Using reverse-engineering tools such as Ghidra and/or IDA Pro to analyze the TabIt executable.
Efforts to reverse-engineer TabIt are hindered by a few factors:
- compiled with Borland Delphi Pascal 2.0, released in 1996.
- Windows SEH (Structured Exception Handling), not well supported in Ghidra NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra#2477
installer used: TabIt-2.03-full.exe
from PEiD:
Borland Delphi 2.0
Zlib 1.2.3 is embedded
0040a544 Format
0040a558 FmtStr
004190d8 TStream.ReadBuffer
00470124 openFile
00479e9c Zlib_zmemzero
00479eb0 Zlib_zmemcpy
00479ec4 ZAlloc
00479f00 ZFree
00479f08 checkOutOfMemory
0047a1a0 InflateX
0047a244 Inflate2 (not specific to metadata)
0047a3a8 Inflate1 (not specific to metadata)
0047a484 Zlib_adler32
0047aadc Zlib_deflateReset
0047ad10 Zlib_putShortMSB
0047ad38 Zlib_flush_pending
0047ad8c Zlib_deflate
0047b04c Zlib_deflateEnd
0047b100 Zlib_deflateCopy
0047b298 Zlib_read_buf
0047b2e4 Zlib_lm_init
0047b5a8 Zlib_fill_window
0047b6b8 Zlib_deflate_stored
0047bf0c Zlib_inflateReset
0047bfc8 Zlib_inflateInit2_
0047c090 Zlib_inflateInit
0047c0a0 Zlib_fixedtables
0047c0c0 Zlib_updatewindow
0047c1c4 Zlib_inflate
0047d0d8 Zlib_inflateSetDictionary
0047d1c0 Zlib_syncsearch
0047d208 Zlib_inflateSync
0047d2f4 Zlib_inflateCopy
0047d434 Zlib_inflate_table
0047d8a4 Zlib_tr_static_init
0047d8a8 Zlib_tr_init
0047d918 Zlib_init_block
0047dce8 Zlib_build_tree
0047e684 Zlib_build_bl_tree
0047e9e0 Zlib_tr_stored_block
0047ea9c Zlib_tr_align
0047ed68 Zlib_tr_flush_block
0047f040 Zlib_compress_block
0047f500 Zlib_set_data_type
0047f568 Zlib_bi_flush
0047f7a8 Zlib_inflate_fast
0047fcd0 crc32WithAcc
0047fd00 crc32
004b9218 somethingWithINIFiles
004b9534 somethingTabit000File
004c86f8 scanBlocksThing
004c8724 scanSingleBlock
004c8744 scan2Blocks
004c8780 scanString
004ca054 seekThingUsedDuringSave
004caba4 dumpTBT
004c9290 parseTBT
0x00: string magic
0x03: byte versionNumber
0x04: byte tempo1
0x05: byte trackCount
0x06: Pascal255 versionString (5 bytes)
0x0b: byte bitfieldThing:
0x0c: byte[28] unused1
0x28: short barCountGE70
0x2a: short spaceCount6f
0x2c: last nonempty space up to 6f, unused >= 0x70
0x2e: short tempo2
0x30: uint metadataLen
0x34: int crc32Rest
0x38: int totalByteCount
0x3c: int crc32Header
TBT_z4096_struct (4164 = 0x1044 bytes)
0x00: TFileStream * TFileStreamObject
0x04: uint metadataLen
0x08: byte[4096] data
0x1008: z_stream
0x1040: byte
0x1041: byte
0x1042: byte
0x1043: byte
offsets in first big thing
0x364: ?
0x668: TBT_song_struct *
0x674: ?
0x6a8: ?
0x6c0: ?
offsets in TBT_song_struct
0x0c: a string?
