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76 lines (57 loc) · 5.92 KB

File metadata and controls

76 lines (57 loc) · 5.92 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Backend: Hardened configuration of actuator and improved configuration documentation around it
  • Backend: Include H2 in-memory database only when using bootRun (Gradle: developmentOnly) and not when deploying as it is only for local development. Real database drivers (e.g. postgres JDBC) for production should be included using implementation.
  • Backend: Configure HTTP Security Header permission policy with .permissionsPolicyHeader as .permissionPolicy is deprecated
  • Backend: Spring Boot 3.4.3, Spring Modulith 1.3.2, Hibernate 6.6.8.Final
  • Backend: Gradle Plugins: Spring Dependency Plugin 1.1.7, Spotless 7.0.2, CycloneDX 2.1.0, Ben Names Update Plugin 0.52.0
  • Backend: Build tool Gradle 8.12, BouncyCastle 1.80
  • Backend: OIDC: Support extraction of claims from IdToken, EndUser Endpoint and end user attributes. Claims are converted to Granted Authorities (roles) thart can natively be used in Spring for authorizing access
  • Frontend: Angular 19.1.1
  • Container: Remove JDK parameter for generational ZGC as it will be anyway the only possible in upcoming JDKs.

[0.0.8] - 2024-12-23


[0.0.7] - 2024-11-20


  • Backend: Update to Gradle 8.11.1, Gradle Plugin CycloneDX 1.10.0, Dependencies: H2 2.3.232, Hibernate 6.6.1.Final, Spring Boot 3.3.4, Spring Modulith 1.2.3
  • Backend: Automated redirect from HTTP to HTTPs using requireChannel/requireSecure in SpringBoot for any request. Note: This is complementary to a content-security-policy (CSP) with upgrade-insecure-requests. Both should be used.
  • Frontend: Documentation: Change links to the new web page
  • Frontend: Update Angular 19.0.0
  • Frontend: add support for Typedoc

[0.0.6] - 2024-07-23



[0.0.5] - 2024-06-24


  • Backend: Make options for CSP script-src and style-src nonce more configurable. See documentation.


[0.0.4] - 2024-06-15



  • Backend: Change content security policy (CSP) to use upgrade-insecure-requests, because block-all-mixed-content has been deprecated.
  • Backend: Refactor SecurityConfiguration to avoid redundant code
  • Backend/Frontend: CSP remove unsafe-inline from script-src and style-src and replace it with a nonce-based security mechanism. This includes in the Backend a filter that inejcts the nonce in the headers when requesting the Angular root component ("/") or directly an Angular frontend component ("/ui/*).

[0.0.3] - 2024-05-25


  • Backend: Updated Spring Boot to 3.3.0, Spring Modulith 1.2.0, Hibernate 6.5.2.Final, Disruptor 4.0.0
  • Frontend: Upgrade to Angular 18

[0.0.2] - 2024-04-22


  • Backend: Updated Spring Boot to 3.2.5, Bouncycastle to 1.78.1

[0.0.1] - 2024-03-30


  • Initial version of the application with documentation