Current Stable Release: 3.6.0 (October 2024)
Release: 3.7.x (Decembre 2024)
- [ENH] Add support for .net9, target 10.0.26100.0 SDK
Release: 3.6.2 (October 2024)
- [ENH] Breaking change: Map C++ UINT, UINT32, uint32_t to UInt32 in C# not Int32 as before
- [ENH] Direct3D12 and DirectML: Use uint instead of int remap.
- [ENH] DirectML : Update to 1.15.2.
- [ENH] Direct3D12: Add D3D12GetInterface support and relative class Guids.
- [ENH] MediaFoundation: More bindings improvements, add callback supports
- [ENH] MediaFoundation: Add VirtualCamera support (mfvirtualcamera.h)
- [ENH] General: Drop .net7 support
- [ENH] Vortice.Dxc: Handle correctly IDxcCompilerArgs bindings and improve interop
- [ENH] Vortice.WinUI interop improvements.
- [ENH] IDXGISwapChain1.Present overload renamed to Present1 to keep consistency with native code.
- [ENH] Update DX Compiler release for May 2024 /~
- [ENH] Update DirectML 1.13.1
- [ENH] Update DirectX Headers to 1.614.0
Release: 3.5.0 (March 2024)
- [ENH] Update DirectX Headers to 1.613.0
- [ENH] Update DX Compiler release for March 2024
- [ENH] Add Vortice.Wpf for WPF integration
- [ENH] Add Vortice.WinForms for WindowsForms integration
- [ENH] Update DirectX Headers to 1.611.1
- [ENH] Update DirectStorage to 1.2.1
Release: 3.3.4 (October 2023)
- [ENH] DirectSound support.
- [ENH] Drop net6.0 and support net7.0 and net8.0
- [ENH] Drop netstandard 2.0 and support net6.0 and net7.0
- [ENH] General: Support trimming and AOT
- [ENH] Direct3D12: Improve DRED support
- [ENH] Direct3D11 and Direct3D12: Improve bindings in state descriptions and FIX marshal of SamplerDescription
- [ENH] Direct3D12: Improve DRED support
- [ENH] XAudio2: Add XAPO support.
- [FIX] Direct3D11: FIX bug with marshalling and unset methods in ID3D11DeviceContext.
- [ENH] Direct3D12: Update headers to Agility SDK 1.606.3.
- [ENH] Dxc: Update DX Compiler to July 2022 release, add ARM64 support
- [ENH] Direct3D11: Improve creation methods and better Span usage.
- [ENH] DXGI: Add FormatHelper.GetSurfaceInfo based on DirectXTex.
- [ENH] Direct3D12: Update to Agility SDK 1.602.0
- [ENH] Samples: Added the HelloDirectML sample.
- [ENH] DirectML: New DirectML bindings (
- [ENH] Direct3D9on12: Add support for Direct3D9on12.
- [ENH] DirectStorage: New DirectStorage bindings (
- [ENH] Direct2D1: Improve mappings.
- [BREAKING CHANGE] Direct3D11: Remove VertexBufferView structure.
- [BREAKING CHANGE] Switch to use Point, PointI, Size, SizeI, Rect and RectI from Vortice.Mathematics
- [ENH] Direct3D11: Peformance improvements in mappings.
- [ENH] Direct3D11: Improvements in Video mapping.
- [ENH] XAudio2: Use Windows SDK headers instead of XAudio2 redist and move to function pointers.
- [FIX] DXGI: IDXGISwapChain::GetContainingOutput with Result.
- [ENH] ID3D12On12: Improve binding logic.
- [ENH] General: Move D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES to Vortice.DirectX as used from ID3D12On12.
- [ENH] DXC: Update to December 2021 with HLSL 2021 Preview.
- [ENH] Direct3D12: Update to Agility SDK 1.700.10.
- [ENH] DirectX: Add Luid support.
