**Every keyboard shortcut that is not a single key should be attempted in and out of a text box.**
- Open clear dialog with:
- Toolbar button
- Ctrl+N in standalone window
- Alt+F,N in standalone window
- Fail to open clear dialog in tab with Ctrl+N
- X out of clear dialog
- Cancel clear dialog
- Clear canvas from clear dialog
- Fail to clear canvas without confirmation in tab with Ctrl+Shift+N
- Clear canvas without confirmation with:
- Ctrl+Shift+N in standalone window
- Alt+I,C in standalone window
- Open clear dialog with:
- Open the open dialog with:
- Toolbar button
- Ctrl+O
- Cmd+O on Apple device
- Alt+F,O in standalone window
- Cancel the open dialog
- Open a file with:
- The open dialog
- Drag and drop from the file browser
- Drag and drop from another webpage
- Open with PaintZ from the file browser (if supported)
- Share to PaintZ from system share function (if supported)
- Open the open dialog with:
- Open save dialog with:
- Toolbar button
- Ctrl+S
- Cmd+S on Apple device
- Alt+F,S in standalone window
- Alt+F,A in standalone window
- X out of save dialog
- Cancel save dialog
- Type a file name with .jpg/.jpeg/.jfif file extension while the dialog is set to JPEG
- Type a file name with .jpg/.jpeg/.jfif file extension while the dialog is set to PNG
- Type a file name with .png file extension while the dialog is set to JPEG
- Type a file name with .png file extension while the dialog is set to PNG
- Type a file name with a different image file extension while the dialog is set to JPEG
- Type a file name with a different image file extension while the dialog is set to PNG
- Type a file name with a period at the end of the file name while the dialog is set to JPEG
- Type a file name with a period at the end of the file name while the dialog is set to PNG
- Save as a JPEG
- Save as a PNG
- Share as a JPEG OR confirm share button is disabled if unsupported
- Share as a PNG OR confirm share button is disabled if unsupported
- Share (if supported) with dialog closed in standalone window with Alt+F,E
- Share (if supported) with dialog closed in standalone window with Alt+F,D
- Open save dialog with:
- Print with:
- Toolbar button
- Ctrl+P
- Browser print command
- Alt+F,V in standalone window
- Alt+F,P in standalone window
- Alt+F,R,P in standalone window
- Alt+F,R,V in standalone window
- Print with:
- Undo with:
- Toolbar button
- Ctrl+Z
- Cmd+Z on Apple device
- Alt+E,U in standalone window
- Redo with:
- Toolbar button
- Ctrl+Y
- Ctrl+Shift+Z
- Cmd+Y on Apple device
- Cmd+Shift+Z on Apple device
- Alt+E,R in standalone window
- Undo with:
- Open resize dialog with:
- Toolbar button
- Bottom bar button
- Ctrl+E
- Cmd+E on Apple device
- Alt+I,A in standalone window
- Alt+H,R,E in standalone window
- X out of resize dialog
- Cancel resize dialog
- Change the percentage width without mantaining aspect ratio
- Change the percentage width with maintaining aspect ratio
- Change the percentage height without mantaining aspect ratio
- Change the percentage height with maintaining aspect ratio
- Crop smaller to percentage
- Crop larger to percentage
- Scale down to percentage
- Scale up to percentage
- Repeat steps iv-xi with pixel dimensions
- Repeat steps iv-xi with centimeter dimensions, confirming correct conversion for 300 DPI
- Repeat steps iv-xi with inch dimensions, confirming correct conversion for 300 DPI
- Reset input dimensions by switching from percentage to pixel dimensions and vice versa
- Open resize dialog with:
- Paste image data with:
- Toolbar button (OR receive message if unsupported)
- Browser paste command
- Browser keyboard shortcut(s) (Ctrl+V, Cmd+V, Shift+Insert)
- Alt+E,P in standalone window
- Alt+H,V,P in standalone window
- Repeat step i with non-image data on the clipboard and have it ignored
- Paste image data while zoomed in
- “Paste from” a file with:
- Alt+clicking toolbar button
- Right-clicking toolbar button
- Long-pressing toolbar button
- Ctrl+Alt+V
- Cmd+Alt+V on Apple device
- Alt+E,F in standalone window
- Alt+H,V,F in standalone window
- Paste image data with:
- Zoom to arbitrary percentage
- Focus zoom text field in standalone window with Alt+V,Z,U
- Zoom in and out with slider
- Zoom in with:
- Toolbar button
- Ctrl+Alt+=
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+= (Ctrl+Alt++)
- Cmd+Opt+= on Apple device
- Cmd+Opt+Shift+= (Cmd+Opt++) on Apple device
- Ctrl+PgUp in standalone window
- Alt+V,I in standalone window
