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  1. Parallel Architectures: Shared and Distributed Memory;
  2. Parallel Programming with OpenMP;
  3. Methodology for Distributed Computing - Foster's Methodology;
  4. MPI Basics;
  5. Analysis of Parallel Programs - performance analysis, matrix-vector multiplication;
  6. MPI Advanced Topics - OpenMP and MPI hybrid programming, load balancing and termination detection;
  7. Parallel Numerical Algorithms;
  8. Search, Monte Carlo and Sorting Algorithms.

Key Concepts

  • Data dependence: ordering on a pair of operations that must be preserved in order to maintain correctness;
  • Race condition: when the result of an execution depends on the timing of two or more events;
  • Synchronization: mechanism used to sequence control among threads or to sequence accesses to data in parallel;
    • Mutual exclusion areas, semaphores, barriers, etc;
    • Read-modify-write operations modify the memory address atomically;
  • Deadlock: one task waiting on a condition that is never satisfied;
  • Livelock: two or more tasks are not waiting, but not making progress either;
  • Memory coherence: all processors see the same value for a memory location - access behavior of a single memory location;
    • Cache coherence protocols keep track of the state of the shared blocks of data;
      • Directory-based: state of each shared block kept in a centralized location; state can be uncached, exclusive or shared;
      • Snooping: each cache has the sharing status of each block it stores, and monitors (snoops) the bus for changes; invalidate protocol (processor updates the block and sends an invalidate message to all other caches) or update protocol (processor updates the block and broadcasts the update to all other caches); invalidate is more efficient because of the lower bandwidth required;
  • Memory consistency: all processors see the same order of memory accesses - interaction between different memory locations;
    • Sequential consistency: all processors see the same order of writes;
  • Principle of locality: programs tend to access a small portion of the address space at any given time - caches are used to exploit this principle;
    • Temporal locality: if a memory location is referenced, it will tend to be referenced again soon;
    • Spatial locality: if a memory location is referenced, nearby memory locations will tend to be referenced soon;

Usually caches are write-back (write to cache and later flush to memory), instead of write-through (write to cache and memory at the same time).

Parallel Architectures

There are two main types of parallel architectures:

  • Shared Memory: all processors share a single address space;
    • Memory coherence is guaranteed by the hardware, both in UMA and NUMA architectures;
    • Memory consistency is not guaranteed by the hardware, but by the programmer, using synchronization mechanisms;
    • Uniform Memory Access (UMA): all processors have the same access time to memory; only one memory location;
    • Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA): processors have different access times to memory; multiple memory locations; local memory accesses are faster than remote memory accesses.
  • Distributed Memory: each processor has its own memory;
    • Distributed Shared Memory (DSM): each processor has its own memory, but can access other processors' memory - simpler programming but extremely inefficient;
    • Message Passing Interface (MPI): each processor has its own address space, not accessible by other processors; communication is done through messages.
Shared Memory Distributed Memory
✅ Sharing data is easy ❌ Sharing data is hard
✅ Simple to program ❌ Complex to program
✅ Tasks are threads (lightweight) ❌ Tasks are processes (heavyweight)
❌ Limited scalability ✅ Scalable
❌ Implicit communication ✅ Explicit communication
❌ Complex hardware ✅ Simple hardware

Types of Parallelism

  • Functional Parallelism: different tasks that can be executed in parallel;
  • Data Parallelism: same task that can be executed in parallel on different data.
  • Pipeline Parallelism: different tasks that can be executed in sequence, but in parallel, synchronized at a given point.


