8 KYU | 7 KYU | 6 KYU | 5 KYU | 4 KYU | 3 KYU | 2 KYU | 1 KYU | BETA | Translations | Authored
- Max Headroom and JavaScript style - CodeWars
- Pre-FizzBuzz Workout #1 - CodeWars
- Pre-FizzBuzz Workout #2 - CodeWars
- Calculate average - CodeWars
- Find the first non-consecutive number - CodeWars
- String cleaning - CodeWars
- Parse nice int from char problem - CodeWars
- Finish Guess the Number Game - CodeWars
- Folding your way to the moon - CodeWars
- Simple Fun #261: Whose Move - CodeWars
- Broken Counter - CodeWars
- Number-Star ladder - CodeWars
- Driving School Series #1 - CodeWars
- Negation of a Value - CodeWars
- Most digits - CodeWars
- Flatten and sort an array - CodeWars
- Extending JavaScript Objects: Reverse String - CodeWars
- Merge two arrays - CodeWars
- Ordering the words! - CodeWars
- Make the small words big! - CodeWars
- Kooka-Counter - CodeWars
- Check your arguments - CodeWars
- Debug the functions EASY - CodeWars
- Convert Color image to greyscale - CodeWars
- Only one - CodeWars
- ONE ONe One one - CodeWars
- Only One Gift Per Child - CodeWars
- Put a Letter in a Column - CodeWars
- Sum of odd numbers - CodeWars
- Digit Sum - CodeWars
- Sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 - CodeWars
- Remove duplication - CodeWars
- Dictionary from two lists - CodeWars
- Number to digit tiers - CodeWars
- Loose Change! - CodeWars
- Return a string's even characters. - CodeWars
- Sort array by string length - CodeWars
- No ifs no buts - CodeWars
- isEven? - Bitwise Series - CodeWars
- Random case - CodeWars
- Holiday X - Bintang Vests - CodeWars
- Sum of Odd Cubed Numbers - CodeWars
- Split camelcase - CodeWars
- Fizz / Buzz - CodeWars
- Selective Array Reversing - CodeWars
- Bingo Card - CodeWars
- Replace With Alphabet Position - CodeWars
- Count characters in your string - CodeWars
- Guess the number! - CodeWars
- Simple Fun #259: Different Digits Number Search - CodeWars
- Case Reversal of Consecutive Duplicates - CodeWars
- Spelling Bee - CodeWars
- Simple Fun #283: Censor The Forbidden Words - CodeWars
- Sort the odd - CodeWars
- Unwanted dollars - CodeWars
- Simple Fun #305: Typist - CodeWars
- Range function - CodeWars
- The range() function - CodeWars
- Find the unique number - CodeWars
- Mount the Bowling Pins! - CodeWars
- Who's Next in Line? - CodeWars
- Who am I? - CodeWars
- Super Duper Easy - CodeWars
- Number Manipulation I (Easy) - CodeWars
- Northwest and Southeast corners - CodeWars
- Count the Number of Words in a Sentence - CodeWars
- Wise drunk man - CodeWars
- Counting like a kid. - CodeWars
- Get Password from grid - CodeWars
- Dora Explores! Help Dora keep her lassi - CodeWars
- Level Upgrade in RPG Game - CodeWars
- Frank's Sticky Calculator - CodeWars
- replace a string with * except the first letter - CodeWars
- Mix Fruit Juice - CodeWars
- Merge two sorted arrays into one - CodeWars
- The Hidden Word - CodeWars
- ASCII Fun #1: X- Shape - CodeWars
- Write Words with Love - CodeWars
- Simple Fun #264: Compare Two Integers - CodeWars
- Simple Fun #262: Case Unification - CodeWars
- Simple Fun #263: Even Numbers Before Fixed - CodeWars
- Cut it down! - CodeWars
- Walk-up Stairs - CodeWars
- Adding words - Part II - CodeWars
- Cancer cells - CodeWars
- Are we alternate? - CodeWars
- number with 3 roots. - CodeWars
- Maze Runner - CodeWars
- Driving License - CodeWars
- Connect 4 - CodeWars
- Vending Machine - CodeWars
- Snakes and Ladders - CodeWars
- Mastermind - CodeWars
- Guess Who? - CodeWars
- Am I safe to drive? - CodeWars
- Scooby Doo Puzzle - CodeWars
- Mexican Wave - CodeWars
- Pigs in a Pen - CodeWars
- Hungry Hippos - CodeWars
- Plenty of Fish in the Pond - CodeWars
- Fruit Machine - CodeWars
- Car Park Escape - CodeWars