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616 lines (579 loc) · 20.5 KB

File metadata and controls

616 lines (579 loc) · 20.5 KB

Manual test plan

**Every keyboard shortcut that is not a single key should be attempted in and out of a text box.**

Document functions

  1. Clear

    1. Open clear dialog with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Ctrl+N in standalone window
      3. Alt+F,N in standalone window
    2. Fail to open clear dialog in tab with Ctrl+N
    3. X out of clear dialog
    4. Cancel clear dialog
    5. Clear canvas from clear dialog
    6. Fail to clear canvas without confirmation in tab with Ctrl+Shift+N
    7. Clear canvas without confirmation with:
      1. Ctrl+Shift+N in standalone window
      2. Alt+I,C in standalone window
  2. Open

    1. Open the open dialog with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Ctrl+O
      3. Cmd+O on Apple device
      4. Alt+F,O in standalone window
    2. Cancel the open dialog
    3. Open a file with:
      1. The open dialog
      2. Drag and drop from the file browser
      3. Drag and drop from another webpage
      4. Open with PaintZ from the file browser (if supported)
      5. Share to PaintZ from system share function (if supported)
  3. Save

    1. Open save dialog with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Ctrl+S
      3. Cmd+S on Apple device
      4. Alt+F,S in standalone window
      5. Alt+F,A in standalone window
    2. X out of save dialog
    3. Cancel save dialog
    4. Type a file name with .jpg/.jpeg/.jfif file extension while the dialog is set to JPEG
    5. Type a file name with .jpg/.jpeg/.jfif file extension while the dialog is set to PNG
    6. Type a file name with .png file extension while the dialog is set to JPEG
    7. Type a file name with .png file extension while the dialog is set to PNG
    8. Type a file name with a different image file extension while the dialog is set to JPEG
    9. Type a file name with a different image file extension while the dialog is set to PNG
    10. Type a file name with a period at the end of the file name while the dialog is set to JPEG
    11. Type a file name with a period at the end of the file name while the dialog is set to PNG
    12. Save as a JPEG
    13. Save as a PNG
    14. Share as a JPEG OR confirm share button is disabled if unsupported
    15. Share as a PNG OR confirm share button is disabled if unsupported
    16. Share (if supported) with dialog closed in standalone window with Alt+F,E
    17. Share (if supported) with dialog closed in standalone window with Alt+F,D
  4. Print

    1. Print with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Ctrl+P
      3. Browser print command
      4. Alt+F,V in standalone window
      5. Alt+F,P in standalone window
      6. Alt+F,R,P in standalone window
      7. Alt+F,R,V in standalone window
  5. Undo/redo

    1. Undo with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Ctrl+Z
      3. Cmd+Z on Apple device
      4. Alt+E,U in standalone window
    2. Redo with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Ctrl+Y
      3. Ctrl+Shift+Z
      4. Cmd+Y on Apple device
      5. Cmd+Shift+Z on Apple device
      6. Alt+E,R in standalone window
  6. Resize

    1. Open resize dialog with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Bottom bar button
      3. Ctrl+E
      4. Cmd+E on Apple device
      5. Alt+I,A in standalone window
      6. Alt+H,R,E in standalone window
    2. X out of resize dialog
    3. Cancel resize dialog
    4. Change the percentage width without mantaining aspect ratio
    5. Change the percentage width with maintaining aspect ratio
    6. Change the percentage height without mantaining aspect ratio
    7. Change the percentage height with maintaining aspect ratio
    8. Crop smaller to percentage
    9. Crop larger to percentage
    10. Scale down to percentage
    11. Scale up to percentage
    12. Repeat steps iv-xi with pixel dimensions
    13. Repeat steps iv-xi with centimeter dimensions, confirming correct conversion for 300 DPI
    14. Repeat steps iv-xi with inch dimensions, confirming correct conversion for 300 DPI
    15. Reset input dimensions by switching from percentage to pixel dimensions and vice versa
  7. Paste

