Intel man pages, the official source.
Also includes Intel 64.
Interesting sections:
- Vol 1 5: instruction overview. In particular, groups instructions logically.
- Vol 2 3: full instruction listing and API.
Under the manuals section.
Original specification of x86-64, which Intel then implemented as well.
Intel man pages, the official source.
Also includes IA-32.
Get yourself the 3 volume IA documentation and the optimization manual and sleep with them.
Interesting chapters:
Volume 1 chapter 5: list of instructions grouped by type, good to find new instructions to play with
Volume 2 chapter 3: full alphabetic list of all instructions
The version is given on the front page, e.g.:
Order Number: 325383-053US January 2015
is the document (different for volumes 1-3), and 053 the version (TODO US is the language? Are there translations?) -
[System V Application Binary Interface v0.99.7][]
/~https://github.com/intelxed/xed/tree/master/datafiles open source machine readable definition of instructions (non-PDF), only published in 2016
Programming from the ground up.
Linux GAS, for complete programming beginners.
PC assembly language.
Reverse engineering for beginners.
Lots of info on what C code maps to in assembly, and how to look for what matters to reverse engineer stuff.
Highly regarded optimization guidelines for x86 and C++.
Washington university course that covers branch prediction, cache and other CPU internals
With runnable source code:
- /~https://github.com/0xAX/asm not extensive, but clean, and highly commented.
Without runnable source code:
http://www.egr.unlv.edu/~ed/assembly64.pdf by Ed Jorgensen.
A professional Creative Commons book that covers a lot of the basics.
Instruction list.
Looks like the best free disassembly library out there.
Binutils cannot be used as a library to disassemble? Sad.
Useless but cool and educational: