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Immutable Collections For Java


The immutable collections for Java library (JImmutable Collections) is a bundle of high performance immutable collections intended to replace or supplement the standard java.util collections. Functional replacements are provided for each of the most commonly used collections:

Java Class JImmutable Interface Factory Methods
ArrayDeque IDeque IDeques.of(), IDeques.allOf()
ArrayList IList ILists.of(), ILists.allOf()
LinkedList IList ILists.of(), ILists.allOf()
HashMap IMap IMaps.hashed()
TreeMap IMap IMaps.sorted() IMaps.sorted(Comparator)
LinkedHashMap IMap IMaps.ordered()
HashSet ISet ISets.hashed()
TreeSet ISet ISets.sorted() ISets.sorted(Comparator)
LinkedHashSet ISet ISets.ordered()

There are also a number of highly useful collections with no equivalent in the standard Java library.

Description JImmutable Interface Factory Method
Map of lists of items related by a key. IListMap IListMaps.hashed() IListMaps.sorted() IListMaps.sorted(Comparator) IListMaps.ordered()
Map of sets of items related by a key. ISetMap ISetMaps.hashed() ISetMaps.sorted() ISetMaps.sorted(Comparator) ISetMaps.ordered()
Set that tracks number of times any given element was added. IMultiset IMultisets.hashed() IMultisets.sorted() IMultisets.sorted(Comparator) IMultisets.ordered()
Sparse array of elements indexed by an Integer. IArray IArrays.of() IArrays.allOf()

The collections support these standard Java features:

  • All are fully Serializable to facilitate storing to disk or sending over a network (i.e. in an Apache Spark application)
  • All allow creation of Streams (parallel or sequential) over their contents. Maps support streams over their keys and values separately or both at the same time.
  • All are Iterable. Maps support iterators over their keys and values separately or both at the same time.
  • Where appropriate they provide views that can be passed to code that requires a standard collection interface. ( e.g. IMap has a getMap() method to create a view that implements Map)
  • Most provide collectors for use with Streams to create new collections in collect() method call. (see ICollectors)
  • Most provide efficient builder classes for constructing new collections in imperative fashion.


The collections are all immutable and persistent. Any method that adds or removes an item in a collection actually creates a new collection. The old and new collections share almost all of their structure in common with only the minimum number of new objects needed to implement the change in the new version. The process of creating a new collection from an old one is extremely fast.

Since the collections are immutable they can be safely shared throughout a program without the need for synchronization or defensive copying. In fact structure sharing is a theme throughout the library. For example, you never actually create an empty IList instance. The ILists.of() factory method always returns a single, shared, empty list instance. The other factory methods work the same way.

The collections are still highly dynamic and fully support addition, deletion, and replacement of elements via efficient creation of modified versions of themselves. This sets them apart from the static immutable collections in the Guava collections library.

Note: Keep in mind that while the collections themselves are immutable the values you choose to store in them might not be. Always use immutable objects as keys and if you use mutable objects as values be aware that your code could mutate them between when you add them to a collection and when you retrieve them later.


The library is designed to have no dependencies on other libraries, but it should interact well with others. Standard java interfaces are used where appropriate.


Factory Methods

Static factory methods make it easy to create new collections. Here are various ways to create the same basic list. Similar factory methods exist for the other collections.

        List<String> sourceList = Arrays.asList("these", "are", "some", "strings");
        IList<String> empty = ILists.of();
        IList<String> aList = empty
        IList<String> literal = ILists.of("these", "are", "some", "strings");
        IList<String> fromJavaList = ILists.allOf(sourceList);
        IList<String> fromBuilder = ILists.<String>builder()
            .addAll("some", "strings")


The collections are all Iterable so they can be used in standard for loops.

        int eWordCount = 0;
        for (String word : fromBuilder) {
            if (word.contains("e")) {
                eWordCount += 1;

Streams and Collectors

Streams can be used along with the provided collector methods to easily create new collections. For example this function creates a list of the integer factors (other than 1) of an integer.

    private IList<Integer> factorsOf(int number)
        final int maxPossibleFactor = (int)Math.sqrt(number);
        return IntStream.range(2, maxPossibleFactor + 1).boxed()
            .filter(candidate -> number % candidate == 0)

This code creates a lookup table of all the factors of the first 1000 integers into an IMap.