- [ENH] Build: Add .NET 6.0 SDK support
- [ENH] Build: Update to 10.0.22000.0 SDK
- [ENH] General: Add .NET 5.0 TFM
- [ENH] MediaFoundation: Map IMFAsyncResult, IMFAsyncCallback and IMFAttributes + add missing VideoFormatGuids
- [ENH] MediaFoundation: Improvements in IMMDevice and handle property store in automatic way
- [ADD] General: Add PropertyStore support in Vortice.DirectX under Win32
- [CHG] DXGI: Remove legacy DXGIGetDebugInterface function, prefer DXGIGetDebugInterface1
- [FIX] Direct3D12: D3D12CreateDevice with return call
- [FIX] Direct3D12: GetCopyableFootprints signature and accepting correct null values
- [ENH] Direct3D11: Improvements and helper methods for creating buffers and textures
- [ENH] Direct3D12: Add ID3D12Device.CreateRootSignature with blob creation.
- [ENH] Direct3D11: Rename Usage to ResourceUsage and improve CreateBuffer, improve Create shaders with Blob directly.
- [ENH] DXGI: dxgidebug.h under Vortice.DXGI.Debug namespace.
- [ENH] Direct3D12: Improve Debug MessageID enum values names.
- [ENH] WinUI: New Vortice.WinUI based on Microsoft.ProjectReunion.WinUI (
- [ENH] DirectInput: New Vortice.DirectInput support.
- [ENH] MediaFoundation: Preview MediaFoundation support.
- [ENH] Direct3D12: Add Create overload which returns result.
- [ENH] Direct2D1: FIX namespace issues and improvements in bindings.
- [ENH] WIC: Some improvements.
- [ENH] DXC: Allow IDxcIncludeHandler subclass, with example in HelloWorldDirect3D12.
- [ENH] Direct3D9: Improve methods taking sharedHandle and various improvements.
- [ENH] Direct3D12: Update headers to DirectX Agility SDK.
- [ENH] Dxc: Update to April 2021.
- [ENH] General: Move to standard types for Point, PointF, Size, SizeF, Rectangle and RectangleF.
- [ENH] Direct2D1: Improve mappings.
- [ENH] DirectWrite: GlyphRun improvements and example for AdvancedText rendering.
- [ENH] General: Update to newer SharpGen SDK and remove Vortice.Runtime.COM.
- [FIX] BUG: Critical bug with Interop.Patch for Read and Write.
- [CHG] XAudio2: Remove XAudio2 redist and improve bindings.
- [ENH] Direct3D12: Add Hello raytracing example.
- [ENH] Move common types from DXGI and DCommon to Vortice.DirectX for better separation and interop.
- [ENH] dxgitype.h: Moved in Vortice.DirectX.
- [ENH] General: Integrate MIT licensed headers from (/~
- [ENH] DXCore: Add support for DXCore.
- [ENH] Direct3D12: Add Video binding generation.
- [ENH] General: Add DataStream from SharpDX.
- [ENH] Dxc: Bindings generated from headers for DirectX Shader Compiler and bring in parity with latest release.
- [ENH] Direct3D12: Pipeline State stream object support and amplification and mesh shader support.
- [ENH] DirectComposition: Initial DirectComposition support.
- [ENH] DXGI: Initial WinUI headers generation under WinUI folder + namespace.
- [FIX] D3D12: BeginEvent, SetMarker for ID3D12CommandQueue and ID3D12GraphicsCommandList.
- [ENH] DXGI: Map IDXGraphicsAnalysis from DXProgrammableCapture.h.
- [ENH] XAudio2: Update to Microsoft.XAudio2.Redist 1.2.4
- [ENH] XAudio2: Implement clean CreateSubmixVoice mapping.
- [ENH] XAudioFX: Reverb and Volume metter under namespace Vortice.XAudio2.Fx.
- [ENH] XAudioFX: Correctly marshal VolumeMeterLevels.
- [EHN] XAudio: Allow AudioBuffer with externally owned memory.
- [ENH] D3D12: Add count in some methods (for example: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList)
- [FIX] D3D11: ID3D11DeviceContext fix various calls and avoid usage of params that can lead memory allocation.
- [ENH] D3D11: ID3D11Device - Add feature check helper methods.
- [ENH] D3D11: ID3D11DeviceContext Add VS/HS/DS/GS/PS/CS UnsetConstantBuffer faster method and fix allocation in ID3D11CommandList.
