All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
1.0.0-alpha.2 (2021-08-30)
- core: catch errors in normalize events (96d2690)
- core: correct the usage of arch_chroot (f6925cc)
- core: handle errors in normalize hook (fc3895e)
- core: honors on_action when calling modules (2f67c05)
- core: link match full error code (a5a5d4b)
- core: match against module instead of namespaces (554884c)
- core: merge $ like magick properties (03a3244)
- core: pass error and output in action argument (68eec1b)
- core: remove unused code (b7f2df8)
- core: revert wrong usage of dollar sign (a232efb)
- core: stop processing after normalize error (0fe9177)
- core: call load modules exporting object (5bffd10)
- core: custom keywords for stream and error (f4a3941)
- core: debug accept stderr string (c281391)
- core: enforce schema in argument_to_config (67a6a62)
- core: expose serializer in (d578171)
- core: metadata header schema (ae64293)
- core: new end option in scheduler (8ae894c)
- core: new local object in tools.path (61c8917)
- core: new scheduler strict option (da0b027)
- core: new schema event to modify action schema (59aeda0)
- core: registry get return parent actions (78a5f81)
- core: scheduler parallel execution (2d60f03)
- core: schema validation for debug (db60fb8)
- core: schema validation for depth, index and position (4bfc2de)
- core: schema validation for disabled (1f80590)
- core: schemas stored in definitions (d8fd7de)
- core: templating desactivated by default (387c122)
- core: tmpdir metadata accept functions (8a37452)
- core: unmanaged handlers after resolve (0f98f59)
- core: update module metadata in call (0c7c793)
- core: validate assertion function output (8e62d3f)
- core: validate raw properties (a79f1b6)
1.0.0-alpha.1 (2021-03-10)
- core: bastard applied to all conditions and assertions (562299c)
- core: build previous feature (958fb2d)
- core: dollar sign (35d58c6)
- core: filter out entering logs for bastard (1cd8ce1)
- core: fix folder removal error message (205bc56)
- core: fix uncaught error in execute.wait (e89ada5)
- core: interpret null as a value in find (ad78b85)
- core: enter honors $log false (6a17153)
- core: reject errors when $ref is invalid (f8fd133)
- core: relax called in result to handler scheduler errors (41d5cf8), closes #282
- core: remove ref to ssh in fs.move (a1644c9)
- core: remove usage of run (33be522)
- core: scheduler accept empty array of handlers (7f1aa82)
- core: session call out actions after handler actions (a72a8d6)
- core: siblings initialized as empty array (93c1508)
- core: use scheduler instead of Promise.all on session creation (7d16d96)
- core: $log property in error thrown by action (6a7d4e8)
- core: activate diff in (2d548db)
- core: call accept module path (25ff5fc)
- core: close ssh conn from sibling (85dec82)
- core: config enter in (bb9c496)
- core: fs.assert trim when match content (e7e0262)
- core: magic_dollar plugin (77df829)
- core: new bastard metadata (0f57bab)
- core: new retry property in execute.wait (f38bb1d)
- core: new utils.promise.array_filter function (8793cb3)
- core: plugin execute export config to metadata (3022c14)
- core: revert scheduler to not manage errors in handler (c6ebce7)
- core: scheduler pause and resume (2635719)
- schema coercion (9e52391)
1.0.0-alpha.0 (2021-02-03)
The jump to version 1.0.0 is a major which rewrite every single part of the code. The list of changes is too big to be reproduced here. We'll start generating the changelog from this version.
