- First you will need to fork this repo on github
- Next, setup a A Github fine-grained access token with permissions for your rdgen
- login to your github account
- click on your profile picture at the top right, click Settings
- at the bottom of the left panel, click Developer Settings
- click Personal access tokens
- click Fine-grained tokens
- click Generate new token
- give a token name, change expiration to whatever you want
- under Repository access, select Only select repositories, then pick your rdgen repo
- give Read and Write access to actions and workflows
- You might have to go to: /~https://github.com/USERNAME/rdgen/actions and hit green Enable Actions button so it works.
- Next, login to your Github account, go to your rdgen repo page (/~https://github.com/USERNAME/rdgen)
- Click on Settings
- In the left pane, click on Secrets and variables, then click Actions
- Now click New repository secret
- Set the Name to GENURL
- Set the Secret to https://rdgen.hostname.com (or whatever your server will be accessed from)
- Now download the docker-compose.yml file and fill in the environment variables:
- SECRET_KEY="your secret key" - generate a secret key by running:
python3 -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex(100))'
- GHUSER="your github username"
- GHBEARER="your fine-grained access token"
- PROTOCOL="https" *optional - defaults to "https", change to "http" if you need to
- REPONAME="rdgen" *optional - defaults to "rdgen", change this if you renamed the repo when you forked it
- Now just run
docker compose up -d
- A Github account with a fork of this repo
- A Github fine-grained access token with permissions for your rdgen
- login to your github account
- click on your profile picture at the top right, click Settings
- at the bottom of the left panel, click Developer Settings
- click Personal access tokens
- click Fine-grained tokens
- click Generate new token
- give a token name, change expiration to whatever you want
- under Repository access, select Only select repositories, then pick your rdgen repo
- give Read and Write access to actions and workflows
- You might have to go to: /~https://github.com/USERNAME/rdgen/actions and hit green Enable Actions button so it works.
- Setup environment variables/secrets:
- environment variables on the server running rdgen:
- GHUSER="your github username"
- GHBEARER="your fine-grained access token"
- PROTOCOL="https" *optional - defaults to "https", change to "http" if you need to
- REPONAME="rdgen" *optional - defaults to "rdgen", change this if you renamed the repo when you forked it
- github secrets (setup on your github account for your rdgen repo):
- GENURL="example.com:8000" *this is the domain and port that you are running rdgen on, needs to be accessible on the internet, depending on how you have this setup the port may not be needed
- environment variables on the server running rdgen:
# Open to the directory you want to install rdgen (change /opt to wherever you want)
cd /opt
# Clone your rdgen repo, change bryangerlach to your github username
git clone /~https://github.com/bryangerlach/rdgen.git
# Open the rdgen directory
cd rdgen
# Setup a python virtual environment called rdgen
python -m venv .venv
# Activate the python virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install the python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Setup the database
python manage.py migrate
# Run the server, change 8000 with whatever you want
python manage.py runserver
open your web browser to yourdomain:8000
use nginx, caddy, traefik, etc. for ssl reverse proxy
replace user, group, and port if you need to replace /opt with wherever you have installed rdgen save the following file as /etc/systemd/system/rdgen.service, and make sure to change GHUSER, GHBEARER
Description=Rustdesk Client Generator
ExecStart=/opt/rdgen/.venv/bin/python3 /opt/rdgen/manage.py runserver
# Restart service after 10 seconds if node service crashes
then run this to enable autostarting the service on boot, and then start it manually this time:
sudo systemctl enable rdgen.service
sudo systemctl start rdgen.service
and to get the status of the server, run:
sudo systemctl status rdgen.service