    1. Paste image data with:
      1. Toolbar button (OR receive message if unsupported)
      2. Browser paste command
      3. Browser keyboard shortcut(s) (Ctrl+V, Cmd+V, Shift+Insert)
      4. Alt+E,P in standalone window
      5. Alt+H,V,P in standalone window
    2. Repeat step i with non-image data on the clipboard and have it ignored
    3. Paste image data while zoomed in
    4. “Paste from” a file with:
      1. Alt+clicking toolbar button
      2. Right-clicking toolbar button
      3. Long-pressing toolbar button
      4. Ctrl+Alt+V
      5. Cmd+Alt+V on Apple device
      6. Alt+E,F in standalone window
      7. Alt+H,V,F in standalone window
  8. Zoom

    1. Zoom to arbitrary percentage
    2. Focus zoom text field in standalone window with Alt+V,Z,U
    3. Zoom in and out with slider
    4. Zoom in with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Ctrl+Alt+=
      3. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+= (Ctrl+Alt++)
      4. Cmd+Opt+= on Apple device
      5. Cmd+Opt+Shift+= (Cmd+Opt++) on Apple device
      6. Ctrl+PgUp in standalone window
      7. Alt+V,I in standalone window
      8. Ctrl+MouseWheelUp while the cursor is over the canvas
      9. Touchpad pinch zoom in while the cursor is over the canvas
    5. Zoom out with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Ctrl+Alt+-
      3. Cmd+Opt+- on Apple device
      4. Ctrl+PgDn in standalone window
      5. Alt+V,O in standalone window
      6. Ctrl+MouseWheelDown while the cursor is over the canvas
      7. Touchpad pinch zoom out while the cursor is over the canvas
    6. Fail to zoom in in tab with Ctrl+PgUp
    7. Fail to zoom out in tab with Ctrl+PgDn
    8. Zoom to 400% in standalone window with Alt+V,Z,L
    9. Reset zoom to 100% with:
      1. Ctrl+Alt+0
      2. Cmd+Opt+0 on Apple device
      3. Alt+V,Z,N in standalone window
      4. Alt+V,M in standalone window
    10. Confirm regular browser page zoom occurs with:
      1. Ctrl+= and Ctrl+-
      2. Ctrl+MouseWheel while the cursor is over the top and bottom toolbars
      3. Touchpad pinch zoom while the cursor is over the top and bottom toolbars


  1. Pencil tool

    1. Select tool with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. P key
      3. Alt+H,P in standalone window
    2. Draw with line color with:
      1. Left click
      2. Single-point touch
    3. Draw with fill color right click
    4. Draw after changing line color
    5. Draw after changing fill color
    6. Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
    7. Undo drawing
  2. Brush/doodle tool

    1. Select tool with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. B key
      3. Alt+H,B in standalone window
    2. Draw with line color with:
      1. Left click
      2. Single-point touch
    3. Draw with fill color with right click
    4. Draw after changing line color
    5. Draw after changing fill color
    6. Draw after changing line width
    7. Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
      • (At time of writing, it will affect the entire path)
    8. Increase and decrease the line width with [ and ] while drawing
      • (At time of writing, it will affect the entire path)
    9. Undo drawing
    10. Confirm cursor changes after increasing line width with:
      1. Toolbar menu
      2. ] key
      3. Alt+H,S,Z in standalone window
    11. Confirm cursor changes after decreasing line width with:
      1. Toolbar menu
      2. ] key
      3. Alt+H,S,Z in standalone window
  3. Airbrush tool

    1. Select tool with toolbar button
    2. Draw with line color with:
      1. Left click
      2. Single-point touch
    3. Draw with fill color right click
    4. Draw after changing line color
    5. Draw after changing fill color
    6. Draw after changing line width
    7. Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
    8. Increase and decrease the line width with [ and ] while drawing
    9. Undo drawing
  4. Line tool

    1. Select tool with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. L key
      3. Alt+H,S,H in standalone window
    2. Draw with line color with:
      1. Left click
      2. Single-point touch
    3. Draw with fill color with right click
    4. Draw after changing line color
    5. Draw after changing fill color
    6. Draw after changing line width
    7. Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
    8. Increase and decrease the line width with [ and ] while drawing
    9. Undo drawing
  5. Curve tool

