diff --git a/pkg/nsis/i18n/win_installer-bg_BG.nsh b/pkg/nsis/i18n/win_installer-bg_BG.nsh index 7ef9734a951..b4eae2dd8d0 100644 --- a/pkg/nsis/i18n/win_installer-bg_BG.nsh +++ b/pkg/nsis/i18n/win_installer-bg_BG.nsh @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ${LangFileString} WZ_64BIT_AVAILABLE "Налична е 64-битова верс ${LangFileString} WZ_64BIT_INSTALL_32BIT_AVAILABLE "Това е 64-битовата версия на Warzone 2100.$\r$\nМоля, изтеглете 32-битовата версия от https://wz2100.net/ $\r$\nНатиснете „ОК“, за да излезете от инсталатора." -${LangFileString} WZ_ARM64_INSTALL_NON_ARM64 "This is the ARM64 version of Warzone 2100, and this device does not have an ARM64 processor.$\r$\nPlease visit https://wz2100.net/ to download the appropriate version for your system (example: x64).$\r$\nProceed with ARM64 installation anyway?" +${LangFileString} WZ_ARM64_INSTALL_NON_ARM64 "Това е версията на Warzone 2100 за ARM64, а това устройство няма ARM64 процесор. $\r$\nМоля, посетете https://wz2100.net/ за да изгеглите правилната версия за Вашата система (напр. x64). $\r$\nЖелаете ли да продължите с инсталацията?" ${LangFileString} WZ_GPL_NEXT "Напред" diff --git a/pkg/nsis/i18n/win_installer-ja_JP.nsh b/pkg/nsis/i18n/win_installer-ja_JP.nsh index a838099c079..6a10663ef0c 100644 --- a/pkg/nsis/i18n/win_installer-ja_JP.nsh +++ b/pkg/nsis/i18n/win_installer-ja_JP.nsh @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ${LangFileString} WZ_64BIT_AVAILABLE "Warzone 2100の64ビット版がありま ${LangFileString} WZ_64BIT_INSTALL_32BIT_AVAILABLE "これはWarzone 2100の64ビット版です。$\r$\n32ビット版を https://wz2100.net/ からダウンロードしてください。$\r$\nOKをクリックしてセットアップを終了します。" -${LangFileString} WZ_ARM64_INSTALL_NON_ARM64 "これはWarzone 2100のARM64バージョンであり、このデバイスはARM64プロセッサを搭載していません。$\r$\nhttps://wz2100.net/ からシステムに適したバージョン(例:x64)をダウンロードしてください。$\r$\nARM64のインストールを進めますか?" +${LangFileString} WZ_ARM64_INSTALL_NON_ARM64 "これはWarzone 2100のARM64バージョンであり、このデバイスはARM64プロセッサを搭載していません。$\r$\nhttps://wz2100.net/ からシステムに適したバージョン (例:x64)をダウンロードしてください。$\r$\nARM64のインストールを進めますか?" ${LangFileString} WZ_GPL_NEXT "次へ" @@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ ${LangFileString} DESC_SecBase "Warzone 2100の実行に必要なコアファイ ${LangFileString} TEXT_SecFMVs "ビデオ" ${LangFileString} DESC_SecFMVs "ゲーム内のカットシーンをダウンロードしてインストールする。" -${LangFileString} TEXT_SecFMVs_EngHi "英語(高画質)" +${LangFileString} TEXT_SecFMVs_EngHi "英語 (高画質)" ${LangFileString} DESC_SecFMVs_EngHi "より高画質な英語のゲーム内カットシーンをダウンロードしてインストールする。" ${LangFileString} TEXT_SecFMVs_Eng "英語" ${LangFileString} DESC_SecFMVs_Eng "英語のゲーム内カットシーンをダウンロードしてインストールする。" -${LangFileString} TEXT_SecFMVs_EngLo "英語(低画質)" +${LangFileString} TEXT_SecFMVs_EngLo "英語 (低画質)" ${LangFileString} DESC_SecFMVs_EngLo "ゲーム内カットシーンの低画質英語版をダウンロードしてインストールする。" ${LangFileString} TEXT_SecFMVs_Ger "ドイツ語" @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} TEXT_SecNLS_WinFonts "WinFonts" ${LangFileString} DESC_SecNLS_WinFonts "検索パスにWindowsフォントフォルダを含める。設定ファイルでカスタムフォントを使用したり、または標準フォントで問題がある場合は、これを有効にしてください。Vista以降では動作が遅くなることがあります!" ${LangFileString} TEXT_SecMSSysLibraries "重要なマイクロソフト ランタイムDLL" -${LangFileString} DESC_SecMSSysLibraries "MicrosoftのVisual C++再頒布可能システムライブラリをダウンロードし、インストール(または更新)する。 一部のコンポーネントの実行に必要な場合があります。" +${LangFileString} DESC_SecMSSysLibraries "MicrosoftのVisual C++再頒布可能システムライブラリをダウンロードし、インストール(または更新)する。 一部のコンポーネントの実行に必要な場合があります。" ${LangFileString} DLTEXT_Downloading "ダウンロード中" ${LangFileString} DLTEXT_SysLibDLFailed "システムライブラリのダウンロードに失敗しました" diff --git a/po/bg_BG.po b/po/bg_BG.po index 2d722256f8c..3a2c22a5da3 100644 --- a/po/bg_BG.po +++ b/po/bg_BG.po @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: warzone2100\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: warzone2100-project@lists.sourceforge.net\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-01 21:02+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-03 18:06\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-14 02:27\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: Bulgarian\n" "Language: bg_BG\n" @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ msgid "Take a scout force to investigate these signals." msgstr "Вземете разузнавателна сила и изследвайте тези сигнали." msgid "Use your trucks to build defenses at your LZ." -msgstr "Използвайте камионите си, за да построите защити при ЗП." +msgstr "Използвайте камионите си, за да построите защити при ЗК." msgid "TRANSPORT MISSION: Enemy Transmissions Detected" msgstr "ОТДАЛЕЧЕНА МИСИЯ: Засечени вражески сигнали" @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ msgid "Scout the designated area for enemy research facilities." msgstr "Разузнайте обозначената местност за вражески изследователски съоражения." msgid "Proceed to LZ#2. Do not engage the enemy at this time." -msgstr "Продължете към ЗП №2. Засега не прихващайте врага." +msgstr "Продължете към ЗК №2. Засега не прихващайте врага." msgid "TRANSPORT MISSION: Synaptic Link Location" msgstr "ОТДАЛЕЧЕНА МИСИЯ: Местоположение на невросвързочна технология" @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ msgid "The first two zones are now secure." msgstr "Първите две зони са вече подсигурени." msgid "PROJECT TEAM UPDATES" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ДОКЛАДИ ОТ ЕКИПИТЕ НА ПРОЕКТА" msgid "TEAM BETA UPDATE" msgstr "НОВИНИ ОТ ЕКИП БЕТА" @@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ msgid "Search for and recover any artifacts here." msgstr "Потърсете и приберете всякакви артефакти тук." msgid "ENEMY LZ" -msgstr "ВРАЖЕСКА ЗП" +msgstr "ВРАЖЕСКА ЗК" msgid "Destroy this LZ to prevent enemy landings." -msgstr "Разрушете тази ЗП, за да предотвратите вражески кацания." +msgstr "Разрушете тази ЗК, за да предотвратите вражески кацания." msgid "ALPHA BASE INTELLIGENCE REPORT: NEXUS" msgstr "РАЗУЗНАВАТЕЛЕН ДОКЛАД НА БАЗА АЛФА: НЕКСУС" @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ msgid "New objective." msgstr "Нова цел." msgid "We have detected and isolated an intruder program." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Засякохме и изолирахме програма нашественик." msgid "Supplemental" msgstr "Допълнение" @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ msgid "Congratulations on defeating the New Paradigm, this sector is now secure. msgstr "Поздравления за разгрома на Новата Парадигма, този сектор вече е безопасен." msgid "The Nexus Intruder Program was in the New Paradigm system." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Програмата нашественик на NEXUS бе намерена в системите на Новата Парадигма." msgid "We recorded two conversations with it, extracts follow..." msgstr "Записахме два разговора с нея, следват откъси..." @@ -324,13 +324,13 @@ msgid "IN-FLIGHT BRIEFING" msgstr "ИНСТРУКТАЖ В ПОЛЕТ" msgid "Team Beta are searching for Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) technology." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Група Бета търсят технология за Самолети с Вертикално Излитане и Кацане (СВиК)." msgid "It's believed to be at a pre-Collapse airbase in this area." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Смята се, че е в база отпреди Колапса в този район." msgid "Team Beta under heavy attack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Група Бета под тежко нападение" msgid "BETA BASE MISSION: Hold at all costs" msgstr "МИСИЯ ЗА БАЗА БЕТА: Удръжте на всяка цена" @@ -342,34 +342,34 @@ msgid "BETA BASE MISSION: Hold At All Costs" msgstr "МИСИЯ ЗА БАЗА БЕТА: Удръжте на всяка цена" msgid "We are detecting ground and aerial forces from the north." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Засичаме наземни и въздушни сили от север." msgid "Hold your position and repulse these attacks, then eradicate the enemy's northern base." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Удръжте позицията и отблъснете нападенията, след което премахнете вражеската северна база." msgid "TRANSPORT MISSION: Intercept convoy." -msgstr "" +msgstr "ДЕСАНТНА МИСИЯ: Прехващане на военна колона." msgid "Data from the Collective's base indicates the presence of the NEXUS intruder program." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Данни от базата на Колектива показват присъствие на програмата нашественик на NEXUS." msgid "Before NEXUS switched itself off-line we accessed the following." msgstr "Преду НЕКСУС да се самоизключи ние успяхме да стигнем до следното." msgid "An enemy commander is collecting a shipment from NEXUS at this location." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Вражески командир прибира доставка от NEXUS на това местоположение." msgid "Once at the LZ, eradicate the enemy commander and recover the shipment." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Щом достигнете ЗК, премахнете командира и приберете пратката." msgid "Then return to the LZ." -msgstr "После се върнете към ЗП." +msgstr "После се върнете към ЗК." msgid "Disturbing news regarding NASDA." msgstr "Смущаващи новини относно НАСДА." msgid "TRANSPORT MISSION: Search for and Destroy Convoy" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ДЕСАНТНА МИСИЯ: Потърсете и унищожете военна колона" msgid "The shipment you recovered was a decoy." msgstr "Пратката, която прибрахте, е била примамка." @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ msgid "Enemy VTOLs are likely to be flying close escort." msgstr "Възможно е да има ескорт от вражески СВиК." msgid "TRANSPORT MISSION: Rescue civilians from Containment Camp" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ДЕСАНТНА МИСИЯ: Спасете цивилни от концлагер" msgid "The Collective are processing and exterminating civilians at this base." msgstr "Колективът обработват и заличават цивилни в тази база." @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ msgid "The location of the enemy airbase is here; this is your primary objective msgstr "Местоположението на вражеската въздушна база е тук; Това е главната ви цел." msgid "Eradicate all Collective forces and recover all artifacts." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Унищожете всички сили на Колектива и приберете всички артефакти." msgid "SECONDARY MISSION: Destroy or Drive Off Enemy Transport" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ВТОРИЧНА МИСИЯ: Унищожете или отклонете вражески транспортьор" msgid "The Collective are rounding up all civilians in this area." msgstr "Колективът събират всички цивилни в тази зона." msgid "They are then flying them to an unknown location." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Пренасят ги по въздух до неизвестно местоположение." msgid "Destroy or drive off The Collective's transport." msgstr "Унищожете или подплашете транспортьора на Колектива." @@ -426,16 +426,16 @@ msgid "Rescue as many civilians as possible." msgstr "Спасете колкото може повече цивилни." msgid "TRANSPORT MISSION: Destroy Reactor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ДЕСАНТНА МИСИЯ: Унищожете реактор" msgid "The Collective are searching for knowledge of nuclear reactors." -msgstr "" +msgstr "От Колектива търсят данни за ядрени реактори." msgid "They must be stopped." msgstr "Те трябва да бъдат спрени." msgid "Proceed from the LZ to the reactor and destroy it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Преминете от ЗК до реактора и го унищожете." msgid "Do not allow the Collective to bring the reactor on-line." msgstr "Не позволявайте на Колектива да задействат реактора." @@ -447,10 +447,10 @@ msgid "Capture NASDA central before NEXUS and the Collective can use it." msgstr "Превземете централата на НАСДА преди НЕКСУС и Колективът да имат възможност да я използват." msgid "TRANSPORT MISSION: Satellite Uplink Site" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ДЕСАНТНА МИСИЯ: Спътников свързочен център" msgid "NEXUS is searching for still functioning memory banks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "NEXUS търси функциониращи банки памет." msgid "Part of its consciousness has moved to a remote NASDA control-site." msgstr "" @@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ msgid "NORTHERN SECTOR MISSION: Team Alpha Debrief" msgstr "" msgid "Team Alpha power transfer in progress." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Пренос на мощност от Екип Алфа..." msgid "Commander, after you left the Western Sector we recovered this artifact." msgstr "Командире, след като напуснахте Западния сектор, ние прибрахме този артефакт." @@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ msgid "We are certain that NEXUS's core systems are located here." msgstr "" msgid "Establish an LZ." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Установете ЗК." msgid "Begin your attacks on NEXUS. You must destroy his core systems." msgstr "" @@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ msgid "Scavenger Outpost" msgstr "" msgid "Power Resource" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Нефтен източник" msgid "Unknown Artifact" msgstr "" @@ -903,16 +903,16 @@ msgid "Proximity Superbomb Turret" msgstr "" msgid "Bunker Blaster Cyborg" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Бункероунищножител Киборг" msgid "Jump Bunker Blaster" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Скачач Бункероунищожител" msgid "Jump Heavy Gunner" msgstr "" msgid "Jump Lancer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Скачач Копиеносец" msgid "Jump Assault Gunner" msgstr "Скачач Щурмови картечар" @@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ msgid "Flamer Guard Tower" msgstr "" msgid "Lancer Guard Tower" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Стражева кула с Копиеносец" msgid "Flamer Hardpoint" msgstr "Укрепена точка с огнехвъргачка" @@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ msgid "Advanced Warfare" msgstr "" msgid "Bunker Blaster" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Бункероунищожител" msgid "Cyborg Materials Improved" msgstr "" @@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@ msgid "New Cyborg Available" msgstr "Наличен е нов Киборг" msgid "Armed with Bunker Buster rocket" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Въоражен с ракета Бункероубиец" msgid "Body Points: Medium" msgstr "" @@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@ msgid "Armored guard tower with Lancer AT Rocket" msgstr "Укрепена кула, въоръжена с противотанкова ракета Копиеносец" msgid "Armored bunker with Heavy Machinegun" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Брониран бункер с Тежка картечница" msgid "Armored hardpoint with Flamer" msgstr "Бронирана укрепена точка с огнехвъргачка" @@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@ msgid "Slower than Viper" msgstr "" msgid "High power costs and slower to produce than Viper" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Висока цена и по-бавен за производство от Пепелянка" msgid "Collective Medium Body" msgstr "Среден копрус на Колектива" @@ -1476,7 +1476,7 @@ msgid "Slower than Cobra" msgstr "" msgid "High power costs and slower to produce than Cobra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Висока цена и по-бавен за производство от Кобра" msgid "Vehicle Engine Upgrade" msgstr "" @@ -1674,7 +1674,7 @@ msgid "Howitzer Upgrade" msgstr "" msgid "Self-guided rocket powered shells" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Самонасочващи се ракетни снаряди" msgid "Increases Howitzer accuracy" msgstr "Увеличава точността на гаубиците" @@ -1815,7 +1815,7 @@ msgid "Reunite a part of Beta team with a Gamma team outpost" msgstr "" msgid "Return to LZ" -msgstr "Върнете се към ЗП" +msgstr "Върнете се към ЗК" msgid "Hard / Insane difficulty hint:" msgstr "" @@ -1839,7 +1839,7 @@ msgid "Enemy structures remaining" msgstr "Оставащи противникови съоръжения" msgid "Return to LZ required" -msgstr "Изисква се връщане към ЗП" +msgstr "Изисква се връщане към ЗК" msgid "Destroy all enemy units and bases" msgstr "Унищожете всички противникови бойни единици и бази" @@ -2088,7 +2088,7 @@ msgid "They must be eradicated." msgstr "" msgid "Secure the LZ and establish a forward base." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Подсигурете ЗК и установете база на предна линия." msgid "Then destroy the New Paradigm's base." msgstr "После разрушете базата на Новата Парадигма." @@ -2106,7 +2106,7 @@ msgid "Together we can create a new world." msgstr "" msgid "I can give you power beyond your wildest dreams." