billing_document |
string |
[optional] |
sd_document_category |
string |
[optional] |
billing_document_category |
string |
[optional] |
billing_document_type |
string |
[optional] |
created_by_user |
string |
Name of Person Responsible for Creating the Object |
[optional] |
creation_date |
\DateTime |
Record Creation Date |
[optional] |
creation_time |
string |
Entry time |
[optional] |
last_change_date |
\DateTime |
Last Changed On |
[optional] |
last_change_date_time |
\DateTime |
UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun) |
[optional] |
logical_system |
string |
[optional] |
sales_organization |
string |
[optional] |
distribution_channel |
string |
[optional] |
division |
string |
[optional] |
billing_document_date |
\DateTime |
[optional] |
billing_document_is_cancelled |
bool |
Billing document is canceled |
[optional] |
cancelled_billing_document |
string |
Number of canceled billing document |
[optional] |
billing_doc_combination_criteria |
string |
Combination criteria in the billing document |
[optional] |
is_intrastat_reporting_relevant |
bool |
Relevant for Intrastat Reporting |
[optional] |
is_intrastat_reporting_excluded |
bool |
Exclude from Intrastat Reporting |
[optional] |
total_net_amount |
\BeLenka\SAP\BillingDocumentODV4\Model\NetValue |
[optional] |
transaction_currency |
string |
SD Document Currency |
[optional] |
statistics_currency |
string |
[optional] |
total_tax_amount |
\BeLenka\SAP\BillingDocumentODV4\Model\TaxAmount |
[optional] |
total_gross_amount |
\BeLenka\SAP\BillingDocumentODV4\Model\TotalAmount |
[optional] |
customer_price_group |
string |
[optional] |
price_list_type |
string |
[optional] |
tax_departure_country |
string |
Tax Departure Country/Region |
[optional] |
vat_registration |
string |
VAT Registration Number |
[optional] |
vat_registration_origin |
string |
Origin of Sales Tax Number |
[optional] |
vat_registration_country |
string |
Country/Region of Sales Tax ID Number |
[optional] |
customer_tax_classification1 |
string |
Tax Classification 1 for Customer |
[optional] |
customer_tax_classification2 |
string |
Tax Classification 2 for Customer |
[optional] |
customer_tax_classification3 |
string |
Tax Classification 3 for Customer |
[optional] |
customer_tax_classification4 |
string |
Tax Classification 4 for Customer |
[optional] |
customer_tax_classification5 |
string |
Tax Classification 5 for Customer |
[optional] |
customer_tax_classification6 |
string |
Tax Classification 6 for Customer |
[optional] |
customer_tax_classification7 |
string |
Tax Classification 7 for Customer |
[optional] |
customer_tax_classification8 |
string |
Tax Classification 8 for Customer |
[optional] |
customer_tax_classification9 |
string |
Tax Classification 9 for Customer |
[optional] |
is_eu_triangular_deal |
bool |
Indicator: Triangular Deal Within the EU |
[optional] |
sd_pricing_procedure |
string |
Pricing Procedure in Pricing |
[optional] |
shipping_condition |
string |
[optional] |
incoterms_version |
string |
[optional] |
incoterms_classification |
string |
Incoterms (Part 1) |
[optional] |
incoterms_transfer_location |
string |
[optional] |
incoterms_location1 |
string |
[optional] |
incoterms_location2 |
string |
[optional] |
payer_party |
string |
[optional] |
contract_account |
string |
Contract Account Number |
[optional] |
customer_payment_terms |
string |
Key for Terms of Payment |
[optional] |
payment_method |
string |
[optional] |
payment_reference |
string |
[optional] |
fixed_value_date |
\DateTime |
[optional] |
additional_value_days |
string |
Additional Value Days |
[optional] |
sepa_mandate |
string |
Unique Reference to Mandate for each Payee |
[optional] |
company_code |
string |
[optional] |
fiscal_year |
string |
[optional] |
accounting_document |
string |
Document Number of an Accounting Document |
[optional] |
customer_account_assignment_group |
string |
Account Assignment Group for Customer |
[optional] |
accounting_exchange_rate_is_set |
bool |
Exchange Rate Setting |
[optional] |
abslt_accounting_exchange_rate |
\BeLenka\SAP\BillingDocumentODV4\Model\AbsExchRateAcct |
[optional] |
acctg_exchange_rate_is_indrct_qtan |
bool |
Accounting exchange rate quotation is indirect |
[optional] |
exchange_rate_date |
\DateTime |
[optional] |
exchange_rate_type |
string |
[optional] |
document_reference_id |
string |
Reference Document Number |
[optional] |
assignment_reference |
string |
Assignment Number |
[optional] |
reversal_reason |
string |
Reason for Reversal or Inverse Posting |
[optional] |
dunning_area |
string |
[optional] |
dunning_blocking_reason |
string |
[optional] |
dunning_key |
string |
[optional] |
is_relevant_for_accrual |
bool |
Is relevant for accrual |
[optional] |
sold_to_party |
string |
[optional] |
partner_company |
string |
Company ID of Trading Partner |
[optional] |
purchase_order_by_customer |
string |
[optional] |
customer_group |
string |
[optional] |
country |
string |
Destination Country/Region |
[optional] |
city_code |
string |
[optional] |
sales_district |
string |
[optional] |
region |
string |
Region (State, Province, County) |
[optional] |
county |
string |
[optional] |
credit_control_area |
string |
[optional] |
pricing_document |
string |
Number of the Document Condition |
[optional] |
overall_sd_process_status |
string |
Overall Processing Status (Header/All Items) |
[optional] |
overall_billing_status |
string |
SD Billing Status |
[optional] |
accounting_posting_status |
string |
Posting Status of Billing Document |
[optional] |
accounting_transfer_status |
string |
Status for Transfer to Accounting |
[optional] |
billing_issue_type |
string |
Billing Issue Type |
[optional] |
invoice_list_status |
string |
Invoice list status of billing document |
[optional] |
ovrl_itm_general_incompletion_sts |
string |
Incompletion Status (All Items) |
[optional] |
overall_pricing_incompletion_sts |
string |
Pricing Incompletion Status (All Items) |
[optional] |
invoice_list_type |
string |
[optional] |
invoice_list_billing_date |
\DateTime |
Billing date for the invoice list |
[optional] |
sap__messages |
\BeLenka\SAP\BillingDocumentODV4\Model\ComSapGatewaySrvdA2xApiBillingdocumentV0001SAPMessage[] |
[optional] |
_item |
\BeLenka\SAP\BillingDocumentODV4\Model\ComSapGatewaySrvdA2xApiBillingdocumentV0001BillingDocumentItemType[] |
[optional] |
_partner |
\BeLenka\SAP\BillingDocumentODV4\Model\ComSapGatewaySrvdA2xApiBillingdocumentV0001BillingDocumentPartnerType[] |
[optional] |