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342 lines (323 loc) · 41 KB

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342 lines (323 loc) · 41 KB

Cloud Security Icons

These icons are published under the extremely permissive Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal license.


We provide all icon SVGs in both black and blue - download from the latest release.

The Noun Project

We are now part of The Noun Project - the most comprehensive icon collection in the world!


We are also now available on Iconfinder! Library

We also provide a library.

Here's how to use it to build awesome diagrams:

  1. Download from the latest release.
  2. Navigate to and create a new diagram.
  3. Click File -> Open Library from -> Device
  4. Select the you downloaded in Step 1.

Icon Cheatsheet

Academy IconAccept Risk IconAccessibility IconAdd IconAdhere to Policy Icon
AcademyAccept RiskAccessibilityAddAdhere to Policy
Alerts New Risks IconAlibaba Cloud IconAmazon AWS IconAPI Documentation IconAPI Keys Icon
Alerts New RisksAlibaba CloudAmazon AWSAPI DocumentationAPI Keys
Approved Base Images IconAqua IconAqua Enforcer IconAqua Plugin IconAqua Score Icon
Approved Base ImagesAquaAqua EnforcerAqua PluginAqua Score
Artifacts IconAssurance IconAssurance Violation IconAudit IconAudit Only Icon
ArtifactsAssuranceAssurance ViolationAuditAudit Only
Binary File IconBitcoin Mining IconBlock List Allow List IconBlocked Event IconBrute Force Attack Icon
Binary FileBitcoin MiningBlock List Allow ListBlocked EventBrute Force Attack
C2Control IconCalendar IconCattle IconChainBench IconChange Password Icon
C2ControlCalendarCattleChainBenchChange Password
Changelog IconChangelog 2 IconCheck Mark IconChip IconCICD Icon
ChangelogChangelog 2Check MarkChipCICD
CIS Compliance IconClean IconClock IconCloud Accounts IconCloud architect Icon
CIS ComplianceCleanClockCloud AccountsCloud architect
Cloud Misconfiguration IconCluster IconCNAPP IconCNDR IconCode Repositories Icon
Cloud MisconfigurationClusterCNAPPCNDRCode Repositories
Collect IconCollection Exfiltration IconCommit IconCommunication IconCompliance Icon
CollectCollection ExfiltrationCommitCommunicationCompliance
Compliance Program IconComputer IconContainer IconContainer registry IconContinuous Deployment Icon
Compliance ProgramComputerContainerContainer registryContinuous Deployment
Continuous Integration IconCount Arrows IconCPU IconCVE IconCyber Intel Icon
Continuous IntegrationCount ArrowsCPUCVECyber Intel
Dashboard IconData repository IconDatabase IconDebian IconDetection Events Icon
DashboardData repositoryDatabaseDebianDetection Events
Developer IconDevOps IconDevSecOps IconDISA Compliance IconDisconnected Icon
DeveloperDevOpsDevSecOpsDISA ComplianceDisconnected
Docker IconDomain IconDown IconDownload IconDTA Icon
DTA Icon IconDTA Risk IconeBPF IconEdit IconeLearning on demand Icon
DTA IconDTA RiskeBPFEditeLearning on demand
Enforcers IconEnforcers Notification IconEnvironment IconEvents IconEvidence Icon
EnforcersEnforcers NotificationEnvironmentEventsEvidence
Export IconExport PDF IconFailed IconFavorites IconFederal Security Icon
ExportExport PDFFailedFavoritesFederal Security
File IconFilter IconFirewall IconFolder IconForbidden Labels Icon
FileFilterFirewallFolderForbidden Labels
Full Screen IconFunction IconGarbage IconGateway IconGateway New Icon
Full ScreenFunctionGarbageGatewayGateway New
GitHub IconGoal IconGroups IconHacker IconHamburger Icon
Heartbeat IconHoneypot IconHybrid IconIaaS IconIaC Icon
IAM IconIDE IconIgnore IconImage Profile Detached IconImage Unregistered Icon
