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chimay edited this page Apr 22, 2021 · 21 revisions

Autoload files

Here is a list of files in autoload/wheel/, and a brief description of the modules within them.

File Description
attic.vim Most Recently Used files
boomerang.vim Context menus
centre.vim Commands & Mappings
chain.vim List helpers
checknfix.vim Check & fix variables
clipper.vim Yank buffers
codex.vim Yank wheel
complete.vim Completion functions
crystal.vim Internal variables
cuboctahedron.vim Reshaping : reorder, reorganize
cylinder.vim Dedicated buffers stack
disc.vim Read & Write wheel file
gear.vim Generic helpers
helix.vim Indexes
hub.vim Menus
kyusu.vim Line filters for dedicated buffers
layer.vim Layers stack for dedicated buffers
line.vim Activate line
mandala.vim Generic dedicated buffers
mosaic.vim Windows & tabs Layouts
pendulum.vim History
pencil.vim Selection in dedicated buffers
perspective.vim Content generators for dedicated buffers
projection.vim Following opened files
pyramid.vim Mix of tabs & splits layouts
referen.vim References to current elements
ripple.vim Async job for vim
sailing.vim Navigation buffers
scroll.vim Input history
shape.vim Dedicated buffers to reshape the wheel
spiral.vim Golden ratio
status.vim Print wheel status
symbol.vim Tags
tower.vim Menu layer in dedicated buffers
tree.vim Add, rename, delete elements
vector.vim Batch operations
void.vim Initiaze & reset variables
vortex.vim Navigation in the wheel
wave.vim Async job for neovim