- Install Prerequisites
- Setup Docker Swarm
- Setup Traefik
- Setup Portainer
- Setup MariaDB
- Setup Swarm CRON
- Setup ERPNext
These steps are required for production server. For dind/local setup copy dind-devcontainer
to .devcontainer
and reopen in devcontainer.
Use files from compose
Setup assumes you are using Debian based Linux distribution.
Update packages
apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y
Setup unattended upgrades
dpkg-reconfigure --priority=medium unattended-upgrades
Add non-root sudo user
adduser -D ubuntu
usermod -aG sudo ubuntu
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | bash
usermod -aG docker ubuntu
su - ubuntu
Initialize swarm
docker swarm init --advertise-addr=X.X.X.X
Note: Make sure the advertise-address does not change if you wish to add multiple nodes to this manager.
Comprehensive guide available at dockerswarm.rocks
Label the master node to install Traefik
docker node update --label-add traefik-public.traefik-public-certificates=true $(docker info -f '{{.Swarm.NodeID}}')
Set email and traefik domain
export EMAIL=admin@example.com
export TRAEFIK_DOMAIN=traefik.example.com
# or for dind
export TRAEFIK_DOMAIN=traefik.localhost
export HASHED_PASSWORD=$(openssl passwd -apr1)
Password: $ enter your password here
Verifying - Password: $ re enter your password here
Install Traefik in production
docker stack deploy -c compose/traefik-host.yml traefik
Install Traefik in dind
source /workspace/dind-devcontainer/setup-docker-env.sh
docker stack deploy -c /workspace/compose/traefik-dind.yml traefik
More on Traefik
Label the master node to install portainer
docker node update --label-add portainer.portainer-data=true $(docker info -f '{{.Swarm.NodeID}}')
Set portainer domain
export PORTAINER_DOMAIN=portainer.example.com
# or
export PORTAINER_DOMAIN=portainer.localhost
Install Portainer in production
docker stack deploy -c compose/portainer.yml portainer
Install Portainer in dind
docker stack deploy -c /workspace/compose/portainer-dind.yml portainer
Additional commands for dind only
Initialize portainer
export PORTAINER_PASSWORD=supersecretpassword
http POST https://docker/api/users/admin/init "Host: portainer.localhost" Username="admin" Password="${PORTAINER_PASSWORD}" --follow --verify=no
Get bearer token
export TOKEN=$(http POST https://docker/api/auth "Host: portainer.localhost" Username=admin Password=${PORTAINER_PASSWORD} --follow --verify=no | jq -r .jwt)
Add endpoint
source /workspace/dind-devcontainer/setup-docker-env.sh
http POST \
https://docker/api/endpoints \
"Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN" \
"Host:portainer.localhost" \
Name=dind EndpointCreationType=1 URL=tcp://$DOCKER_API \
--follow \
--form \
More on portainer
- Go to Stacks > Add and create stack called
. - Set
environment variable to set mariadb root password. Defaults toadmin
. - Use
to create the stack.
In case of docker setup there is not CRON scheduler running. It is needed to take periodic backups.
- Go to Stacks > Add and create stack called
. - Use
to create the stack. - Change the
environment variable as per your timezone.
: Use to create theerpnext
stack. SetVERSION
to version of choice. e.g.v14.13.0
variable as list of sites quoted in back tick (`
) and separated by comma (,
). ExampleSITES=`one.example.com`,`two.example.com`
optionally in case of multiple benches, defaults toerpnext
: Use to setupsites/common_site_config.json
and optionallyBENCH_NAME
environment variables.compose/create-site.yml
: Use to create a site. SetVERSION
and optionallyBENCH_NAME
environment variables. Change the command for site name, apps to be installed, admin password and db root password.compose/erpnext-backup.yml
: Use to backup and push snapshots. Set environment variables mentioned in comments in the file.