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Мога да ти дам повече власт от най-смелите ти мечти." msgid "Open your systems to me and you will be strong." msgstr "" @@ -2760,7 +2760,7 @@ msgid "Nexus Resistance Circuits Mk3" msgstr "" msgid "Hover Propulsion II" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Задвижване с въздушна възглавница (Ховъркрафт) II" msgid "Half-tracked Propulsion II" msgstr "" @@ -3226,7 +3226,7 @@ msgid "Alpha" msgstr "Алфа" msgid "Amphibious hover propulsion" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Амфибийно задвижване на въздушна възглавница" msgid "Angel Missile Battery" msgstr "" @@ -3613,13 +3613,13 @@ msgid "Best Targets: Base structures, emplacements, cyborgs" msgstr "Най-добри цели: Базови съоръжения, гнезда и киборги" msgid "Best Targets: Bunkers and hardpoints" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Най-подходящи цели: Бункери и укрепени точки" msgid "Best Targets: Bunkers and Hardpoints" msgstr "Най-подходящи цели: Бункери и укрепени точки" msgid "Best Targets: Bunkers, defenses, base structures" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Най-подходящи цели: Бункери, защитни и базови съоражения" msgid "Best Targets: Cyborgs" msgstr "Най-подходящи цели: Киборги" @@ -3631,7 +3631,7 @@ msgid "Best Targets: Infantry, base structures, wheeled vehicles" msgstr "Най-подходящи цели: Пехота, базови съоръжения, МПС с колела" msgid "Best Targets: Infantry, wheeled and hover vehicles" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Най-подходящи цели: Пехота, колесни и ховъркрафт МПС" msgid "Best Targets: None. Average damage against all targets" msgstr "" @@ -3696,34 +3696,34 @@ msgid "Built-in diagnostic and repair systems" msgstr "Вградени системи за диагностика и поправка" msgid "Bunker Buster Cobra Hover" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Бункероубиец Кобра Ховъркрафт" msgid "Bunker Buster Cobra Tracks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Бункероубиец Кобра Вериги" msgid "Bunker Buster Mantis Tracks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Бункероубиец Богомолка Вериги" msgid "Bunker buster missile" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ракета Бункероубиец" msgid "Bunker Buster Rocket" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ракета Бункероубиец" msgid "Bunker Buster Rockets Viper Wheels" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Бункероубиец Пепелянка Колела" msgid "Bunker Buster Scorpion Tracks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Бункероубиец Скорпион Вериги" msgid "Bunker Buster Scorpion VTOL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Бункероубиец Скорпион СВиК" msgid "Bunker Buster Viper Wheels" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Бункероубиец Пепелянка Колела" msgid "Bunker Buster" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Бункероубиец" msgid "Burns oil more efficiently" msgstr "" @@ -3858,7 +3858,7 @@ msgid "Command Turret Python Tracks" msgstr "" msgid "Command Turret Scorpion Tracks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Команден купол Скорпион Вериги" msgid "Command Turret Upgrade" msgstr "" @@ -4232,7 +4232,7 @@ msgid "Flamer Autoloader" msgstr "" msgid "Flamer Bunker" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Бункер с Огнехвъргачка" msgid "Flamer Cobra Tracks" msgstr "Огнехвъргачка Кобра Вериги" @@ -4264,7 +4264,7 @@ msgid "Flashlight Hardpoint" msgstr "" msgid "Flashlight Retribution Hover" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Фенерче Възмездие Ховъркрафт" msgid "Flashlight" msgstr "" @@ -4331,7 +4331,7 @@ msgstr "" #, no-c-format msgid "Gets ~ 25% less power from each oil derrick" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Получава ~25% по-малко мощност от всяка нефтена помпа" #, no-c-format msgid "" @@ -4592,7 +4592,7 @@ msgid "Heavy Laser Emplacement" msgstr "" msgid "Heavy Laser Tiger Tracks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Тежък лазер Тигър Вериги" msgid "Heavy Laser Wyvern Tracks" msgstr "" @@ -4604,7 +4604,7 @@ msgid "Heavy Machinegun Cobra Half-tracks" msgstr "" msgid "Heavy Machinegun Cobra Hover" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Тежка картечница Кобра Ховъркрафт" msgid "Heavy Machinegun Cobra Tracks" msgstr "" @@ -4616,10 +4616,10 @@ msgid "Heavy Machinegun Hardpoint" msgstr "Укрепена точка с тежка картечница" msgid "Heavy Machinegun Scorpion Half Tracks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Тежка картечница Скорпион Полувериги" msgid "Heavy Machinegun Scorpion Tracks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Тежка картечница Скорпион Вериги" msgid "Heavy Machinegun Viper Half-tracks" msgstr "" @@ -4757,22 +4757,22 @@ msgid "High-pressure gas throws the flamer gel further" msgstr "" msgid "HMG Bunker" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Бункер с Тежка картечница" msgid "Hover AI" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ховъркрафт ИИ" msgid "Hover II" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ховъркрафт II" msgid "Hover III" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ховъркрафт III" msgid "Hover Propulsion" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Задвижване с въздушна възглавница (Ховъркрафт)" msgid "Hover" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ховъркрафт" #, no-c-format msgid "Howitzer accuracy +10%" @@ -5021,7 +5021,7 @@ msgid "Inferno Cobra Half-Tracks" msgstr "" msgid "Inferno Cobra Hover" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Пъкъл Кобра Ховъркрафт" msgid "Inferno Emplacement" msgstr "" @@ -5030,7 +5030,7 @@ msgid "Inferno Hardpoint" msgstr "" msgid "Inferno Python Hover" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Пъкъл Питон Ховъркрафт" msgid "Inferno" msgstr "" @@ -5075,13 +5075,13 @@ msgid "Lancer AT Rocket" msgstr "Противотанкова ракета Копиеносец" msgid "Lancer Bunker" -msgstr "Бункер Копиеносец" +msgstr "Копиеносец Бункер" msgid "Lancer Cobra Half-tracks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Копиеносец Кобра Полувериги" msgid "Lancer Cobra Tracks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Копиеносец Кобра Вериги" msgid "Lancer Cyborg" msgstr "Копиеносец Киборг" @@ -5090,19 +5090,19 @@ msgid "Lancer Hardpoint" msgstr "Укрепена точка с Копиеносец" msgid "Lancer Mantis Tracks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Копиеносец Богомолка Вериги" msgid "Lancer Python Tracks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Копиеносец Питон Вериги" msgid "Lancer Scorpion Tracks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Копиеносец Скорпион Вериги" msgid "Lancer Scorpion VTOL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Копиеносец Скорпион СВиК" msgid "Lancer Viper Tracks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Копиеносец Пепелянка Вериги" msgid "Lancer Viper Wheels" msgstr "Копиеносец Пепелянка Колела" @@ -5207,7 +5207,7 @@ msgid "Low yield thermonuclear warhead" msgstr "" msgid "Machinegun Bunker" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Бункер с картечница" #, no-c-format msgid "Machinegun damage +25%" @@ -5278,7 +5278,7 @@ msgid "Medium Cannon Cobra Half Track" msgstr "" msgid "Medium Cannon Cobra Hover" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Средно оръдие Кобра Ховъркрафт" msgid "Medium Cannon Cobra Tracks" msgstr "" @@ -5290,16 +5290,16 @@ msgid "Medium Cannon Hardpoint" msgstr "Укрепена точка със средно оръдие" msgid "Medium Cannon Python Hover" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Средно оръдие Питон Ховъркрафт" msgid "Medium Cannon Python Tracks" msgstr "" msgid "Medium Cannon Scorpion Hover" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Средно оръдие Скорпион Ховъркрафт" msgid "Medium Cannon Scorpion Tracks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Средно оръдие Скорпион Вериги" msgid "Medium Cannon Viper Tracks" msgstr "" @@ -5781,22 +5781,22 @@ msgid "Pulse Laser Hardpoint" msgstr "" msgid "Pulse Laser Leopard Hover" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Импулсен лазер Леопард Ховъркрафт" msgid "Pulse Laser Mantis Tracks" msgstr "" msgid "Pulse Laser Panther Hover" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Импулсен лазер Пантера Ховъркрафт" msgid "Pulse Laser Python Tracks" msgstr "" msgid "Pulse Laser Tiger Hover" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Импулсен лазер Тигър Ховъркрафт" msgid "Pulse Laser Tiger Tracks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Импулсен лазер Тигър Вериги" msgid "Pulse Laser Tower" msgstr "" @@ -6151,13 +6151,13 @@ msgid "School Bus" msgstr "" msgid "Scorpion" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Скорпион" msgid "Scourge Cyborg" msgstr "" msgid "Scourge Mantis Hover" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Бич Богомолка Ховъркрафт" msgid "Scourge Mantis Tracks" msgstr "" @@ -6184,7 +6184,7 @@ msgid "Scrambler Turret" msgstr "" msgid "Sea map AI, based on NullBot" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ИИ за морски карти, основан на NullBot" msgid "Search & Destroy Missiles" msgstr "" @@ -6427,7 +6427,7 @@ msgid "Tank Killer Hardpoint" msgstr "" msgid "Tank Killer Mantis Hover" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Танкоубиец Богомолка Ховъркрафт" msgid "Tank Killer Mantis Tracks" msgstr "" @@ -6521,7 +6521,7 @@ msgid "Thermopole Energizer" msgstr "" msgid "Tiger" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Тигър" msgid "Titanium-reinforced concrete gate" msgstr "" @@ -6747,7 +6747,7 @@ msgid "VTOL Bunker Buster Bug VTOL" msgstr "" msgid "VTOL Bunker Buster Scorpion VTOL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "СВиК Бункероубиец Скорпион СВиК" msgid "VTOL Bunker Buster" msgstr "" @@ -6774,7 +6774,7 @@ msgid "VTOL Cluster Bomb Bay Bug VTOL" msgstr "" msgid "VTOL Cluster Bomb Bay Scorpion VTOL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "СВиК Касетъчни бомби Скорпион СВиК" msgid "VTOL Cluster Bomb Bay" msgstr "" @@ -6825,13 +6825,13 @@ msgid "VTOL III" msgstr "СВиК III" msgid "VTOL Lancer Bug VTOL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "СВиК Копиеносец Буболечка СВиК" msgid "VTOL Lancer Mantis VTOL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "СВиК Копиеносец Богомолка СВиК" msgid "VTOL Lancer Scorpion VTOL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "СВиК Копиеносец Скорпион СВиК" msgid "VTOL Lancer" msgstr "СВиК Копиеносец" @@ -9018,7 +9018,7 @@ msgid "Select all Half-tracks without group" msgstr "" msgid "Select all Hovers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Изберете всички ховъркрафти" msgid "Return for Recycling" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/guide/it.po b/po/guide/it.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..83ba83b77ec --- /dev/null +++ b/po/guide/it.po @@ -0,0 +1,723 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: warzone2100\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: warzone2100-project@lists.sourceforge.net\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-06-12 03:55+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2025-01-07 02:28\n" +"Last-Translator: \n" +"Language-Team: Italian\n" +"Language: it_IT\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project: warzone2100\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 354665\n" +"X-Crowdin-Language: it\n" +"X-Crowdin-File: /master/po/guide/warzone2100_guide.pot\n" +"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 360\n" + +msgid "Artifacts" +msgstr "Artefatti" + +msgid "As you progress through the campaign, you will collect Artifacts from enemy bases (and specific enemy units)." +msgstr "Man mano che progredisci attraverso la campagna, raccoglierai degli Artefatti dalle basi nemiche (e da unità nemici specifiche)." + +msgid "These will unlock valuable technologies that you can research in a Research Facility." +msgstr "Questi sbloccheranno tecnologie preziose che potrai ricercare in un Centro di Ricerca." + +msgid "Artifacts are small white boxes with a green indicator above, and can be picked up by moving any unit close enough." +msgstr "Gli artefatti sono piccole scatole bianche con un indicatore verde sopra, e possono essere raccolti muovendo qualsiasi unità abbastanza vicino." + +msgid "All artifacts must be picked up as part of each level's victory conditions." +msgstr "Tutti gli artefatti devono essere raccolti come parte delle condizioni di vittoria di ogni livello." + +msgid "Backstory" +msgstr "Retroscena" + +msgid "In the late 21st century, NASDA (the North American Strategic Defense Agency) developed and deployed a massive missile defense system, including a network of nuclear-equipped satellites and ground-based launch sites." +msgstr "Alla fine del 21° secolo, la NASDA (Agenzia di Difesa Strategica Nord Americana o North American Strategic Defense Agency) ha sviluppato e dispiegato un massiccio sistema di difesa missilistica, compresa una rete di satelliti dotati di armi nucleari e di siti di lancio a terra." + +msgid "However, during a routine maintenance check, something went terribly wrong..." +msgstr "Tuttavia, durante un controllo di manutenzione ordinaria, qualcosa è andato terribilmente storto..." + +msgid "The Collapse came fast and hard. Following a technical error in the satellite defense system, nuclear warheads were fired at major cites across the world." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Minutes later, ground based sites fired in response to the launch. Millions died as nuclear firestorms wiped out the world’s cities. Billions more died as plagues and epidemics swept away what remained of civilization." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Less than a million people survived the Collapse." +msgstr "Meno di un milione di persone sopravvissero al Collapse." + +msgid "Earth broke into hundreds of small scavenger bands battling each other for the remnants of the former civilization. Only a few had the vision to attempt to rebuild a new world from the ashes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "## Present Day:" +msgstr "## Oggi:" + +msgid "The player (referred to as \"the Commander\") is part of a group of survivors that sought shelter in a military base in the Rocky Mountains." +msgstr "" + +msgid "They emerge from the base with the goal of rebuilding the world, adopting the name \"The Project\"." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The Project dispatches three teams with the objective of reclaiming artifacts, thus allowing the research and application of pre-Collapse technologies." +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Team Alpha is sent to an Arizona desert location southeast of Project HQ" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Beta team is sent to the remains of Chicago" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Gamma team is sent into the northern Rockies in Colorado" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Command Panel" +msgstr "Pannello di comando" + +msgid "There are six different command panel interfaces, plus a central button. You open up a command interface by pressing the appropriate button." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The middle / central button closes any open command interface." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Intelligence Display" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The Intelligence Display is where you can find your current mission objectives, replay your current mission briefing, and read more about completed research projects." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When you open the Intelligence Display, two rows of icons appear on the bottom of the screen." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Selecting an icon will display information about that research or mission objective in the middle of the screen." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Using the Mission Timer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Much of the time, you'll be on the clock. Sometimes, you'll find yourself wishing you had more time. Other times you might think you have too much." +msgstr "" + +msgid "There are always smart ways to make use of extra time to prepare for battles ahead." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Whether it's completing new research, building defenses, or recycling & replacing units with new weapons and technologies... don't let good time go to waste." +msgstr "" + +msgid "(If you have the Timer Power Bonus tweak enabled - which is the default - you don't need to wait out the timer to grant power. You'll automatically be granted the power you would have gained if you'd let the timer run. But the rest of the uses still apply!)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Power" +msgstr "Energia" + +msgid "In Warzone 2100, power is your key resource." +msgstr "In Warzone 2100, l'energia è la tua risorsa chiave." + +msgid "You spend power to build structures, manufacture units, and research upgrades / new technology." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Power is generated by Power Generators that are fed by Oil Derricks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Researching Technology" +msgstr "Ricerca tecnologia" + +msgid "Researching technologies is accomplished using Research Facilities." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When a Research Facility is selected, all available options are displayed on the left side of the screen." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Each research project requires a certain amount of power and time to complete. The power investment is non-refundable." +msgstr "" + +msgid "But research progress is never lost, even if the Research Facility is destroyed - the project only needs to be re-assigned to another facility." