
+ITEM treasure
+ NAME treasure chest
+ DESCRIPTION It is a treasure chest
+ POSITION beachcliff
+ ATTRLIST open=0,hidden
+ IMAGE 97x85 chestclosed.gif
+ITEM trash
+ NAME a trash can
+ POSITION parco
+ ATTRLIST open,hideable=0
+ ICON icoTrash.gif
+ DESCRIPTION It's incredible, some people does not use it. It's there for this purpose!
+ IMAGE 100x97 trashcan.gif
+' ************************
+' Containers - Bags
+' ************************
+ITEM valigia
+ NAME a bag
+ DESCRIPTION The colour doesn't set my pants on fire, but still it's a bag.
+ POSITION rndSet(setTutte)
+ ICON icoSchoolbag.gif
+ ATTRLIST open=0,pickable,hideable=0
+ IMAGE 32x32 icoSchoolbag.gif
+ITEM valigia2
+ NAME a bag
+ DESCRIPTION The colour doesn't set my pants on fire, but still it's a bag.
+ POSITION rndSet(setTutte)
+ ICON icoSchoolbag.gif
+ ATTRLIST open=0,pickable,hideable=0
+ IMAGE 30x30 icoSchoolbag.gif
+ITEM valigia3
+ NAME a bag
+ DESCRIPTION There are some initials next to the handle: 'C.L.'.
+ POSITION rndSet(setTutte)
+ ICON icoSchoolbag.gif
+ ATTRLIST open=0,pickable,hideable=0
+ IMAGE 28x28 icoSchoolbag.gif
+ITEM sporta1
+ NAME a shopping bag
+ DESCRIPTION It's a shopping bag. The two sides are glued together and I can't see what's inside.
+ POSITION rndSet(setTutte)
+ ICON icoSporta.gif
+ ATTRLIST open=0,pickable,openable=0
+ IMAGE 32x32 icoSporta.gif
+ITEM sporta2
+ NAME a shopping bag
+ DESCRIPTION It's a shopping bag. Maybe sponsored by a shop near here or something.
+ POSITION rndSet(setTutte)
+ ICON icoSporta.gif
+ ATTRLIST open=0,pickable
+ IMAGE 32x32 icoSporta.gif
+' ************************
+' Keys
+' ************************
+ITEM key1
+ ' Unlocks the cellar trapdoor
+ NAME a key
+ DESCRIPTION Each lock is opened by a key... and each key opens a lock... isn't it?
+ ICON icoKey.gif
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 67x50 chiavegold.gif
+ITEM key2
+ ' Unlocks the bungalow's door
+ NAME a key
+ DESCRIPTION Each lock is opened by a key... and each key opens a lock... isn't it?
+ POSITION rndSet(setValigie)
+ ICON icoKey.gif
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 67x50 chiavegold.gif
+ITEM key3
+ ' Unlocks the gate
+ NAME a key
+ DESCRIPTION Each lock is opened by a key... and each key opens a lock... isn't it?
+ POSITION trash
+ ICON icoKey.gif
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 67x50 chiavegold.gif
+ITEM key4
+ NAME a key
+ DESCRIPTION Each lock is opened by a key... and each key opens a lock... isn't it?
+ POSITION rndSet(setValigie)
+ ICON icoKey.gif
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 67x50 chiavegold.gif
+ITEM key5
+ NAME a key
+ DESCRIPTION Each lock is opened by a key... and each key opens a lock... isn't it?
+ POSITION rndSet(setValigie)
+ ICON icoKey.gif
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 67x50 chiavegold.gif
+ITEM key6
+ NAME a key
+ DESCRIPTION Each lock is opened by a key... and each key opens a lock... isn't it?
+ POSITION rndSet(setValigie)
+ ICON icoKey.gif
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 67x50 chiavegold.gif
+ITEM key7
+ NAME a key
+ DESCRIPTION Each lock is opened by a key... and each key opens a lock... isn't it?
+ POSITION rndSet(setValigie)
+ ICON icoKey.gif
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 67x50 chiavegold.gif
+ITEM key8
+ NAME a key
+ DESCRIPTION Each lock is opened by a key... and each key opens a lock... isn't it?