        IMap<Integer, IList<Integer>> factorMap =
            IntStream.range(2, 100).boxed()
                .map(i -> IMapEntry.of(i, factorsOf(i)))

This code shows how the lookup table could be used to get a list of the prime numbers in the map:

        IList<Integer> primes =
            .filter(e -> e.getValue().isEmpty())
            .map(e -> e.getKey())
            .isEqualTo(ILists.of(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 
                                 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97));


In addition to fully supporting Streams and Iterators the collections also provide their own iteration methods that operate in a more functional style. For example the forEach() method takes a lambda and invokes it for each element of the collection:

        ISet<Integer> numbers = IntStream.range(1, 20).boxed().collect(ICollectors.toSet());
        numbers.forEach(i -> System.out.println(i));

Methods are also provided to iterate over an entire collection to produce a new one by applying a predicate or transformation. All of these operations can be done with Stream/map/filter/collect as well of course, but these light-weight versions are faster when a single thread is sufficient for the job.

        ISet<Integer> numbers = IntStream.range(1, 20).boxed().collect(ICollectors.toSet());
        ISet<Integer> changed = numbers.reject(i -> i % 3 != 2);
        assertThat(changed).isEqualTo(ISets.hashed(2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17));
        changed = -> i % 3 == 1);
        assertThat(changed).isEqualTo(ISets.hashed(1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19));

        IDeque<Integer> transformed =;
        assertThat(transformed).isEqualTo(IDeques.of(1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19));

Slicing and Dicing Lists

Lists allow elements (and even whole lists) to be added or deleted at any index. They also support grabbing sub-lists from anywhere within themselves. This example shows how various sub-lists can be extracted from a list and then inserted into the middle of another.

        IList<Integer> numbers = IntStream.range(1, 21).boxed().collect(ICollectors.toList());
        IList<Integer> changed = numbers.prefix(6);
        assertThat(changed).isEqualTo(ILists.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
        changed = numbers.suffix(16);
        assertThat(changed).isEqualTo(ILists.of(17, 18, 19, 20));
        changed = changed.insertAll(2, numbers.prefix(3).insertAllLast(numbers.middle(9, 12)));
        assertThat(changed).isEqualTo(ILists.of(17, 18, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20));

Inserting entire lists will always reuse structure from both lists as much as possible. Likewise, removing sub-lists from within a large list will produce a new list that shares most of its structure with the original list. This means building a large list by successively appending other lists to it can be faster than inserting the individual values into a builder.

Maps of Sets and Lists

The ISetMap makes it easy to index values or accumulate values related to a key. The IListMap works similarly but accumulates lists of values by key so it can preserve the order in which they are added and track duplicates.

The example below shows a trivial example of indexing a sequence of sentences by the words they contain.

        IList<String> source = ILists.of("Now is our time.",
                                         "Our moment has arrived.",
                                         "Shall we embrace immutable collections?",
                                         "Or tread in dangerous synchronized waters forever?");
        ISetMap<String, String> index = source
            .flatMap(line -> Stream.of(line
                                           .replace(".", "")
                                           .replace("?", "")
                                           .split(" "))
                .map(word -> MapEntry.entry(word, line)))
        assertThat(index.get("our")).isEqualTo(ISets.hashed("Now is our time.", "Our moment has arrived."));

These classes offer a variety of methods for adding elements individually or in groups as well as iterating over all the values for a given key as well as over the entire collection.

        IListMap<String, Integer> index = IListMaps.<String, Integer>sorted()
            .insert("c", 2)
            .insert("a", 1)
            .insert("d", 640)
            .insert("b", 3)
            .insert("d", 512)
            .insertAll("a", ILists.of(-4, 40, 18)); // could be any Iterable not just list
        // keys are sorted in the map
        assertThat(ILists.allOf(index.keys())).isEqualTo(ILists.of("a", "b", "c", "d"));
        // values appear in the list in order they are added
        assertThat(index.getList("a")).isEqualTo(ILists.of(1, -4, 40, 18));
        assertThat(index.getList("d")).isEqualTo(ILists.of(640, 512));


Immutable collections never throw these. The example below is contrived, but it illustrates the problem of updating a mutable collection while iterating over its contents. Since immutable collections are persistent you are always modifying a different version of the collection, and the iterator doesn't become confused.

        assertThatThrownBy(() -> {
            Map<Integer, Integer> ints = IntStream.range(1, 11).boxed().collect(Collectors.toMap(i -> i, i -> i));
            for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : ints.entrySet()) {
                ints.put(2 * entry.getKey(), 2 * entry.getValue());

