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Enry Server

Enry Server run as a gRPC service which expose GetLanguage to detect the programming language a file is written in.

How to install

  • To generate the vendor folder use glide install or glide up if you want to update the dependencies.
  • To regenerate .proto files, execute go generate
  • To build a binary make build. It generates ./bin/enrysrv


enrysrv can be launched as server or client. Client can choose if send the file content to the server.

$ ./bin/enrysrv server
INFO[0000] starting gRPC server
INFO[0009] Incoming request: OK 320.918µs --- filename: "", language: "Python", strategy: EXTENSION
INFO[0014] Incoming request: NEED CONTENT 210.074µs --- filename: "foo", language: "", strategy:
INFO[0029] Incoming request: IGNORED 142.816µs --- filename: "bar.json", language: "", strategy:
INFO[0056] Incoming request: OK 174.009µs --- filename: "foo", language: "Python", strategy: SHEBANG
$ ./bin/enrysrv client -f
INFO[0000] sending request
INFO[0000] detected language: Python

For the client -f flag is mandatory. If the server can't detect the language only with the file name, it replies with a need content message:

$ ./bin/enrysrv client -f foo
INFO[0000] sending request
WARN[0000] need content file to detect language

To send the file content to the server, you must add -c flag when you run the client:

$ ./bin/enrysrv client -c -f foo
INFO[0000] sending request
INFO[0000] detected language: Python

If enrysrv detect the file as a vendor/dotfile/configuration/documentation file, it will ingore that file:

$ ./bin/enrysrv client -f bar.json
INFO[0000] sending request
WARN[0000] ingored case, file is Vendor/DotFile/Documentation/Configuration

To launch a http server for profiling, add --profiler flag to the server:

$ ./bin/enrysrv server --profiler
INFO[0000] starting gRPC server
DEBU[0000] Started CPU & Heap profiler at "localhost:6073"