+ POSITION rndSet(setValigie)
+ ICON icoKey.gif
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 67x50 chiavegold.gif
+ITEM key9
+ NAME a key
+ DESCRIPTION Each lock is opened by a key... and each key opens a lock... isn't it?
+ POSITION rndSet(setValigie)
+ ICON icoKey.gif
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 67x50 chiavegold.gif
+' ************************
+' Switches and controls
+' ************************
+VEHICLE tele1
+ NAME the teletransporter
+ DESCRIPTION It looks like one of those things in Star Trek.
+ POSITION bungalowStanza
+ ICON icoZap.gif
+ IMAGE 40x150 lampadastyle.gif
+ INNER IMAGE 350x235 fadewhite.gif
+VEHICLE tele2
+ NAME the teletransporter
+ DESCRIPTION It looks like one of those things in Star Trek
+ POSITION pianetaAlieno
+ ICON icoZap.gif
+ ATTRLIST hideable=0
+ IMAGE 40x150 lampadastyle.gif
+ INNER IMAGE 350x235 fadewhite.gif
+ITEM switch1
+ NAME a switch
+ DESCRIPTION It is a switch mounted on the wall...
+ POSITION kitchen
+ ICON icoInterruttore.gif
+ ATTRLIST hideable=0
+ IMAGE 77x111 interruttore.gif
+ SHOW ICON 120,138
+ITEM switch2
+ NAME a switch
+ DESCRIPTION It is a switch
+ POSITION tele1
+ ICON icoInterruttore.gif
+ ATTRLIST broken=1,hideable=0
+ IMAGE 77x111 interruttore.gif
+ITEM switch3
+ NAME a switch
+ DESCRIPTION It is a switch
+ POSITION tele2
+ ICON icoInterruttore.gif
+ ATTRLIST hideable=0
+ IMAGE 77x111 interruttore.gif
+' ************************
+' Misc items
+' ************************
+ITEM scroll
+ NAME a scroll
+ DESCRIPTION The scroll reads: 'The aim of the game is to enter the underground room of the beach bar before that the other players do.'
+ POSITION parcoLunetta
+ ATTRLIST hideable=0
+ ICON icoPergamena.gif
+ IMAGE 100x100 pergamena.gif
+ITEM scroll2
+ NAME a scroll
+ DESCRIPTION The scroll reads: 'Not everything that exists is visible. Try to search...'
+ POSITION parcoCollina
+ ATTRLIST hideable=0
+ ICON icoPergamena.gif
+ IMAGE 100x100 pergamena.gif
+ITEM scroll3
+ NAME a scroll
+ DESCRIPTION The scroll reads: 'The gate can be open by activating the appropriate switch'
+ POSITION rndSet(setBeach)
+ ATTRLIST hideable=0
+ ICON icoPergamena.gif
+ IMAGE 100x100 pergamena.gif
+ITEM map
+ NAME a map
+ DESCRIPTION The map indicates that the treasure chest is hidden at the cliff's bottom!
+ POSITION cellar
+ ICON icoPergamena.gif
+ IMAGE 100x100 map.jpg
+ITEM hamb
+ NAME a cheeseburger
+ DESCRIPTION A nice hamburger... hope it's not made with crazy cow?
+ POSITION pianetaAlieno
+ ICON icoHamb.gif
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 54x100 hamburger.gif
+ITEM bruco
+ NAME a worm
+ DESCRIPTION A worm! How cute!!
+ POSITION rndSet(setPark)
+ ICON icoBruco.gif
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 84x84 bruco.gif
+ITEM butterfly
+ NAME a butterfly
+ DESCRIPTION A butterfly... what the hell am I supposed to do with this?!
+ POSITION rndSet(setPark)
+ ICON icoFarfalla.gif
+ IMAGE 84x49 farfalla.gif
+ SHOW ICON -1,100
+ITEM frog
+ NAME a frog
+ ICON icoFrog.gif
+ POSITION rndSet(setPark)
+ DESCRIPTION The frog is not so happy to see me... jumps averywhere.
