This is the demonstration for R of the paper in World Development journal (DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2020.105180). This article analyses the evolution of COVD-19 and early government response to the pandemic in eight South American countries. To this aim, the article explores indicators which impacted on the early government response of governments of implementing restrictive policies of social distancing associated with a suppression strategy. The pressure on the health systems is evaluated with early projections of the growth-phase of the epidemic, which is incorporated as an indicator in the analysis of early interventions based on Cox proportional hazards models.
The chunks of the code are presented below. It is also possible to revise the full replication file (170 pages) in the supplementary data (DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2020.105180).
- Johns Hopkins CSSE COVID-19 Dataset Scraper
- Oxford Government Responses Tracker Scraper
- Descriptive Analysis Code
- Early Projections Precoding
- Early Projections Argentina Code
- Early Projections Bolivia Code
- Early Projections Brazil Code
- Early Projections Chile Code
- Early Projections Colombia Code
- Early Projections Paraguay Code
- Early Projections Peru Code
- Early Projections Uruguay Code
- Parametric Re Estimations Argentina Code
- Parametric Re Estimations Bolivia Code
- Parametric Re Estimations Brazil Code
- Parametric Re Estimations Chile Code
- Parametric Re Estimations Colombia Code
- Parametric Re Estimations Paraguay Code
- Parametric Re Estimations Peru Code
- Parametric Re Estimations Uruguay Code
- Proportional Hazards Models Code (forthcoming)
- Descriptives per People Code (forthcoming)
I am completing my DPhil (PhD) dissertation in the Department of Politics and International Relations and St Hilda's College at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
Further details on my website