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Transformer with Scaled Dot Product Attention

This repository is the implementation of Scaled Dot Product Attention (SDPA) Transformer model within a wrapper code suite for training and evaluation. The details of the transformer model can be found in Transformer model for language understanding

This training and evaluation suite was used to train and evaluate a SDPA transformer model for Turkish-English and Portuguese-English translation tasks in the research article: Power Law Graph Transformer for Machine Translation and Representation Learning

Key Features

  • Flexible model customization through a hyperparameter dictionary for SDPA Transformer model parameters.
  • Simple interface for training the model with checkpoints at custom intervals, and highest accuracy observed.
  • Early stopping after a number of epochs based on validation loss.
  • Simple interface for evaluating trained model using BLEU score with greedy search and beam search.
  • Data preparation framework for Neural Machine Translation for tensorflow datasets with capability to use a percentage of the train dataset or filter dataset based on a token number in a sentence.
  • Capability to reverse source and target languages for input dataset.
  • Keeps track of train and validation loss/accuracy for each epoch.

Sample Run:

Sample run trains and evaluates a 4-layer 8-head SDPA Transformer model for PT-EN translation task from tensorflow dataset found at: ted_hrlr_translate/pt_to_en

The tokenizer model is built using BERT Subword Tokenizer for Machine Translation implemented at BERT Subword Tokenizer for Machine Translation

  • Prepare the Dataset for Machine Translation:
import nmt_data_prep as ndp

inp_obj = ndp.src_tgt_data_prep(
                 BATCH_SIZE = 64,
                 model_name = "./ted_hrlr_translate_pt_en_tokenizer",
  • Define hyperparameter dictionary for SDPA Transformer:
hpdict_sdpa_transformer = {
          "d_model": 512,
          "num_heads": 8,
          "dropout_rate": 0.1,
          "dff": 2048,
          "input_vocab_size": inp_obj.tokenizers_src.get_vocab_size(),
          "target_vocab_size": inp_obj.tokenizers_tgt.get_vocab_size(),
          "pe_input": 1000,
          "pe_target": 1000,
          "epochs": 40,
          "save_model_path": "my_sdpa_transformer",       
          "early_stop_threshold": 4.0,
          "early_stop_counter": 10,
          "early_stop_accuracy": 0.59,
          "warmup_steps": 4000
  • Initialize the end-to-end model training suite and run train:
import sdpa_transformer_run_model as sdpa_run

                                      tokenizer_obj_src = inp_obj.tokenizers_src,
                                      tokenizer_obj_tgt = inp_obj.tokenizers_tgt,
                                      checkpoint_path = './model_saves/',
                                      hpdict=hpdict_sdpa_transformer ,

train_loss, train_accuracy, val_loss, val_accuracy=e2e_obj.train_model(
                                                                       chkpt_epochs=[24, 30]
  • Evaluate the trained SDPA Model using greedy or beam search:
import sdpa_evaluate_bleu_score as sebg

#greedy search only
                 chkpt_path= './model_saves/',
                 data_path= './model_data/',              
                 load_ckpt='train', # 'val' | 'valacc' | custom checkpoint path
                 max_length=50,  #offset to evaluate model beyond input sentence length
                 ds_max_length=None, #None for no filtering input sentence length

#beam search
                 chkpt_path= './model_saves/',
                 data_path= './model_data/',              

Loss and Accuracy Curves:

Train and validation loss/accuracy values for each epoch are saved as pickle file and can be found in the train folder under save_model_path name:

import common as cm


Single Instance Evaluation:

A sentence can be translated and compared to ground truth using greedy search only or beam search methods for single instance evaluation:

                                      tokenizer_obj_src = inp_obj.tokenizers_src,
                                      tokenizer_obj_tgt = inp_obj.tokenizers_tgt,
                                      checkpoint_path = './model_saves/',
                                      hpdict=hpdict_sdpa_transformer ,
                                      load_ckpt='train' # 'val' | 'valacc' | custom checkpoint path