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 68x60 rana.gif
+ITEM apple
+ NAME an apple
+ ICON icoMela.gif
+ POSITION bodybuilder
+ DESCRIPTION A nice red apple... maybe it's good and tasty...
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 121x88 mela.gif
+ITEM cell
+ NAME a cellular phone
+ POSITION tommy
+ DESCRIPTION This type looks not so much modern...
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 67x50 cellulare.gif
+ITEM screwd
+ NAME a screwdriver
+ POSITION forestguy
+ DESCRIPTION Here's something that surely will be quite useful to me...
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 113x30 cacciavite.gif
+ITEM lattina
+ NAME a can
+ ICON icoCan.gif
+ POSITION barman
+ DESCRIPTION Well, if at a given moment I get thirsty...
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 56x56 lattina7up.gif
+ITEM soccerball
+ NAME a soccer ball
+ ICON icoPallonecalcio.gif
+ POSITION rndSet(setBeach)
+ DESCRIPTION Now I just miss the players!
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 20x20 pallonecalcio.gif
+ITEM forbici
+ NAME scissors
+ DESCRIPTION A pair of scissors with sharp blades.
+ ICON icoScissors.gif
+ POSITION parcoLunetta
+ ATTRLIST hidden,pickable
+ IMAGE 100x73 scissors.gif
+' ************************
+' Weapons or similar
+' ************************
+ITEM pepper
+ NAME a pepper
+ DESCRIPTION In Italy there's a saying... 'To put pepper at someone's butt...'
+ ICON icoPeperoncino.gif
+ POSITION rndSet(setTutte)
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 133x100 peperoncino.gif
+ITEM gun
+ NAME a gun
+ DESCRIPTION A gun to kill other players!
+ ICON icoPistola.gif
+ POSITION surfer
+ ATTRLIST pickable
+ IMAGE 70x48 pistola.gif
+' **************************************************************
+' **************************************************************
+SET setFaraway spiaggia4,parcoCollina,parcoAnatre,scnCampoarato,scnBay,lakeside3,bungalowPatio,bungalowStanza,scnPassage1,ballhouse,mountains
+SET setValigie valigia,valigia2,valigia3,sporta1,sporta2,box,box2,box3,box4,trash
+SET setPark bungalow,parcoCollina,parcoAnatre,parcoLunetta,scnBay,lakeside3,lakeside4,scnCampoarato,mountains,downhill
+SET setBeach spiaggia,spiaggia2,spiaggia3,spiaggia4
+SET setTutte spiaggia,spiaggia2,spiaggia3,spiaggia4,bar,kitchen,parcoCollina,parcoAnatre,parcoLunetta,scnCampoarato,scnBay,lakeside3,rocca,bungalow,bungalowPatio,bungalowStanza,pianeta,pianetaAlieno,scnPassage1,pathgate,ballhouse,mountains
+' **************************************************************
+' **************************************************************
+EVENT parco.onReceive
+ PlayBackground "score01.mp3"
+EVENT bar.onReceive
+ ' Plays the background music only once
+ If $TARGET.barmusic = 1
+ Return
+ Else
+ PlayBackground "reggaeton.mp3"
+ $TARGET.barmusic = 1
+ End_If
+EVENT scnPassage1.onReceive
+ ' Plays the background music only once
+ If $TARGET.passmusic = 1
+ Return
+ Else
+ PlayBackground "synthwave.mp3"
+ $TARGET.passmusic = 1
+ End_If
+EVENT pianeta.onReceive
+ PlayBackground "sndJ0074310.mp3"
+EVENT onNew
+ Speak "Welcome to " + name + ", " + $AGENT.name + "!"
+EVENT surfer.onLook
+ Speak "One day I found a map on this beach...", "...I showed it to the barman...", "...who has lost it immediately!","I think it must be somewhere in the beach bar.","If only I could enter in the cellar... under the trapdoor!"
+EVENT surfer.onHear
+ If $TARGET = "gun please" And gun.container = $OWNER
+ Speak "Yes sir!"
