PowerShell Module for Celcat Timetabler (https://www.celcat.com/software/timetabler-8)
This module contains some helpful cmdlets for managing your Celcat Timetabler databases.
The module can be installed from the PowerShell Gallery from an elevated prompt using this command:
Install-Module Timetabler
The first thing you'll need to do is connect to the Celcat Timetabler API. We do this with Connect-CT, supplying a URL, your API code, and (optionally) a timetable ID:
Connect-CT 'https://celcatapi.example.com' -ApiCode 'myApiCode' -TimetableId 1
Note that TimetableId should be specified if you have more than one timetable registered with your API. Otherwise only the Get-CTTimetable function will work.
To ensure the API code is not preserved in your session, you can disconnect from the Timetabler API using this command:
Note that no network connections are maintained that need to be cleaned up with this command. It's only used to clear the locally cached URI and token.