The preferred way to contribute to resampy is to fork the main repository on GitHub:
Fork the project repository: click on the 'Fork' button near the top of the page. This creates a copy of the code under your account on the GitHub server.
Clone this copy to your local disk:
$ git clone $ cd resampy
Create a branch to hold your changes:
$ git checkout -b my-feature
and start making changes. Never work in the
branch! -
Work on this copy on your computer using Git to do the version control. When you're done editing, do:
$ git add modified_files $ git commit
to record your changes in Git, then push them to GitHub with:
$ git push -u origin my-feature
Finally, go to the web page of the your fork of the resampy repo, and click 'Pull request' to send your changes to the maintainers for review. This will send an email to the committers.
(If any of the above seems like magic to you, then look up the Git documentation on the web.)
It is recommended to check that your contribution complies with the following rules before submitting a pull request:
- All public methods should have informative docstrings with sample usage presented.
You can also check for common programming errors with the following tools:
Code with good unittest coverage (at least 99%), check with:
$ pip install pytest pytest-cov pytest-faulthandler $ python build_ext -i $ py.test --cov-report term-missing --cov resampy
You can edit the documentation using any text editor and then generate
the HTML output by typing make html
from the docs/ directory.
The resulting HTML files will be placed in _build/html/ and are viewable
in a web browser. See the README file in the doc/ directory for more information.
For building the documentation, you will need sphinx, matplotlib, and scikit-learn.
This document was gleefully borrowed from scikit-learn.