Found a bug? Want a new feature? Don't like the docs? Please send a pull request or raise an issue.
Pull requests are always welcome. In order to send a Pull Request, you will need to setup your environment;
Fork and clone the repo:
git clone
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the dev server:
npm start
Open your favourite browser on localhost:8000
- livereload will be enabled and tests will run on each change.
- Make sure your editor supports editorConfig so the code formatting is consistent;
- Add a descriptive commit message;
- Add tests to cover your changes;
- If needed, add a story (storybook);
- DO NOT change files in the /lib folder;
When raising an issue, please add as much details as possible. Screenshots, video recordings, or anything else that can make it easier to reproduce the bug you are reporting.
- A new option is to create a code pen with the code that causes the bug. Fork this example and add your code there, then fork and add the new link to the issue.