This document describes known issues with the decentralized-auth software.
Only the happy flow works at the moment. Edge cases and error handling still need to be implemented.
Addresses are public. So service providers and Raspberry Pi Energy Data Readers can easily be DDOSed.
Since timestamps are not verifiable a dishonest node can fake them. The getLastMessage implementation tries to retrieve the last message. In theory a device can for example be spammed with messages in the past. A device cannot be claimed by an attacker because he or she has to intercept the SIGNED_CHALLENGE and replay it quicker than the original message arrives.
- The MAM stream is opened on an address generated from the seed
- Only ONE message can be published to a MAM root (otherwise fetching throws an error, see this MAM.fetch exception issue of mam.client.js)
- The applications start publishing data to their MAM root
Every time the raspberry-pi-client is run a new seed needs to be used otherwise fetching will fail.
This can be solved by keeping track of the last used MAM root. That in combination with a process manager that restarts it on failure would make the client more robust.
The MAM root of the private MAM channel is communicated to the service provider. This is so that the service provider can proof that consent was given to access the stream. Because all events of the device owner are published on this MAM stream the service provider and device client can also view authorizations and added or removed devices that are not related to them. Also after the device is removed or the consent is revoked.
To solve this privacy issue separate MAM streams need to be setup per device and service provider.
For example, every AUTHORIZED event leads to an authorization for every paired device. Solution 1: check that device in body has same address as raspberry-pi-client itself. Solution 2: separate MAM channels per device.
For example, every DEVICE_ADDED event leads to removal of authorized service providers. Solution 1: check that device in body has same address as raspberry-pi-client itself. Solution 2: separate MAM channels per device.
When Raspberry Pi receives DEVICE_DELETED and DEVICE_ADDED events it keeps sending data to old service providers
To solve this a new side key should be generated when a device is added or deleted.
The unnecessary backend of with its in-memory session state is:
- A bottleneck
- A trusted third party. (You have to trust that the backend does what it says it does. It does, but still.)
It would be better if the My Home consent management UI would be frontend code only. I don't see a reason against it. Then the My Home frontend can be deployed on something like IPFS to create a decentralized application (DAPP). When turning it into a DAPP everyone can inspect the code, it cannot be changed, and the servers run decentralized.