- Ctrl+MouseWheelUp while the cursor is over the canvas
- Touchpad pinch zoom in while the cursor is over the canvas
- Zoom out with:
- Toolbar button
- Ctrl+Alt+-
- Cmd+Opt+- on Apple device
- Ctrl+PgDn in standalone window
- Alt+V,O in standalone window
- Ctrl+MouseWheelDown while the cursor is over the canvas
- Touchpad pinch zoom out while the cursor is over the canvas
- Fail to zoom in in tab with Ctrl+PgUp
- Fail to zoom out in tab with Ctrl+PgDn
- Zoom to 400% in standalone window with Alt+V,Z,L
- Reset zoom to 100% with:
- Ctrl+Alt+0
- Cmd+Opt+0 on Apple device
- Alt+V,Z,N in standalone window
- Alt+V,M in standalone window
- Confirm regular browser page zoom occurs with:
- Ctrl+= and Ctrl+-
- Ctrl+MouseWheel while the cursor is over the top and bottom toolbars
- Touchpad pinch zoom while the cursor is over the top and bottom toolbars
Pencil tool
- Select tool with:
- Toolbar button
- P key
- Alt+H,P in standalone window
- Draw with line color with:
- Left click
- Single-point touch
- Draw with fill color right click
- Draw after changing line color
- Draw after changing fill color
- Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
- Undo drawing
- Select tool with:
Brush/doodle tool
- Select tool with:
- Toolbar button
- B key
- Alt+H,B in standalone window
- Draw with line color with:
- Left click
- Single-point touch
- Draw with fill color with right click
- Draw after changing line color
- Draw after changing fill color
- Draw after changing line width
- Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
- (At time of writing, it will affect the entire path)
- Increase and decrease the line width with [ and ] while drawing
- (At time of writing, it will affect the entire path)
- Undo drawing
- Confirm cursor changes after increasing line width with:
- Toolbar menu
- ] key
- Alt+H,S,Z in standalone window
- Confirm cursor changes after decreasing line width with:
- Toolbar menu
- ] key
- Alt+H,S,Z in standalone window
- Select tool with:
Airbrush tool
- Select tool with toolbar button
- Draw with line color with:
- Left click
- Single-point touch
- Draw with fill color right click
- Draw after changing line color
- Draw after changing fill color
- Draw after changing line width
- Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
- Increase and decrease the line width with [ and ] while drawing
- Undo drawing
Line tool
- Select tool with:
- Toolbar button
- L key
- Alt+H,S,H in standalone window
- Draw with line color with:
- Left click
- Single-point touch
- Draw with fill color with right click
- Draw after changing line color
- Draw after changing fill color
- Draw after changing line width
- Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
- Increase and decrease the line width with [ and ] while drawing
- Undo drawing
- Select tool with:
Curve tool
- Select tool with:
- Toolbar button
- C key
- Draw with line color with:
- Left click
- Single-point touch
- Draw with fill color with right click
- Switch line and fill colors by switching left- and right-clicking for successive points
- Draw after changing line color
- Draw after changing fill color
- Draw after changing line width
- Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
- Increase and decrease the line width with [ and ] while drawing
- Change the line color between adding control points
- Change the fill color between adding control points
- Increase and decrease the line width between adding control points
- Draw an initial line and change tools
- Draw a curve with 1 control point and change tools
- Draw an initial line < 1px long and confirm it gets aborted
- Undo drawing
- Select tool with:
Rectangle tool
- Select tool with:
- Toolbar button
- R key
- Draw with line color with:
- Left click
- Single-point touch
- Draw with fill color with right click
- Draw with line only
- Draw with fill only
- Draw with line and fill
- Draw after changing line color
- Draw after changing fill color
- Draw after changing line width
- Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
- Increase and decrease the line width with [ and ] while drawing
- Draw square by holding Shift while drawing
- Draw from center by holding Ctrl while drawing
- Draw square from center by holding Ctrl+Shift while drawing
- Draw from center on Apple device by holding Cmd while drawing
- Draw square from center on Apple device by holding Cmd+Shift while drawing
- Undo drawing
- Select tool with:
Rounded rectangle tool
- Perform steps 14.ii. through 14.xvii.