0x30: some function called during init
0x34: some function called during init, some function called at end of parsing
0x38: spaceCount
0x3c: ?, TList_Get is called on it
0x48: ? usually set to 0
0x4c: title
0x50: artist
0x54: album
0x58: transcribedBy
0x5c: comment
0x60: track count? zeroed during init
0x64: tempo
0x68: tracks, array of 15 track pointers
0xa4: some thing that is iterated through during construction (and seems to be end of track objects)
0xa8: some thing that is iterated through during construction
0xb1: zeroed during init
0xb4: seems to be another string, file name?
offsets in track objects (size AT LEAST 98 = 0x62 bytes)
0x0: ? something with reading Registry ?
0x2: unused ?
0x4: spaces struct array pointer
0x8: allocatedThing1 pointer, indexed by spaceCount6f?
0xc: ? set in FUN_004c7654, seems to always be 0
0x10: vmPtr for space
0x14: vmPtr for allocatedThing1
0x18: ?
0x1c: stringCount
0x20: clean guitar
0x24: muted
0x28: volume
0x2c: pan
0x30: reverb
0x34: chorus
0x38: modulation
0x3c: pitchBend
0x40: midi channel
0x44: highest note?, if stringCount == 6 && drum == 1 && version < 0x6b, then set to 99
0x48: transposeHalfSteps
0x4c: midiBank (cannot change in TabIt UI? maybe disabled in later version?)
0x50: dontLetRing
0x51: topLineText
0x52: bottomLineText
0x53: displayMIDINoteNumbers
0x54: tuning (8 bytes)
0x5c: drum?
0x60: spaceCount (2 bytes) ?
offsets in space objects (size 24 = 0x18 bytes)
0x00: note
0x01: note
0x02: note
0x03: note
0x04: note
0x05: note
0x06: note
0x07: note
0x08: effect
0x09: effect
0x0a: effect
0x0b: effect
0x0c: effect
0x0d: effect
0x0e: effect
0x0f: effect
0x10: change
0x11: top text
0x12: bottom text
0x13: change value, decimal 19
0x16: ?, set in FUN_004c77ac and FUN_004c776c, seems to always be 1
0x17: ?, set in FUN_004c77ac and FUN_004c776c, seems to always be 1
Borland register
Evaluating arguments from left to right, it passes three arguments via EAX, EDX, ECX. Remaining arguments are pushed onto the stack, also left to right.
this works:
int __usercall Assert@<eax>(char *@<eax>, char *@<edx>, int@<ecx>)
this seems correct:
void __usercall sub_4C8A38(int barCount@<eax>)
the call is:
sub_4C8A38(*(unsigned __int16 *)&HEADER[40]);
keep processor type MetaPC
Options > Compiler...
Compiler: Delphi
Calling Convention: Pascal
Fastcall ?
run TabIt.idc
File > Script file...
load tbt-structs.h
load function names
Zlib functions TabIt functions
understand and fix negative stack offsets
seeing stuff like:
*(_BYTE *)(*(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(a2 - 0x50) + 0x30) + 16 * v5 + 8) = 1;
#define Z_OK 0
#define Z_STREAM_END 1
#define Z_NEED_DICT 2
#define Z_ERRNO (-1)
#define Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2)
#define Z_DATA_ERROR (-3)
#define Z_MEM_ERROR (-4)
#define Z_BUF_ERROR (-5)
#define Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6)
#define UPDATE(...) adler32(...)
#define Z_BINARY 0
#define Z_TEXT 1
#define Z_ASCII Z_TEXT /* for compatibility with 1.2.2 and earlier */
#define Z_UNKNOWN 2
/* Possible values of the data_type field (though see inflate()) */
Ghidra: Fix in_, extraout_, in_stack_ decompiler variables
ghidra tutorials
Ghidra quickstart & tutorial: Solving a simple crackme
Reverse Engineering SkiFree
Reverse engineering Skifree | Hacker News
This function is used when assigning to global variables.
LStrAsg(Dest, Source)
"Long String SetLength"
It turns out that string := const is implemented with different calls, depending on LValue:
Result: AnsiString -> LStrAsg
Result: UnicodeString: -> UStrAsg
Local var: UnicodeString: -> UStrLAsg
Local var: AnsiString: -> LStrLAsg