Releases: akarnokd/open-ig
- [UI] Fix the achievement screen not showing the last item when scrolled to the bottom.
- [UI] When holding SHIFT while clicking -10 and +10 buttons on the Production Screen, the production amount is changed by -100 and +100 respectively. (Issue #1047)
- [UI] Holding CTRL and SHIFT while clicking on a production line's left/right amount change button on the Production Screen now adjusts the amount by 100.
- [UI] Added tooltips to the Custom Balance Settings screen's buttons indicating using SHIFT will speed up the amount changes.
- [UI] Tooltips that would show below a control and would clip outside the game window now properly shows above the control.
- [UI] Fixed a crash and lack of UI indicator when buying a station on the black market and the delivery target does not have the required military spaceport there. (Issue #1048)
- [Achievements, UI] Update the achievement system to be able to track and display progress of many achievements.
- [UI] Clicking on a message on the Bridge while a message is being played no longer plays multiple messages at the same time. (Issue #1045)
Developer note
Some achievements will only show the progress indicator if a game has been started/loaded and run for a few seconds. Already achieved achievements prior to this update are visually not changed. Starting a new profile or deleting the profile.xml
in the save/${profile name}
directory can help with these UI changes.
Two achievements requiring multiple in-game years of time progress have been changed to be earnable via multiple playthroughs.
- [UI] The Equipment screen now counts the hitpoints and damage output of stations in the summation.
- [AI,Campaign] AI colonization limit changes due to entering Level 4 (Admiral) are now saved and loaded correctly. Note: the game can only fix older saves which are already in Level 5 (Grand Admiral).
- [Labels] Fix minor typo in galaxy statistics.
- [Achievements] Fix "E.T. Exists" awarded too eagerly after the last fix.
- [AI,Balance] The AI will now pave planets.
- [UI] The Equipment screen will now update correctly if the AI adds a station to the current planet.
- [AI,Balance] The AI will now remove excess vehicles and houses from planets.
- [AI] The AI will no longer repeatedly stop and resume moving colonization fleets.
- [AI] The AI will now properly undeploy Rocket Sled 1s when upgrading the ground forces.
- [Achievements] Fix "E.T. Exists" not awarded if the aliens detected the player first. (Issue #1040)
- [Achievements] Fix "Nobel Prize" awarded too early because of counting the Thorin. (Issue #1040)
- [AI] The AI will now properly unequip obsolete rockets from space stations before equipping newer rocket types. (Issue #1041)
- [AI] The AI will no longer overfill the rockets on space stations beyond the intended capacity. (Issue #1041)
- [AI] The AI will no longer deploy tanks, fleets or stations if the target planet has changed owner. (Issue #1041)
- [AI] The AI will now properly upgrade the vehicle mixture on planets and will not overfill them. (Issue #1041)
- [AI] The AI will no longer remove obsolete vehicles before their replacements are available for deployment. (Issue #1041)
- [UI] Buying ships from the black market now adds them to the player's nearby fleet instead of anybody's fleet.
- [UI] Selecting an equipment slot that is located at the bottom of a ship is now possible if the game window is small.
- [UI] The selected equipment slot info no longer remains on screen when switching to split/transfer mode.
- [UI] The selected equipment is no longer shown in large form when switching between fleets or ending join/transfer.
- [UI] Relocating aliens to their native empire now distributes them among all their planets (instead of one less).
- [UI] Added an UI toolbelt with buttons for the pavement and other features in this patch.
- [UI] New feature: Ability to move colonists between planets (at a cost).
- [UI] New feature: Ability to abandon a colony (at a cost).
As promised, the button for switching to pavement mode has been added to the colony screen, below the build panel.
In addition, two new features have been added: moving colonists between planets and abandoning a planet.
Moving colonists can be done in two ways, "importing" them to the current planet from somewhere else or "exporting" them from the current planet to somewhere else. Costs 5 cr per colonist moved. Colonists can only be moved between planets with population of the same race.
Players can now abandon a planet and decide what should happen with the population: relocating them or killing them. The former costs more, 5 cr per colonist whereas the latter costs 2 cr. However, there are morale and diplomatic consequences of abandonment. Read the labels on the dialog as these consequences depend on whether the colonists are of your race or another. Also relocation may not be possible if there are no other empires with said race.
- [Feature] New feature: pave over larger surface features so they become buildable/passable. Use the key P to enable this mode. UI to come later.
How is that an Empire who can travel to the stars can't move a few boulders or mountains to make some room on planets? Fear not, the ancient art of pavements have been rediscovered!
You can now pave over the bigger surface features and those places can now be built upon and vehicles can pass over them. On a planet owned by the player, press the P key to show the bigger surface features that can be paved over. Note, however, that paving is expensive. The game will show the price in green if you can afford it, red if not. Press P or ESC to leave this mode.
Developer note: I'll add a proper UI for this feature in the near future.