    1. Select tool with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. C key
    2. Draw with line color with:
      1. Left click
      2. Single-point touch
    3. Draw with fill color with right click
    4. Switch line and fill colors by switching left- and right-clicking for successive points
    5. Draw after changing line color
    6. Draw after changing fill color
    7. Draw after changing line width
    8. Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
    9. Increase and decrease the line width with [ and ] while drawing
    10. Change the line color between adding control points
    11. Change the fill color between adding control points
    12. Increase and decrease the line width between adding control points
    13. Draw an initial line and change tools
    14. Draw a curve with 1 control point and change tools
    15. Draw an initial line < 1px long and confirm it gets aborted
    16. Undo drawing
  6. Rectangle tool

    1. Select tool with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. R key
    2. Draw with line color with:
      1. Left click
      2. Single-point touch
    3. Draw with fill color with right click
    4. Draw with line only
    5. Draw with fill only
    6. Draw with line and fill
    7. Draw after changing line color
    8. Draw after changing fill color
    9. Draw after changing line width
    10. Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
    11. Increase and decrease the line width with [ and ] while drawing
    12. Draw square by holding Shift while drawing
    13. Draw from center by holding Ctrl while drawing
    14. Draw square from center by holding Ctrl+Shift while drawing
    15. Draw from center on Apple device by holding Cmd while drawing
    16. Draw square from center on Apple device by holding Cmd+Shift while drawing
    17. Undo drawing
  7. Rounded rectangle tool

    1. Perform steps 14.ii. through 14.xvii.
    2. Confirm corner radius increases to equal line width when line with exceeds 8px.
  8. Oval tool

    1. Select tool with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. O key
    2. Draw with line color with:
      1. Left click
      2. Single-point touch
    3. Draw with fill with right click
    4. Draw with line only
    5. Draw with fill only
    6. Draw with line and fill
    7. Draw after changing line color
    8. Draw after changing fill color
    9. Draw after changing line width
    10. Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
    11. Increase and decrease the line width with [ and ] while drawing
    12. Draw circle by holding Shift while drawing
    13. Draw from center by holding Ctrl while drawing
    14. Draw circle from center by holding Ctrl+Shift while drawing
    15. Draw from center on Apple device by holding Cmd while drawing
    16. Draw circle from center on Apple device by holding Cmd+Shift while drawing
    17. Undo drawing
  9. Polygon tool

    1. Select tool with toolbar button
    2. Draw with line color with:
      1. Left click
      2. Single-point touch
    3. Draw with fill with right click
    4. Switch drawing with line and fill colors by switching left- and right-clicking for successive vertices
    5. Draw with line only
    6. Draw with fill only
    7. Draw with line and fill
    8. Confirm the first line in fill only mode is the inverse of the colors below it, and then disappears when further vertices are added
    9. Draw after changing line color
    10. Draw after changing fill color
    11. Draw after changing line width
    12. Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
    13. Increase and decrease the line width with [ and ] while drawing
    14. Change the line color between adding vertices
    15. Change the fill color between adding vertices
    16. Increase and decrease the line width between adding vertices
    17. Switch outline/fill mode between adding vertices.
    18. Draw a polygon with 3 or more vertices and close it by clicking on the starting point
    19. Draw a polygon with 3 or more vertices and close it by double-clicking
    20. Draw a polygon with 3 or more vertices and close it by changing tools
    21. Draw an initial line in line only or line and fill mode and change tools
    22. Draw an initial line in fill only mode and change tools
    23. Draw an initial line < 5px long and confirm it gets aborted
    24. Undo drawing
  10. Pan/hand tool

    1. Select tool with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. H key
    2. Pan with:
      1. Left click
      2. Single-point touch
  11. Rectangular selection tool