  • Better than Pthreads for shared memory programming: simpler programming model; similar because the programmer needs to detect dependencies and prevent data races;
  • Parallelization directives:
    • #pragma omp parallel: create a team of threads; all threads execute the block of code and synchronize at the end;
    • #pragma omp for: distribute iterations of a loop among threads; synchronization is done automatically at the end of the loop; nowait can be used to avoid synchronization - data parallelism;
    • #pragma omp sections: distribute sections of code among threads; #pragma omp section is used to define a section - functional parallelism;
    • #pragma omp single: only one thread executes the block of code;
      • copyprivate: data is private to each thread, but initialized with the value of the original data;
      • #pragma omp master: only the master thread executes the block of code;
      • ⚠️ Can cause deadlocks if not used correctly, e.g. use a parallel for inside a single or master block;
    • #pragma omp task: create a task that can be executed asynchronously; the task is added to a queue/pool and executed by a thread - flexible way for irregular parallelism;
      • ⚠️ Order not guaranteed;
      • #pragma omp taskwait: wait for all tasks to finish;
      • Contrary to other directives, variables inside the task are firstprivate by default;
      • Possible to specify priority;
      • depend(in: x, y): task depends on the values of x and y for input;
      • depend(out: x, y): task writes the values of x and y for output;
      • depend(inout: x, y): task depends on the values of x and y for input and writes the values of x and y for output;
  • Synchronization directives:
    • #pragma omp critical: only one thread executes the block of code at a time; a thread waits and only executes the block when no other thread is executing it;
    • #pragma omp atomic: the operations inside the code block are executed atomically;
    • #pragma omp barrier: all threads wait until all threads reach the barrier;
  • Data environment:
    • shared: data is shared among all threads - default (except for the loop index in a parallel for, which is private by default);
    • private: data is private to each thread - copy - undefined at the beginning and at the end of the parallel region;
    • firstprivate: data is private to each thread, but initialized with the value of the original data;
    • lastprivate: data is private to each thread, but the value of the last iteration is copied to the original data;
    • threadprivate: data is private to each thread - initial data is undefined; - use copyin to initialize the data - data from the master thread is copied to all threads;
    • reduction: data is private to each thread, but the final value is computed by reducing the values of all threads, and is written to the global shared variable; e.g. parallelize a sum or a dot product; e.g. #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum);
  • Conditional parallelism:
    • if: only create a team of threads if the condition is true;
  • Load balancing:
    • schedule(static, [chunk]): iterations divided in blocks of size chunk and distributed among threads in a round-robin fashion; if chunk is not specified, it is automatically calculated: chunk = ceil(n / p) - less overhead;
    • schedule(dynamic, [chunk]): iterations are distributed dynamically among threads; each thread gets a new block of iterations when it finishes the previous one; if chunk is not specified, it is 1 - adapts better to load imbalance;
    • schedule(guided, [chunk]): similar to dynamic, but the block size decreases over time; if chunk is not specified, it is 1;
    • schedule(runtime): schedule is defined at runtime using the environment variable OMP_SCHEDULE;
    • schedule(auto): schedule is defined by the compiler;
    • Larger chunks reduce overhead, but can cause load imbalance;
    • collapse(n): collapse n nested loops into a single loop;
  • Nested parallelism: nested parallel regions are allowed;
    • omp_set_nested(1): enable nested parallelism.

nowait can be used to avoid synchronization in #pragma omp for and other directives, like #pragma omp sections, #pragma omp single, etc.

Efficiency Rules

  • Minimize forks and joins;
  • Maximize private data;
  • Minimize synchronization.

False sharing: two processors share the same cache block, but do not share the same memory location inside the block; if one processor writes to its memory location, the cache block is invalidated in the other processor, even if it is not writing to the same memory location.

Foster's Methodology

  • Used to design parallel algorithms;
  1. Partitioning: decomposition of the problem into smaller tasks - primitive tasks with the same size; several decomposition strategies like input decomposition (divide the input data), output decomposition (divide the output data), recursive decomposition (divide-and-conquer);
  2. Communication: define the communication between tasks; local communication values shared by a small number of tasks, global communication values shared by all tasks - important to minimize communication;
  3. Agglomeration: group tasks into larger tasks to reduce communication overhead; maximize locality; group tasks with high communication with each other;
  4. Mapping: assign a task to a processor; load balancing is important to avoid idle processors; maximize processor utilization.


