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Christopher Martin edited this page Apr 12, 2019 · 25 revisions

You can find your CCTray XML at these locations for different CI servers

CI Server Location
Jenkins /cc.xml
Hudson /cc.xml
Travis CI /:ownername/:repositoryname/cc.xml
GoCD /go/cctray.xml
CircleCI /cc.xml?circle-token=:token
TeamCity /guestAuth/app/rest/cctray/projects.xml
CruiseControl /cctray.xml
CruiseControl.rb /XmlStatusReport.aspx
CruiseControl.NET /XmlStatusReport.aspx
Solano CI /cc/:long_uuid_string/cctray.xml
Semaphore CI /api/v1/projects/:hash_id/cc.xml?auth_token=:auth_token&ccmenu=cc.xml
Buildkite /:organization-slug.xml?access_token=:token
Drone /api/badges/:owner/:name/cc.xml
Wercker /api/v2/applications/:project-id/cc/build
Gitlab CI Not supported, but an issue has been raised to add support
The open source tool GitLab panorama could be used as a transformer
Concourse Not supported, but an issue has been raised to add support
The open source tool Concourse CCTray could be used as a transformer
Bamboo Not supported, but an unsupported plugin exists
AppVeyor Not supported, but an issue has been raised to add support
Codeship Not supported, but an issue has been raised to add support
Codefresh Not supported?
Buildbot Not supported?
Buddy Not supported?
Buddybuild /v1/ccmenu?access_token=:api_token
Vexor Not supported?
AWS CodePipeline Not supported?
The open source tool aws-codepipeline-ccxml could be used as a transformer

Don't see your CI server on this list? Please help us out by adding an entry if it supports the CCTray XML format.

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