    1. Select tool with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. S key
      3. Alt+I,F in standalone window
      4. Alt+H,S,E,R in standalone window
    2. Rotate image counterclockwise with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Alt+H,R,O,L in standalone window
    3. Rotate image clockwise with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Alt+H,R,O,R in standalone window
    4. Rotate image 180° in standalone window with Alt+H,R,O,T
    5. Flip image horizontally with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Alt+H,R,O,H in standalone window
    6. Flip image vertically with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Alt+H,R,O,V in standalone window
    7. Select region with:
      1. Left click
      2. Single-point touch
    8. Select all with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Ctrl+A
      3. Alt+E,A in standalone window
      4. Alt+H,S,E,A in standalone window
    9. Rotate selection counterclockwise with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Alt+H,R,O,L in standalone window
    10. Rotate selection clockwise with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Alt+H,R,O,R in standalone window
    11. Rotate selection 180° in standalone window with Alt+H,R,O,T
    12. Flip selection horizontally with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Alt+H,R,O,H in standalone window
    13. Flip selection vertically with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Alt+H,R,O,V in standalone window
    14. Move selection with:
      1. Left click
      2. Single-point touch
      3. Arrow keys
    15. Move selection while holding Shift to use trail mode
    16. Move selection while holding Ctrl to use stamp mode
    17. Resize selection smaller with each of the 8 resize handles
    18. Resize selection larger with each of the 8 resize handles
    19. Hold Shift during steps xvii-xviii and confirm aspect ratio is maintained while Shift is held
    20. Hold Ctrl during steps xvii-xviii and confirm selection gets resized about its center
    21. Repeat steps ix-xvi after resizing
    22. Repeat steps vii-xvii in transparent selection mode
    23. Change fill color between transparent selections
    24. Change fill color with an active transparent selection
    25. Erase selection with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Delete key
      3. Backspace key
      4. Alt+E,L in standalone window
      5. Alt+H,S,E,D
    26. Duplicate selection with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Ctrl+D
    27. Cancel selection with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Esc key
    28. Crop to selection with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Alt+H,R,P in standalone window
    29. Stamp the selection by Ctrl+dragging
    30. Leave a trail of the selection by Shift+dragging
    31. Undo after each of steps ii-xxvi
    32. Zoom in/out with an active selection
    33. Duplicate a selection while zoomed in
  12. Freeform selection tool

    1. Select tool with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. F key
      3. Alt+H,S,E,F in standalone window
    2. Repeat steps 17.ii-17.xxxiii with the freeform selection tool
  13. Eraser tool

    1. Select tool with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. E key
    2. Draw with fill color with:
      1. Left click
      2. Single-point touch
    3. Draw with line color with right click
    4. Draw after changing line color
    5. Draw after changing fill color
    6. Draw after changing line width
    7. Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
      • (At time of writing, it will affect the entire path)
    8. Increase and decrease the line width with [ and ] while drawing
    9. Undo drawing
    10. Confirm cursor changes after increasing line width with:
      1. Toolbar menu
      2. ] key
      3. Alt+H,S,Z in standalone window
    11. Confirm cursor changes after decreasing line width with:
      1. Toolbar menu
      2. ] key
      3. Alt+H,S,Z in standalone window
    12. Confirm cursor changes after swapping line and fill colors with:
      1. Right-clicking current colors
      2. Long-pressing current colors
      3. X key
  14. Flood fill tool

    1. Select tool with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. K key
      3. Alt+H,K in standalone window
    2. Fill with line color with:
      1. Left click
      2. Single-point touch
    3. Fill with fill color with right click
  15. Color picker/eyedropper tool

    1. Select tool with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. I key
      3. Alt+H,D in standalone window
    2. Select line color with:
      1. Left click
      2. Single-point touch
    3. Select fill color with right click
  16. Text tool

    1. Select tool with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. T key
      3. Alt+H,T in standalone window
    2. Type text in
    3. Paste rich text in
    4. Confirm local font option is not shown in unsupported browser
    5. Enable local font access in supported browser
    6. Change font between text boxes with:
      1. Toolbar menu
      2. Alt+T,F,F in standalone window
    7. Change text size between text boxes with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Alt+T,F,S in standalone window
    8. Toggle bold between text boxes with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Ctrl+B
      3. Cmd+B on Apple device
      4. Alt+T,F,B in standalone window
    9. Toggle italics between text boxes with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Ctrl+I
      3. Cmd+I on Apple device
      4. Alt+T,F,I in standalone window
    10. Toggle underline between text boxes with: 1. Toolbar button 2. Ctrl+U 3. Cmd+U on Apple device 4. Alt+T,F,U in standalone window
    11. Toggle strikethorugh between text boxes with: 1. Toolbar button 2. Alt+Shift+5 3. Alt+T,F,X in standalone window
    12. Toggle opaque background between text boxes with:
      1. Toolbar buttons
      2. Alt+I,D in standalone window
      3. Alt+T,O/Alt+T,T in standalone window
    13. Change line color between text boxes
    14. Change fill color between text boxes
    15. Repeat steps vi-xiv while in a text box
    16. Zoom in/out with an active text box
    17. Resize text box smaller with each of the 8 resize handles
    18. Resize text box larger with each of the 8 resize handles
    19. Rasterize text by:
      1. Selecting the canvas outside the text box
      2. Changing tools
      3. Ctrl+Enter