- Confirm corner radius increases to equal line width when line with exceeds 8px.
Oval tool
- Select tool with:
- Toolbar button
- O key
- Draw with line color with:
- Left click
- Single-point touch
- Draw with fill with right click
- Draw with line only
- Draw with fill only
- Draw with line and fill
- Draw after changing line color
- Draw after changing fill color
- Draw after changing line width
- Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
- Increase and decrease the line width with [ and ] while drawing
- Draw circle by holding Shift while drawing
- Draw from center by holding Ctrl while drawing
- Draw circle from center by holding Ctrl+Shift while drawing
- Draw from center on Apple device by holding Cmd while drawing
- Draw circle from center on Apple device by holding Cmd+Shift while drawing
- Undo drawing
- Select tool with:
Polygon tool
- Select tool with toolbar button
- Draw with line color with:
- Left click
- Single-point touch
- Draw with fill with right click
- Switch drawing with line and fill colors by switching left- and right-clicking for successive vertices
- Draw with line only
- Draw with fill only
- Draw with line and fill
- Confirm the first line in fill only mode is the inverse of the colors below it, and then disappears when further vertices are added
- Draw after changing line color
- Draw after changing fill color
- Draw after changing line width
- Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
- Increase and decrease the line width with [ and ] while drawing
- Change the line color between adding vertices
- Change the fill color between adding vertices
- Increase and decrease the line width between adding vertices
- Switch outline/fill mode between adding vertices.
- Draw a polygon with 3 or more vertices and close it by clicking on the starting point
- Draw a polygon with 3 or more vertices and close it by double-clicking
- Draw a polygon with 3 or more vertices and close it by changing tools
- Draw an initial line in line only or line and fill mode and change tools
- Draw an initial line in fill only mode and change tools
- Draw an initial line < 5px long and confirm it gets aborted
- Undo drawing
Pan/hand tool
- Select tool with:
- Toolbar button
- H key
- Pan with:
- Left click
- Single-point touch
- Select tool with:
Rectangular selection tool
- Select tool with:
- Toolbar button
- S key
- Alt+I,F in standalone window
- Alt+H,S,E,R in standalone window
- Rotate image counterclockwise with:
- Toolbar button
- Alt+H,R,O,L in standalone window
- Rotate image clockwise with:
- Toolbar button
- Alt+H,R,O,R in standalone window
- Rotate image 180° in standalone window with Alt+H,R,O,T
- Flip image horizontally with:
- Toolbar button
- Alt+H,R,O,H in standalone window
- Flip image vertically with:
- Toolbar button
- Alt+H,R,O,V in standalone window
- Select region with:
- Left click
- Single-point touch
- Select all with:
- Toolbar button
- Ctrl+A
- Alt+E,A in standalone window
- Alt+H,S,E,A in standalone window
- Rotate selection counterclockwise with:
- Toolbar button
- Alt+H,R,O,L in standalone window
- Rotate selection clockwise with:
- Toolbar button
- Alt+H,R,O,R in standalone window
- Rotate selection 180° in standalone window with Alt+H,R,O,T
- Flip selection horizontally with:
- Toolbar button
- Alt+H,R,O,H in standalone window
- Flip selection vertically with:
- Toolbar button
- Alt+H,R,O,V in standalone window
- Move selection with:
- Left click
- Single-point touch
- Arrow keys
- Move selection while holding Shift to use trail mode
- Move selection while holding Ctrl to use stamp mode
