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0. Context

This document outlines the architecture of the Puya compiler and associated project(s).

It assumes at least a basic level of familiarity with compiler theory and practice.

1. Repository overview

This repo currently contains three logical projects:

  • puya: the compiler backend, which compiles AWST to TEAL and/or AVM bytecode
  • puyapy: The Python compiler frontend, which compiles a strict-subset of Python to AWST
  • algorand-python: the stub (.pyi) files defining the Algorand Python interface available.

As of this writing, the puya and puyapy packages are a single project and packaged together, in the near future these should be separated.

The frontend for TypeScript is located in a separate repo.

2. Architecture overview

The Puya compiler is a multi-language, single-target, multi-stage compiler.

Breaking this down:

  • Multi-language: it supports (subsets of) Python and TypeScript as source languages, with support for other languages being possible to add in the future. It was designed to work with Python initially, but abstracted such that other languages would be possible - this is the purpose of the AWST layer.
  • Single target: it is designed to produce code to run on the Algorand Virtual Machine only - whether this is as TEAL or as AVM byte code.
  • Multi-stage: this is as opposed to a one-pass compiler. The stages function as a pipeline, with each program passing sequentially through each stage.

At a high level, the pipeline is as follows:

flowchart LR;
    subgraph puyapy
    Python-->PyAST["Python AST"];
    subgraph puya-ts 
    TypeScript-->TS-AST["TypeScript AST"];
    subgraph puya
    TEAL-.->bytecode["AVM bytecode"];

Each layer may contain multiple sub-passes within, in particular the IR layer is where the majority of optimizations occur.

As in any sort of processing pipeline, each step (or layer, in this case) should only depend upon the results of previous steps, not future steps. This is somewhat complicated by the combination of supporting template variables and cross-contract compilation references, but from the viewpoint of an individual program, this principle is upheld.

Also, ideally, each layer should depend solely on the results of the previous layer - at least as far as the core models are concerned. Some metadata models are shared between layers.

The process of taking the results of one layer, processing it, and returning the new result is sometimes referred to as "lowering", since at each step, we peel away more of the abstractions of the source language(s) until producing the final output (TEAL or bytecode) becomes almost trivial.

3. Frontends

The canonical three stage compiler architecture typically consists of the following stages:

  1. Front-end: This stage focuses on the analysis part of compiling. It includes lexical analysis (tokenizing the input source code), syntax analysis (parsing tokens to generate a syntax tree), and semantic analysis (ensuring the code adheres to language rules and type constraints). The front-end eventually generates an intermediate representation (IR) of the source code.

  2. Middle-end: This stage takes the IR generated by the front-end and optimizes it. The goal is to improve the performance and efficiency of the code without changing its semantics.

  3. Back-end: This stage is responsible for the transformation of the optimized IR into the target code, typically machine code or bytecode.

The technical definition of what constitutes an IR is a bit hard to nail down, but the following properties should be fairly uncontroversial:

  • It is a semantically equivalent representation of the complete input program.
  • It is independent of the source language.

By this definition, the AWST that serves as the output of a frontend to puya is an IR, despite being - as the name implies - structured similarly to an AST. The key distinction is that the AWST is intended to be a representation that is straight-forward to translate an AST into, but without any source language specifics.


The puyapy program takes .py file(s) containing "Algorand Python" - a strict subset of the full Python language, and produces AWST.

Since Algorand Python has the same grammar as CPython, parsing makes use of the builtin ast module. As well as reducing the amount of code in this front-end, this has the nice property of ensuring that there are no parsing differences with CPython, and parsing new language elements is automatically supported - even if using those elements is not supported.


This is currently only true indirectly - parsing makes use of the mypy project, which in turn uses ast. In the near future, this dependency will be removed, and all type checking and inference will be handled by puyapy.

The entry-point for puyapy is in src/puyapy/ From there, compile_to_teal in src/puyapy/ is invoked, which drives the overall compilation process. Since both puyapy and puya are written in Python, the puya package is imported and invoke it directly.


Please see the puya-ts repo for any relevant architecture documentation.

The key difference between puyapy and puya-ts is that since it is implemented in TypeScript (in order to take advantage of the native TypeScript compiler API, similar to how puyapy takes advantage of the Python ast module), it serializes the AWST data structure as well to pass to the puya executable. The CLI for the puya is deliberately quite simple, since it's not meant for end user consumption. Along with the AWST JSON, it also takes an optional JSON file containing the source code at the time of compilation, and a mandatory "control" file, which specifies options, what to compile, etc. See src/puya/ for the entry point here.