- [FIX] DXGI: IDXGIDevice::GetAdapter is not property and not persisted, user need to manually Dispose the IDXGIAdapter (just like native code).
- [ENH] D3D11: D3D11CreateDevice takes also native IntPtr adapter.
- [ENH] Samples: Cleanup code and remove all leakages.
- [ENH] D3D12: Add more helpers from d3d12x and cleanup.
- [ENH] D3D12: D3D12CreateDevice allow direct native IDXGIAdapter handle and improve GetMaxSupportedFeatureLevel, IsSupported to accept native handle.
- [FIX] VorticePlatformDetection correct usage of GetVersionEx.
- [ENH] D3D12: D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS map to ulong
- [ENH] D3D12: More API and methods improvements.
- [ENH] Mapping: Map UINT64 to ulong instead of long, better keep close to native API.
- [ENH] DXGI: Expose types from
- [FIX] WIC: Crash with IWICBitmapLock.GetDataPointer, correctly handle different types
- [FIX] D3D11: Fix OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews overloads and add KeepRenderTargetsAndDepthStencil and KeepUnorderedAccessViews support.
- [ENH] DXGI: Improvements in API usage for IDXGIObject and IDXGIDeviceSubObject.
- [ENH] D3D Legacy Compiler: Compile accepts byte[] as shader source.
- [FIX] D3D11: ID3DUserDefinedAnnotation::SetMarker don't map as property.
- [ENH] DXGI: Remove dependency from System.Collections.Immutable and make API calls close to native.
- [FIX] DXGI: Fix IDXGIDevice.CreateSurface methods overload.
- [BREAKING CHANGE] Switch to use Point, PointF, Size, SizeF, Rectangle and RectangleF from Vortice.Mathematics
- [ENH] Point, PointF, Size, SizeF, Rectangle and RectangleF supports conversion to System.Drawing types.
- [FIX] DXGIGetDebugInterface1 is part of dxgi.dll and not dxgidebug.dll
- [ENH] Direct3D11 helpers for creating Texture1D, Texture2D, Texture3D etc.
- [ENH] Usage of standard types from System.Drawing.*
- [ENH] Include winerror result codes for Direct2D1.
- [FIX] Various Direct3D11 issues.
- [ENH] Use XAudio2 Redist to support Windows7 and remove XAudio 2.7 and 2.8 logic (
- [ENH] Merge X3DAudio in XAudio2 in addition to new XAudio redist.
- Update dependencies.
- Direct3D9 support.
- Update dependencies.
- Direct3D9 support.
- Update dependencies.
- Correctly map D3D12_RAYTRACING_INSTANCE_DESC::Transform (using Matrix3x4).
- Direct3D12 API improvements.
- Persist IDXGIDevice::GetAdapter and handle Dispose.
- Direct3D11 API improvements (ID3D11DeviceContext) etc.
- MappedSubresource added AsSpan methods.
- IXAudio2SourceVoice - Add StateNoSamplesPlayed.
- X3DAudio support added.
- Direct2D1 bindings improvements, thanks to manju-summoner
- Direct2D1 builtin effects support.
- Improvements in Direct3D12 raytracing API, StateObject and StateSubObject.
- Fixes #22 - Load dxil.dll first before dxcompiler.dll.
- Improvements in Direct3D12 raytracing API and structures.
- New: Vortice.Multimedia separation for lightweight logic.
- New: XAudio2 support.
- Rework Vortice.Dxc to use native library loader.
- Optionally load dxil.dll using Dxil.LoadLibrary() if required.
- Rename project with better naming.
- Remove some usage of Unsafe.SizeOf and use unmanaged C# feature.
- Removing usage of Guard class, user need to take care of arguments to native call, for better performance.
- d3d11shader.h bindings moved to Vortice.Direct3D11.Shader.
- d3d12shader.h bindings moved to Vortice.Direct3D12.Shader.
- Vortice.D3DCompiler - Improvements in Compile and CompileFromFile.
- ID3D12Object improvements.
- Initial 1.0.0 release.
Detailed changes: [all] Initial release