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Visualization and Classification of Pneumonia using 3D CT Images



This repository contains a simple machine learning workflow consisting of data ingestion and preparation, model training, serving and monitoring. It represents how computer-aided diagnosis can be used for the prediction of pneumonia from a collection (a volume) of CT images.

It is based on work by Hasib Zunair.

Technologies Used

  • Openshift
  • OpenDataHub
  • Jupyter Notebooks with iPyWidgets
  • Numpy
  • Tensorflow
  • Python requests library
  • Seldon Core
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana

Relevant Files and Directories

├──        Python script forinferencing
├── 01-inference-3d-image-classification.ipynb         Visualization and inferencing
├── 02-training-3d-image-classification.ipynb          Notebook script for training
├──             Python script for training
├── 3d_image_classification.h5                         Trained model artifact
├── Dockerfile                                         For s2i builds
├──                                         Seldon Model Server Code
├──                                        Validation data for inferencing
├── requirements-notebook.txt
├── requirements.txt
└── resources                                          Kubernetes Objects
    ├── 06-seldon-mymodel-servicemonitor.yaml
    ├── 07-mymodel-seldon-deploy-from-quay.yaml
    └── grafana-dashboards
        ├── NVIDIA-DCGM-dashboard.json                 GPU Metrics
        └── seldon-dashboard.json                      Model Server Metrics

Tested Environment

OpenDataHub (ODH) v1.3 for JupyterHub support

Openshift Container Platform (OCP) v4.10.26

Model Serving Workflow

Demo Workflow

Model Development and Training Workflow

Train a 17-layer, Convolutional Neural Network to predict the presence of COVID-19 related pneumonia from 3D CT imagery.

Build the training Python stack.

pip install pip tensorflow nibabel matplotlib -Uq

Model Card

Model card

  • (200) COVID-19 related 3D CT image studies
  • Each study contains 36-54 slices of 512x512 pixels (voxels) each.
  • Total size is ~2GB (compressed)
  • ~20 minutes to preprocess and train on an NVIDIA Tesla T4 GPU
  • ML framework: Keras/Tensorflow

Data Source: Chest CT Scans with COVID-19 Related Findings.

Setup and Configuration


Model Server side

  1. Change to the resources directory.
cd 3d-image-classification/resources
  1. Create a project called ml-mon
oc new-project ml-mon
  1. Using the Openshift console UI, install an instance of the following community operators from OperatorHub into the ml-mon namespace.
  • OpenDataHub
    • JupyterHub, S3, ODH Dashboard
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana


  • Install the Seldon Core operator into all namespaces in the cluster (default).
  1. Create an instance of Prometheus and Grafana in the ml-mon namespace.

Expected Output

oc get pods -n ml-mon -w
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
$ oc get pods -n ml-mon             

NAME                                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
grafana-deployment-8fbf7c944-7895m                     1/1     Running   0          5h35m
grafana-operator-controller-manager-6ff698d9fc-xvk28   2/2     Running   0          5h35m
prometheus-example-0                                   2/2     Running   0          5h35m
prometheus-operator-7b9ccd45c6-7v8td                   1/1     Running   0          5h35m

Create routes for Prometheus and Grafana.

oc expose svc prometheus-operated
oc expose svc grafana-service

Obtain the Grafana admin credentials to login to the Grafana console.

oc get secrets grafana-admin-credentials -o=jsonpath='{}' | base64 --decode


oc get secrets grafana-admin-credentials -o=jsonpath='{}' | base64 --decode



  1. Create a Prometheus Service Monitor
oc create -f 06-seldon-mymodel-servicemonitor.yaml created
  1. Login to the Grafana console. The username and password can be obtained from the grafana-admin-credentials secret.