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Completing research of a new technology may:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Make available new weapons, structures, unit bodies, propulsion, etc" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Upgrade the effectiveness of existing weapons, structures, unit bodies, etc" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Enable the research of additional technologies" +msgstr "" + +msgid "General" +msgstr "Generale" + +msgid "In Warzone 2100, you command the forces of \"The Project\" in a battle to rebuild the world, after mankind has been nearly destroyed by nuclear missiles." +msgstr "In Warzone 2100, comandi le forze di \"The Project\" in una battaglia per ricostruire il mondo dopo che l'umanità è quasi stata distrutta dai missili nucleari." + +msgid "This guide will help walk you through key facets of the game." +msgstr "Questa guida ti illustrerà gli aspetti chiave del gioco." + +msgid "(If you are playing the campaign, new guide topics may be unlocked as you progress through the game.)" +msgstr "(Se stai giocando la campagna, nuovi argomenti della guida potrebbero essere sbloccati man mano che avanzi nel gioco.)" + +msgid "Building Structures" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click the \"Build\" button on the Command Panel." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This will open the Structures menu on the left side of screen, with a button for each structure you can build." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select the desired structure button. A silhouette will appear in the game world - this is where your structure will be placed once you confirm." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Move the silhouette by moving the input device." +msgstr "" + +msgid "- If a structure is buildable in a location, the silhouette will be colored green when you hover over a location." +msgstr "" + +msgid "- If a structure is not buildable in a location, the silhouette will be colored red." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Once you've chosen a viable location, select to confirm the placement of the build site. A truck will move to the location and begin construction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can order additional trucks to help out (and build the structure faster) by selecting them and ordering them to target the structure under construction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tip: To build \"walls\" (once they are available), you can click and drag to draw a wall in a line." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demolishing Structures" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demolishing a building is almost as simple as building one." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select \"Demolish Structure\" in the Structures menu and click a building to demolish." +msgstr "" + +msgid "A unit will move to the building and destroy it." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demolished structures return half the power used to build the structure." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Factory" +msgstr "" + +msgid "A Factory is used to build units. Each Factory can build one unit at a time, but you can queue multiple units for production." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When a unit is produced, it receives the Factory’s Unit Orders and proceeds to the Factory's Rally Point." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note: The base Factory is only able to produce units with Light bodies. Factory modules must be discovered and built to upgrade Factory production capabilities." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Command Center" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The Command Center is the headquarters of your base." +msgstr "" + +msgid "It provides access to the mini-map / radar, and the ability to design units." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To build a Command Center, click the \"Build\" button on the command panel and select the Command Center structure." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Then, click where you want your builders to construct it." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Structure Modules" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Power Generators, Factories, and Research Facilities can be upgraded with their respective structure modules." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Once researched, you can access these modules from the Build menu to apply them to the structures in question." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Alternatively, you can select a Truck or a Combat Engineer and click on the structure in order to begin its construction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note: While one of these structures is being upgraded, it will temporarily be unavailable until the upgrade is complete." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upgrade Effects:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Power Generator modules increase the rate of power generation" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Factory modules allow the production of Medium and Heavy units, as well as decreasing the time it takes to produce units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Research Facility modules decrease the time needed to complete assigned research projects" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Oil Derrick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "An Oil Derrick can be built by selecting a Truck and targeting an available Oil Resource." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The destruction of an Oil Derrick will temporarily prevent the construction of another at the same spot until the fire subsides." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To utilize an Oil Derrick and generate power requires a Power Generator." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Power Generator" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Each Power Generator uses up to 4 Oil Derricks. So, for example, if you have 10 Oil Derricks you would need 3 Power Generators to utilize all of the oil derricks and generate maximum Power." +msgstr "" + +msgid "While oil derricks must be built on oil resources, Power Generators can be built anywhere on the map. But keep in mind: additional generators beyond one for every 4 derricks will provide no benefit." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Rally Point" +msgstr "" + +msgid "When a Factory has finished building a unit, the unit will spawn next to the Factory, and then proceed to the Factory's designated Rally Point." +msgstr "" + +msgid "By default, the Rally Point is placed next to the Factory. Clicking a Rally Point will allow you to move it." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note: Moving a Rally Point while a unit is moving to it will not affect the unit's path." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repair Facility" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Building a Repair Facility creates a fixed structure to which units can retreat to be repaired." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repair Facilities can repair units faster than mobile units with repair turrets." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Research Facility" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Research Facilities are required in order to research new technologies." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Each Research Facility can research one technology at a time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "VTOL Factory" +msgstr "" + +msgid "A VTOL Factory is used to build units with VTOL propulsion (i.e. flying units)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Each VTOL Factory can build one unit at a time, but you can queue multiple units for production." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When a VTOL Factory is done building a unit, it will order it to fly and land near the factory's Rally Point." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Structures" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Building structures is absolutely vital in Warzone 2100 - from Factories which build units, to Research Facilities that research new technologies." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Building can be done with units with Trucks as turrets and/or Combat Engineers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Attack Range" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can use the Unit Orders menu to configure unit \"Attack Range\"." +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Optimum Range: Fires at the most accurate range" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Short Range: Moves to short range and attacks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Long Range: Attacks at long range (default)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Firing Mode" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can use the Unit Orders menu to configure unit \"Firing Mode\"." +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Fire At Will: Fires at any enemy (default)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Return Fire: Only fire if fired at" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Do Not Fire: Units will not fire" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Movement" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can use the Unit Orders menu to configure unit \"Movement\"." +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Patrol: Move between two points. Just click a point on the map after selecting it" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Circle: (VTOLs only) Move in a circle over a position. Just click an area after selecting it" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Pursue: Pursue enemy" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Guard: Stay near an area or structure. (default)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Hold Position: Do not move under any circumstances" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recycling" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recycling a unit will send it to the nearest Factory or Repair Facility, and destroy it." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Half the power used in making the unit will be refunded to you (although this will be reduced if the unit is damaged)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The unit’s experience level will be placed in the next unit that is manufactured." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can order the selected units to return for recycling via the Unit Orders menu or the \"Return for Recycling\" keybind." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Retreating" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Losing units (especially units with experience levels) can be a real hit to a force's ability to successfully wage battle." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can use the Unit Orders menu to choose a \"Retreat Threshold\", which will cause units to automatically retreat from the battle when they reach a specified damage level." +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Do or Die: Your unit will not retreat unless ordered to. (default)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Retreat at Medium Damage: Your unit will retreat at medium (yellow) damage" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Retreat at Heavy Damage: Your unit will retreat at heavy (red) damage" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Retreating units will return to the nearest repair facility, repair unit, HQ, or LZ." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Return To" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can use the Unit Orders menu to quickly order units to return to a specific location." +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Return for Repair: Unit will return to a Repair Facility" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Return to HQ: Unit will return to Command Center or LZ (campaign)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Go To Transport: Unit will go to and board transport" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unit Orders" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Right-click a unit or group of units to show their current Unit Orders." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The Unit Orders panel allows you to customize the behavior of your units, from patrolling an area to retreating at low health." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Right-click a Factory to adjust the Unit Orders for all future units produced by the Factory." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Building Units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "To build units, either select a Factory, or select the \"Manufacturing\" button on the Command Panel - this will open the Manufacturing panel on the left side of the screen." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The Manufacturing panel will display the unit designs which are buildable by the currently-selected Factory. Factories may be limited to producing certain types of units (or may only be able to produce certain units if upgraded with modules)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To select a different Factory, either click on the Factory in the game world, or click on the appropriate button in the Factories panel on the bottom-center of the screen." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To manufacture a unit in a Factory, click the desired unit design button in the Manufacturing panel. You can queue multiples of the same unit by repeatedly clicking the unit design button." +msgstr "" + +msgid "While a unit is building, the unit will be shown in the Factories panel above the Factory that is building it. If the bar is green, the Factory is gathering power to build the unit. If the bar is yellow, the unit is being built." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When a Factory is done building a unit, it will order the unit to proceed to the Factory's Rally Point." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Attaching Units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "To attach a unit to a Commander, select a unit, then left-click the Commander you want to attach the unit to. A symbol will appear next to the unit to signify it is attached." +msgstr "" + +msgid "## Limits:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Commanders have a limit to the amount of direct-fire units (eg machine-guns) which is affected by their own experience level. Levels are earned by the Commander reaching 2 kills, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Each experience level allows the Commander 2 more direct-fire units. However, a Commander can have as many indirect-fire units as it wants." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Detaching Units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "To detach a unit from a Commander:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "1. Right-click the unit (or hold the \"Shift\" key while selecting the unit) to select only that unit (instead of the whole commander group)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "2. Give the unit a new order (eg. move)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Going for repairs, BRB" +msgstr "" + +msgid "A unit that retreats from the battle to go to a repair facility, will stay connected to its Commander group." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When it is done repairing, it will return to its Commander." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Targeting" +msgstr "" + +msgid "When you select a Commander and target an enemy unit, any attached units will move to fire on the targeted unit." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The attached units will have greater accuracy when firing." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Commanders" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Command turrets are used much like sensors, except they can command any attacking unit, not just artillery." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Commanders provide an accuracy, armor, and movement speed bonus to all units assigned to them, which increases as the commander's rank increases." +msgstr "" + +msgid "They are limited to having 6 non-artillery attacking units assigned to them at first, but this limit rises by 2 each time the commander gains a rank, which can happen relatively quickly." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Designing Units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will need to design new units if you want to overpower your enemies and get that sweet taste of victory. This is a key aspect of Warzone 2100's gameplay." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To start designing a unit, select the Design button in the Command Panel. This will make two columns appear on the left of the screen." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To make a new design, select the \"blank\" green body in the top-left. To edit an existing unit design, just select it instead." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Designing a new unit is a simple three-step procedure: selecting a body, a propulsion system, and a turret. Those three selections will result in a new unit." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Once you have designed a unit, you will need a Factory to build it." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Experience & Ranks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Units gain experience when they successfully dispatch enemies." +msgstr "" + +msgid "A higher experience level means that a unit is more accurate, moves faster, and takes less damage." +msgstr "" + +msgid "An icon displaying a unit’s rank is displayed next to the unit’s health bar." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Units with higher experience levels can make all the difference in battle!" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repairing Units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can design a unit with a repair turret instead of a weapon, and it can be ordered to repair your other units." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can also keep the repair units back from the battle, and use the Retreat Options to set your offensive units to retreat to them for repair at a certain damage level." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Retreating and repairing units is often far preferable to losing experienced units on the battlefield." +msgstr "" + +msgid "CB Sensors" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Counter-Battery (CB) Sensors dramatically alter the battlefield by allowing artillery units to directly target distant artillery platforms - provided they have the range." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Identified structures or units will be colored red in the fog of war once a CB Sensor detects the launch of any enemy artillery." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If active, artillery units prioritize CB Sensor targets over targets revealed by normal Sensors." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Un-Assigning" +msgstr "" + +msgid "To un-assign a unit from a sensor, the easiest way is to right-click the unit, and then tell it to move somewhere." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiple units can be selected by holding CTRL while clicking." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Using Sensors" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Artillery structures are the easiest. Simply build a sensor tower, and if the sensor tower is targeting something within your artillery structures' weapon range, they will fire at it." +msgstr "" + +msgid "An artillery tank, however, needs to be explicitly assigned to a sensor to function. Select the artillery tanks, then click on a sensor to assign the tanks to the sensor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Once the artillery is assigned, if it is assigned to a sensor tower, that tower will target enemies that come in range automatically." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If it is assigned to a sensor tank, the sensor can be used to attack enemies by selecting the sensor and targeting an enemy. All artillery assigned to the sensor will attack its target." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sensors" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sensors can be used for scouting and surveillance, but they also have a more important usage: to spot for artillery." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Artillery weapons, by themselves, cannot fire more than their own sensor range (8 tiles without upgrades)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "However, even the most basic artillery weapon has an 18-tile weapon range. To use it, you will need to build and deploy sensors on the battlefield (either sensor towers or tanks with sensor turrets)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Attacking" +msgstr "" + +msgid "To attack with a VTOL, select it and click an enemy like normal." +msgstr "" + +msgid "However, you may noticed the white ammo bar below its health bar as you start attacking." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unlike ground units, which reload automatically, VTOLs carry a limited amount of ammo. Once that ammo runs out, the VTOL can’t attack until it refuels." +msgstr "" + +msgid "A VTOL out of ammo will automatically find a VTOL rearming pad to rearm and repair itself (and will resume attacking once fully rearmed), or it can be manually rearmed by selecting it and clicking on a rearming pad." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unlike other units which usually attack the nearest target, VTOLs will not attack anything automatically. However, by selecting a VTOL and alt+clicking on an area, a VTOL will patrol the area between its current location and the clicked location, and attack anything in the vicinity." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Alternatively, VTOLs can be assigned to VTOL Strike Towers and VTOL CB Towers, which will cause them to function similarly to artillery assigned to sensor towers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Defending Against VTOLs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "What's that in the sky? ... It's a VTOL unit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Since VTOLs are not ground-based units, most ground weapons cannot hit them." +msgstr "" + +msgid "They can only be hit by either anti-air (often abbreviated \"AA\") or versatile (can hit air or ground) weapons." +msgstr "" + +msgid "There are only a few weapons that are versatile: machineguns, lasers, and Mini-Rocket Pod." +msgstr "" + +msgid "(Rockets and missiles are also versatile, but only when mounted on a cyborg or VTOL.)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "In addition to being uncommon, versatile weapons do not do as much damage to VTOLs as dedicated anti-air, so having some AA is recommended against VTOLs." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Designing VTOLs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Designing VTOL units is similar to designing ground units." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When choosing a propulsion, simply pick \"VTOL\" propulsion." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will then be able to select from the available VTOL Weapons." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remember: You will need a \"VTOL Factory\" to actually build VTOL unit designs." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Weapons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Most weapons have a VTOL equivalent, which does at least twice as much damage, but has limited ammo." +msgstr "" + +msgid "VTOL versions of regular weapons do not need to be researched separately." +msgstr "" + +msgid "In addition to VTOL versions of ground-based direct weapons, VTOLs can also use bomb weapons. These weapons are the equivalent of artillery, and are very powerful." +msgstr "" + +msgid "VTOLs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) units are the main aerial instruments in dominating the skies." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To produce VTOL units, you will need to have discovered & researched the \"VTOL Propulsion\" and \"VTOL Factory\"." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You should also research and build a few \"VTOL Rearming Pads\", so your VTOL units can reload ammo." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Weapon Selection" +msgstr "" + +msgid "As you discover and research more weapons, you'll also discover that certain weapons may work dramatically better for certain situations than others (or versus certain enemy units or structures)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When you complete research on a new weapon, an Intelligence Display message will provide some information on its attributes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "It is to your advantage to experiment with different weapon types. If you're having trouble and haven't re-evaluated your force's composition in a while, it might be time to consider changing the weapons for stronger ones, or new varieties!" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will need to design and build new units if you want to overpower your enemies and get that sweet taste of victory." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This aspect of the game is what makes Warzone 2100 unique in its own way." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To be able to design units, a Command Center is required." +msgstr "" diff --git a/po/guide/ja_JP.po b/po/guide/ja_JP.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ff27845850e --- /dev/null +++ b/po/guide/ja_JP.po @@ -0,0 +1,723 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: warzone2100\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: warzone2100-project@lists.sourceforge.net\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-06-12 03:55+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2025-02-10 02:27\n" +"Last-Translator: \n" +"Language-Team: Japanese\n" +"Language: ja_JP\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project: warzone2100\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 354665\n" +"X-Crowdin-Language: ja\n" +"X-Crowdin-File: /master/po/guide/warzone2100_guide.pot\n" +"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 360\n" + +msgid "Artifacts" +msgstr "出土品" + +msgid "As you progress through the campaign, you will collect Artifacts from enemy bases (and specific enemy units)." +msgstr "キャンペーンを進めると、敵の基地(および特定の敵ユニット)から出土品を回収します。" + +msgid "These will unlock valuable technologies that you can research in a Research Facility." +msgstr "これにより、研究施設で研究できる貴重な技術が解放されます。" + +msgid "Artifacts are small white boxes with a green indicator above, and can be picked up by moving any unit close enough." +msgstr "出土品は、上に緑色のインジケータが付いた小さな白いボックスであり、十分に近くに任意のユニットを移動することによって拾うことができます。" + +msgid "All artifacts must be picked up as part of each level's victory conditions." +msgstr "すべての出土品は、各レベルの勝利条件の一部としてピックアップする必要があります。" + +msgid "Backstory" +msgstr "裏話" + +msgid "In the late 21st century, NASDA (the North American Strategic Defense Agency) developed and deployed a massive missile defense system, including a network of nuclear-equipped satellites and ground-based launch sites." +msgstr "21世紀後半、NASDA(北米戦略防衛庁)は大規模なミサイル防衛システムを開発・展開した。 原子力を搭載した衛星や地上の打ち上げ現場のネットワークを含む。" + +msgid "However, during a routine maintenance check, something went terribly wrong..." +msgstr "しかし、定期的なメンテナンスチェックでは、何かがひどく間違っていました。" + +msgid "The Collapse came fast and hard. Following a technical error in the satellite defense system, nuclear warheads were fired at major cites across the world." +msgstr "衛星防衛システムの技術的なエラーに続いて、世界中の主要都市で核弾頭が発射された。" + +msgid "Minutes later, ground based sites fired in response to the launch. Millions died as nuclear firestorms wiped out the world’s cities. Billions more died as plagues and epidemics swept away what remained of civilization." +msgstr "数分後、発射に応じて発射された地上基地。世界の都市を一掃した核の火災によって数百万人が死亡しました。 疫病と疫病が文明にとどまったままになったので、数十億人が亡くなりました。" + +msgid "Less than a million people survived the Collapse." +msgstr "100万人未満の人々が崩壊を生き延びました" + +msgid "Earth broke into hundreds of small scavenger bands battling each other for the remnants of the former civilization. Only a few had the vision to attempt to rebuild a new world from the ashes." +msgstr "地球は、かつての文明の残党のために互いに戦っている何百もの小さなスカベンジャーバンドに侵入しました。 ほんの数人だけが、灰から新しい世界を再建しようとするビジョンを持っていました。" + +msgid "## Present Day:" +msgstr "## 現在の日:" + +msgid "The player (referred to as \"the Commander\") is part of a group of survivors that sought shelter in a military base in the Rocky Mountains." +msgstr "プレイヤー(「司令官」と呼ばれる)は、ロッキー山脈の軍事基地に避難を求めた生存者のグループの一部です。" + +msgid "They emerge from the base with the goal of rebuilding the world, adopting the name \"The Project\"." +msgstr "彼らは世界を再構築するという目標を持って基地から現れ、「プロジェクト」という名前を採用しています。" + +msgid "The Project dispatches three teams with the objective of reclaiming artifacts, thus allowing the research and application of pre-Collapse technologies." +msgstr "プロジェクトでは、人工物の再利用を目的とした3つのチームを派遣し、崩壊前技術の研究と応用を可能にします。" + +msgid "- Team Alpha is sent to an Arizona desert location southeast of Project HQ" +msgstr "- プロジェクト本部の南東にあるアリゾナ砂漠の場所にチームアルファが送られます" + +msgid "- Beta team is sent to the remains of Chicago" +msgstr "- ベータチームがシカゴの遺跡に送られます" + +msgid "- Gamma team is sent into the northern Rockies in Colorado" +msgstr "- ガンマチームがコロラド州北部のロッキー山脈に派遣されます" + +msgid "Command Panel" +msgstr "コマンドパネル" + +msgid "There are six different command panel interfaces, plus a central button. You open up a command interface by pressing the appropriate button." +msgstr "6つの異なるコマンドパネルインターフェイスと中央ボタンがあります。適切なボタンを押してコマンドインターフェイスを開きます。" + +msgid "The middle / central button closes any open command interface." +msgstr "中央/中央のボタンは、開かれたコマンドインターフェイスを閉じます。" + +msgid "Intelligence Display" +msgstr "Intelligence Display" + +msgid "The Intelligence Display is where you can find your current mission objectives, replay your current mission briefing, and read more about completed research projects." +msgstr "Intelligence Displayでは、現在のミッション目標を見つけ、現在のミッション説明会をリプレイしたり、完成した研究プロジェクトの詳細を読むことができます。" + +msgid "When you open the Intelligence Display, two rows of icons appear on the bottom of the screen." +msgstr "Intelligence Displayを開くと、画面下部に2列のアイコンが表示されます。" + +msgid "Selecting an icon will display information about that research or mission objective in the middle of the screen." +msgstr "アイコンを選択すると、その研究やミッションの目的に関する情報が画面中央に表示されます。" + +msgid "Using the Mission Timer" +msgstr "ミッションタイマーの使用" + +msgid "Much of the time, you'll be on the clock. Sometimes, you'll find yourself wishing you had more time. Other times you might think you have too much." +msgstr "時間の多く, あなたは、時計になります. あなたは、より多くの時間を持って希望する自分自身を見つけることができます. 他には、自分の持ちすぎだと思うこともあるかもしれません。" + +msgid "There are always smart ways to make use of extra time to prepare for battles ahead." +msgstr "戦いに向けて準備する余分な時間を利用するスマートな方法が常にあります。" + +msgid "Whether it's completing new research, building defenses, or recycling & replacing units with new weapons and technologies... don't let good time go to waste." +msgstr "新しい研究、建物の防御、またはユニットのリサイクルと交換が完了していても、新たな武器や技術に変更されても、良い時間を無駄にしません。" + +msgid "(If you have the Timer Power Bonus tweak enabled - which is the default - you don't need to wait out the timer to grant power. You'll automatically be granted the power you would have gained if you'd let the timer run. But the rest of the uses still apply!)" +msgstr "(デフォルトのタイマーパワーボーナスを有効にしている場合は、タイマーを待って電源を付与する必要はありません。 タイマーを実行させると、自動的に得られる力が与えられます。しかし、残りの使用はまだ適用されます。)" + +msgid "Power" +msgstr "パワー" + +msgid "In Warzone 2100, power is your key resource." +msgstr "Warzone 2100では、パワーはあなたの主要なリソースです。" + +msgid "You spend power to build structures, manufacture units, and research upgrades / new technology." +msgstr "パワーを使って建造物を建て、ユニットを製造し、アップグレードや新技術を研究する。" + +msgid "Power is generated by Power Generators that are fed by Oil Derricks." +msgstr "パワーは、オイルデリックが供給する発電機によって行われます。" + +msgid "Researching Technology" +msgstr "研究技術" + +msgid "Researching technologies is accomplished using Research Facilities." +msgstr "技術の研究は研究施設を使用して達成されます。" + +msgid "When a Research Facility is selected, all available options are displayed on the left side of the screen." +msgstr "研究施設を選択すると、画面左側に利用可能なすべてのオプションが表示されます。" + +msgid "Each research project requires a certain amount of power and time to complete. The power investment is non-refundable." +msgstr "各研究プロジェクトには一定の電力量と時間が必要です。電力投資は返金不可です。" + +msgid "But research progress is never lost, even if the Research Facility is destroyed - the project only needs to be re-assigned to another facility." +msgstr "しかし、研究施設が破壊されても、研究の進歩は決して失われません - プロジェクトは別の施設に再割り当てする必要があります。" + +msgid "Completing research of a new technology may:" +msgstr "新しい技術の研究を完了する可能性があります:" + +msgid "- Make available new weapons, structures, unit bodies, propulsion, etc" +msgstr "-新しい武器、建造物、ユニットボディ、推進力などを利用できるようにする" + +msgid "- Upgrade the effectiveness of existing weapons, structures, unit bodies, etc" +msgstr "-既存の武器、建造物、ユニットボディなどの効果をアップグレードします" + +msgid "- Enable the research of additional technologies" +msgstr "- 追加技術の研究を可能にする" + +msgid "General" +msgstr "" + +msgid "In Warzone 2100, you command the forces of \"The Project\" in a battle to rebuild the world, after mankind has been nearly destroyed by nuclear missiles." +msgstr "ウォーゾーン2100では、世界再建のための戦いで「プロジェクト」の軍隊を指揮します。 