- Resize selection smaller with each of the 8 resize handles
- Resize selection larger with each of the 8 resize handles
- Hold Shift during steps xvii-xviii and confirm aspect ratio is maintained while Shift is held
- Hold Ctrl during steps xvii-xviii and confirm selection gets resized about its center
- Repeat steps ix-xvi after resizing
- Repeat steps vii-xvii in transparent selection mode
- Change fill color between transparent selections
- Change fill color with an active transparent selection
- Erase selection with:
- Toolbar button
- Delete key
- Backspace key
- Alt+E,L in standalone window
- Alt+H,S,E,D
- Duplicate selection with:
- Toolbar button
- Ctrl+D
- Cancel selection with:
- Toolbar button
- Esc key
- Crop to selection with:
- Toolbar button
- Alt+H,R,P in standalone window
- Stamp the selection by Ctrl+dragging
- Leave a trail of the selection by Shift+dragging
- Undo after each of steps ii-xxvi
- Zoom in/out with an active selection
- Duplicate a selection while zoomed in
- Select tool with:
Freeform selection tool
- Select tool with:
- Toolbar button
- F key
- Alt+H,S,E,F in standalone window
- Repeat steps 17.ii-17.xxxiii with the freeform selection tool
- Select tool with:
Eraser tool
- Select tool with:
- Toolbar button
- E key
- Draw with fill color with:
- Left click
- Single-point touch
- Draw with line color with right click
- Draw after changing line color
- Draw after changing fill color
- Draw after changing line width
- Swap the line and fill colors with X while drawing
- (At time of writing, it will affect the entire path)
- Increase and decrease the line width with [ and ] while drawing
- Undo drawing
- Confirm cursor changes after increasing line width with:
- Toolbar menu
- ] key
- Alt+H,S,Z in standalone window
- Confirm cursor changes after decreasing line width with:
- Toolbar menu
- ] key
- Alt+H,S,Z in standalone window
- Confirm cursor changes after swapping line and fill colors with:
- Right-clicking current colors
- Long-pressing current colors
- X key
- Select tool with:
Flood fill tool
- Select tool with:
- Toolbar button
- K key
- Alt+H,K in standalone window
- Fill with line color with:
- Left click
- Single-point touch
- Fill with fill color with right click
- Select tool with:
Color picker/eyedropper tool
- Select tool with:
- Toolbar button
- I key
- Alt+H,D in standalone window
- Select line color with:
- Left click
- Single-point touch
- Select fill color with right click
- Select tool with:
Text tool
- Select tool with:
- Toolbar button
- T key
- Alt+H,T in standalone window
- Type text in
- Paste rich text in
- Confirm local font option is not shown in unsupported browser
- Enable local font access in supported browser
- Change font between text boxes with:
- Toolbar menu
- Alt+T,F,F in standalone window
- Change text size between text boxes with:
- Toolbar button
- Alt+T,F,S in standalone window
- Toggle bold between text boxes with:
- Toolbar button
- Ctrl+B
- Cmd+B on Apple device
- Alt+T,F,B in standalone window
- Toggle italics between text boxes with:
- Toolbar button
- Ctrl+I
- Cmd+I on Apple device
- Alt+T,F,I in standalone window
- Toggle underline between text boxes with: 1. Toolbar button 2. Ctrl+U 3. Cmd+U on Apple device 4. Alt+T,F,U in standalone window
- Toggle strikethorugh between text boxes with: 1. Toolbar button 2. Alt+Shift+5 3. Alt+T,F,X in standalone window
- Toggle opaque background between text boxes with:
- Toolbar buttons
- Alt+I,D in standalone window
- Alt+T,O/Alt+T,T in standalone window
- Change line color between text boxes
- Change fill color between text boxes