Color picker

  1. Toolbar palette

    1. Set the line color with:
      1. Left click
      2. Touch
    2. Set the fill color with:
      1. Right click
      2. Alt+click
      3. Long press
  2. Color picker dialog

    1. Open color picker dialog with:
      1. Toolbar button (current colors)
      2. Alt+C,E in standalone window
      3. Alt+H,E,C in standalone window
      4. Alt+T,E,C in standalone window
    2. X out of color picker dialog
    3. Cancel color picker dialog
    4. Set color by hex
    5. Set color by HSL
    6. Set color by RGB
    7. Set color with visual picker
    8. Swap colors with button in dialog

PaintZ actions

  1. Full screen

    1. Open with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Ctrl+F11 when PWA installed (in tab or standalone window)
      3. Alt+V,V in standalone window
      4. Alt+V,F in standalone window
  2. Settings

    1. Open settings dialog with toolbar button
    2. X out of settings dialog
    3. Cancel settings dialog
    4. Set theme to default with no system override
    5. Set theme to dark with no system override
    6. Set theme to light with no system override
    7. Set theme to default with system override
    8. Set theme to light with system override
    9. Set color palette to Material
    10. Set color palette to Windows Classic
    11. Set color palette to Windows 7
    12. Turn gridlines on
    13. Turn gridlines off
    14. Toggle gridlines with dialog closed with:
      1. Ctrl+G
      2. Alt+V,Z,G in standalone window
      3. Alt+V,G in standalone window
    15. Turn semi-transparent drawing previews on and draw something
    16. Turn semi-transparent drawing previews off and draw something
    17. Turn smooth edges (anti-aliasing) on and draw something
    18. Turn smooth edges (anti-aliasing) off and draw something
    19. Set maximum undo levels to 3, draw some things, and try to undo/redo
    20. Set maximum undo levels to 5, draw some things, and try to undo/redo
    21. Reset settings to defaults
  3. About

    1. Open about dialog with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. Alt+H,A in standalone window
      3. Alt+F,T in standalone window
    2. X out of about dialog
    3. Close out of about dialog
    4. Open each link
  4. Help

    1. Open help dialog with:
      1. Toolbar button
      2. F11 key
      3. Alt+H,H in standalone window
      4. Alt+Y in standalone window
    2. X out of help dialog
    3. Close out of help dialog
  5. Keyboard shortcuts

    1. Open keyboard shortcuts dialog with Shift+/ (?)
    2. Open keyboard shortcuts dialog with Ctrl+Shift+/ (Ctrl+?)
    3. X out of keyboard shortcuts dialog
    4. Close out of keyboard shortcuts dialog
    5. Open MS Paint access keys reference dialog with Ctrl+Alt+Shift+/ (Ctrl+Alt+?)
    6. X out of MS Paint access keys reference dialog
    7. Close out of MS Paint access keys reference dialog
  6. Long-use prompts

    1. Confirm installation prompt appears after saving your 10th images
    2. Confirm Ko-fi prompt appears after saving your 50th image
    3. Confirm rating prompt appears after saving your 100th image
    4. Confirm Patreon prompt appears after saving your 500th image
    • (You can force the save count by running settings.set('saveCount', n), where n is any number.)
  7. General interface

    1. Scroll toolbar horizontally in narrow window with Shift+scroll
    2. Scroll toolbar horizontally in narrow window with vertical scroll
    3. Scroll toolbar horizontally in narrow window with touch
    4. Confirm dimensions and pointer coordinates shown on bottom bar in wide window
    5. Confirm dimensions and pointer coordinates hidden in narrow window
    6. Confirm MS Paint access keys do not work in tab