#greedy search only
translated_text, translated_tokens, _, eval_length = e2e_model.evaluate(sentence, max_length=50)
e2e_model.print_translation(sentence, translated_text, ground_truth, eval_length)

#beam search
translated_text_list, translated_tokens_list, tranlated_tokenid_list, eval_length = e2e_model.beam_evaluate(sentence, beam_size=4, max_length=50)
e2e_model.print_translation(sentence, translated_text_list[0], ground_truth, eval_length)
  • Below sentences from test dataset are evaluated with beam length=4 by a model trained with same hyperparameters for a SDPA transformer detailed in the research article. Evaluation output may vary with each newly trained model.

Translating from: perdemos o medo de criar uma coisa nova .
Best probable translation: we lost fear to create something new .
Ground Truth: we lost the fear of creating something new .

Translating from: vou mostrar aqui alguns exemplos , e vamos examinar alguns deles .
Best probable translation: let me show you here some examples , and let ' s examine some of them .
Ground Truth: i 'm going to show you some examples here , and we will run through some of them .

Translating from: ok , hoje quero falar sobre a forma como falamos do amor .
Best probable translation: okay , today i want to talk about how we talk about love .
Ground Truth: ok , so today i want to talk about how we talk about love .

Translating from: mas há uma grande diferença , isso só acontece dentro da colónia .
Best probable translation: but there ' s a big difference , it just happens inside the colony .
Ground Truth: but there 's a big difference , which is that it only happens within the colony .

Translating from: mas muito bons a absorver informação de muitas fontes diversas ao mesmo tempo .
Best probable translation: but very good at absorbing data from a lot of different sources at the same time .
Ground Truth: but they 're very good at taking in lots of information from lots of different sources at once .

Translating from: não podia construir isto com um anel de aço , da forma que sabia .
Best probable translation: i could n ' t build this up with a steel ring in the way i knew .
Ground Truth: i could n't build this with a steel ring , the way i knew .

Translating from: e gostaria de continuar a construir monumentos , que são amados por pessoas .
Best probable translation: and i ' d like to continue building monuments , which are loved by people .
Ground Truth: and i 'd like to keep building monuments that are beloved by people .

Translating from: a questão é que temos que ter um contexto , um limite para as nossas ações em tudo isto .
Best probable translation: the key thing is that we have to have a context , a range for our actions in all of this .
Ground Truth: the point is that we have to have a context , a gauge for our actions in all this .

Translating from: somos mais inteligentes , mais flexivéis , capazes de aprender mais , sobrevivemos em diferentes ambientes , emigrámos para povoar o mundo e viajámos até ao espaço .
Best probable translation: we ' re more intelligent , more flexible , we can learn more , we ' ve lived in different environments , we ' ve got into the world , and we push to space .
Ground Truth: we 're smarter , we 're more flexible , we can learn more , we survive in more different environments , we migrated to cover the world and even go to outer space .

Translating from: olhando para trás para os destroços e desespero daqueles anos , parece-me agora como se alguém tivesse morrido naquele lugar , e , no entanto , uma outra pessoa foi salva .
Best probable translation: looking behind the rubble and desperation of those years , it seems to me now as if someone died in that place , and yet another person was saved .
Ground Truth: now looking back on the wreckage and despair of those years , it seems to me now as if someone died in that place , and yet , someone else was saved .

Translating from: o cérebro pega em informação sem sentido e faz sentido a partir disso , o que significa que nunca vemos o que lá está , nunca vemos informação , só vemos o que nos foi útil ver no passado .
Best probable translation: so the brain takes information without it , and it makes sense out of it , which means that we never see what is there , we never see information , we only see what was useful for us to see in the past .
Ground Truth: right ? the brain takes meaningless information and makes meaning out of it , which means we never see what 's there , we never see information , we only ever see what was useful to see in the past .