Fix docs make files. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.4.14 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.4.13 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.4.12 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.4.11 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.4.10 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.4.9 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.4.8 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.4.7 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.4.6 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.4.5 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.4.4 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.4.3 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Add examples with celltypist data. [Christophe Bécavin]
Clean metrics docs and py files. Prepare for adding all metrics. [Christophe Bécavin]
Premier push metrics branch. [Christophe Bécavin]
Update README.md. [Christophe Becavin]
Update README. [Christophe Bécavin]
Update README. [Christophe Bécavin]
Update README. [Christophe Bécavin]
Update readme and doc. [Christophe Bécavin]
Update readme and doc. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.4.2 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.4.2. [Christophe Bécavin]
Update readme and doc. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.4.1 🚀 [drbecavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.4.1. [drbecavin]
Update README.md. [Christophe Becavin]
Update README and docs. [drbecavin]
Update README.md. [Christophe Becavin]
Update README. [drbecavin]
ISMB ECCB release. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.4.0 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
ISMB ECCB release. [Christophe Bécavin]
Fix examples display. [Christophe Bécavin]
Fix readme. [drbecavin]
Add example in ReaDME. [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.3.12 🚀 [drbecavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.3.12. [drbecavin]
Modify readmle and docs. [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.3.11 🚀 [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.3.11 🚀 [drbecavin]
Modify readmle and docs. [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.3.10 🚀 [drbecavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.3.10. [drbecavin]
Add exampleto docs. [drbecavin]
Merge branch 'main' of github.com:becavin-lab/checkatlas yeswq. [Christophe Bécavin]
Clean examples. [drbecavin]
Add example 5. [Christophe Bécavin]
Update examples notebok. [Christophe Bécavin]
Update examples, put them in docs, put jupyter ntbook examples in docs. [Christophe Bécavin]
Update examples. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.3.9 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Ready for new release with improved html reports. [Christophe Bécavin]
Fix html reports creation. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.3.8 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Remove qc, uma,tsne from multiqc custom content. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.3.7 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Newreleasewith cellranger management improved. [Christophe Bécavin]
Add multiple cellranger types management. Clustering and reductions from subfolders in outs folder are processed for Cellranger v1to v7and Cellranger arc (multiome) [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.3.6 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.3.6 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Fix html reports production. [Christophe Bécavin]
Add version display. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.3.5 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.3.5 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.3.5 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.3.5 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.3.5 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.3.5 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Some minor modif. [Christophe Bécavin]
Add list scanpy, list seurat, list cellranger. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.3.4 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Add checkatlas-workflow executable. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.3.3 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Add checkatlas-workflow executable for search and html reports. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.3.2 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Add test data. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.3.1 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Modify tables extension for multiqc to work. [Christophe Bécavin]
Fix dc. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.3.0 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.3.0. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.3.0. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.3.0. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.3.0. [Christophe Bécavin]
Update tests functions. [Christophe Bécavin]
Merge pull request #38 from becavin-lab/nf-core. [drbecavin]
Nf core
Remove obsolete function, update init files. [Christophe Bécavin]
Ready to switch to woorkflow nf-core; Checkatlas reduced to iits simplest. [Christophe Bécavin]
Add Seurat processes in checkatlas executable. [Christophe Bécavin]
Modify seurat for future nextflow workflow. [Christophe Bécavin]
Modify all checkatlas architecture, ready to develop nf-core workflow. [Christophe Bécavin]
Add checkatlas process command line: summary, qc, metric_cluster, etc... [Christophe Bécavin]
Add saving to pandas csv the list of atlases found, and checkatlas.read_list_atlases function. [Christophe Bécavin]
Add Ceation of samplesheet table with all atlas information. [Christophe Bécavin]
Put back atlas_info, but as a dictionnary. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.16. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.16. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.16. [Christophe Bécavin]
