Fast filterOptions
function for react-select
; optimized to quickly filter huge options lists.
The easiest way to install is using NPM:
npm install react-select-fast-filter-options --save
ES6, CommonJS, and UMD builds are available with each distribution.
Use unpkg to access the UMD build:
<script src=""></script>
Try this example in Code Sandbox.
// Import default styles.
// This only needs to be done once; probably during bootstrapping process.
import "react-select/dist/react-select.css";
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import createFilterOptions from "react-select-fast-filter-options";
import Select from "react-select";
// Dummy array of test values.
const options = [
{label: "Option One", value: 1},
{label: "Option Two", value: 2},
// For more configuration options, see:
// /~
const filterOptions = createFilterOptions({
<Select filterOptions={filterOptions} options={options} />,
Try this example in Code Sandbox.
// Import default styles.
// This only needs to be done once; probably during bootstrapping process.
import "react-select/dist/react-select.css";
import "react-virtualized/styles.css";
import "react-virtualized-select/styles.css";
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import createFilterOptions from "react-select-fast-filter-options";
import Select from "react-virtualized-select";
// Dummy array of test values.
const options = [
{label: "Option One", value: 1},
{label: "Option Two", value: 2},
// For more configuration options, see:
// /~
const filterOptions = createFilterOptions({
<Select filterOptions={filterOptions} options={options} />,
Try this example in Code Sandbox.
// selectors file
import { createSelector } from "reselect";
import createFilterOptions from "react-select-fast-filter-options";
// Select the huge array of options stored in redux state
export const optionsSelector = state => state.options;
// Create a search index optimized to quickly filter options.
// The search index will need to be recreated if your options array changes.
// This index is powered by js-search: /~
// Reselect will only re-run this if options has changed
export const getIndexedOptions = createSelector(optionsSelector, options =>
createFilterOptions({ options })
// Dummy array of test values.
const options = Array.from(new Array(100), (_, index) => ({
label: `Item ${index}`,
value: index
function searchApp(state = INITIAL_STATE, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return state;
export default searchApp;
// Import default styles.
// This only needs to be done once; probably during bootstrapping process.
import "react-select/dist/react-select.css";
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { connect, Provider } from "react-redux";
import Select from "react-select";
import { createStore } from "redux";
import { createSelector } from "reselect";
import searchApp from "./reducers";
import { getIndexedOptions, optionsSelector } from "./selectors";
const store = createStore(searchApp);
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
filterOptions: getIndexedOptions(state),
options: optionsSelector(state)
const FilterableSelect = connect(mapStateToProps)(props => (
<Select {...props} />
<Provider store={store}>
<FilterableSelect />
By default, createFilterOptions
returns a filter function configured to match all substrings, in a case-insensitive way, and return results in their original order. However it supports all of the underlying js-search
configuration options.
The following table shows all supported parameters and their default values:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
indexes |
Array<String> |
Optional array of attributes to build search index from; defaults to the labelKey attribute. |
indexStrategy |
IndexStrategy |
AllSubstringsIndexStrategy |
See js-search docs |
labelKey |
string | "label" | Option key containing the display text |
options |
array | [] | Array of options objects |
sanitizer |
Sanitizer |
LowerCaseSanitizer |
See js-search docs |
searchIndex |
SearchIndex |
UnorderedSearchIndex |
See js-search docs |
tokenizer |
Tokenizer |
SimpleTokenizer |
See js-search docs |
valueKey |
string | "value" | Option key containing the value |
The default filter configuration mimics react-search
But you can also customize search.
For example:
import {
} from 'js-search'
import { stemmer } from 'porter-stemmer'
import createFilterOptions from 'react-select-fast-filter-options'
// Default index strategy is built for all substrings.
// In other word "c", "ca", "cat", "a", "at", and "t" all match "cat".
// Override to only allow exact-word matches like so:
const indexStrategy = new ExactWordIndexStrategy()
// Default sanitizer is case-insensitive
// Searches for "foo" will match "Foo".
// Override to be case-sensitive like so:
const sanitizer = new CaseSensitiveSanitizer()
// By default, search results are returned in the order they wre indexed.
// This means that your filtered options will match their unfiltered order.
// More advanced results orderings are possbile.
// For example TF-IDF ranking is an option.
// Learn more at /~
const searchIndex = new TfIdfSearchIndex()
// Default tokenizer just splits search text on spaces.
// In other words "the boy" becomes 2 search tokens, "the" and "boy".
// The StemmingTokenizer can be used for fuzzier matching.
// For example, "searching" will match "search", "searching", and "searched".
// Learn more at /~
const tokenizer = new StemmingTokenizer(stemmer, new SimpleTokenizer())
const filterOptions = createFilterOptions({
In addition to the stemming tokenizer, other tokenizers are available as well, including StopWordsTokenizer
which removes common words like "a", "and", and "the".
For more information on available configuration options, see js-search