Here is the folder structure of this app.
|- components/
|- pages/
|-- about/
|-- contact/
|-- services/
|-- testimonials/
|-- work/
|-- _app.jsx
|-- index.jsx
|- public/
|- styles/
|-- globals.css
|- .eslintrc.json
|- .gitignore
|- next.config.js
|- package-lock.json
|- package.json
|- postcss.config.js
|- tailwind.config.js
|- variants.js
You might encounter some bugs while using this app. You are more than welcome to contribute. Just submit changes via pull request and I will review them before merging. Make sure you follow community guidelines.
Useful resources and dependencies that are used in Modern Portfolio.
- @next/font: ^13.4.4
- framer-motion: ^10.12.16
- next: 13.4.3
- react: 18.2.0
- react-countup: ^6.4.2
- react-dom: 18.2.0
- react-icons: ^4.8.0
- react-tsparticles: ^2.9.3
- swiper: ^9.4.0
- tailwind-scrollbar: ^3.0.4
- tsparticles: ^2.9.3
- autoprefixer: ^10.4.14
- eslint: 8.41.0
- eslint-config-next: 13.4.3
- postcss: ^8.4.23
- tailwindcss: ^3.3.2
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