This is a part of the student software manual project for Math 5610: Computational Linear Algebra and Solution of Systems of Equations.
Routine Name: dmaceps
Author: Christian Bolander
Language: Python. This code was written in Python 3.
Description/Purpose: This routine will compute the double precision value for the machine epsilon. This is a routine for analyzing the behavior of any computer. This usually will need to be run one time for each computer.
Input: There are no inputs needed.
Output: This routine returns a double precision value for the number of decimal digits that can be represented on the computer being used to run the program.
This routine has no inputs and can be implemented as follows
import mach_prec as mp
If the value returned by mp.dmaceps()
is printed, the output is:
This represents the decimal value of machine epsilon for double precision. The number of decimal digits that can be represented is roughly sixteen (E-16 on the end of the second value).
Implementation/Code: The following is the code for smaceps()
def dmaceps()
mach_eps = 2**-(53 - 1)/2
return mach_eps