New feature:
- system.execute: inject arch_chroot path
- system.execute: new command property in error object
- schema: improve multiple errors message
- file.ini: add schema
- file: add schema
- connection.http: escape data argument
- schema: call after conditions
- misc.ini: handle array in multi brackets
- misc.string: escape shell single quotes using double quotes
- system.mod: remove sudo
Breaking changes:
- system.mod: name is renamed module
- metadata: split and independent from options
- metadata: renamed from internal
- cron: move into tools
New feature:
- fs.readdir: new action
- on_options: new hook
- use getent passwd command
- schema: initial support
- system.execute: pipe option.stdin
- connection.assert: new option
- schema: new option
- ssh: dont attempt to read private key if password provided
- session: remove support for 2nd argument
- connection.wait: fix race condition with quorum
- events: fix handling next and error events
- connection.wait: fix tests
- system.execute: document events
- registry: move into engine
- package: simplify test command
Breaking changes:
- api: parent part of context
- each: invalid args throw error instead of passing it
- domain: remove option and support
New features:
- system.execute.assert: assert exit code
- connection.http: new action
- java.keytool: new keytool option, improve discovery
- http_headers and cookies with no cache
- file.ini: new parse_bracket_then_curly
- debug: print lines
- system.authconfig: new action
- file.cache: new cookies option
- conditions: executed as actions
- conditions: support sudo
- service.install: add yay support
- locale_gen: force generation if boolean
- core env: working lxd prototype
- log: refactor end and error cli
- retry: ensure 1st level of options is immutable
- sudo: support local option in file actions
- relax: callback error are propagated to parent
- file.upload: honors sudo
- db.database: mysql/mariadb default to latin1
- status: more expressive tests
- file.stat: handle empty stdout
- file.hash: enrich error message
- honors sudo
- service.init: disable templating if no context
- cascade: implement cascaded options in callbacks
- file.cson: fix merging when target is missing
- keystore_add: use command instead of which
- file.hash: use command instead of which
- session: externalize args_to_actions and make_action
- session: make_context
- session: isolate current action from history
- core: remove unnecessary transmission of ssh
- project: raise Node.js and use files
- tests: update ssh2-they
- core: latest dependencies
Breaking changes:
- package: rename scope to nikitajs
- fs.readFile: show exemple
- system.execute: cleanup temp file with arch chroot
- package: split package under a single monorepo
- misc.file: remove module
- file.cache: rename headers to http_headers to avoid conflict
New features:
- nikita: require all dependencies
- misc.file.type: print the file type given a mode
- handler: pass session to context
- file.cache: enforce hash
- core: clean up file with arch chroot
- file.cache: handle false ssh options
- events: isolate tests into api/events
- aspect: isolate tests into api/aspect
- doc: minor updates
New features:
- file.hash: predictable hash using sort
- log: honors debug when log is disabled
- system.execute.assert: honors execute options
- misc: export db and docker
- system.execute: clean up tmp file
- docker.cp: migrate to options as destructured assignment
- fs.mkdir: ensure macos compatiblity by using shortcut params
- java.keystore_add: dont copy certs unless ssh and local
- java.keystore_add: new tmpdir option
- file: preserve origin permissions on update
- fs.stat: macos compatibility
- file.cache: fix undefined status argument
- ssh null replaced by false
- test: filter all test with tags
- package: latest dependencies
Backward incompatibilities:
- misc.file: deprecate usage of hash and compare
- misc.glob: deprecated in favour of file.glob
- context: 1st arg of handlers with the options key
- service: option action renamed state
- service: values start, stop, restart renamed started, stopped and restarted
New features:
- options.depth: definable by user
- file.glob: new action
- file.hash: new action
- system.chown: use getent
- session: dont overwrite options when undefined
- service.install: new options pacman_flags and yaourt_flags
- session: remove unused condition while unstacking
- file.upload: refactor and use file.hash
- cascade: overwrite default values set in session
- options status: dont return undefined when false
- fs: disable log
- system.mkdir: removed zombie call to uid_gid
- options.log: true enabling/forcing logs
- reduce log verbosity
- reduce log verbosity
- misc.ini.stringify: handle boolean values
- misc.ini.stringify: fix eol for array values
- service: 2nd argument is not a callback
- log: remove log from cascade and parent usage
Minor enhancements:
- fs.createWriteStream: code simplification
- package: update license field to reflect MIT
- env: emulate systemctl
- misc.ini: isolate misc ini into its own module
- misc.ini: reorganize tests
- file.ini: isolate tests
- register: isolate registration into its own module
Backward incompatibilities:
- session: renamed from context
- actions: 2nd arg in callback is now an object
- rename output params user_list ot users
- file.render: remove eco dependency
New features:
- new action
- new action
- ssh: fix conflict with session options
- db: honors the port property
Cleanup and minor enhancements:
- ssh: test arguments
- cascade: test array when defined in action
- mysql: isolate tests into their container
- mariadb: isolate tests into their container
- mysql: freeze version 5.7 to avoid authentication issues
- package: push to current branch
- package: use https url for issues
- misc.doc: remove unused module
- package: remove fs.realpath dependency
- wrap: remove ssh2-connect dependency
- package: remove backmeup, ftp and jsftp dependencies