+ Move gun, $AGENT
+ Else
+ Speak "There's a locked gate up on the hill. You can't escape this place, it seems.", "You know what? I've been told that there's a switch somewhere in the bar which unlocks that gate.", "I never managed to find it, though."
+ End_If
+EVENT duck.onReceiveItem
+ If $TARGET = hamb
+ Speak "Quack quack!"
+ $OWNER.description = "He's hurrying up and eats the hamburger... which is a sorta rubber substance"
+ Move key1, parcoAnatre
+ End_If
+EVENT pollo.onReceiveItem
+ If $TARGET = bruco
+ Speak "Coot Coot!"
+ $OWNER.description = "He just had a meal and now looks quite satisfied!!"
+ Kill bruco
+ End_If
+EVENT tommy.onHear
+ Speak "I am hungry... I'd gladly take some fruit!"
+EVENT tommy.onReceiveItem
+ If $TARGET = apple
+ Speak "Thank you! While I'm eating, would you please hold this cellar phone..."
+ Move cell, $AGENT
+ End_If
+EVENT forestguy.onReceiveItem
+ If $TARGET = cell
+ Speak "Uh! Uh! Uh! UH! UH! WAH! WAH! Uh!..."
+ Move screwd, $AGENT
+ Display "Hey, he just gave me a screwdriver in return."
+ End_If
+EVENT forestguy.onHear
+ Display "Hmmm.... it seems he's boring. Perhaps I should give him something to play with."
+EVENT barman.onHear
+ Speak "What did you say? What should I give you?","What did you say?
+ Oh shit why don't they turn this damned volume down now!", "Wha-a-at?", "*"
+EVENT barman.onSpeechFinish
+ If lattina.container = $OWNER
+ Speak "Wanna drink huh? Take this!"
+ Move lattina, $AGENT
+ End_If
+EVENT barman.onLook
+ If $OWNER.empty
+ Speak "Sir, we only have got canned drinks... well... WE DID!","I GOT NOTHIN'TO GIVE YOU! SCRAM!"
+ Else
+ Speak "Hey boy, wanna something to drink?", "Are you thirsty? We've got LOTS of great cocktails!"
+ End_If
+EVENT bodybuilder.onLook
+ Speak "Pant, pant... I'm so thirsty!!", "Puff puff!"
+EVENT bodybuilder.onReceiveItem
+ If $TARGET=lattina
+ Move apple, $AGENT
+ Speak "Thanks! Take this, I need more proteins in my diet. This is of no use to me!"
+ End_If
+EVENT squix.onLook
+ Speak "Weeexywwx xy wekkyswwyx!!"
+EVENT squix.onHear
+ Speak "Xwzyxw!?!"
+EVENT box.onOpen
+ What...? By raising the cover I think I've activated some sort of teleport!!!
+ I've seen everything spinning around me and..."
+ Move $AGENT, scnBay
+ $AGENT.Health = $AGENT.Health-1
+EVENT treasure.onOpen
+ $OWNER.image = "chestopen.gif"
+ Display "TREASURE FOUND!!!!"
+ If mode=1
+ Goal
+ Speak $WORLD, "The game will be restarted within 30 seconds..."
+ End_If
+EVENT treasure.onClose
+ $OWNER.image = "chestclosed.gif"
+EVENT treasure.onSearch
+ If (Not($AGENT.foundmap))
+ Return false
+ End_If
+EVENT valigia2.onOpen
+ Display "*BANG!!*
+ Hey, an explosive trick!!"
+ $AGENT.Health = $AGENT.Health-2
+ DropItems $AGENT
+EVENT forbici.onUseWith
+ If $TARGET=sporta1
+ Display "Zzzzzak!"
+ $TARGET.description = "There's a large cut from side to side."
+ $TARGET.openable=1
+ End_If
+EVENT key1.onUseWith
+ If $TARGET=w6
+ $TARGET.locked=0
+ End_If
+EVENT key2.onUseWith
+ If $TARGET=w22
+ $TARGET.locked=0
+ End_If
+EVENT key3.onUseWith
+ If $TARGET=gate1
+ $TARGET.locked=0
+ End_If
+EVENT switch2.onUse
+ If $OWNER.broken
+ Display "The main control seems to be broken. It would take a screwdriver to fix it."
