is a module bundler that allows you to start with an entry file and bundle all the modules used in a project into a single final release file. Rollup
is extremely suitable for building a utility library, and the source code of Vue.js
is built using Rollup
uses new standardized formats for code modules, all of which are included in the ES6
version of JavaScript
, rather than previous special solutions like CommonJS
and AMD
, which means that rollup
uses the ES6
module standard. This means that we can directly use import
and export
without the need to introduce babel
. However, in current projects, babel
is considered a necessary tool. In addition, rollup
implements another important feature called tree-shaking
, which automatically removes unused code, i.e., code that is not being used. This feature is based on the static analysis of ES6
modules, which means that variables that are exported
but not imported
will not be bundled into the final code.
One of my small Greasemonkey plugins is bundled using rollup
. The GreasyFork
address is
, and the source code address is /~
. You can package and build it using npm run build
. The configuration of package.json
file and rollup.config.js
file are as follows.
"name": "TKScript",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Tampermonkey",
"scripts": {
"build": "rollup -c"
"author": "Czy",
"license": "MIT",
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "^7.10.4",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.10.4",
"install": "^0.13.0",
"npm": "^6.14.5",
"rollup": "^2.18.2",
"rollup-plugin-babel": "^4.4.0",
"rollup-plugin-postcss": "^3.1.2",
"rollup-plugin-uglify": "^6.0.4",
"rollup-plugin-userscript-metablock": "^0.2.5"
import postcss from "rollup-plugin-postcss";
import babel from "rollup-plugin-babel";
// import { uglify } from "rollup-plugin-uglify";
import metablock from "rollup-plugin-userscript-metablock";
const config = {
postcss: {
minimize: true,
extensions: [".css"],
babel: {
exclude: ["node_modules/**"],
presets: [
"@babel/env", {
modules: false,
targets: "last 2 versions, ie >= 10"
export default [{
input: "./src/copy/src/index.js",
output: {
file: "./dist/copy.js",
format: "iife",
name: "copyModule"
plugins: [
// uglify(),
file: "./src/copy/meta.json"
input: "./src/site-director/src/index.js",
output: {
file: "./dist/site-director.js",
format: "iife",
name: "linkModule"
plugins: [
// uglify(),
file: "./src/site-director/meta.json"
- Global installation:
npm install rollup -g
. - Project installation:
npm install rollup --save-dev
oryarn add rollup -D
-i, --input <filename>
: The file to be bundled (required).-o, --file <output>
: The output file (if not provided, it will be printed to the console).-f, --format <format>
: The format of the output file.amd
: Asynchronous Module Definition, used for module loaders likeRequestJS
, suitable forNode
: Save the bundle as anES
module file.iife
: A self-executing function, suitable for use as ascript
tag, can only run in a browser.umd
: Universal Module Definition, integratingamd
, andiife
loader format.
-e, --external <ids>
: Exclude a comma-separated list of module IDs.-g, --globals <pairs>
: Add any module ID definitions defined here to external dependencies in the form ofmoduleID:Global
key-value pairs, separated by commas.-n, --name <name>
: The name of the generatedUMD
module.-m, --sourcemap
: Generate asourcemap
: TheID
of theAMD
module, default is an anonymous function.--amd.define
: Use aFunction
to replacedefine
: Omituse strict;
in the generated bundle.--no-conflict
: ForUMD
modules, provide a method for generating a globally conflict-free variable.--intro
: Insert a content at the very top of the bundled file's block inside thewrapper
: Insert a content at the very bottom of the bundled file's block inside thewrapper
: Insert a content at the very top of the bundled file's block outside thewrapper
: Insert a content at the very bottom of the bundled file's block outside thewrapper
: Include common modules (this option is added by default).-w, --watch
: Watch for changes in the source files, re-bundle if changes are detected.--silent
: Do not print warnings to the console.-h, --help
: Output help information.-v, --version
: Output version information.
// rollup.config.js
export default {
// Core options
input, // required
// Additional options
// Danger zone
output: { // required (can be an array for multiple outputs)
// Core options
file, // required
format, // required
// Additional options
// High-risk options
, rollup -i,--input
, package entry file path, parameter type is String | String [] | { [entryName: string]: string }
When using an array or a string as the option value, the original file name is used by default as the file's basename
and can be passed as a dynamic parameter into the output:entryFileNames = entry-[name].js
configuration option.
input: "./src/index.js";
input: ["./src/index.js", "./other/index.js"];
When using key-value pairs {key: value}
as the option value, the object key is used as the file's basename
to be passed as a dynamic parameter into the output:entryFileNames
configuration option.
input: { main: "./src/index.js", vendor: "./other/index.js" }
, rollup -e,--external
, maintains the specified id
files as external links in the packaged file and does not participate in the build. Parameter type is String[] | (id: string, parentId: string, isResolved: boolean) => boolean
- When the
type isiife
, theoutput.globals
option parameter needs to be configured to provide global variable names to replace external imports. - When
is a function, the parameters represent:id
, the id of all imported files, i.e. the path accessed byimport
, the absolute path of theimport
, which indicates whether the fileid
has been processed by a plugin.