人類が核ミサイルによって滅ぼされかけた後" + +msgid "This guide will help walk you through key facets of the game." +msgstr "このガイドでは、ゲームの重要な側面について説明します。" + +msgid "(If you are playing the campaign, new guide topics may be unlocked as you progress through the game.)" +msgstr "(キャンペーンをプレイしている場合は、ゲームの進行中に新しいガイドトピックがアンロックされる可能性があります。)" + +msgid "Building Structures" +msgstr "ストラクチャ構造" + +msgid "Click the \"Build\" button on the Command Panel." +msgstr "コマンドパネルの「ビルド」ボタンをクリックします。" + +msgid "This will open the Structures menu on the left side of screen, with a button for each structure you can build." +msgstr "これにより、画面の左側にある「構造物」メニューが開き、構築できる各構造物のボタンが表示されます。" + +msgid "Select the desired structure button. A silhouette will appear in the game world - this is where your structure will be placed once you confirm." +msgstr "所望の構造ボタンを選択します。シルエットがゲームの世界に表示されます - これは確認すると、あなたの構造が配置される場所です。" + +msgid "Move the silhouette by moving the input device." +msgstr "入力デバイスを動かしてシルエットを移動します。" + +msgid "- If a structure is buildable in a location, the silhouette will be colored green when you hover over a location." +msgstr "- ロケーションに構造を構築できる場合、ロケーションにカーソルを合わせるとシルエットが緑色になります。" + +msgid "- If a structure is not buildable in a location, the silhouette will be colored red." +msgstr "- 位置に構造が構築できない場合、シルエットは赤色になります。" + +msgid "Once you've chosen a viable location, select to confirm the placement of the build site. A truck will move to the location and begin construction." +msgstr "実行可能な場所を選択したら、建設現場の配置を確認することを選択します。トラックは場所に移動し、建設を開始します。" + +msgid "You can order additional trucks to help out (and build the structure faster) by selecting them and ordering them to target the structure under construction." +msgstr "追加のトラックを注文して、それらを選択し、建設中の建造物をターゲットにすることで、より迅速に建造することができます。" + +msgid "Tip: To build \"walls\" (once they are available), you can click and drag to draw a wall in a line." +msgstr "ヒント: 「壁」を作成するには(利用可能な場合)、クリックしてドラッグして線に壁を描くことができます。" + +msgid "Demolishing Structures" +msgstr "構造物の解体" + +msgid "Demolishing a building is almost as simple as building one." +msgstr "建物を破壊するのは、建物を建てるのと同じくらい簡単です。" + +msgid "Select \"Demolish Structure\" in the Structures menu and click a building to demolish." +msgstr "構造物の解体メニューの構造物を選択し、建物をクリックして解体します。" + +msgid "A unit will move to the building and destroy it." +msgstr "ユニットは建物に移動し、それを破壊します。" + +msgid "Demolished structures return half the power used to build the structure." +msgstr "解体された建造物は、建造に使用される電力の半分を返します。" + +msgid "Factory" +msgstr "工場" + +msgid "A Factory is used to build units. Each Factory can build one unit at a time, but you can queue multiple units for production." +msgstr "工場はユニットを建設するために使用されます。各工場は一度に1つのユニットを建設できますが、生産のために複数のユニットをキューに入れることができます。" + +msgid "When a unit is produced, it receives the Factory’s Unit Orders and proceeds to the Factory's Rally Point." +msgstr "部隊が生産されると、ユニット命令を受け取り、工場のラリーポイントに進みます。" + +msgid "Note: The base Factory is only able to produce units with Light bodies. Factory modules must be discovered and built to upgrade Factory production capabilities." +msgstr "注意: ベースファクトリーはライトボディを持つユニットのみ生産できます。ファクトリー生産能力をアップグレードするためには、モジュールを発見して構築する必要があります。" + +msgid "Command Center" +msgstr "コマンドセンター" + +msgid "The Command Center is the headquarters of your base." +msgstr "コマンドセンターはあなたの基地の本部です。" + +msgid "It provides access to the mini-map / radar, and the ability to design units." +msgstr "ミニマップ/レーダーへのアクセスとユニットの設計機能を提供します。" + +msgid "To build a Command Center, click the \"Build\" button on the command panel and select the Command Center structure." +msgstr "コマンドセンターを構築するには、コマンドパネルの「ビルド」ボタンをクリックし、コマンドセンターの構造を選択します。" + +msgid "Then, click where you want your builders to construct it." +msgstr "次に、ビルダーに構築する場所をクリックします。" + +msgid "Structure Modules" +msgstr "モジュール構造" + +msgid "Power Generators, Factories, and Research Facilities can be upgraded with their respective structure modules." +msgstr "発電機、工場、研究施設は、それぞれの構造モジュールでアップグレードすることができます。" + +msgid "Once researched, you can access these modules from the Build menu to apply them to the structures in question." +msgstr "一度研究すれば、ビルドメニューからこれらのモジュールにアクセスし、問題の構造物に適用することができる。" + +msgid "Alternatively, you can select a Truck or a Combat Engineer and click on the structure in order to begin its construction." +msgstr "或いは、トラックまたは戦闘エンジニアを選択し、建造を開始するために建造物をクリックします。" + +msgid "Note: While one of these structures is being upgraded, it will temporarily be unavailable until the upgrade is complete." +msgstr "注意: これらの施設のいずれかがアップグレード中ですが、アップグレードが完了するまで一時的に利用できなくなります。" + +msgid "Upgrade Effects:" +msgstr "アップグレード効果:" + +msgid "- Power Generator modules increase the rate of power generation" +msgstr "- 発電機モジュールが発電速度を上げます" + +msgid "- Factory modules allow the production of Medium and Heavy units, as well as decreasing the time it takes to produce units" +msgstr "- 工場モジュールを使用すると、中や重のユニットの生産時間を短縮できます。" + +msgid "- Research Facility modules decrease the time needed to complete assigned research projects" +msgstr "- 研究施設モジュールは、割り当てられた研究プロジェクトを完了するのに必要な時間を短縮します。" + +msgid "Oil Derrick" +msgstr "採油機" + +msgid "An Oil Derrick can be built by selecting a Truck and targeting an available Oil Resource." +msgstr "採油機はトラックを選択し、利用可能な石油資源をターゲットにして建設できます。" + +msgid "The destruction of an Oil Derrick will temporarily prevent the construction of another at the same spot until the fire subsides." +msgstr "採油機の破壊は火災が沈むまで、同じ場所で別の建設を一時的に防ぎます。" + +msgid "To utilize an Oil Derrick and generate power requires a Power Generator." +msgstr "採油機を利用して発電するには発電機が必要です。" + +msgid "Power Generator" +msgstr "発電機" + +msgid "Each Power Generator uses up to 4 Oil Derricks. So, for example, if you have 10 Oil Derricks you would need 3 Power Generators to utilize all of the oil derricks and generate maximum Power." +msgstr "各発電機は最大4つの採油機を使用します。 例えば オイルデリックが10個ある場合は、すべてのオイルデリックを利用し、最大電力を発生させるために3つの発電機が必要です。" + +msgid "While oil derricks must be built on oil resources, Power Generators can be built anywhere on the map. But keep in mind: additional generators beyond one for every 4 derricks will provide no benefit." +msgstr "採油機は石油資源で作る必要がありますが、発電機は地図上のどこにでも作ることができます。 しかし、心に留めておいてください:4採油機ごとに1を超える追加の発電機は利点を提供しません。" + +msgid "Rally Point" +msgstr "ラリーポイント" + +msgid "When a Factory has finished building a unit, the unit will spawn next to the Factory, and then proceed to the Factory's designated Rally Point." +msgstr "工場の建設が完了すると、工場の隣に設置され、工場の指定ラリーポイントに進みます。" + +msgid "By default, the Rally Point is placed next to the Factory. Clicking a Rally Point will allow you to move it." +msgstr "デフォルトでは、ラリーポイントは工場の隣に設置されています。ラリーポイントトをクリックすると、集結ポイントを移動できます。" + +msgid "Note: Moving a Rally Point while a unit is moving to it will not affect the unit's path." +msgstr "注:ユニットが移動中にラリーポイントを移動すると、ユニットのパスには影響しません。" + +msgid "Repair Facility" +msgstr "修理施設" + +msgid "Building a Repair Facility creates a fixed structure to which units can retreat to be repaired." +msgstr "修理施設を建設すると、ユニットが後退する固定構造が作成されます。" + +msgid "Repair Facilities can repair units faster than mobile units with repair turrets." +msgstr "修理設備は、修理タレットを備えた移動式ユニットよりも速くユニットを修理できます。" + +msgid "Research Facility" +msgstr "研究施設" + +msgid "Research Facilities are required in order to research new technologies." +msgstr "新技術の研究には研究設備が必要です。" + +msgid "Each Research Facility can research one technology at a time." +msgstr "各研究施設は、一度に一つの技術を研究することができます。" + +msgid "VTOL Factory" +msgstr "VTOL工場" + +msgid "A VTOL Factory is used to build units with VTOL propulsion (i.e. flying units)." +msgstr "VTOL工場は、VTOL推進ユニット(飛行ユニット)を構築するために使用されます。" + +msgid "Each VTOL Factory can build one unit at a time, but you can queue multiple units for production." +msgstr "各VTOL工場は一度に1つのユニットを構築することができますが、生産のために複数のユニットをキューに入れることができます。" + +msgid "When a VTOL Factory is done building a unit, it will order it to fly and land near the factory's Rally Point." +msgstr "VTOL工場がユニットの建設を完了すると、工場のラリーポイントの近くに飛んで着陸するように命令します。" + +msgid "Structures" +msgstr "構造" + +msgid "Building structures is absolutely vital in Warzone 2100 - from Factories which build units, to Research Facilities that research new technologies." +msgstr "Warzone 2100では、ユニットを建設する工場から、新技術を研究する研究施設まで、建築構造は絶対に不可欠です。" + +msgid "Building can be done with units with Trucks as turrets and/or Combat Engineers." +msgstr "建物は、タレットおよび/または戦闘エンジニアとしてトラックを持つユニットで行うことができます。" + +msgid "Attack Range" +msgstr "攻撃範囲" + +msgid "You can use the Unit Orders menu to configure unit \"Attack Range\"." +msgstr "ユニット命令メニューを使用して、ユニット「攻撃範囲」を設定できます。" + +msgid "- Optimum Range: Fires at the most accurate range" +msgstr "- 最適範囲: 最も正確な範囲の火災" + +msgid "- Short Range: Moves to short range and attacks" +msgstr "- 短距離: 短距離と攻撃へ移動" + +msgid "- Long Range: Attacks at long range (default)" +msgstr "- 長い範囲での攻撃 (デフォルト)" + +msgid "Firing Mode" +msgstr "射撃モード" + +msgid "You can use the Unit Orders menu to configure unit \"Firing Mode\"." +msgstr "ユニット命令メニューを使用して、ユニットの「射撃モード」を設定できます。" + +msgid "- Fire At Will: Fires at any enemy (default)" +msgstr "- 意志で撃つ:任意の敵に撃つ(デフォルト)" + +msgid "- Return Fire: Only fire if fired at" +msgstr "- 返却火: 発射された場合のみ発射する" + +msgid "- Do Not Fire: Units will not fire" +msgstr "- 撃たない:兵士は発砲しない" + +msgid "Movement" +msgstr "移動" + +msgid "You can use the Unit Orders menu to configure unit \"Movement\"." +msgstr "ユニット命令メニューを使用して、ユニットの移動を設定できます。" + +msgid "- Patrol: Move between two points. Just click a point on the map after selecting it" +msgstr "- パトロール: 2つの点の間を移動します。選択した後、地図上の点をクリックするだけです。" + +msgid "- Circle: (VTOLs only) Move in a circle over a position. Just click an area after selecting it" +msgstr "- 円: (VTOLのみ) 位置に円を描いて移動します。選択した領域をクリックするだけです。" + +msgid "- Pursue: Pursue enemy" +msgstr "-追善:敵を追う。" + +msgid "- Guard: Stay near an area or structure. (default)" +msgstr "- 守る:エリアまたはストラクチャーの近くに滞在します。(デフォルト)" + +msgid "- Hold Position: Do not move under any circumstances" +msgstr "- 位置を保持: どんな状況下でも移動しないでください" + +msgid "Recycling" +msgstr "リサイクル" + +msgid "Recycling a unit will send it to the nearest Factory or Repair Facility, and destroy it." +msgstr "リサイクルすると、最寄りの工場や修理施設にリサイクルして破壊します。" + +msgid "Half the power used in making the unit will be refunded to you (although this will be reduced if the unit is damaged)." +msgstr "ユニットの製造に使用される電力の半分は返金されます(ユニットが破損している場合は削減されます)。" + +msgid "The unit’s experience level will be placed in the next unit that is manufactured." +msgstr "ユニットの経験レベルは、製造される次のユニットに配置されます。" + +msgid "You can order the selected units to return for recycling via the Unit Orders menu or the \"Return for Recycling\" keybind." +msgstr "選択したユニットは、ユニット注文メニューまたは「リサイクルのためのリターン」キーバインドを介してリサイクルのために返却するように注文できます。" + +msgid "Retreating" +msgstr "撤退中" + +msgid "Losing units (especially units with experience levels) can be a real hit to a force's ability to successfully wage battle." +msgstr "ユニット(特に経験値レベルのユニット)を失うことは、戦闘を成功させる力に本当のヒットとなり得ます。" + +msgid "You can use the Unit Orders menu to choose a \"Retreat Threshold\", which will cause units to automatically retreat from the battle when they reach a specified damage level." +msgstr "「ユニット命令」メニューを使用して「リトリートのしきい値」を選択できます。 与えられたダメージレベルに達すると自動的に退却する" + +msgid "- Do or Die: Your unit will not retreat unless ordered to. (default)" +msgstr "- 命令がない限り、部隊は退却しません。(デフォルト)" + +msgid "- Retreat at Medium Damage: Your unit will retreat at medium (yellow) damage" +msgstr "- 中ダメージ時のリトリート:中ダメージ時に部隊が後退します。" + +msgid "- Retreat at Heavy Damage: Your unit will retreat at heavy (red) damage" +msgstr "- 大ダメージ時のリトリート:部隊は重いダメージで後退します。" + +msgid "Retreating units will return to the nearest repair facility, repair unit, HQ, or LZ." +msgstr "退却するユニットは、最寄りの修理施設、修理ユニット、本部、または上陸地点に戻る。" + +msgid "Return To" +msgstr "戻る" + +msgid "You can use the Unit Orders menu to quickly order units to return to a specific location." +msgstr "ユニットオーダーメニューを使用して、ユニットを特定の場所にすばやく注文できます。" + +msgid "- Return for Repair: Unit will return to a Repair Facility" +msgstr "- 修理のための戻り値: ユニットは修理施設に戻ります" + +msgid "- Return to HQ: Unit will return to Command Center or LZ (campaign)" +msgstr "- 本部に戻る: ユニットはコマンドセンターまたは上陸地点に戻ります(キャンペーン)" + +msgid "- Go To Transport: Unit will go to and board transport" +msgstr "- 交通機関へ移動: ユニットは移動し、乗り継ぎを行います" + +msgid "Unit Orders" +msgstr "ユニット命令" + +msgid "Right-click a unit or group of units to show their current Unit Orders." +msgstr "ユニットまたはユニットのグループを右クリックして、現在のユニット命令を表示します。" + +msgid "The Unit Orders panel allows you to customize the behavior of your units, from patrolling an area to retreating at low health." +msgstr "ユニット命令パネルでは、地域のパトロールから低ヘルス時の後退まで、ユニットの動作をカスタマイズできます。" + +msgid "Right-click a Factory to adjust the Unit Orders for all future units produced by the Factory." +msgstr "工場を右クリックして、工場で生産されるすべての今後のユニットのユニット命令を調整します。" + +msgid "Building Units" +msgstr "建造ユニット" + +msgid "To build units, either select a Factory, or select the \"Manufacturing\" button on the Command Panel - this will open the Manufacturing panel on the left side of the screen." +msgstr "ユニットを建造するには、工場を選択します。 またはコマンドパネルの「製造」ボタンを選択すると、画面の左側に「製造」パネルが開きます。" + +msgid "The Manufacturing panel will display the unit designs which are buildable by the currently-selected Factory. Factories may be limited to producing certain types of units (or may only be able to produce certain units if upgraded with modules)." +msgstr "製造パネルには、現在選択されている工場によって構築可能なユニットデザインが表示されます。 工場は、特定の種類のユニットの生産に限定される場合があります(モジュールでアップグレードした場合にのみ、特定のユニットを生産することができます)。" + +msgid "To select a different Factory, either click on the Factory in the game world, or click on the appropriate button in the Factories panel on the bottom-center of the screen." +msgstr "別の工場を選択するには、ゲームの世界で工場をクリックしてください または画面の下部中央にある工場パネルの適切なボタンをクリックします。" + +msgid "To manufacture a unit in a Factory, click the desired unit design button in the Manufacturing panel. You can queue multiples of the same unit by repeatedly clicking the unit design button." +msgstr "工場内でユニットを製造するには、製造パネルで必要なユニット設計ボタンをクリックします。 ユニットデザインボタンを繰り返しクリックすることで、同じユニットの倍数をキューに入れることができます。" + +msgid "While a unit is building, the unit will be shown in the Factories panel above the Factory that is building it. If the bar is green, the Factory is gathering power to build the unit. If the bar is yellow, the unit is being built." +msgstr "ユニットが建造されている間、ユニットは工場の上の工場パネルに表示されます。 バーが緑の場合、工場はユニットを建設するための力を集めています。バーが黄色の場合、ユニットが建設されます。" + +msgid "When a Factory is done building a unit, it will order the unit to proceed to the Factory's Rally Point." +msgstr "工場の建設が完了すると、工場の集結ポイントに進むように命令します。" + +msgid "Attaching Units" +msgstr "ユニットをアタッチ" + +msgid "To attach a unit to a Commander, select a unit, then left-click the Commander you want to attach the unit to. A symbol will appear next to the unit to signify it is attached." +msgstr "指揮官にユニットをアタッチするには、ユニットを選択し、ユニットをアタッチしたい指揮官を左クリックします。 ユニットの横にシンボルが表示され、それが添付されていることを示します。" + +msgid "## Limits:" +msgstr "## 制限:" + +msgid "Commanders have a limit to the amount of direct-fire units (eg machine-guns) which is affected by their own experience level. Levels are earned by the Commander reaching 2 kills, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on." +msgstr "指揮官は自分自身の経験レベルの影響を受ける直接発射ユニット(例えば機関銃)の量に制限があります。 レベルは4、8、16、32、64などに達することによって獲得されます。" + +msgid "Each experience level allows the Commander 2 more direct-fire units. However, a Commander can have as many indirect-fire units as it wants." +msgstr "各経験値レベルでは、コマンダーは直 接火ユニットを 2 つ増やすことができる。ただし、コマンダーは必要な数の間接攻撃ユニットを持つことができます。" + +msgid "Detaching Units" +msgstr "ユニットの取り外し中" + +msgid "To detach a unit from a Commander:" +msgstr "指揮官からユニットを切り離すには:" + +msgid "1. Right-click the unit (or hold the \"Shift\" key while selecting the unit) to select only that unit (instead of the whole commander group)" +msgstr "1. ユニットを右クリック(または「シフト」キーを押しながらユニットを選択)し、そのユニットのみを選択します (司令官グループ全体の代わりに)" + +msgid "2. Give the unit a new order (eg. move)" +msgstr "2. ユニットに新しい注文を与えます(例:移動)" + +msgid "Going for repairs, BRB" +msgstr "修理に行ってくる。" + +msgid "A unit that retreats from the battle to go to a repair facility, will stay connected to its Commander group." +msgstr "戦場から撤退して修理施設に向かう部隊はコマンダー団とつながりを保ちます。" + +msgid "When it is done repairing, it will return to its Commander." +msgstr "修理が完了すると、コマンダーに戻ります。" + +msgid "Targeting" +msgstr "" + +msgid "When you select a Commander and target an enemy unit, any attached units will move to fire on the targeted unit." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The attached units will have greater accuracy when firing." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Commanders" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Command turrets are used much like sensors, except they can command any attacking unit, not just artillery." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Commanders provide an accuracy, armor, and movement speed bonus to all units assigned to them, which increases as the commander's rank increases." +msgstr "" + +msgid "They are limited to having 6 non-artillery attacking units assigned to them at first, but this limit rises by 2 each time the commander gains a rank, which can happen relatively quickly." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Designing Units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will need to design new units if you want to overpower your enemies and get that sweet taste of victory. This is a key aspect of Warzone 2100's gameplay." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To start designing a unit, select the Design button in the Command Panel. This will make two columns appear on the left of the screen." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To make a new design, select the \"blank\" green body in the top-left. To edit an existing unit design, just select it instead." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Designing a new unit is a simple three-step procedure: selecting a body, a propulsion system, and a turret. Those three selections will result in a new unit." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Once you have designed a unit, you will need a Factory to build it." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Experience & Ranks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Units gain experience when they successfully dispatch enemies." +msgstr "" + +msgid "A higher experience level means that a unit is more accurate, moves faster, and takes less damage." +msgstr "" + +msgid "An icon displaying a unit’s rank is displayed next to the unit’s health bar." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Units with higher experience levels can make all the difference in battle!" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repairing Units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can design a unit with a repair turret instead of a weapon, and it can be ordered to repair your other units." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can also keep the repair units back from the battle, and use the Retreat Options to set your offensive units to retreat to them for repair at a certain damage level." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Retreating and repairing units is often far preferable to losing experienced units on the battlefield." +msgstr "" + +msgid "CB Sensors" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Counter-Battery (CB) Sensors dramatically alter the battlefield by allowing artillery units to directly target distant artillery platforms - provided they have the range." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Identified structures or units will be colored red in the fog of war once a CB Sensor detects the launch of any enemy artillery." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If active, artillery units prioritize CB Sensor targets over targets revealed by normal Sensors." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Un-Assigning" +msgstr "" + +msgid "To un-assign a unit from a sensor, the easiest way is to right-click the unit, and then tell it to move somewhere." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiple units can be selected by holding CTRL while clicking." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Using Sensors" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Artillery structures are the easiest. Simply build a sensor tower, and if the sensor tower is targeting something within your artillery structures' weapon range, they will fire at it." +msgstr "" + +msgid "An artillery tank, however, needs to be explicitly assigned to a sensor to function. Select the artillery tanks, then click on a sensor to assign the tanks to the sensor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Once the artillery is assigned, if it is assigned to a sensor tower, that tower will target enemies that come in range automatically." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If it is assigned to a sensor tank, the sensor can be used to attack enemies by selecting the sensor and targeting an enemy. All artillery assigned to the sensor will attack its target." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sensors" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sensors can be used for scouting and surveillance, but they also have a more important usage: to spot for artillery." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Artillery weapons, by themselves, cannot fire more than their own sensor range (8 tiles without upgrades)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "However, even the most basic artillery weapon has an 18-tile weapon range. To use it, you will need to build and deploy sensors on the battlefield (either sensor towers or tanks with sensor turrets)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Attacking" +msgstr "" + +msgid "To attack with a VTOL, select it and click an enemy like normal." +msgstr "" + +msgid "However, you may noticed the white ammo bar below its health bar as you start attacking." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unlike ground units, which reload automatically, VTOLs carry a limited amount of ammo. Once that ammo runs out, the VTOL can’t attack until it refuels." +msgstr "" + +msgid "A VTOL out of ammo will automatically find a VTOL rearming pad to rearm and repair itself (and will resume attacking once fully rearmed), or it can be manually rearmed by selecting it and clicking on a rearming pad." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unlike other units which usually attack the nearest target, VTOLs will not attack anything automatically. However, by selecting a VTOL and alt+clicking on an area, a VTOL will patrol the area between its current location and the clicked location, and attack anything in the vicinity." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Alternatively, VTOLs can be assigned to VTOL Strike Towers and VTOL CB Towers, which will cause them to function similarly to artillery assigned to sensor towers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Defending Against VTOLs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "What's that in the sky? ... It's a VTOL unit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Since VTOLs are not ground-based units, most ground weapons cannot hit them." +msgstr "" + +msgid "They can only be hit by either anti-air (often abbreviated \"AA\") or versatile (can hit air or ground) weapons." +msgstr "" + +msgid "There are only a few weapons that are versatile: machineguns, lasers, and Mini-Rocket Pod." +msgstr "" + +msgid "(Rockets and missiles are also versatile, but only when mounted on a cyborg or VTOL.)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "In addition to being uncommon, versatile weapons do not do as much damage to VTOLs as dedicated anti-air, so having some AA is recommended against VTOLs." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Designing VTOLs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Designing VTOL units is similar to designing ground units." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When choosing a propulsion, simply pick \"VTOL\" propulsion." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will then be able to select from the available VTOL Weapons." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remember: You will need a \"VTOL Factory\" to actually build VTOL unit designs." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Weapons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Most weapons have a VTOL equivalent, which does at least twice as much damage, but has limited ammo." +msgstr "" + +msgid "VTOL versions of regular weapons do not need to be researched separately." +msgstr "" + +msgid "In addition to VTOL versions of ground-based direct weapons, VTOLs can also use bomb weapons. These weapons are the equivalent of artillery, and are very powerful." +msgstr "" + +msgid "VTOLs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) units are the main aerial instruments in dominating the skies." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To produce VTOL units, you will need to have discovered & researched the \"VTOL Propulsion\" and \"VTOL Factory\"." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You should also research and build a few \"VTOL Rearming Pads\", so your VTOL units can reload ammo." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Weapon Selection" +msgstr "" + +msgid "As you discover and research more weapons, you'll also discover that certain weapons may work dramatically better for certain situations than others (or versus certain enemy units or structures)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When you complete research on a new weapon, an Intelligence Display message will provide some information on its attributes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "It is to your advantage to experiment with different weapon types. If you're having trouble and haven't re-evaluated your force's composition in a while, it might be time to consider changing the weapons for stronger ones, or new varieties!" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will need to design and build new units if you want to overpower your enemies and get that sweet taste of victory." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This aspect of the game is what makes Warzone 2100 unique in its own way." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To be able to design units, a Command Center is required." +msgstr "" diff --git a/po/guide/tr.po b/po/guide/tr.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f0bee759f22 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/guide/tr.po @@ -0,0 +1,723 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: warzone2100\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: warzone2100-project@lists.sourceforge.net\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-06-12 03:55+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2025-02-10 02:27\n" +"Last-Translator: \n" +"Language-Team: Turkish\n" +"Language: tr_TR\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project: warzone2100\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 354665\n" +"X-Crowdin-Language: tr\n" +"X-Crowdin-File: /master/po/guide/warzone2100_guide.pot\n" +"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 360\n" + +msgid "Artifacts" +msgstr "Kalıntılar" + +msgid "As you progress through the campaign, you will collect Artifacts from enemy bases (and specific enemy units)." +msgstr "Seferberlik boyunca ilerledikçe, düşman üslerinden (ve belirli düşman birimlerinden) kalıntılar toplayacaksınız." + +msgid "These will unlock valuable technologies that you can research in a Research Facility." +msgstr "Bunlar, bir araştırma tesisinde araştırabileceğiniz değerli teknolojilerin kilidini açacaktır." + +msgid "Artifacts are small white boxes with a green indicator above, and can be picked up by moving any unit close enough." +msgstr "Eserler, üzerinde yeşil bir gösterge bulunan küçük beyaz kutulardır ve herhangi bir birimi yeterince yakın hareket ettirerek alınabilir." + +msgid "All artifacts must be picked up as part of each level's victory conditions." +msgstr "Tüm eserler, her seviyenin zafer koşullarının bir parçası olarak alınmalıdır." + +msgid "Backstory" +msgstr "Geçmişin Hikayesi" + +msgid "In the late 21st century, NASDA (the North American Strategic Defense Agency) developed and deployed a massive missile defense system, including a network of nuclear-equipped satellites and ground-based launch sites." +msgstr "21. yüzyılın sonlarında NASDA (Kuzey Amerika Stratejik Savunma Ajansı), nükleer donanımlı uydular ve yer tabanlı fırlatma sahalarından oluşan bir ağ da dahil olmak üzere devasa bir füze savunma sistemi geliştirdi ve konuşlandırdı." + +msgid "However, during a routine maintenance check, something went terribly wrong..." +msgstr "Ancak rutin bir bakım kontrolü sırasında bir şeyler çok ters gitti..." + +msgid "The Collapse came fast and hard. Following a technical error in the satellite defense system, nuclear warheads were fired at major cites across the world." +msgstr "Yıkım hızlı ve sert geldi. Uydu savunma sistemindeki teknik bir hatanın ardından, dünyanın dört bir yanındaki büyük şehirlere nükleer savaş başlıkları ateşlendi." + +msgid "Minutes later, ground based sites fired in response to the launch. Millions died as nuclear firestorms wiped out the world’s cities. Billions more died as plagues and epidemics swept away what remained of civilization." +msgstr "Dakikalar sonra, fırlatmaya yanıt olarak yer tabanlı sahalar ateşlendi. Nükleer fırtınalar dünya şehirlerini yok ederken milyonlarca insan öldü. Vebalar ve salgın hastalıklar medeniyetten geriye kalanları süpürürken milyarlarca kişi daha öldü." + +msgid "Less than a million people survived the Collapse." +msgstr "Yıkımdan bir milyondan az insan hayatta kaldı." + +msgid "Earth broke into hundreds of small scavenger bands battling each other for the remnants of the former civilization. Only a few had the vision to attempt to rebuild a new world from the ashes." +msgstr "Dünya, eski uygarlığın kalıntıları için birbirleriyle savaşan yüzlerce küçük çöpçü grubuna girdi. Sadece birkaçı küllerden yeni bir dünyayı yeniden inşa etme vizyonuna sahipti." + +msgid "## Present Day:" +msgstr "## Günümüz:" + +msgid "The player (referred to as \"the Commander\") is part of a group of survivors that sought shelter in a military base in the Rocky Mountains." +msgstr "Oyuncu (\"Komutan\" olarak anılır), Rocky Dağları'ndaki bir askeri üsse sığınan bir grup kurtulanın parçasıdır." + +msgid "They emerge from the base with the goal of rebuilding the world, adopting the name \"The Project\"." +msgstr "\"Proje\" adını benimseyerek dünyayı yeniden inşa etmek amacıyla temelden ortaya çıkıyorlar." + +msgid "The Project dispatches three teams with the objective of reclaiming artifacts, thus allowing the research and application of pre-Collapse technologies." +msgstr "Proje, eserleri geri almak amacıyla üç ekip gönderiyor ve böylece yıkım öncesi teknolojilerin araştırılmasına ve uygulanmasına izin veriyor." + +msgid "- Team Alpha is sent to an Arizona desert location southeast of Project HQ" +msgstr "Alfa ekibi, Project HQ'nun güneydoğusundaki Arizona Çölü'ne gönderildi" + +msgid "- Beta team is sent to the remains of Chicago" +msgstr "Beta ekibi, Chicago'nun kalıntılarına gönderildi." + +msgid "- Gamma team is sent into the northern Rockies in Colorado" +msgstr "Gamma ekibi, Colorado'daki kuzey Rockies'e gönderildi" + +msgid "Command Panel" +msgstr "Komut Paneli" + +msgid "There are six different command panel interfaces, plus a central button. You open up a command interface by pressing the appropriate button." +msgstr "Altı farklı komut paneli arayüzü ve merkezi bir düğme vardır. Uygun düğmeye basarak bir komut ara birimi açarsınız." + +msgid "The middle / central button closes any open command interface." +msgstr "Orta / Merkezi buton açık bütün komut arayüzlerini kapatır." + +msgid "Intelligence Display" +msgstr "İstihbarat Ekranı" + +msgid "The Intelligence Display is where you can find your current mission objectives, replay your current mission briefing, and read more about completed research projects." +msgstr "İstihbarat Ekranı, mevcut görev hedeflerinizi bulabileceğiniz, mevcut görev bilgilendirmenizi tekrarlayabileceğiniz ve tamamlanan araştırma projeleri hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinebileceğiniz yerdir." + +msgid "When you open the Intelligence Display, two rows of icons appear on the bottom of the screen." +msgstr "İstihbarat Ekranını açtığınızda, ekranın altında iki sıra simge belirir." + +msgid "Selecting an icon will display information about that research or mission objective in the middle of the screen." +msgstr "Bir simge seçmek, ekranın ortasında o görev ya da araştırma amacı hakkındaki bilgileri görüntüler." + +msgid "Using the Mission Timer" +msgstr "Görev zamanlayıcısını kullanma" + +msgid "Much of the time, you'll be on the clock. Sometimes, you'll find yourself wishing you had more time. Other times you might think you have too much." +msgstr "Çoğu zaman mesaide kalırsın. Bazen, daha fazla zamanın olmasını dilerken kendini bulursun. Diğer zamanlarda da çok fazla olduğunu düşünebilirsin." + +msgid "There are always smart ways to make use of extra time to prepare for battles ahead." +msgstr "İlerideki savaşlara hazırlanmak için fazladan zamandan yararlanmanın her zaman akıllıca yolları vardır." + +msgid "Whether it's completing new research, building defenses, or recycling & replacing units with new weapons and technologies... don't let good time go to waste." +msgstr "İster yeni araştırmaları tamamlamak, ister savunma inşa etmek, ister birimleri yeni silah ve teknolojilerle geri dönüştürmek ve değiştirmek olsun... iyi zamanın boşa gitmesine izin verme." + +msgid "(If you have the Timer Power Bonus tweak enabled - which is the default - you don't need to wait out the timer to grant power. You'll automatically be granted the power you would have gained if you'd let the timer run. But the rest of the uses still apply!)" +msgstr "(Zamanlayıcı Güç Bonusu ayarını etkinleştirdiyseniz - ki bu varsayılandır - güç vermek için zamanlayıcıyı beklemenize gerek yoktur. Zamanlayıcının çalışmasına izin