The project is completely open to the public, accepting new contributions from other developers with the intention of always being a pleasant and better environment to work in, with functions aimed at incredible improvements to help the entire community. If you're willing to spare some of your time to help with the project, read the rules below to get a general idea of how to work here.
When opening a PR, make sure your branch targets the most recent master branch. Also make sure your branch is externalized with the target branch to avoid unnecessary surprises.
For a safe and consolidated environment to work in, only changes that do not greatly interfere with the project versions are accepted, that is, they make small patch
and minor
changes, without creating a major version or anything like that. If this involves removing properties that already exist in the project, remember to use the attribute of OBSOLETE so as not to cause cascading effects. After a certain time, your PR will be analyzed, and you may have a chance to join the project or be rejected.
When opening issues, make sure the title reflects the purpose of the issue or pull request. Prefer the past tense and be brief. A more detailed description pertains to the edition or PR. Remember to tag your issue appropriately for better accessibility.
It is important that your commitments accurately describe any changes you make. It may contain a brief description of what was done.
Remember that, when creating a new class, it is important to add the R34 prefix to the beginning of its name, this is done for a better separation of the API codes.