A great mini project for your portfolio could be an "Online Donation Platform."
- User Registration/Login: Simple authentication system for users to sign up and log in.
- Donation Campaigns: Create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) donation campaigns with details like title, description, goal amount, and deadline.
- Payment Integration: Implement an Iranian payment method (like Zarinpal) for users to make donations.
- Live Donation Tracker: Display real-time updates of total donations received for each campaign using Laravel Livewire.
- Admin Dashboard: Admin panel for managing campaigns and viewing donation statistics.
- En (English)
- Fa (فارسی)
- Laravel
- React
- TailwindCSS
- Vite
- Docker docker-compose.yml Docker File
- Nginx config file
- Clone this project
git clone /~https://github.com/abolraj/laravel-react-donation
- Goto root directory
cd laravel-react-donation
- Install back-end dependencies with composer
composer install
- Install front-end dependencies with npm
npm install
- Copy .env.example to .env
- Set needed configs for database,app,etc. in .env
- Create tables and make database ready to use
php artisan migrate
- [Development mode] Serve a host for front-end
npm run dev
- [Production mode] Serve a host for front-end
npm run build
- Serve a host for backend
php artisan serve
- READY !!!!
if you want use docker & nginx webserveras hosting system
You can check relevant files
Nginx config default.conf
Docker compose config docker-compose.yml
Docker build file DockerFile
- Docker must be installed and ready to use
- build image from DockerFile
docker compose up --build -d