  • MPI_Init(argc, argv): initialize MPI;
  • MPI_Finalize(): finalize MPI;
  • Communicator - an object that represents a set of tasks and the communication channels between them; MPI_COMM_WORLD is the default communicator;
    • MPI_Comm_size(communicator, size): get the number of tasks in a communicator;
    • Rank - unique identifier of a task in a communicator (integer) - MPI_Comm_rank(communicator, rank) to get the rank of a task;
  • Point-to-point communication:
    • MPI_Send(buffer, count, datatype, destination, tag, communicator): send a message to a task - blocking;
    • MPI_Recv(buffer, count, datatype, source, tag, communicator, status): receive a message from a task - blocking;
    • Source and destination are the ranks of the tasks; can be MPI_ANY_SOURCE in the receive function;
    • Tag is an integer to identify the message; useful to distinguish between different messages from the same source, or to receive messages from different sources, with the same tag; wildcard MPI_ANY_TAG can be used;
    • There are some predefined data types, like MPI_INT, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_DOUBLE, etc;
    • MPI_Status is a structure that contains information about the message received;
  • Asynchronous communication:
    • MPI_Isend(buffer, count, datatype, destination, tag, communicator, request): send a message to a task - non-blocking;
    • MPI_Irecv(buffer, count, datatype, source, tag, communicator, request): receive a message from a task - non-blocking;
    • MPI_Request is a handle to the request;
    • MPI_Wait(request, status): wait for the completion of a request; can use MPI_STATUS_IGNORE if the status is not needed;
    • MPI_Waitall(count, requests, statuses): wait for the completion of all requests;
    • MPI_Test(request, flag, status): test if a request has completed; flag is true if the request has completed;
    • MPI_Testall(count, requests, flag, statuses): test if all requests have completed;
    • MPI_Cancel(request): cancel a request;
    • MPI_Waitany, MPI_Testany, MPI_Waitsome, MPI_Testsome are also available;
    • MPI_Probe(source, tag, status): blocks until the message is received, but still needs the MPI_Recv to receive the message - similar to MPI_Wait, but does not receive the message;
    • MPI_Iprobe is the non-blocking version - similar to MPI_Test;
  • Collective operations:
    • MPI_Bcast(buffer, count, datatype, root, comm) - broadcast data to all processes; root indicates which process sends the data (from buffer);
    • MPI_Scatter(sendbuffer, sendcount, senddatatype, recvbuffer, recvcount, recvdatatype, root, comm) - scatter data from one process to all processes; root indicates which process sends the data (from sendbuffer);
      • MPI_Scatterv is the version that allows different sizes of data to be sent to each process;
    • MPI_Gather(sendbuffer, sendcount, senddatatype, recvbuffer, recvcount, recvdatatype, root, comm) - gather data from all processes to one process; root indicates which process receives the data (to recvbuffer);
      • MPI_Gatherv is the version that allows different sizes of data to be received from each process;
      • MPI_Allgather and MPI_Allgatherv are the versions that send data to all processes;
    • MPI_Alltoall(sendbuffer, sendcount, senddatatype, recvbuffer, recvcount, recvdatatype, comm) - send data from all processes to all processes;
      • MPI_Alltoallv is the version that allows different sizes of data to be sent and received by each process;
    • MPI_Reduce(indata, outdata, count, type, op, root, comm) - performs a reduction;
      • MPI_Oper can be MPI_SUM, MPI_PROD, MPI_MIN, MPI_MAX...
      • MPI_Allreduce(indata, outdata, count, type, op, comm);
  • MPI_Barrier is s synchronization barrier.

The following is a table containing the complexity of the MPI collective operations. Consider that $n$ is the number of elements in the send buffer, $p$ is the number of processes, and $\alpha$ is the latency of the network, and $\beta$ is the cost of sending one byte (bandwidth).

