- Migrated to use Melange and Dune, instead of ReScript and Ninja
- Use
instead ofrescript-react
- Use Reason syntax instead of ReScript syntax
A tool to create demos for your Reason React components
open Reshowcase.Entry;
/* Create a demo*/
demo(({addDemo: _, addCategory}) => {
/* Add a category */
addCategory("Title", ({addDemo, addCategory: _}) => {
/* Add an example*/
addDemo("normal", ({string, _})
/* Register "handles" from your JSX directly*/
=> <h1> {string("text", "hello")->React.string} </h1>);
addDemo("font-size", ({string, int, _}) =>
/* Handles can be strings, ints, floats and booleans*/
{let size =
int("font size", {min: 0, max: 100, initial: 30, step: 1});
size->Belt.Int.toString ++ {js|px|js}},
{string("text", "hello")->React.string}
/* Add another category */
addCategory("Button", ({addDemo, addCategory: _}) =>
addDemo("normal", ({string, bool, _}) =>
<button disabled={bool("disabled", false)}>
{string("text", "hello")->React.string}
Install opam package manager.
opam pin add reshowcase.dev git+/~https://github.com/ahrefs/reshowcase.git#main
This will make the NodeJS script reshowcase
available in your opam switch.
To make sure this script works, add the following dependencies to your application package.json
"devDependencies": {
"@craftamap/esbuild-plugin-html": "/~https://github.com/denis-ok/esbuild-plugin-html#79f512f447eb98efa6b6786875f617a095eaaf09"
$ reshowcase start --entry=path/to/Demo.js
$ reshowcase build --entry=path/to/Demo.js --output=path/to/bundle
If you need custom esbuild options, create the .reshowcase/config.js
and export the esbuild config. Plugins and modules will be merged.
If you need a custom template, pass --template=./path/to/template.html