// ...,
external: [
// or
// ...,
external: (id, parent, isResolved) => {
return true;
Many plugin options can be provided for rollup
, parameter type is Plugin | (Plugin | void)[]
// ...,
plugins: [
isProduction && (await import("rollup-plugin-terser")).terser()
Intercepts warning messages. If not provided, the warning will be copied and printed to the console. A warning is an object with at least a code
and message
property, and we can control how to handle different types of warnings.
onwarn (warning) {
// Skip certain warnings
if (warning.code === 'UNUSED_EXTERNAL_IMPORT') return;
// Throw an error
if (warning.code === 'NON_EXISTENT_EXPORT') throw new Error(warning.message);
// Print all warnings to the console
Many warnings also have a loc
property and a frame
, which can pinpoint the source of the warning.
onwarn ({ loc, frame, message }) {
// Print location (if applicable)
if (loc) {
console.warn(`${loc.file} (${loc.line}:${loc.column}) ${message}`);
if (frame) console.warn(frame);
} else {
This is the danger zone
, modifying the rollup
configuration for parsing js
, rollup
uses the acorn
library internally to parse js
. The acorn
library provides the related configuration api
for parsing js
, which generally requires little modification. In the example below, the acorn-jsx
plugin is not the same as using babel
. The purpose of this plugin is to allow the acornjs
parser to understand jsx
syntax. After being bundled by rollup
, the displayed syntax is still jsx
, while babel
will directly modify the jsx
structure into regular js
import jsx from "acorn-jsx";
export default {
// ...
acornInjectPlugins: [
By default, the context of a module, i.e., the value of the top-level this
, is undefined
. In very rare cases, it may need to be changed to something else, for example, window
Similar to context
, but each module can be an object of id:context
pairs or a function of id=>context
To increase support for older environments such as IE8
, more modern code that may not work properly is stripped away. The trade-off is deviating from the precise specifications required by the ES6
module environment.
is the unified configuration entry for output files, which contains many configurable options. The parameter type is Object | Array
. For a single output, it is an object, while for multiple outputs, it can be an array.
, rollup -o,--file
, required for single file bundling, this option specifies the packaged content to be written to a file with a path. The parameter type is String
output: {
file: "./dist/index.js"
, rollup -f,--format
, required format type for bundling. Configurable options include amd
, cjs
, es
, iife
, umd
, system
. The options are the same as the command line configuration options. The parameter type is String
output: {
format: "iife"
, rollup -f,--format
, the name of the generated package. The parameter type is String
export default {
// ...,
output: {
name: "bundle"
, rollup -g,--globals
, global access variable names provided under the umd
and iife
file types, in conjunction with the external
options specified for external linking. The parameter type is { [id: String]: String } | ((id: String) => String)
export default {
// ...,
globals: {
jquery: "$"
It takes an ID
and returns a path, or an object of id: path
pairs, where these paths will be used for the generated bundle instead of the module ID
, allowing dependencies to be loaded from a CDN
// app.js
import { selectAll } from 'd3';
selectAll('p').style('color', 'purple');
// ...
// rollup.config.js
export default {
input: 'app.js',
external: ['d3'],
output: {
file: 'bundle.js',
format: 'amd',
paths: {
d3: ''
// bundle.js
define([''], function (d3) {
d3.selectAll('p').style('color', 'purple');
// ...
String prefixed to the file bundle. The banner
option does not disrupt sourcemaps
. The parameter type is String
export default {
// ...,
output: {
banner: "/* library version " + version + " */",
String prefixed to the file bundle. The footer
option does not disrupt sourcemaps
. The parameter type is String
export default {
// ...,
output: {
footer: "/* follow me on Github! */",
Similar to output.banner
, if banner
and footer
are for adding strings at the beginning and end of a file, then intro
and outro
are for adding strings at the beginning and end of the packaged code.
export default {
// ...,
output: {
intro: "/* library version " + version + " */",
Similar to output.footer
, if banner
and footer
are for adding strings at the beginning and end of a file, then intro
and outro
are for adding strings at the beginning and end of the packaged code.
export default {
// ...,
outro: {
footer: "/* follow me on Github! */",
, rollup -m,--sourcemap, --no-sourcemap
, if true
, it will create a separate sourcemap
file, if inline
, sourcemap
will be attached as a data URI
to the generated output
The location of the generated package, if it is an absolute path, all source code paths in the sourcemap
file will be relative to it, the map.file
property is the basic name basename
of sourcemapFile
, because the location of sourcemap
is assumed to be adjacent to the bundle
, if specified output
, sourcemapFile
is not necessary. In this case, the output file name will be inferred by adding a .map
suffix to the bundle
output file. It is rarely used in general application scenarios and is only used in special scenarios when it is necessary to change the sourcemap
target file address.
Whether to add an interop
block, by default interop: true
, for safety reasons, if it is necessary to distinguish between default and named exports, rollup
will export any external dependency default
to a separate variable, this usually only applies to your external dependencies, such as with Babel
, if it is determined not to be needed, interop: false
can be used to save a few bytes.
Which export mode to use, default is auto
, it guesses your intention based on the content exported by the entry
: If usingexport default...
to export only one file, this is suitable.named
: If exporting multiple files, this is suitable.none
: If not exporting any content, for example, when building an application and not a library, this is suitable.
Packing amd
module related definitions.
: Used for theID
: The function name to use instead ofdefine
The indentation string to use, for the format that requires code indentation such as amd
, iife
, umd
, it can also be false
for no indentation or true
for default automatic indentation.
or false
, default is true
, whether to include the use strict pragma
at the top of the generated non-ES6
package, strictly speaking, ES6
modules are always in strict mode, so there should be no good reason to disable it.