Remove seurat tests becauyse Seurat is impossible to install on github actions. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.16. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.16. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.16. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.16. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.16. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.16. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.16. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.16. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.16. [Christophe Bécavin]
Modif install Seurat for github workflow. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.2.16 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.2.15 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
New release after tests implementation. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Fix Seurat install. [Christophe Bécavin]
Fix Seurat install. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Move back test outside of checkatlas package. BUGFIX : .gitignore was wrongly configured and was ignoring datasets.py. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Add datasets for test. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Move tests in checkatlas package. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.2.15 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Clean init.py in tests. [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.15. [Christophe Bécavin]
Modify atlas_seurat docstrings. [Christophe Bécavin]
Modify atlas_seurat docstrings. [Christophe Bécavin]
Add tests function for atlas_seurat.py. [Christophe Bécavin]
Add all tests function for atlas.py. [Christophe Bécavin]
Create utils module with folders.py and files.py. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.2.13 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Mve argumentparser to checkatlas core, add tests functions for get_viable- functions in atlas.py. [Christophe Bécavin]
Start adding test function for atlas.py. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.2.12 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.12. [Christophe Bécavin]
Format and lint. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.2.11 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.11. [Christophe Bécavin]
Fromat and lint. [Christophe Bécavin]
Fix rpy2 to 3.5.10. [Christophe Bécavin]
Remove atlas-info from atlas_seurat, Downgrade rpy2 to 3.5.10 otherwise it crashes with 3.5.13. [Christophe Bécavin]
Remove all atlasinfo from atlas.py, clean all docstrings in atlas.py. [Christophe Bécavin]
Remove condainfo variable (obsolete) [Christophe Bécavin]
Remove condainfo variable (obsolete) [Christophe Bécavin]
Add all function and datasets for testing. [Christophe Bécavin]
Add all folders.py tests. [Christophe Bécavin]
Parse doc to gogle style in folders. [Christophe Bécavin]
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
Add static badges
Release: version 0.2.10 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Fix few things in the doc. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.2.9 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Add logo to doc, remove lint test on windows. [Christophe Bécavin]
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
Add logo to readme
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
Add lg to readme
Move logo. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.2.8 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.8. [Christophe Bécavin]
Update index.md. [drbecavin]
change index in doc with badges
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
add bioconda badge
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
fix gitter
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
add pypi badge
Update pyproject.toml. [drbecavin]
Change license in toml
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
Add pypi license badge
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
Add Pypi dl badge
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
gitter badge
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
add gitter badge
Release: version 0.2.7 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Add poetry to dependencies (for bioconda) [Christophe Bécavin]
Fix minor bugs after separation of workflow. [Christophe Bécavin]
Release: version 0.2.6 🚀 [Christophe Bécavin]
Prepare for test release without workflow (all moved to nf-core- checkatlas) [Christophe Bécavin]
Remove dependecies nextflow, multiqc and clean toml project. [Christophe Bécavin]
Remove all files related to workflow; Moved them to nf-core- checkatlas. [Christophe Bécavin]
Create nfworkflow.py, and add all workflow related scrpts. [Christophe Bécavin]
Update LICENSE. [drbecavin]
Change license to BSD
Merge pull request #37 from becavin-lab/multiqc. [drbecavin]
Fix celllimit argument and QC tables export. [Christophe Bécavin]
Change the QC tables by adding directly rank of each cells for each QC metric (This was previously done in MultiQC) [Christophe Bécavin]
Add plot_celllimit argument for table export limit. In order to allow multiqc to manage the plots. [Christophe Bécavin]
Put back nextflow in main branch for MultiQC tests. [Christophe Bécavin]
Remove nextflow dependency. [Christophe Bécavin]
Format files, switch to VScode, remove .idea. [drbecavin]
Format files, switch to VScode, remove .idea. [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.2.2 🚀 [drbecavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.2. [drbecavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.1. [drbecavin]
Add first metrics docs, reorganize doc. [drbecavin]
Fiix readthedoc issue with R. [drbecavin]
Fiix readthedoc issue with R. [drbecavin]
Add poetry in the readthedoc workflow. [drbecavin]
Add poetry in the readthedoc workflow. [drbecavin]
Add poetry in the readthedoc workflow. [drbecavin]
Dependecy problem inb readthedoc. [drbecavin]
Add mkdocsstrings to autogenerate API doncs. Docstrings switch to google style. [drbecavin]
Add mkdocsstrings to autogenerate API doncs. Docstrings switch to google style. [drbecavin]
Add mkdocsstrings to autogenerate API doncs. Docstrings switch to google style. [drbecavin]