+ Return 0
+ Else
+ Display "* ssWWWWzzzzsssss *"
+ Move $AGENT,pianeta
+ End_If
+EVENT screwd.onUseWith
+ If $TARGET=switch2 AND $TARGET.broken
+ $TARGET.broken=0
+ Display "Hmmmm.... I seem to have fixed it."
+ PlayBackground $WORLD,"sndMimovie.mp3"
+ End_If
+EVENT switch3.onUse
+ Display "* ssWWWWzzzzsssss *"
+ Move $AGENT,kitchen
+EVENT bruco.onUseWith
+ If $TARGET=apple
+ Kill apple
+ Display "The worm ate the apple!!!"
+ End_If
+EVENT scroll.onLook
+ If $AGENT.flagScroll = 0
+ $AGENT.Skill=$AGENT.Skill+1
+ $AGENT.flagScroll=1
+ End_If
+EVENT pepper.onUseWith
+ If IsPlayer($TARGET)
+ Display $TARGET, "oowwwWWWW! It hurts!"
+ DropItems $TARGET
+ End_If
+EVENT gun.onUseWith
+ If IsPlayer($TARGET)
+ Display $AGENT, "*BANG*
+ I've shooted " + $TARGET.name
+ Kill $TARGET
+ End_If
+EVENT gate1.onOpen
+ pathgate.image("E")="pathgateeo.jpg"
+ Speak $WORLD, "The gate is now open!"
+EVENT gate1.onClose
+ pathgate.image("E")="pathgatee.jpg"
+ Speak $WORLD, "The gate is now closed!"
+EVENT switch1.onUse
+ gate1.locked = 0
+ gate1.open=1
+ Call gate1.onOpen
+ Display "Hmmm.. the light doesn't turn on. What is this for then?!?"
+EVENT onTick
+ If mode=0
+ Reset
+ Else
+ If gate1.open
+ gate1.open = 0
+ gate1.locked = 1
+ Call gate1.onClose
+ End_If
+ End_If
+EVENT bungalowStanza.onLoose
+ If $AGENT = "tele1"
+ ' Teletransporter cannot exit the room
+ Return 0
+ End_If
+EVENT pianetaAlieno.onLoose
+ If $AGENT = "tele2"
+ ' Teletransporter cannot exit the room
+ Return 0
+ End_If
+EVENT onStart
+ mode=1
+EVENT w6.onOpen
+ w6.image = "tdopen.gif"
+EVENT w6.onClose
+ w6.image = "td.gif"
+EVENT map.onLook
+ $AGENT.foundmap=1 ' We can now find treasure
diff --git a/dimx/WEB-INF/system/worldnav1.properties b/dimx/WEB-INF/system/worldnav1.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c15400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dimx/WEB-INF/system/worldnav1.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# Configuration for DimensioneX game engine
+# originally by Cristiano Leoni
+# cris@dimensionex.net
+# http://www.dimensionex.net
+# worldFile
+# Game file (DXW format) to be loaded at startup
+# Specifying the complete path or an internet URL is also OK
+# eg.: worldFile=underworld.dxw
+# debugTo
+# Where to send debug information
+# values: file | console | none
+# eg.: debugTo=file
+# adminPasswd
+# Password to be used to perform special admin operations like game reset
+# Set it if your server is for public access. If not, leave blank and save time.
+# You should not edit below this line
+# unless you've read carefully the documentation
+# msgsFile
+# name of the messages properties file. If you leave it blank you get messages in english
+# look at system folder to verify what languages that are supported
+# example: msgsFile=msgs_eng.properties
+# clientFile
+# name of the client HTML file containing the client frames structure.
+# eg.: clientFile=standard.client | leftctrl.client | bannerized.client
+# debugMode=1
+# Set it to 1 if you would like extra-fast, automatic login for debugging your own games
+# hideSourcePath=1
+# Set it to 1 if you want to hide the path to the source file (copyright protected games)
+# stopwords
+# List of forbidden words that can not be used in nicknames and (optionally) during chat