IAMIDEIgnoreImage Profile DetachedImage Unregistered
Images IconImport IconInbound Connection IconInfo IconInfrastructure Icon
ImagesImportInbound ConnectionInfoInfrastructure
Infrastructure as Code IconInitial Execution IconInsights IconInsights 2 IconInstructor lead training Icon
Infrastructure as CodeInitial ExecutionInsightsInsights 2Instructor lead training
Integration IconInventory IconIP IconJenkins IconKSPM Icon
Kube Hunter IconKubeEnforcer IconKubernetes IconLambda Amazon IconLeft Icon
Kube HunterKubeEnforcerKubernetesLambda AmazonLeft
Linux IconLock IconLog IconLogout IconMalware Detection Icon
LinuxLockLogLogoutMalware Detection
Malware Tracking IconMega Menu IconMemory IconMicroEnforcer IconMicrosoft Azure Icon
Malware TrackingMega MenuMemoryMicroEnforcerMicrosoft Azure
Misconfiguration IconMitigation IconMore Vertical IconNanoEnforcer IconNautilus Icon
MisconfigurationMitigationMore VerticalNanoEnforcerNautilus
Network Connection IconNetwork Connection WWW IconNo Orch IconNodes IconNotification Panel Icon
Network ConnectionNetwork Connection WWWNo OrchNodesNotification Panel
Notifications IconOff IconOK IconOn IconOpen Source Icon
NotificationsOffOKOnOpen Source
OpenShift IconOS Package Manager IconOSS License IconOutbound Connection IconPending Icon
OpenShiftOS Package ManagerOSS LicenseOutbound ConnectionPending
PHP IconPlans and Prices IconPlans Pricing IconPlay IconPod Enforcer Icon
PHPPlans and PricesPlans PricingPlayPod Enforcer
Pods IconPolicies IconPolicy Violation IconPostgreSQL IconPrivacy Icon
PodsPoliciesPolicy ViolationPostgreSQLPrivacy
Privileged IconProcess IconPrometheus IconPropagation IconProtect Containerized Apps Icon
PrivilegedProcessPrometheusPropagationProtect Containerized Apps
Proxy IconQuality Assurance IconQuestion Round IconRefresh IconRegistries Icon
ProxyQuality AssuranceQuestion RoundRefreshRegistries
Remediation IconReports IconReset IconResource IconReverse Icon
Right IconSaaS IconSAST IconSBOM IconScanning Icon
Schedule IconSCM Accounts IconSearch IconSecrets IconSecurity Icon
ScheduleSCM AccountsSearchSecretsSecurity
Security Camera IconSecurity specialist IconSensitive Data IconServices IconSettings Icon
Security CameraSecurity specialistSensitive DataServicesSettings
Settings Gear IconShow More IconSIEM IconSOC IconSpeed Icon
Settings GearShow MoreSIEMSOCSpeed
Stamp IconStorage IconStorage 2 IconSuperuser IconSupplyChain Icon
StampStorageStorage 2SuperuserSupplyChain
Support Website IconSuppress IconTable IconTAS IconTenant Manager Icon
Support WebsiteSuppressTableTASTenant Manager
Third Party IconTools IconTree IconTroubleshooting IconUbuntu Icon
Third PartyToolsTreeTroubleshootingUbuntu
Unknown Image IconUp IconUpload IconUsage IconVideo Camera Icon
Unknown ImageUpUploadUsageVideo Camera
Virtual classroom IconVM Enforcer IconVolume IconvShield IconVulnerability Score Icon
Virtual classroomVM EnforcerVolumevShieldVulnerability Score
Warning IconWarning Round IconWeaponization IconWordPress IconWorkloads Icon
WarningWarning RoundWeaponizationWordPressWorkloads
Workloads Misconfiguration IconZoomIn IconZoomOut Icon
Workloads MisconfigurationZoomInZoomOut

The Icon Grid

The icon grid establishes clear rules for the consistent, but flexible, positioning of graphic elements.

Icon Grid

Keyline, minimalistic shapes are the foundation of the grid and define the boldness of our unique line of icons that reflect our values: We are the Experts, We are Bold. This grid was used also for the creation of Aqua Droplet Font.

Icon Grid