Collective Operation Complexity
MPI_Bcast $O(\alpha \log{p} + \beta n)$
MPI_Reduce $O(\alpha \log{p} + \beta n)$
MPI_Allreduce $O(\alpha \log{p} + \beta n)$
MPI_Scatter $O(\alpha \log{p} + \beta p n)$
MPI_Gather $O(\alpha \log{p} + \beta p n)$
MPI_Allgather $O(\alpha \log{p} + \beta p n)$
MPI_Alltoall $O(p(\alpha + \beta n))$

Performance Analysis

Basic Units

  • $n$: problem size;

  • $p$: number of processors;

  • $\sigma(n)$: serial time to solve a problem of size $n$;

  • $\phi(n)$: parallel time to solve a problem of size $n$;

  • $\kappa(n, p)$: communication time to solve a problem of size $n$ on $p$ processors;

  • $T(n, p)$: total time to solve a problem of size $n$ on $p$ processors.

    • $T(n, p) = \sigma(n) + \frac{\phi(n)}{p} + \kappa(n, p)$.
    • $T(n, 1) = \sigma(n) + \phi(n)$ - sequential execution.
  • Speedup: measure how much faster a program runs on p processors compared to 1 processor - sequential execution.

    • $\psi(n, p) = \frac{T(n, 1)}{T(n, p)} = \frac{\sigma(n) + \phi(n)}{\sigma(n) + \frac{\phi(n)}{p} + \kappa(n, p)}$;
  • Efficiency: measure the utilization of the available processors;

    • $\epsilon(n, p) = \frac{\psi}{p}$;
    • $0 \leq \epsilon(n, p) \leq 1$;
  • Amdahl's Law: speedup is limited by the fraction of the program that cannot be parallelized;

    • $f$: sequential fraction of a serial program - $f = \frac{\sigma(n)}{\sigma(n) + \phi(n)}$;
    • $\psi(n, p) \leq \frac{1}{(f) + \frac{1 - f}{p}}$;
    • Optimistic - neglects parallelization overheads;
    • Strong scaling - problem size is fixed, and the number of processors is increased;
    • Ahmdal's Effect: $k(n,p)$ has in general lower complexity than $\phi(n) / p$, so as $n$ increases, speedup increases;
  • Gustafson-Barsis' Law: speedup is limited by the fraction of the program that can be parallelized;

    • $s$: sequential fraction of a parallel program - $s = 1 - f = \frac{\sigma(n)}{\sigma(n) + \frac{\phi(n)}{p}}$;
    • $\psi(n, p) \leq p + s(1 - p)$;
    • Weak scaling - problem size is increased proportionally to the number of processors - scaled speedup;

⚠️ Both Amdahl's Law and Gustafson-Barsis' Law calculate the same speedup, but from different perspectives.

  • Karp-Flatt Metric: measures the scalability of a parallel algorithm - helps to determine the cause of the parallel inefficiency;
    • Experimentally determined serial fraction represents the fraction of the original program that cannot be parallelized with respect to the sequential execution time: $e(n, p) = \frac{\sigma(n) + \kappa(n, p)}{\sigma(n) + \phi(n)} = \frac{\frac{1}{\psi(n, p)} - \frac{1}{p}}{1 - \frac{1}{p}}$;
    • If its constant - large serial fraction;
    • If increases - overhead not negligible.
  • Isoefficiency: measure the scalability of a parallel algorithm;
    • Scalability: the ability of a parallel algorithm to solve larger problems in the same time, or the same problem in less time, as the number of processors increases;
    • Isoefficiency relation: to maintain the same level of efficiency as the number of processors increases, the problem size must increase such that: $T(n, 1) \geq C \cdot T0(n, p)$, where $C$ is a constant;
    • $C = \frac{\epsilon(n, p)}{1 - \epsilon(n, p)}$;
    • $T0(n, p) = (p - 1) \cdot \sigma(n) + p \cdot \kappa(n, p)$;
    • Simplify until $n \geq f(p)$;
    • Scalability function: $\frac{M(f(p))}{p}$ indicates how memory usage per processor must increase to maintain the same level of efficiency.