Add mkdocsstrings to autogenerate API doncs. Docstrings switch to google style. [drbecavin]
Add mkdocsstrings to autogenerate API doncs. Docstrings switch to google style. [drbecavin]
Add mkdocsstrings to autogenerate API doncs. Docstrings switch to google style. [drbecavin]
Add mkdocsstrings to autogenerate API doncs. Docstrings switch to google style. [drbecavin]
Add mkdocsstrings to autogenerate API doncs. Docstrings switch to google style. [drbecavin]
Add mkdocsstrings to autogenerate API doncs. Docstrings switch to google style. [drbecavin]
Add mkdocsstrings to autogenerate API doncs. Docstrings switch to google style. [drbecavin]
Modify docs. [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.2.1 🚀 [drbecavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.1. [drbecavin]
Modify all metrics, each metric is in individual python file. One can add new metrics easily. [drbecavin]
Fix small import stuff. [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.2.0 🚀 [drbecavin]
Merge pull request #33 from becavin-lab/workflow. [drbecavin]
Move examples to docs/examples/ [drbecavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.2.0. [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.1.23 🚀 [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.1.22 🚀 [drbecavin]
Fix total number of threads with -nextflow param. [drbecavin]
Fix total number of threads with -nextflow param. [drbecavin]
Fix total number of threads with -nextflow param. [drbecavin]
Fix total number of threads with -nextflow param. [drbecavin]
Add nextflow parameters for multithread or not. [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.1.21 🚀 [drbecavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.1.21. [drbecavin]
Fix error in args.path being relative instead of absolute. [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.1.20 🚀 [drbecavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-7. [drbecavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 tests-0.1.20. [drbecavin]
Add nextflow and remove flask to dependencies. [drbecavin]
First nextflow workflow added. [drbecavin]
Create checkatlas-workflow and run it with nextflow. [drbecavin]
Add summary table at end of workflow to improve resume function. [drbecavin]
Fix numpy conversion for umap and tsne reductions. [Christophe Bécavin]
Fix umap and tsne obsm search. [drbecavin]
Fix poetry lock with numpy 1.23.5. [drbecavin]
Fix umap and tsne obsm search. [drbecavin]
Fix umap obsm search. [drbecavin]
Fix umap obsm search. [drbecavin]
Fix makesunique for atlas cleaning. [drbecavin]
Fix makesunique for atlas cleaning. [drbecavin]
Fix makesunique for atlas cleaning. [drbecavin]
Fix makesunique for atlas cleaning. [drbecavin]
Ix raw.var_names not unique problem. [Christophe Bécavin]
Update poetry lock. [drbecavin]
Update poetry lock. [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.1.19 🚀 [drbecavin]
Modify docs. [drbecavin]
Modify readme. [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.1.18 🚀 [drbecavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 [drbecavin]
Continuous integration 🔄 [drbecavin]
Fix continuous integration with github workflow. [drbecavin]
Add tests workfllow file. [drbecavin]
Add tests workfllow file. [drbecavin]
Modify git tag management for release and docs. [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.1.17 🚀 [drbecavin]
Modify git tag management for release and docs. [drbecavin]
Update documentation. [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.1.16 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.1.15 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.1.14 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.1.13 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.1.13 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.1.12 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.1.11 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Modify release;yaml to get pypi publication running. [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.1.11 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Modify release;yaml to get pypi publication running. [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.1.10 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Test pypi token. [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.1.10 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.1.3 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.1.7 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.1.6 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.1.5 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.1.4 🚀 [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.1.4 🚀 [drbecavin]
Modify release workflow. [drbecavin]
Merge pull request #32 from becavin-lab/metrics. [drbecavin]
Poetrry package manager added
Modify github workflow for tests. [drbecavin]
Modify github workflow for tests. [drbecavin]
Modify github workflow for tests. [drbecavin]
Add poetry for github workflow. [drbecavin]
Add poetry for github workflow. [drbecavin]
Add poetry for github workflow. [drbecavin]
Add poetry for github workflow. [drbecavin]
Add poetry for github workflow. [drbecavin]
After poetry add fix MakeFile. [drbecavin]
Switch to poetry. [drbecavin]
Fix var_names not unique. [drbecavin]
Fix var_names not unique. [drbecavin]
Branch metrics. [Christophe Bécavin]
Test git. [Christophe Bécavin]
Test git. [Christophe Bécavin]
Test. [Paola Porracciolo]
Test. [Paola Porracciolo]
- Release: version 0.1.2 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Modify summary. [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.1.1 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Add examples to docs. [drbecavin]
- Update checkatlas examples. [drbecavin]
- Update checkatlas examples. [drbecavin]
- Update doc. [drbecavin]
- Update doc. [drbecavin]
- Merge branch 'main' of github.com:becavin-lab/checkatlas Good. [drbecavin]
- Update README.md. [drbecavin]
- Update README.md. [drbecavin]
- Update doc. [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.1.0 🚀 [drbecavin]
Minor bug correction. [drbecavin]
Merge pull request #26 from becavin-lab/rpy2. [drbecavin]