        IMap<Integer, Integer> myMap = IntStream.range(1, 11).boxed().map(i -> IMapEntry.of(i, i)).collect(ICollectors.toMap());
        for (IMapEntry<Integer, Integer> entry : myMap) {
            myMap = myMap.assign(2 * entry.getKey(), 2 * entry.getValue());
        assertThat(ILists.allOf(myMap.keys())).isEqualTo(ILists.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20));
        assertThat(ILists.allOf(myMap.values())).isEqualTo(ILists.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20));

The static collector factory methods create collectors that add elements from the stream to an empty collection. Instances of the collection classes also provide an instance method to create a collector based on that instance (rather than an empty instance). This can be used with a Stream to add entries to the collection. The example below adds entries to the map. Some keys update existing entries while others are new keys to be added to the collection.

        myMap = IntStream.range(1, 11).boxed().map(i -> IMapEntry.of(i, i)).collect(ICollectors.toMap());
        IMap<Integer, Integer> changed =
            .map(entry -> IMapEntry.of(5 + entry.getKey(), 10 + entry.getValue()))
        // 6-10 were updated, 11-15 were added
        assertThat(ILists.allOf(changed.keys())).isEqualTo(ILists.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15));
        assertThat(ILists.allOf(changed.values())).isEqualTo(ILists.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20));
        // original map is unchanged 
        assertThat(ILists.allOf(myMap.keys())).isEqualTo(ILists.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10));

Maybe - Handling Optional Values

The Maybe class, returned by find() methods in all collections, is similar to Optional but has several advantages:

  • Maybe is serializable so you can use it as a field in Serializable objects if desired.
  • Maybe offers more utility methods than Optional.
  • Maybe supports null values (sometimes you just want null...)

Maybe and NotNull can interoperate with one another. Calling notNull() on a Maybe returns a NotNull reflecting the presence and nullity of a value in the Maybe. Similarly, calling maybe() on a NotNull returns a Maybe reflecting the presence of a value in the NotNull. Note that this is not always a round trip.
If m is a Maybe containing a null value calling m.notNull().maybe() will return an empty Maybe.

NotNull - Avoiding null

The use of null has been controversial. The JImmutable collections are mostly indifferent to null. Nulls are not permitted as keys to maps or values in sets. However, they can be stored as values in lists and maps. Maybes returned by the find() method permit nulls as well.

There are many disadvantages to nulls though. In particular, they cannot be used in call chains. The NotNull class provides an alternative to null that can be easily chained in a functional style. NotNull is similar to Maybe but does not allow nulls and provides more monadic functionality. It is meant to be used in sequences of method calls.

There are two possible states for a NotNull object:

  • Empty indicates no value is stored within the NotNull. The unsafeGet methods cannot be called on these objects but all others can be called safely.
  • Full indicates a non-null value is stored within the NotNull. All methods can be called on these objects.

NotNull should be used when a value might not exist or might be null. For example as the result of a database query for a single object. Once you have a NotNull value you can call the map method with a lambda that transforms the value (if one exists). The transformed value can be of the same or another type. If your lambda returns another NotNull you should use the flatMap method to "unwrap" the resulting value.

// simplified class for illustration - normally you'd use getters
class Person
  final String emailAddress;
  final NotNull<PhoneNumber> homePhone;
  final NotNull<PhoneNumber> mobilePhone;

NotNull<Person> customer = customers.lookupCustomerByName("Jones", "Patrick");
NotNull<String> email = -> c.emailAddress);

// get the area code from the home phone number if we have one, "" otherwise
String areaCode = customer.flatMap(c -> c.homePhone)
          .map(phone -> phone.getAreaCode())

// another way to do the same - using match
areaCode = customer.flatMap(c -> c.homePhone)
                   .match("", phone -> phone.getAreaCode());


Wiki Pages

JImmutables Factory Methods
Collections Overview
List Tutorial
Map Tutorial
Array Tutorial
Streams and Lambdas
Comparative Performance
Hash Keys
Project Javadoc
Jackson Module for JSON Support

Project Status

All production releases undergo stress testing and pass all junit tests. Of course, you should evaluate the collections for yourself and perform your own tests before deploying the collections to production systems.

All releases are uploaded to the releases section on GitHub and are also available via Maven in Maven Central . You can add JImmutable Collections to your Maven project by adding a dependency like this to your pom.xml. The maven releases include source jars for easy reference in your IDE.


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