- package: re-activate lock file
- package: latest dependencies
Backward incompatibilities:
- wrap: remove connection
- log: move options.log to nikita.log
- option depth: renaming, was total_depth
- option log: remove depth and header_depth
- option action: rename option, was type
- option debug: print to stderr
- log.cli: escape new line from color
- log.cli: print to stderr
New features:
- accept connection
- options headers: inject parent headers
- option parent: inject parent options
- option depth: pass depth to actions
- option get: ensure options are cloned
- log: new action
- option cascade: defined as a cascaded option
- option debug: accept stdout value
- array.flatten: depth limit as 2nd argument
- cwd: marked as propagated
- context: fix default param handler value
- ssh: no longer reference ssh2
- cascade: honored by get actions
- cascade: global, session and action merge
Cleanup and minor enhancements:
- option cascade: test false value in action
- attempt: new test
- event end: new test
- event handled: write tests
- file.assert: isolate tests and fix buffer usage
- context: refactor arguments conversion to actions
- context: simplify options cloning
- context: remove deprecation about destination and local_source
- fs.createWriteStream: normalize error with missing parent directory
- src: ensure target paths are absolute over SSH
- travis: test against Node.js versions 8 and 10
- changelog: organize messages by group
- package: latest dependencies
- fs.createWriteStream: new implementation
- events: emit error and end
- system.user: catch error on reading etc/passwd
- fs.createReadStream: new sample and test
- file etc_passwrd: read sample
- system.limits: add sample
- fs: new createReadStream action
- system.cgroups: prepare store remove by cgroups in callback
- fs.mkdir: fix uid/gid ingored options
- store: move from options to context
- uid gid: externalize reading to etc_passwd and etc_group
- test: limit usage of ssh2-fs
- fs: set default argument to target
- sudo: start working on new option
- conditions: fix test after latest ssh move to action
- file.assert: handle root uid and gid
- file.assert: new trim option
- assert: remove connection
- docker: fix tests
- file.yaml: remove callback style
- system.chown: handle uid and gid 0
- system.execute: enforce target
- registry: registered handle non enumerable properties
- ssh: move from options to action
- get: new option to call synchronuous
- context: isolate internal state variables
- registry: isolate registry functions from nikita
- promise: synchronous handler may return a promise
- api: remove lazy registry in favor of return undefined unless property exists
- registry: get takes flatten and depracted options
- api: rename then as next to avoid conflict with promise #125
- package: fix npm test command
- mod: persistent configuration
- system.copy: create target parent directory
- tools.sysctl: honors backup
- file.cache: coffee esthetic
- package: update jsftp
- package: publishing workflow
- copy: fix multiple callback on error
- repos: auto confirmation in repolist after repo creation
- merge: duplicate arrays
- mod: new system.mod action
- kv: fix log enter in get
- ssh: improve log messages
- misc: merge buffer
- keystore: use sha1 instead of md5
- ssh_authorized_keys: new action
- tests: update mocha coffee registration
- service.init: pass empty context to render unless provided
- package: use coffescript v2
- render: ensure context is provided
- db: support mariadb engine
- log: improve and simplify CLI coloration
- api: fix aspect when call co-jointly
- db: rename postgres engine to postgresql
- connection: assert accept servers and server
- options: rename wait to sleep
- misc: isolate array functions
- service: new assert action with installed, started and stopped options
- system.copy: better fix
- system.copy: fixed parseInt
- docker: doc cleanup #119
- misc: merge support null as first argument
- rubygem: source support glob expression
- rubygem: improve test suport and resilience
- rubygem: new fetch, install and remove actions
- progragation: fix multi level propagation
- context: disable ssh auto connect if no_ssh is enabled
- system.copy: honors uid, gid, mode or preserve ownership and permissions #117
- system.copy: refactor current source code #116
- sysctl: handle empty line in merge
- sysctl: hande equal sign in comment
- ssh: allow root bootstraping if ssh is an object
- test: use skip for non applyable tests
- chmod: refactor in no callback style
- fix after multi mode comparaison
- file.assert: accept an array of modes
- test: upgrade mocha by using promise
- propagation: prevent context option to propagate
- propagation: rename from propagated_option, refactor as object
- file.assert: validate file types
- context: end honoring promise
- package: npm lock file
- doc: migrate to nikita-www and clean up
- cron: test now passing on centos7 [bug]
- service: replace
bycommand -v
[enhancement] - test: rename disable_service_start to disable_service_systemctl [enhancement]
- docker centos7: update docker installation [enhancement]
- sysctl: new action [feature]
- file: set permission for backup (security fix)
- repo: fix and refactor gpg verify [bug]
- disabled: emit lifecycle event
- package: latest dependencies
- test: remove unrequired timeout
- cron: disabled by default, enable in docker
- file ini: value as array in stringify_then_curly
- ssh root: fix new connection after reboot
- option retry: unlimited if true
- file.types.ceph_conf: add file type for ceph configuration file
- group: handle root gid "0"
- keystore add: handle CA certs chain
- execute assert: new action
- file assert: minor improvements
- log cli: shy dislay no status change
- log cli: dont display disabled and failed conditions
- user: create parent directory
- test: use promise in bootstrap test
- file assert: uid & gid ownerships
- backup: support cmd
- keystore add: create parent directories if not exists