- Repeat steps vi-xiv while in a text box
- Zoom in/out with an active text box
- Resize text box smaller with each of the 8 resize handles
- Resize text box larger with each of the 8 resize handles
- Rasterize text by:
- Selecting the canvas outside the text box
- Changing tools
- Ctrl+Enter
- Select tool with:
Toolbar palette
- Set the line color with:
- Left click
- Touch
- Set the fill color with:
- Right click
- Alt+click
- Long press
- Set the line color with:
Color picker dialog
- Open color picker dialog with:
- Toolbar button (current colors)
- Alt+C,E in standalone window
- Alt+H,E,C in standalone window
- Alt+T,E,C in standalone window
- X out of color picker dialog
- Cancel color picker dialog
- Set color by hex
- Set color by HSL
- Set color by RGB
- Set color with visual picker
- Swap colors with button in dialog
- Open color picker dialog with:
Full screen
- Open with:
- Toolbar button
- Ctrl+F11 when PWA installed (in tab or standalone window)
- Alt+V,V in standalone window
- Alt+V,F in standalone window
- Open with:
- Open settings dialog with toolbar button
- X out of settings dialog
- Cancel settings dialog
- Set theme to default with no system override
- Set theme to dark with no system override
- Set theme to light with no system override
- Set theme to default with system override
- Set theme to light with system override
- Set color palette to Material
- Set color palette to Windows Classic
- Set color palette to Windows 7
- Turn gridlines on
- Turn gridlines off
- Toggle gridlines with dialog closed with:
- Ctrl+G
- Alt+V,Z,G in standalone window
- Alt+V,G in standalone window
- Turn semi-transparent drawing previews on and draw something
- Turn semi-transparent drawing previews off and draw something
- Turn smooth edges (anti-aliasing) on and draw something
- Turn smooth edges (anti-aliasing) off and draw something
- Set maximum undo levels to 3, draw some things, and try to undo/redo
- Set maximum undo levels to 5, draw some things, and try to undo/redo
- Reset settings to defaults
- Open about dialog with:
- Toolbar button
- Alt+H,A in standalone window
- Alt+F,T in standalone window
- X out of about dialog
- Close out of about dialog
- Open each link
- Open about dialog with:
- Open help dialog with:
- Toolbar button
- F11 key
- Alt+H,H in standalone window
- Alt+Y in standalone window
- X out of help dialog
- Close out of help dialog
- Open help dialog with:
Keyboard shortcuts
- Open keyboard shortcuts dialog with Shift+/ (?)
- Open keyboard shortcuts dialog with Ctrl+Shift+/ (Ctrl+?)
- X out of keyboard shortcuts dialog
- Close out of keyboard shortcuts dialog
- Open MS Paint access keys reference dialog with Ctrl+Alt+Shift+/ (Ctrl+Alt+?)
- X out of MS Paint access keys reference dialog
- Close out of MS Paint access keys reference dialog
Long-use prompts
- Confirm installation prompt appears after saving your 10th images
- Confirm Ko-fi prompt appears after saving your 50th image
- Confirm rating prompt appears after saving your 100th image
- Confirm Patreon prompt appears after saving your 500th image
- (You can force the save count by running
settings.set('saveCount', n)
, wheren
is any number.)
General interface
- Scroll toolbar horizontally in narrow window with Shift+scroll
- Scroll toolbar horizontally in narrow window with vertical scroll
- Scroll toolbar horizontally in narrow window with touch
- Confirm dimensions and pointer coordinates shown on bottom bar in wide window
- Confirm dimensions and pointer coordinates hidden in narrow window
- Confirm MS Paint access keys do not work in tab