- Read python for data analysis
- Finished project2
- Planned to read python for data analysis this weekend !
- Finished ensemble Learning
- Started Project2 and planned to finish it before next Monday
- Learned Navie bayes and ensemble Learning
I started to learn ML, but was tired of understand all formula and how to get these formula. It is necessary to learn in detail after finishing the supervised learning project.
- I forgot to write daily log last several days. But I still kept coding.
- Learning "Design of Computer Programs" - CS212, which is a little difficult. Currently, I just finished unit2.
- Reading Python for Data Analysis chapter 4
- Wrangling data from Douban
- Finish Python for Data Analysis chapter 4
- learn pyspider
- Finish Python for Data Analysis chapter 2
- learn API on codecademy
- Read Python for Data Analysis chapter 2
- Learning python on IMOCC
- Pass the Project 7
- Modify the resume
- Finish the Project 7
- Make the Starbucks location worldwide visualization
- Pass the project 6
- finish the Project 7 lessons
- Submit new version of final project 6
- Finish Design a experiments
- Finish Policy and Ethics for Experiments
- Finish the overview of A/B Testing
- Finish the 2st version of P6 final project.
- Finish all the lesson for P6!
- Finish the 1st version of P6 final project, waiting for feedback.
- Finsh 20/50 for P6 animation and intercation
- Pass the project 5! Only 2 project left!
- Finish the whole lesson 3 in p6
- Finish p6-5 D3 Dimple.js
- Study half of p6-6
- Try to create first dimple chart
- Finish p6-4 D3 Design Principle
- Upload project 5 report to my github
- Finish p6-2/3 D3 building block
- Upload project 5 notes
- Finish P6-1 visualization Fundamentals
- Pass p4! Upload the project 4
- Finish project 5
- translate project 4 to Chinese version and put it on Jianshu.com.
- Finish the project 4 report, make some change and progress according to the review.
- Work on project 5
- Coedefights arcade - 16/162
- 完成Udacity的validation小节
- 完成Udacity的Evaluation metric小节
- 完成Udacity的Feature Selection小节
- 完成codefights里arcade一个关卡(目前进度:core-13/162)
- 完成Udacity的PCA小节
- 完成Udacity的Clustering小节
- 完成Udacity的Feature Scalling小节
- 完成Udacity的Text Learning小节
- 完成Udacity的regression小节
- 完成Udacity的Outliers小节
- 改了一个下午的report
- 完成Choose your own algorithm小节
- 完成了对Enron dataset的初步探索
- 完成udacity的SVM小节
- 完成udacity的Decision Tree小节
- 由于自己乱搞,多安装了一次numpy,重新配置了本地环境,最后用pip uninstall numpy才修复
- Codefights一个关卡
- Machine learning中SVM概念学习