The next generation SExtractor.
SourceXtractor++ is available on Anaconda Cloud for Linux and MacOSX
conda install -c conda-forge -c astrorama sourcextractor==0.22
We would recommend, however, to install it into its own environment.
conda create -n sourcex -c astrorama -c conda-forge sourcextractor==0.22
conda activate sourcex
Note: If you want the development version to test a future functionality or bugfix, it can also be done with conda:
conda create -n sourcex-dev -c astrorama/label/develop -c astrorama -c conda-forge sourcextractor=x.xx
conda activate sourcex-dev
We recommend always using an explicit version number as there is no guarantee that conda
will install the latest version otherwise.
SourceXtractor++ is shipped directly in Fedora. It can be installed simply as follows:
sudo dnf install sourcextractor++
We also build our own RPMs as part of our CI setup
They can be installed adding a .repo
file under /etc/yum.repos.d
with the following content:
# Stable and tagged versions
# This is the recommended way to install sourcextractor++
# Enable this to get the stable (untagged) version
name=Astrorama Stable
# Enable this to get the development version
# Use with care!
name=Astrorama Develop
And install with
dnf install SourceXtractorPlusPlus
A test data set covering various data reduction scenarios is available here. It contains the input data, all relevant configuration files, the SourceXtractor++ commands and the expected output results for a reference. The test data set is described as a pre-print for the corresponding conference proceedings.
In order to facilitate an active discussion among SourceXtractor++ users we have created a users group. We encourage all users to directly join the group (if a google account is at hand) or to ask us to add you as a member (open an issue on the github page.
While we are working on several refereed papers describing SourceXtractor++ and its software architecture, the software package can be referenced with two ADASS conference proceedings:
- Bertin, E.; Schefer, M. ; Apostolakos, N. ; Álvarez-Ayllón, A.; Dubath, P. ; Kümmel, M.: 2020ASPC..527..461B
- Kümmel, M.; Álvarez-Ayllón, A.; Bertin, E.; Dubath, P.; Gavazzi, R.; Hartley, W.; Schefer, M.: 2022arXiv221202428K
Resources for the SourceXtractor++ development are in most part provided by funding from the Euclid satellite project via the various national agencies. For Euclid Consortium papers it is sufficient to point to the SourceXtractor++ webpage and add the standard EC acknowledgement text.
For scientific publication which are non EC papers we would be greatful if the following acknowledgment could be added:
This research made use of {\tt SourceXtractor++}\footnote{/~},
an open source software package developed for the Euclid satellite project.