These instructions are seperated into 3 big steps:
- Verify your board will actually be able to run ljinux.
gc.mem_free() should be at least 100000 for ljinux to be able to function.
Wifi or usb workflows supported. - From within "Boardfiles", copy and modify a similar board's folder.
For the config.json, you need to edit the led to match the respective pin for your board, and set the type.
If the pin is on board.LED set the value to -1.
The supported types are "neopixel", "generic" and "generic_invert".
"generic" is any simple on / off led.
"generic_invert" is the same but with inverted states.
"neopixel" is for neopixel leds (duh).
For the, you need to create a ascii pinout for the board.
If you feel too uncreative, you can skip it,
but your board will not be supported, till I have the time to make the pinout.
For the, you need to properly add all the user accessible pins of the board module.import board;dir(board)
Make sure not to add duplicate pins, or the board.LED. - Test your changes by loading ljinux onto the board. "make install" will update the config.