All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- HAproxy exporter upgraded to 0.12.0
- Prometheus Exporter dependency trivial update
- Ansible for Molecule updated to 2.9.16
- Molecule updates to conincide
- pre-commit updates (minor)
- Travis build image to newer version
- CentOS 6 as a test target
v1.3.2 2020-01-11
- Ansible for Molecule updated to 2.9.2
- Pre-commit updates (minor)
- Molecule updated (minor)
- prometheus_exporter dependency updated to 1.1.3
v1.3.1 2019-08-12
- Ansible for Molecule updated to 2.8.3
- Pre-commit updates (minor)
- Molecule updated (minor)
- prometheus_exporter dependency updated to 1.1.1
v1.3.0 2019-02-14
- Switched to Molecule for tests
- Updated to haproxy_exporter 0.10.0
v1.2.0 2018-06-11
- Updated to haproxy_exporter 0.9.0
v1.1.1 2018-06-11
- Modified to use Jeff Geerling's docker based testing technique
- Updated pre-commit
- Made user/group and home dir creation optional
- Moved logdir creation to Ansible (fixes issue with Upstart)
- Updated to haproxy_exporter 0.8.0