Minor bug correction. [drbecavin]
Fix requirements. [drbecavin]
Fix requirements. [drbecavin]
Fix requirements. [drbecavin]
Run lint, clean code. [drbecavin]
Add metrics calculation for Seurat objects (dimred not working yet) [drbecavin]
Implement Seurat management via rpy2. Summary, adata, qc and umap/tsne is now performed with R. No conversion from seurat to scanpy is needed anymore. [drbecavin]
Parse Cellranger files by searching for clustering and reductions in outs/analysis/ folder. [drbecavin]
Separate search of scanpy, seurat and cellranger. Add atlas_seurat for managing Seurat object with rpy2. [drbecavin]
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.16 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Improve metrics management. Add annot and dimred metrics. [drbecavin]
- Add Metrics management with arguments, you can specify now the metrics to run inside the argument list or usng config file. Fix also the use of config/default_config.yaml to specify program arguments. [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.15 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Replace print by logger.info and logger.debug. [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.14 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Add config file management for program arguments. [drbecavin]
- Add parameters and logger in main. [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.13 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Add QC tables for Knee plots. [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.12 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.11 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.10 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Prepare QC table production. [drbecavin]
- Test.txt. [drbecavin]
- Change in workflow. [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.9 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Fix project release. [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.8 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Fix project release. [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.7 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.6 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.6 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Clean docs. [drbecavin]
- Update README.md. [drbecavin]
- Modify readme docs. [drbecavin]
- Update README.md. [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.5 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.4 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Modify readme docs. [drbecavin]
- Update README.md. [drbecavin]
- Add examples in the doc. [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.3 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Merge branch 'main' of github.com:becavin-lab/checkatlas good. [drbecavin]
- Update README.md. [drbecavin]
- Update README.md. [drbecavin]
- Fix umap display. [drbecavin]
- Fix category management in adata.obs. [drbecavin]
- Add test on scanp version. [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.2 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Release: version 0.0.1 🚀 [drbecavin]
- Fix release making. [drbecavin]
- Merge branch 'main' of github.com:becavin-lab/checkatlas Good. [drbecavin]
- Update README.md. [drbecavin]
- Fix release making. [drbecavin]
Release: version 0.0.1 🚀 [drbecavin]
Release: version 🚀 [drbecavin]
Release: version 🚀 [drbecavin]
Release: version 🚀 [drbecavin]
Release: version 🚀 [drbecavin]
Release: version 🚀 [drbecavin]
Clean project before release. [drbecavin]
Release: version 🚀 [drbecavin]
Add corrupted h5ad management with AnnDataReadError. [drbecavin]
Add corrupted h5ad management with AnnDataReadError. [drbecavin]
Add resume capacity in checkatlas.py. [drbecavin]
Fix obs_beys selection. [drbecavin]
Add list_atlases.csv. [drbecavin]
Fix list files. [drbecavin]
Add HLCA index names. [drbecavin]
Release: version 🚀 [drbecavin]
Clean project. [drbecavin]
Clean files. [drbecavin]
Remove rds from type of file. [christophe Becavin]
Prepare checkatlas for discovair. [christophe Becavin]
Clean all codes. make fmt, make lint, and make docs. [christophe Becavin]
Make fmt. [christophe Becavin]
Add read the docs conf. [christophe Becavin]
Add read the docs conf. [christophe Becavin]
Add read the docs conf. [christophe Becavin]
Add read the docs conf. [christophe Becavin]
Add read the docs conf. [christophe Becavin]
Add all examples. [christophe Becavin]
Add all examples. [christophe Becavin]
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
Add example 2 and 3. [christophe Becavin]
Add html examples. [christophe Becavin]
Merge branch 'main' of github.com:becavin-lab/checkatlas. [christophe Becavin]
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
Add html examples. [christophe Becavin]
Add Example 1 and 2. [christophe Becavin]
Add examples to checkatlas. [christophe Becavin]
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
Reformat code. [christophe Becavin]
#18 Add os.sep in filename, Put multihread=False by default. [christophe Becavin]
Close #18, add folders.py to save all files in checkatlas_files/ folder. [christophe Becavin]
Merge branch 'main' of github.com:becavin-lab/checkatlas. [christophe Becavin]
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
Add summary
Add pycharm run configuration. [christophe Becavin]
First big update : Labmeeting presentation. Prototyp is ready. [christophe Becavin]
Add Antoine metrics, add Dask. [christophe Becavin]
Release: version 🚀 [christophe Becavin]
Reformat and lint corrected. [christophe Becavin]
Modifi atlas.py return statement. [christophe Becavin]
Merge branch 'main' of github.com:becavin-lab/checkatlas. [christophe Becavin]
Update README.md. [drbecavin]
Add files for github workflow and template. [christophe Becavin]
Clean project files. [christophe Becavin]
Remove github templates from project creation. [christophe Becavin]
Add git ignore. [christophe Becavin]
Add git ignore. [christophe Becavin]
✅ Ready to clone and code. [drbecavin]
First commit with many changes. [christophe Becavin]
Initial commit. [drbecavin]