The Model Converter can convert between the Sling Provisioning Model and the Sling Feature Model and back.
For further documentation see: /~
This tool can be built using mvn clean install
. For testing purposes these
arguments can be provided:
- test.prov.files.tempdir: test output folder that must exist before the build
- if no output folder is provided this flag indicates that the files inside the temporary test output folder is not deleted
Attention: as of now the CLI tool is only supporting conversions from Provisioning Model to Feature Model.
The tool is distributed with a commodity package containing all is needed
in order to convert Provisioning Models into Feature Model files. It will
launch the ProvisioningToFeature
form the shell:
$ unzip -l target/
Archive: target/
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
0 05-23-2019 08:36
0 05-23-2019 08:36
0 05-23-2019 08:36
5998 05-23-2019 06:47
26081 03-09-2019 13:08
12783 05-23-2019 08:36
32266 05-23-2019 08:36
178 05-23-2019 06:47
242435 04-04-2019 14:00
3802 05-23-2019 08:36
3257 05-23-2019 08:36
14769 03-29-2019 06:30
41203 03-09-2019 13:15
15257 03-29-2019 06:30
115234 05-14-2019 11:38
164176 05-14-2019 11:39
76683 04-03-2019 09:41
106841 03-29-2019 06:30
--------- -------
860963 18 files
once the package is decompressed, open the shell and type:
$ ./bin/pm2fm -h
Usage: pm2fm [-DhV] [-g=<groupId>] -i=<provisioningModelsInputDirectory>
[-n=<name>] -o=<featureModelsOutputDirectory> [-v=<version>]
[-a=<addFrameworkProperties>]... [-d=<dropVariables>]...
[-e=<excludeBundles>]... [-r=<runModes>]...
Apache Sling Provisioning Model to Sling Feature Model converter
-a, --addFrameworkProperty=<addFrameworkProperties>
Adds Framework Property to Feature Models. Format:
<Model Name>:<Property Name>=<value> (repeat for more)
-d, --dropVariable=<dropVariables>
Variable (by name) in a Feature Model to be excluded
(repeat for more)
-D, --noProvisioningModelName
If flagged then the Provisioning Model Name is not added
-e, --excludeBundle=<excludeBundles>
Bundle and/or Bundle Configuration to be excluded
(repeat for more)
-g, --group-id=<groupId> Overwriting the Group Id of the Model ID
-h, --help Display the usage message
-i, --provisining-input-directory=<provisioningModelsInputDirectory>
The input directory where the Provisioning File are
-n, --name=<name> Sets a General Name for all converted Models. This also
means that the name is placed in the classifier
-o, --features-output-directory=<featureModelsOutputDirectory>
The output directory where the Feature File will be
generated in
-r, --runMode=<runModes> Runmode to add to this build (all no-runmodes are
included by default, repeat for more)
-v, --version=<version> Overwriting the Version of the Model ID
-V, --useProvidedVersion If flagged then the provided version will override any
given version from Provisioning Model
Copyright(c) 2019 The Apache Software Foundation.```
to see all the available options; a sample execution could look like:
$sh ./bin/pm2fm
-i $SLING_DEV_HOME/sling-org-apache-sling-starter/src/main/provisioning
-o fm.out
-g "${project.groupId}"
-v "${project.version}"
-n "${project.artifactId}"
-a "launchpad:felix.systempackages.substitution=true"
-a "launchpad:felix.systempackages.calculate.uses=true"
-r ":standalone"
-r "oak_tar"
**Attention**: the current Model Converter is adding runmode bundles and
configurations with a **id** that has a suffix of **.runmode.<runmode name>**
which will not work with the Feature Launcher as the Feature Model does not
support runtime selection / configuration.
The **-r** argument provides the ability to select the desired runmodes which
then does not add the suffix to the id and drop all other runmodes. See
SLING-8479 for more on this.
**Note**: this will generate all the Feature Models for the current Sling
Provisioning (Sling (PM) Starter). The groupId, artifactId and version is
set to a placeholder and with it the model name is placed inside the classifier.
In addition the Provisioning Model Name is dropped (duplicates) and two
framework properties are added to the launchpad FM to make bundles that uses
Java dependencies activate.
Argument Files for Long Command Lines:
-i $SLING_DEV_HOME/sling-org-apache-sling-starter/src/main/provisioning
-o fm.out
-g "${project.groupId}" -v "${project.version}" -n "${project.artifactId}"
-a "launchpad:felix.systempackages.substitution=true" -a "launchpad:felix.systempackages.calculate.uses=true"
-e "" -e ""
-r "oak_tar" -r ":standalone"
then execute the command
$ ./bin/pm2fm @arfile