Matrix-Vector Multiplication

  • Row-wise decomposition: each process gets a row of the matrix;
    • Allgather used;
  • Column-wise decomposition: each process gets a column of the matrix;
    • Alltoall used;
  • Checkerboard decomposition: each process gets a block of the matrix;

Other Stuff

Load Balancing

  • Static load balancing: workload is divided at the beginning and does not change;
  • Dynamic load balancing: workload is divided at runtime and can change;
    • Centralized: one process (master) is responsible for assigning tasks from a queue: work poll model;
    • Decentralized: all processes are equal;
      • Can be implemented from extending the work pool with a tree model, where a global master distributes tasks to second-level masters, that distribute tasks to workers; more levels means more decentralization;
      • Fully distributed work pool: each process starts with a given number of tasks, but may send/receive tasks;
        • Receiver-initiated: processes request tasks from other processes, when as a few or no tasks are left;
        • Sender-initiated: processes send tasks to other processes, when they have too many tasks.

Dynamic load balancing is used when the workload is not known in advance or when the workload changes over time, however, it has higher overhead due to task management.

Termination Detection

  • Centralized termination detection: one process (master) is responsible for detecting termination, once the pool of tasks is empty;
  • Distributed termination detection: each process is responsible for detecting its own termination, following two conditions:
    • Local termination: process has finished its work;
    • Global termination: all processes have finished their work - there are no messages in transit;
      • Acknowledgement messages can be used to detect global termination: each process has two states active and inactive; processes start inactive and become active when they receive the first task - sender of the task becomes parent of the process; after finishing the task, the process sends an acknowledgement message to the parent; process is ready to become inactive when: it has no tasks, it has transmitted all acknowledgements, and all its children are inactive - when the first process becomes inactive, computation is finished.
      • Ring termination: each process sends a token to the next process, that can be white(inactive) or black(active); when a process terminates, it becomes white; when P0 becomes white, it sends white token to P1; process Pi becomes black if it sends a message to process Pj and j < i; when P0 receives a black token, it passes a white token; if P0 receives a white token, it means that all processes have terminated.

Parallel Numerical Algorithms

  • Methods to solve linear systems:
    • Direct methods: solution is sought directly, at once;
      • Gaussian elimination and LU decomposition;
    • Iterative methods: give an initial guess and improve it iteratively;
      • Relaxation methods, Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel;
      • Gauss-Seidel converges faster than Jacobi;
  • Linear second-order PDEs:
    • Finite Difference Method;
    • Ghost points - memory locations used to store redundant copies of data, held by neighboring processors, to facilitate communication between processors;

Combinatorial Search, Monte Carlo Methods and Parallel Sort

  • Combinatorial Search: find one or more optimal or suboptimal solutions in a defined problem space;

    • Decision problems: determine if there is a solution to a given set of constraints;
    • Optimization problems: find the best solution to a given set of constraints;
    • Backtrack Search: uses a depth-first search strategy to explore the solution space; backtrack occurs when a node has no children, all children have been visited, or a constraint is violated;s
    • Branch and Bound: also uses a depth-first search strategy to explore the solution space; pruning is used to eliminate branches that cannot lead to a better solution; usually used in optimization problems;
  • Monte Carlo methods: solve a problem using statistical sampling; randomness is used to solve deterministic problems; random sampling is used to estimate the solution of a problem;

  • Parallel Sort

    • Hyperquicksort: parallel version of quicksort, where elements are sorted before broadcasting the pivot;
      • Sort elements in each process;
      • Select median as pivot element and broadcast it;
      • Each process in the upper half swaps with a partner in the lower half;
      • Recursively sort the two halves;
      • Problem: load imbalance causes low efficiency;
      • PSRS gets sample values from all processes before choosing a median;
    • Parallel Sorting by Regular Sampling (PSRS) - better than hyperquicksort;
      • Each process sorts its share of elements;
      • Each process selects regular samples of sorted list;
      • One process gathers and sorts samples, chooses pivot values from sorted sample list and broadcast these pivot values;
      • Each process partitions its list based on pivot values;
      • Each process sends partitions to other processes;
      • Each process merges received partitions;
    • Odd-Even Transposition Sort - based on bubble sort; consists in two phases:
      • Even phase: each process compares its element with the next process and swaps if necessary;
      • Odd phase: each process compares its element with the next process and swaps if necessary;
      • Sorting is complete after at most $n$ phases.