Welcome to the ACBrugs API, a RESTful service designed to manage a digital portfolio of rugs. This API allows for operations related to rug collections and user authentication, ensuring a dynamic and responsive web application.
The API is currently hosted at https://api.acbrugs.com and is powered by Node.js with Express, using MongoDB for data persistence.
All API requests should be made to the base URL: https://api.acbrugs.com
- RESTful API: Supports full CRUD operations for rugs and rug types.
- Data Modeling: Node.js models define data structures and validate interactions.
- Security: Middleware ensures authenticated access and protects endpoints.
- Image Management: Cloudinary integration for high-quality image uploads and storage.
- Utilities: Common functions, such as JWT authentication, are abstracted for cleaner code.
Below you will find a structured documentation of all the available API endpoints, their methods, required parameters, and access restrictions.
- Retrieves a list of all rugs available in the portfolio.
- Access: Public
- Creates a new rug entry in the database.
- Access: Admin only
- Retrieves all rugs filtered by a specific type.
- Parameters:
(URL parameter) - Access: Public
- Fetches a single rug based on its ID.
- Parameters:
(URL parameter) - Access: Public
- Updates the details of an existing rug.
- Parameters:
(URL parameter) - Access: Admin only
- Removes a rug entry from the database.
- Parameters:
(URL parameter) - Access: Admin only
- Retrieves a list of all rug types.
- Access: Public
- Adds a new rug type to the collection.
- Access: Admin only
- Fetches a single rug type based on its ID.
- Parameters:
(URL parameter) - Access: Public
- Updates information for an existing rug type.
- Parameters:
(URL parameter) - Access: Admin only
- Deletes a rug type from the database.
- Parameters:
(URL parameter) - Access: Admin only
- Registers a new user to the platform.
- Access: Public
- Authenticates a user and establishes a session.
- Access: Public
- Ends the user's session and logs them out.
- Access: Public
The API uses middleware for authentication (protect
) and role-based access control (restrictToAdmin
). These ensure that certain actions can only be performed by authenticated users with admin privileges.
All endpoints return JSON formatted responses. Successful requests typically return a 200 OK
status code along with the requested data or confirmation of action. Failed requests will return appropriate error messages and status codes, such as 401 Unauthorized
for access control violations or 404 Not Found
for invalid resource requests.
We welcome contributions from the community. If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome.
The code in this project is licensed under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.
Thank you for visiting the ACBrugs Portfolio Website repository. For any queries or support, reach out to the project maintainers.