  2. Within Grafana, configure a Prometheus data source called prometheus with a URL of

  3. Import the Seldon dashboard from the resources/seldon-dashboard.json file.

  4. Deploy the Seldon model server and wait for the classifier pod to become ready. Two services should be created by the Seldon deployer.

oc create -f 07-mymodel-seldon-deploy-from-quay.yaml created
oc get pods
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mymodel-mygroup-0-classifier-57647887d9-98qqb   2/2     Running   0          118s
oc get services
NAME                         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
mymodel-mygroup              ClusterIP   <none>        8000/TCP,5001/TCP   20s
mymodel-mygroup-classifier   ClusterIP   <none>        9000/TCP            2m4s
  1. Create a route for the Seldon model server.
oc expose svc mymodel-mygroup

Curl the prometheus endpoint and confirm it is able to scrape metrics from the classifier pod.

curl -X GET $(oc get route mymodel-mygroup -o jsonpath='{}')/prometheus
promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total{code="200"} 5

OpenDataHub and Jupyter Client Configuration

Jupyter Notebook dependencies

pip install tensorflow jupyterlab ipywidgets scipy
  • Login to OpenDataHub
  • Start the JupyterHub server and choose the Standard Data Science notebook image.
  • Clone this github repo
  • Run the 01-inference-3d-image-classification notebook.
  • Find the notebook cell with predict function and modify the url variable to point to the route that was created.
    • echo $(oc get route mymodel-mygroup -o jsonpath='{}')/api/v1.0/predictions
  • Run the notebook and select a study to make a few predictions to trigger Seldon activity.

Within 30 seconds or so there should be activity on the Seldon Grafana Dashboard.

Optionally, configure Grafana to watch Openshift's built-in Prometheus Data Source so a GPU dashboard can be created. This data source will scrape metrics from the NVIDA DCGM exporter.

Grant the Grafana service account name the cluster-reader role so it can use Openshift's Prometheus in the openshift-monitoring namespace.

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-monitoring-view -z grafana-service-account -n ml-mon

Get the Prometheus token.

oc serviceaccounts get-token prometheus-k8s -n openshift-monitoring

Add this token to the example Grafana data source yaml.

httpHeaderValue1: 'Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}'

Create the data source object.

oc apply -f 03-prometheus-grafanadatasource.yaml

Import the Seldon and GPU dashboards from the included json files.

Open The Prometheus and Grafana Dashboards to visualize the API activity.


Trouble Shooting

How to confirm that Proetheus is scraping metrics from Seldon.

curl -X GET $(oc get route mymodel-mygroup -o jsonpath='{}')/prometheus
seldon_api_executor_server_requests_seconds_sum{code="200",deployment_name="mymodel",method="post",predictor_name="mygroup",predictor_version="",service="predictions"} 4.714845908
seldon_api_executor_server_requests_seconds_count{code="200",deployment_name="mymodel",method="post",predictor_name="mygroup",predictor_version="",service="predictions"} 5
$ oc create -f resources/07-mymodel-seldon-deploy-from-quay.yaml
Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "resources/07-mymodel-seldon-deploy-from-quay.yaml": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post "https://seldon-webhook-service.odh.svc:443/validate-machinelearning-seldon-io-v1-seldondeployment?timeout=30s": service "seldon-webhook-service" not found

This can happen after ODH has been re-installed into a different project. To fix it delete the old webhook.

oc get MutatingWebhookConfiguration,ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -A

oc delete

Developer Notes (Optional)

Building the Seldon deployer container image using OpenShift's s2i workflow.

Create and start a new build.

cd 3d-image-classification

oc new-build --strategy docker --docker-image --name mymodel -l app=mymodel --binary

oc start-build mymodel --from-dir=. --follow
oc get is

NAME      IMAGE REPOSITORY                                                     TAGS     UPDATED
mymodel   image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/bk-models/mymodel   latest   7 seconds ago

Edit mymodel-seldon-deploy.yaml to confirm that the image location matches what the image stream reports. Then deploy the model server and wait for the pod to become ready.

oc apply -f resources/mymodel-seldon-deploy.yaml
oc get pods

NAME                                            READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
mymodel-mygroup-0-classifier-7c6b44569c-qmzk6   2/2     Running             0          61s

Expose the service

oc expose svc <svc-name>

To trigger a redeploy after a new build. This does not always work so the pod may have to be deleted.

oc patch deployment <deployment-name> -p "{\"spec\": {\"template\": {\"metadata\": { \"labels\": {  \"redeploy\": \"$(date +%s)\"}}}}}"