- Make sure you're still signed in into Saleor by refreshing the page
- Make sure you're using correct App token in your Vercel configuration
- You have to generate the app token as described in the Vercel deployment guide
- You cannot use the token from "Local apps", the token has to be connected with your installed Checkout App
- Reinstall the app in Saleor
- Uninstall the app in Saleor Dashboard
- Install the app again
- Generate new App token
- Update Vercel environment variables with new value of
- Redeploy the app, don't use the "Redeploy with existing Build Cache" option
Check solutions for "Unauthorized" error
- Check country you're providing in checkout as shipping address
- It must be assigned to a shipping zone
- Check your shipping zone (Dashboard > Configuration > Shipping Methods):
- If it has a country assigned that you're using in checkout as shipping address
- If it has any shipping rate configured that:
- If it's assigned to the same channel as your checkout
mutation { checkoutCreate( input: { channel: "default-channel" # <- Channel slug must be the same as in shipping zone # ... ) { checkout { channel } } }
- If it's assigned to the same warehouse as products in your checkout
- If it has a country assigned that you're using in checkout as shipping address
- Check the warehouse that has the products from your checkout (Dashboard > Configuration > Warehouses)
- Make sure you've enabled payment methods in Checkout App configuration
- Make sure you've configured payment gateway API keys
- Make sure you're using correct App token in your Vercel configuration
- Check solutions for "Unauthorized" error
The checkout was turned into an order in Saleor, thus deleting checkout session. You need to create a new checkout session.
Check in your project settings if you have "Include source files outside of the Root Directory in the Build Step" option enabled:
Check in your project settings if you've correctly selected the Root Directory.
If you need to know what Root Directory should be set, check the deployment guide for:
Clear .next
folder inside app or package that's producing this issue
rm -rf apps/storefront/.next
By default .env
file uses environment variables that are when the project is run from the root of monorepo (e.g. pnpm run dev --filter=saleor-app-checkout
If the project is run from this directory (e.g. cd apps/saleor-app-checkout && pnpm run dev
) then those variables wouldn't be available. That's why env-vars
package is used for loading both env variables from root of monorepo and from the project directory.
For more details check env-vars
Check order of your env variables. They are loaded in this order:
(root of monorepo).env
(root of monorepo) If you define a variable with the same name in.env.local
and in.env
then the variable from.env.local
takes precedence.
Check order of your env variables in the file. Variables defined later in the file, override already defined variables. For example:
# ...
MY_ENV=overriden_value # this overrides `initial_value` with `overriden_value`
- Check if you're accessing the variables in correct way: dynamic lookups to
won't work in the browser. Read more in Next.js docs
To load environment variables in other packages, that don't use Next.js make sure to import env-vars
You can do this by:
- using
parameter in Node CLI:
node --require 'env-vars' index.js
- Using
env variable to pass parameters like you would do with Node CLI:
NODE_OPTIONS='--require 'env-vars'' my_command
- Import the package at the top of your entry file (ex.
import "env-vars";
// or with CommonJS