Returns a list of available networks
"name": "Network 1",
"id": 1
}, {
Returns a list of available models for the specified network
"name": "Model 1 of Network 1",
"id": 1,
"description": "Some description",
"vocab": ["John", "table", "football", ...],
"samples": [{
"C": "some story",
"Q": "some question?"
}, ...],
"hyper_param1": 1,
}, {
Predicts the answer for the specified story and question
"story": "some story",
"question": "Where is football?"
- answer: the actual answer
- confidence: confidence of the predicted answer
- facts: array of extracted facts
- episodes: 2-dimensional array of episodes and attention values for each episode
"answer": "kitchen",
"confidence": "0.99999123",
"facts": ["fact1", "fact2", ... ],
"episodes": [
[0, 0.5, ...],
[1, 0, ...],