- tools.repo: add update option
- copy: print source and target stat logs
- compress: externalize utils functions
- keystore add: create parent directories
- service.init: reload daemon when file changed on disk
- tools.repo: refactor to support remote download
- context: introduce promise
- connection wait: fix errors
- file: fix typo and lower eof log level
- log: global options with log_csv, log_fs, log_md and log_stream
- file.assert: content as a regexp
- src: remove usage of new while creating error instances
- system.mkdir: use target in error messages
- java.keystore_add: cacert not required
- system.remove: log removed files
- chown: fix and test stat option
- src: 2 spaces md list indentation
- chown: complete refactoring
- compress and extract: support bz2 tests on centos7
- conditions: support redhat in unless_os
- context: load modules relative to process cwd
- ping: call it and receive pong
- wait.execute: pass std_log options
- execute: std_log options not disabled if undefined or null
- download: fix file based checksum validation
- java.keystore: detect if keystore exists
- condition: fix Red Hat detection
- add exemple
- db.user: trap any error
- database: default mysql charset as utf8
- system.tmpfs: remove and fix status not modifed
- tools.repo: support http(s) protocol for source
- tools.repo: convert ugly test to unit test
- tools.repo: fix documentation
- tools.repo: repo udpate disabled by default
- tools.repo: fix path resolution
- java.keystore_add: chwon and chmod support
- service: disable stdin log for installed and outpdated
- internal parse fn take source as first argument
- conditions: normalize redhat name
- system discover: default to shy
- database: create user with grant options
- service.init: daemon-reload based on loader only and not
- disable repo test for archlinux, ubuntu test environment
- tools.repo: add tools action to push repo file for packet manager closes #104
- file.types.yum_repo: add action to write repo file to yum format
- file.ini: complete rewrite and add source options support
- misc.ini.stringify: add escape option
- misc.regexp.esace: add example
- startup: improve error message
- misc.db: surround password by quotes
- misc.db: engine, host and username now required
- misc.db: cmd now optianal, stronger argument parsing
- properties: status detection based on diff
- properties: new comment option #103
- conditions: new if_os and unless_os #102
- ini: fix header, dont pass options to write
- options: handle user home in source and target #101
- uid_gid: fix intrusive determination of gid #100
- chown: name as main argument
- user.remove: new action #99
- system.user: isolate and refactor #98
- ssh root: fix log messages
- docker: latest node 6.10.1
- tempfs: remove unused dependencies
- group: write tests #97
- group.remove: new action #96
- group: isolate and refactor #95
- ssh.root: improve logs
- ini: detect platform if local otherwise unix styles #94
- cson: new file writer #93
- execute: support sudo #92
- service: re-introduce outdated and installed options
- context: fix error message for unregistered middleware
- service.startup: update-rc support for ubuntu #91
- service startup: refactoring and chroot support #90
- pacman_conf: target default path and rootdir support #89
- locale_gen: new file types action #88
- file: fix log information #87
- src: enforce line ending with git #83
- service: support arch-chroot in install, start, status, stop #86
- user: support arch-chroot #85
- execute: suport arch-chroot commands #84
- execute: option dirty leave temp file as is #82
- service: support pacman #81
- travis: test with node 7 #80
- misc.glob: only used command #79
- service: split activation between install & start #78
- service: throw err if loader not detected #77
- test: fix creation of test config file #76
- docker: test against archlinux #73
- system.execute: bash explicitly defined by its option #75
- file: support pacman conf #74
- service: remove all ref to and rewrite all this mess #72
- backup: start complete rewrite #71
- debug: print stdin and better filter on printable logs #70
- docker: clean up node.js downloaded archive #69
- system discover: support oracle and cache not enabled by default #68
- docker rh: pass hash test by installing openssl #67
- docker ubuntu: install java to support tests #66
- misc.file.hash: support for sha256 digest #65
- kv: shared key/value store with events #64
- tempfs: fix test when not executed on centos #63
- samples: update mkdir #62
- test: fix travis #60
- execute: execute a file in bash if target #61
- execute: move to system namespace #59
- cache: move to file namespace #58
- package: clean lib before coffee generation #57
- compress: code simplification #56
- compress: move to tools namespace #55
- backup: move to tools namespace #54
- registry: api documentation #53
- deprecate: new function honoring Node.js native usage #52
- extract: move to system namespace #51
- file.assert: honor option error with exist, hash and mode #50
- file.assert: new option not #49
- remove: move to system namespace #48
- file.assert: validate file mode #47
- file.assert: validate signature with sha1 and md5 #46
- copy: move to system namespace #45
- link: move to system namespace #44
- git: move to tools namespace #43
- move: move to file namespace #42
- render: move to file namespace #41
- src: normalize titles #40
- wait: rename wait/time to wait #39
- touch: move to system namespace #38
- mkdir: move to system namespace #37
- cgroups: move to system namespace #36
- chmod: move to system namespace #35
- chown: move to system namespace #34
- group: move to system namespace #33
- user: move to system namespace #32
- iptables: move to tools namespace #31
- conditions: more descriptive message #30
- package: rename to nikita #29
- changelog: time to be serious #28
- package: fix bug and repo url #27
- disable: Introduce new option "disable" #26
Not imported!