4. Backend Layers

Although "backend" would, in the three stage architecture noted above, imply everything after the optimization stage, we use this term to refer to puya here.

AWST: Abstract Wyvern Syntax Tree

The project to build this compiler was initially codenamed Wyvern, and the W has stuck around.

Since the AWST serves as the starting point for the backend, the executable code contained in this layer mostly revolves around validation and also the visitor pattern.

The model definitions in puya.awst.nodes contain validation which can be done without looking at a larger program context - the latter being located in puya.awst.validation.

The type system is defined in puya.awst.wtypes.

"An AWST" refers to a collection of RootNodes - either a Contract, LogicSignature or Subroutine. Contracts and LogicSignatures are eligible as compilation targets (ie they generate program(s)), Subroutine objects are included at the top level as they may be referenced by multiple programs.

IR: Intermediate Representation

Entry point:

The core model for the IR layer is a hybrid model: linear "basic blocks" with a control flow graph (CFG).

The IR is constructed directly into static single assignment (SSA) form - see for relevant literature references.

The control flow (directed) graph is embedded in the basic blocks as an adjacency list, along with it's inverse. The former occurs naturally, since the terminating op contains references to successor block(s), whereas the latter must be maintained manually.

The IR layer is a pipeline in itself, with multiple lowerings and optimisation rounds:

flowchart LR;
    awst["AWST"]-->|IR builder|ssa1["SSA IR"];
    ssa1-->|IR optimiser|ssa1
    ssa1-->|Lower array ops|ssa2["SSA IR"]
    ssa2-->|IR optimiser|ssa2
    ssa2-->|Slot elimination|ssa3["SSA IR"]
    unssa-->|Post-SSA optimiser|unssa_opt["IR"]
    unssa_opt-->|Post validation|unssa_opt_validated["IR"]

The ARC-4 routing logic currently occurs within the IR layer, but constructs AWST.

MIR: Memory IR

Entry point: puya.mir.main.

In lowering from IR to MIR, we peel back the memory-model abstractions. Each IR Register gets allocated to some portion of the stack, and any remaining slot operations are resolved to point to either a static scratch slot ID or to be allocated at runtime.

MIR retains the CFG/basic block structure of the IR. No control flow optimisations are done, and only minimal peephole optimisations are performed at this level - those that require information about variable lifetimes and logical load/store semantics, as these are not as easy to discern once the conversion to TEAL ops takes place.

In the initial phase of IR to MIR conversion, reads/write to Registers are replaced with abstract store and load operations. Then, through successive rounds of allocations, these abstract stores and loads are replaced with equivalents for a specific stack region.

The complexity of scheduling registers to stack regions revolves around control-flow join points. For example, after an if/else construct, if both code paths don't assign the exact same set of live variables, then the stack would become unbalanced, and tracking the stacks logical contents would become a runtime concern. Within such a restricted computing environment as the AVM, this is not a practical option.

Instead, we use a global stack allocation algorithm that ensures that we know exactly what the stack holds on basic-block entry, regardless of which control flow path via by which we arrived. The approach is loosely based on this paper. In particular, as of this writing, the Koopmans and Baileys passes are implemented, however the subroutine-global stack allocation is not, instead any remaining variables are stored in the frame.


Entry point: puya.teal.main.

The MIR to TEAL lowering is mostly a straight-forward translation, that takes the output of the MIR and performs the necessary bookkeeping to translate concrete store/loads into actual TEAL ops. It also loses the basic-block structure, since most TEAL control flow ops have a fall through case. e.g., a ConditionalBranch gets turned into a bnz or bz and then a b.

Once the initial conversion is done, the final round of optimisations takes place. These are mostly peephole optimisations, with the exception of constant gathering, which analyzes the whole program to produce intcblock and bytecblock instructions.

AVM bytecode

Entry point: puya.ussemble.main.

This layer is named ussemble because if you say it right/wrong it sounds like "assemble", but by starting with a u all the layers occur in alphabetical order, which is actually rather helpful when finding your way around the code.

This layer produces AVM byte code and also debug mappings. It doesn't perform any optimisations, so that the TEAL output produced in the previous layer should produce identical byte code if assembled by either puya or algod.