verirseniz kazanacağınız güç otomatik olarak size verilecektir. Ancak kullanımların geri kalanı hala geçerli!)" + +msgid "Power" +msgstr "Güç" + +msgid "In Warzone 2100, power is your key resource." +msgstr "Warzone 2100'de anahtar kaynağın güçtür." + +msgid "You spend power to build structures, manufacture units, and research upgrades / new technology." +msgstr "Yapılar inşa etmek, birimler üretmek ve yükseltmeleri / yeni teknolojileri araştırmak için güç harcıyorsunuz." + +msgid "Power is generated by Power Generators that are fed by Oil Derricks." +msgstr "Güç, petrol kulesiyle beslenen güç jeneratörüyle üretilir." + +msgid "Researching Technology" +msgstr "Araştırma Teknolojisi" + +msgid "Researching technologies is accomplished using Research Facilities." +msgstr "Araştırma teknolojileri, araştırma tesisleri kullanılarak gerçekleştirilir." + +msgid "When a Research Facility is selected, all available options are displayed on the left side of the screen." +msgstr "Bir araştırma tesisi seçildiğinde mevcut tüm seçenekler ekranın sol tarafında görüntülenir." + +msgid "Each research project requires a certain amount of power and time to complete. The power investment is non-refundable." +msgstr "Her araştırma projesi tamamlanmak için belirli bir enerji ve süre gerektirir. Enerji yatırımı geri alınamaz." + +msgid "But research progress is never lost, even if the Research Facility is destroyed - the project only needs to be re-assigned to another facility." +msgstr "Ancak araştırma tesisleri yok edilse bile araştırma ilerleyişi kaybedilmez. Projenin başka bir tesise atanması gerekir." + +msgid "Completing research of a new technology may:" +msgstr "Yeni bir teknoloji araştırmasının tamamlanması:" + +msgid "- Make available new weapons, structures, unit bodies, propulsion, etc" +msgstr "- Yeni silahlar, yapılar, birim gövdeler, itiş gücü vb. sağlayın" + +msgid "- Upgrade the effectiveness of existing weapons, structures, unit bodies, etc" +msgstr "- Mevcut silahların, yapıların, birim gövdelerinin vb. etkinliğini yükseltin." + +msgid "- Enable the research of additional technologies" +msgstr "- İlave teknolojilerin araştırılmasına izin ver." + +msgid "General" +msgstr "Genel" + +msgid "In Warzone 2100, you command the forces of \"The Project\" in a battle to rebuild the world, after mankind has been nearly destroyed by nuclear missiles." +msgstr "Warzone 2100'de, insanlık nükleer füzeler tarafından neredeyse yok edildikten sonra dünyayı yeniden inşa etme savaşında \"Proje\"nin güçlerine komuta ediyorsunuz." + +msgid "This guide will help walk you through key facets of the game." +msgstr "Bu kılavuz, oyunun önemli yönlerinden geçmenize yardımcı olacaktır." + +msgid "(If you are playing the campaign, new guide topics may be unlocked as you progress through the game.)" +msgstr "(Eğer seferberliği oynuyorsanız, oyunda ilerledikçe yeni kılavuz konularının kilidi açılabilir.)" + +msgid "Building Structures" +msgstr "Bina Yapıları" + +msgid "Click the \"Build\" button on the Command Panel." +msgstr "Komut Paneli'ndeki ''İnşa Et'' butonuna basın." + +msgid "This will open the Structures menu on the left side of screen, with a button for each structure you can build." +msgstr "Bu, oluşturabileceğiniz her yapı için bir düğme ile ekranın sol tarafındaki Yapılar menüsünü açacaktır." + +msgid "Select the desired structure button. A silhouette will appear in the game world - this is where your structure will be placed once you confirm." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Move the silhouette by moving the input device." +msgstr "" + +msgid "- If a structure is buildable in a location, the silhouette will be colored green when you hover over a location." +msgstr "" + +msgid "- If a structure is not buildable in a location, the silhouette will be colored red." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Once you've chosen a viable location, select to confirm the placement of the build site. A truck will move to the location and begin construction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can order additional trucks to help out (and build the structure faster) by selecting them and ordering them to target the structure under construction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tip: To build \"walls\" (once they are available), you can click and drag to draw a wall in a line." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demolishing Structures" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demolishing a building is almost as simple as building one." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select \"Demolish Structure\" in the Structures menu and click a building to demolish." +msgstr "" + +msgid "A unit will move to the building and destroy it." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demolished structures return half the power used to build the structure." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Factory" +msgstr "" + +msgid "A Factory is used to build units. Each Factory can build one unit at a time, but you can queue multiple units for production." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When a unit is produced, it receives the Factory’s Unit Orders and proceeds to the Factory's Rally Point." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note: The base Factory is only able to produce units with Light bodies. Factory modules must be discovered and built to upgrade Factory production capabilities." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Command Center" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The Command Center is the headquarters of your base." +msgstr "" + +msgid "It provides access to the mini-map / radar, and the ability to design units." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To build a Command Center, click the \"Build\" button on the command panel and select the Command Center structure." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Then, click where you want your builders to construct it." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Structure Modules" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Power Generators, Factories, and Research Facilities can be upgraded with their respective structure modules." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Once researched, you can access these modules from the Build menu to apply them to the structures in question." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Alternatively, you can select a Truck or a Combat Engineer and click on the structure in order to begin its construction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note: While one of these structures is being upgraded, it will temporarily be unavailable until the upgrade is complete." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upgrade Effects:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Power Generator modules increase the rate of power generation" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Factory modules allow the production of Medium and Heavy units, as well as decreasing the time it takes to produce units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Research Facility modules decrease the time needed to complete assigned research projects" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Oil Derrick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "An Oil Derrick can be built by selecting a Truck and targeting an available Oil Resource." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The destruction of an Oil Derrick will temporarily prevent the construction of another at the same spot until the fire subsides." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To utilize an Oil Derrick and generate power requires a Power Generator." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Power Generator" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Each Power Generator uses up to 4 Oil Derricks. So, for example, if you have 10 Oil Derricks you would need 3 Power Generators to utilize all of the oil derricks and generate maximum Power." +msgstr "" + +msgid "While oil derricks must be built on oil resources, Power Generators can be built anywhere on the map. But keep in mind: additional generators beyond one for every 4 derricks will provide no benefit." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Rally Point" +msgstr "" + +msgid "When a Factory has finished building a unit, the unit will spawn next to the Factory, and then proceed to the Factory's designated Rally Point." +msgstr "" + +msgid "By default, the Rally Point is placed next to the Factory. Clicking a Rally Point will allow you to move it." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note: Moving a Rally Point while a unit is moving to it will not affect the unit's path." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repair Facility" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Building a Repair Facility creates a fixed structure to which units can retreat to be repaired." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repair Facilities can repair units faster than mobile units with repair turrets." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Research Facility" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Research Facilities are required in order to research new technologies." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Each Research Facility can research one technology at a time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "VTOL Factory" +msgstr "" + +msgid "A VTOL Factory is used to build units with VTOL propulsion (i.e. flying units)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Each VTOL Factory can build one unit at a time, but you can queue multiple units for production." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When a VTOL Factory is done building a unit, it will order it to fly and land near the factory's Rally Point." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Structures" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Building structures is absolutely vital in Warzone 2100 - from Factories which build units, to Research Facilities that research new technologies." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Building can be done with units with Trucks as turrets and/or Combat Engineers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Attack Range" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can use the Unit Orders menu to configure unit \"Attack Range\"." +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Optimum Range: Fires at the most accurate range" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Short Range: Moves to short range and attacks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Long Range: Attacks at long range (default)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Firing Mode" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can use the Unit Orders menu to configure unit \"Firing Mode\"." +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Fire At Will: Fires at any enemy (default)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Return Fire: Only fire if fired at" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Do Not Fire: Units will not fire" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Movement" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can use the Unit Orders menu to configure unit \"Movement\"." +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Patrol: Move between two points. Just click a point on the map after selecting it" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Circle: (VTOLs only) Move in a circle over a position. Just click an area after selecting it" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Pursue: Pursue enemy" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Guard: Stay near an area or structure. (default)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Hold Position: Do not move under any circumstances" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recycling" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recycling a unit will send it to the nearest Factory or Repair Facility, and destroy it." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Half the power used in making the unit will be refunded to you (although this will be reduced if the unit is damaged)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The unit’s experience level will be placed in the next unit that is manufactured." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can order the selected units to return for recycling via the Unit Orders menu or the \"Return for Recycling\" keybind." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Retreating" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Losing units (especially units with experience levels) can be a real hit to a force's ability to successfully wage battle." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can use the Unit Orders menu to choose a \"Retreat Threshold\", which will cause units to automatically retreat from the battle when they reach a specified damage level." +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Do or Die: Your unit will not retreat unless ordered to. (default)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Retreat at Medium Damage: Your unit will retreat at medium (yellow) damage" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Retreat at Heavy Damage: Your unit will retreat at heavy (red) damage" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Retreating units will return to the nearest repair facility, repair unit, HQ, or LZ." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Return To" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can use the Unit Orders menu to quickly order units to return to a specific location." +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Return for Repair: Unit will return to a Repair Facility" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Return to HQ: Unit will return to Command Center or LZ (campaign)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "- Go To Transport: Unit will go to and board transport" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unit Orders" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Right-click a unit or group of units to show their current Unit Orders." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The Unit Orders panel allows you to customize the behavior of your units, from patrolling an area to retreating at low health." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Right-click a Factory to adjust the Unit Orders for all future units produced by the Factory." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Building Units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "To build units, either select a Factory, or select the \"Manufacturing\" button on the Command Panel - this will open the Manufacturing panel on the left side of the screen." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The Manufacturing panel will display the unit designs which are buildable by the currently-selected Factory. Factories may be limited to producing certain types of units (or may only be able to produce certain units if upgraded with modules)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To select a different Factory, either click on the Factory in the game world, or click on the appropriate button in the Factories panel on the bottom-center of the screen." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To manufacture a unit in a Factory, click the desired unit design button in the Manufacturing panel. You can queue multiples of the same unit by repeatedly clicking the unit design button." +msgstr "" + +msgid "While a unit is building, the unit will be shown in the Factories panel above the Factory that is building it. If the bar is green, the Factory is gathering power to build the unit. If the bar is yellow, the unit is being built." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When a Factory is done building a unit, it will order the unit to proceed to the Factory's Rally Point." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Attaching Units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "To attach a unit to a Commander, select a unit, then left-click the Commander you want to attach the unit to. A symbol will appear next to the unit to signify it is attached." +msgstr "" + +msgid "## Limits:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Commanders have a limit to the amount of direct-fire units (eg machine-guns) which is affected by their own experience level. Levels are earned by the Commander reaching 2 kills, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Each experience level allows the Commander 2 more direct-fire units. However, a Commander can have as many indirect-fire units as it wants." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Detaching Units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "To detach a unit from a Commander:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "1. Right-click the unit (or hold the \"Shift\" key while selecting the unit) to select only that unit (instead of the whole commander group)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "2. Give the unit a new order (eg. move)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Going for repairs, BRB" +msgstr "" + +msgid "A unit that retreats from the battle to go to a repair facility, will stay connected to its Commander group." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When it is done repairing, it will return to its Commander." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Targeting" +msgstr "" + +msgid "When you select a Commander and target an enemy unit, any attached units will move to fire on the targeted unit." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The attached units will have greater accuracy when firing." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Commanders" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Command turrets are used much like sensors, except they can command any attacking unit, not just artillery." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Commanders provide an accuracy, armor, and movement speed bonus to all units assigned to them, which increases as the commander's rank increases." +msgstr "" + +msgid "They are limited to having 6 non-artillery attacking units assigned to them at first, but this limit rises by 2 each time the commander gains a rank, which can happen relatively quickly." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Designing Units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will need to design new units if you want to overpower your enemies and get that sweet taste of victory. This is a key aspect of Warzone 2100's gameplay." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To start designing a unit, select the Design button in the Command Panel. This will make two columns appear on the left of the screen." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To make a new design, select the \"blank\" green body in the top-left. To edit an existing unit design, just select it instead." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Designing a new unit is a simple three-step procedure: selecting a body, a propulsion system, and a turret. Those three selections will result in a new unit." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Once you have designed a unit, you will need a Factory to build it." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Experience & Ranks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Units gain experience when they successfully dispatch enemies." +msgstr "" + +msgid "A higher experience level means that a unit is more accurate, moves faster, and takes less damage." +msgstr "" + +msgid "An icon displaying a unit’s rank is displayed next to the unit’s health bar." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Units with higher experience levels can make all the difference in battle!" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repairing Units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can design a unit with a repair turret instead of a weapon, and it can be ordered to repair your other units." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can also keep the repair units back from the battle, and use the Retreat Options to set your offensive units to retreat to them for repair at a certain damage level." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Retreating and repairing units is often far preferable to losing experienced units on the battlefield." +msgstr "" + +msgid "CB Sensors" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Counter-Battery (CB) Sensors dramatically alter the battlefield by allowing artillery units to directly target distant artillery platforms - provided they have the range." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Identified structures or units will be colored red in the fog of war once a CB Sensor detects the launch of any enemy artillery." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If active, artillery units prioritize CB Sensor targets over targets revealed by normal Sensors." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Un-Assigning" +msgstr "" + +msgid "To un-assign a unit from a sensor, the easiest way is to right-click the unit, and then tell it to move somewhere." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiple units can be selected by holding CTRL while clicking." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Using Sensors" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Artillery structures are the easiest. Simply build a sensor tower, and if the sensor tower is targeting something within your artillery structures' weapon range, they will fire at it." +msgstr "" + +msgid "An artillery tank, however, needs to be explicitly assigned to a sensor to function. Select the artillery tanks, then click on a sensor to assign the tanks to the sensor." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Once the artillery is assigned, if it is assigned to a sensor tower, that tower will target enemies that come in range automatically." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If it is assigned to a sensor tank, the sensor can be used to attack enemies by selecting the sensor and targeting an enemy. All artillery assigned to the sensor will attack its target." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sensors" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sensors can be used for scouting and surveillance, but they also have a more important usage: to spot for artillery." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Artillery weapons, by themselves, cannot fire more than their own sensor range (8 tiles without upgrades)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "However, even the most basic artillery weapon has an 18-tile weapon range. To use it, you will need to build and deploy sensors on the battlefield (either sensor towers or tanks with sensor turrets)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Attacking" +msgstr "" + +msgid "To attack with a VTOL, select it and click an enemy like normal." +msgstr "" + +msgid "However, you may noticed the white ammo bar below its health bar as you start attacking." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unlike ground units, which reload automatically, VTOLs carry a limited amount of ammo. Once that ammo runs out, the VTOL can’t attack until it refuels." +msgstr "" + +msgid "A VTOL out of ammo will automatically find a VTOL rearming pad to rearm and repair itself (and will resume attacking once fully rearmed), or it can be manually rearmed by selecting it and clicking on a rearming pad." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unlike other units which usually attack the nearest target, VTOLs will not attack anything automatically. However, by selecting a VTOL and alt+clicking on an area, a VTOL will patrol the area between its current location and the clicked location, and attack anything in the vicinity." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Alternatively, VTOLs can be assigned to VTOL Strike Towers and VTOL CB Towers, which will cause them to function similarly to artillery assigned to sensor towers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Defending Against VTOLs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "What's that in the sky? ... It's a VTOL unit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Since VTOLs are not ground-based units, most ground weapons cannot hit them." +msgstr "" + +msgid "They can only be hit by either anti-air (often abbreviated \"AA\") or versatile (can hit air or ground) weapons." +msgstr "" + +msgid "There are only a few weapons that are versatile: machineguns, lasers, and Mini-Rocket Pod." +msgstr "" + +msgid "(Rockets and missiles are also versatile, but only when mounted on a cyborg or VTOL.)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "In addition to being uncommon, versatile weapons do not do as much damage to VTOLs as dedicated anti-air, so having some AA is recommended against VTOLs." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Designing VTOLs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Designing VTOL units is similar to designing ground units." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When choosing a propulsion, simply pick \"VTOL\" propulsion." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will then be able to select from the available VTOL Weapons." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remember: You will need a \"VTOL Factory\" to actually build VTOL unit designs." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Weapons" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Most weapons have a VTOL equivalent, which does at least twice as much damage, but has limited ammo." +msgstr "" + +msgid "VTOL versions of regular weapons do not need to be researched separately." +msgstr "" + +msgid "In addition to VTOL versions of ground-based direct weapons, VTOLs can also use bomb weapons. These weapons are the equivalent of artillery, and are very powerful." +msgstr "" + +msgid "VTOLs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) units are the main aerial instruments in dominating the skies." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To produce VTOL units, you will need to have discovered & researched the \"VTOL Propulsion\" and \"VTOL Factory\"." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You should also research and build a few \"VTOL Rearming Pads\", so your VTOL units can reload ammo." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Weapon Selection" +msgstr "" + +msgid "As you discover and research more weapons, you'll also discover that certain weapons may work dramatically better for certain situations than others (or versus certain enemy units or structures)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When you complete research on a new weapon, an Intelligence Display message will provide some information on its attributes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "It is to your advantage to experiment with different weapon types. If you're having trouble and haven't re-evaluated your force's composition in a while, it might be time to consider changing the weapons for stronger ones, or new varieties!" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Units" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will need to design and build new units if you want to overpower your enemies and get that sweet taste of victory." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This aspect of the game is what makes Warzone 2100 unique in its own way." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To be able to design units, a Command Center is required." +msgstr "" diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po index f970b531c45..2bebcebea03 100644 --- a/po/hu.po +++ b/po/hu.po @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: warzone2100\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: warzone2100-project@lists.sourceforge.net\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-01 21:02+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-03 18:07\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-12-17 02:32\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: Hungarian\n" "Language: hu_HU\n" @@ -2940,7 +2940,7 @@ msgid "System locale" msgstr "Helyi rendszer" msgid "Failed to create port mapping" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A porthozzárendelés létrehozása sikertelen" #, c-format msgid "Manually configure your router/firewall to open port %d!" @@ -2952,7 +2952,7 @@ msgstr "" #, c-format msgid "Your external IP is: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A külső IP-címe: %s" msgid "Failed to create port mapping (timeout)" msgstr "A porthozzárendelés létrehozása sikertelen (időtúllépés)" @@ -3280,7 +3280,7 @@ msgid "Armed with Cyborg Flamer" msgstr "Cyborg lángszóróval felszerelt" msgid "Armed with Cyborg Hyper Velocity Cannon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kiborg nagysebességű ágyúval felszerelt" msgid "Armed with Cyborg Machinegun" msgstr "Cyborg gépfegyverrel felszerelt" @@ -3295,10 +3295,10 @@ msgid "Armed with Cyborg Scourge Missile Launcher" msgstr "Cyborg Scourge rakétakilövővel felszerelt" msgid "Armed with Cyborg Tank Killer rocket" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kiborg tankvadász rakétákkal felszerelt" msgid "Armed with Cyborg Thermite flamer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kiborg termit lángszóróval felszerelt" msgid "Armed with Cyborg Thermite Flamer" msgstr "Cyborg termit lángszóróval felszerelt" @@ -3998,7 +3998,7 @@ msgid "Cyborg Superdense Thermal Armor" msgstr "Cyborg szupersűrű hőpáncél" msgid "Cyborg Tank Killer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kiborg tankvadász" msgid "Cyborg Thermal Armor Mk2" msgstr "Cyborg hőpajzs Mk2" @@ -4010,7 +4010,7 @@ msgid "Cyborg Thermal Armor" msgstr "Cyborg hőpajzs" msgid "Cyborg Thermite" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kiborg termit" msgid "Cyborg Transport Available" msgstr "Cyborg szállítóeszköz áll rendelkezésre" @@ -4055,7 +4055,7 @@ msgid "Depleted uranium kinetic energy bullets" msgstr "Szegényített uránmagvas, kinetikus lőszer" msgid "Depleted Uranium MG Bullets Mk3" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Szegényített uránmagvas MG lőszer Mk3" msgid "Depleted Uranium MG Bullets" msgstr "Szegényített uránmagvas MG lőszer" @@ -4242,7 +4242,7 @@ msgid "Flamer damage +25%" msgstr "Lángszóró sebzés +25%" msgid "Flamer Fast Loader" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lángszóró gyorstöltő" #, no-c-format msgid "Flamer reload time -15%" @@ -6265,7 +6265,7 @@ msgid "Smashedwall" msgstr "Törött fal" msgid "Sniper Cyborg" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mesterlövész kiborg" msgid "Speed: Fast" msgstr "Sebesség: gyors" @@ -6512,7 +6512,7 @@ msgid "Thermite Bomb Bay" msgstr "Termitbomba szekrény" msgid "Thermite Cyborg" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Termit kiborg" msgid "Thermite Flamer Cyborg" msgstr "Thermitlángszórós Cyborg" @@ -6804,7 +6804,7 @@ msgid "VTOL Heap Bomb Bay" msgstr "VTOL szőnyegbomba szekrény" msgid "VTOL Heavy Cannon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VTOL nehéz löveg" msgid "VTOL Heavy Laser" msgstr "VTOL nehéz lézer" @@ -7684,7 +7684,7 @@ msgid "On" msgstr "Be" msgid "Per Pixel" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Képpontonként" msgid "Lightmap" msgstr "" @@ -7729,7 +7729,7 @@ msgid "Shadow filtering not available on this system." msgstr "Az árnyékszűrés nem érhető el ezen a rendszeren." msgid "Opacity: 50%" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Átlátszatlanság: 50%" msgid "* Takes effect on game restart" msgstr "* Játék újraindításakor effekteket bekapcsolja" @@ -7777,7 +7777,7 @@ msgid "Groups Menu" msgstr "Csoportok menü" msgid "Options Button" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beállítások gomb" msgid "GRAPHICS OPTIONS" msgstr "GRAFIKA BEÁLLÍTÁS" @@ -8093,10 +8093,10 @@ msgid "Player %u is cheating (debug menu) him/herself a new droid." msgstr "%u csalt (hibakeresés menü), egy új droidja lett." msgid "Open In-Game Options" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Játékon belüli beállítások megnyitása" msgid "Close In-Game Options" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Játékon belüli beállítások bezárása" msgid "Hiding Obsolete Tech" msgstr "Elavult technika elrejtése" @@ -8259,26 +8259,26 @@ msgid "End-Game" msgstr "Játék befejezése" msgid "Host" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Házigazda" msgid "Admin" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Adminisztrátor" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed team of player (%s) to: %d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s (%s) erre változtatta %s játékos csapatát: %d" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed position of player (%s) to: %d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s (%s) erre változtatta %s játékos pozícióját: %d" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed color of player (%s) to: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s (%s) erre változtatta %s játékos színét: %s" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed faction of player (%s) to: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s (%s) erre változtatta %s játékos frakcióját: %s" msgid "Can someone please transfer me some units?" msgstr "Át tudna adni nekem valaki néhány egységet?" @@ -8497,7 +8497,7 @@ msgid "Map Downloaded" msgstr "Térkép letöltve" msgid "Admin modified a setting" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Az adminisztrátor módosított egy beállítást" msgid "Bot Allies" msgstr "Bot szövetségesek" @@ -8551,7 +8551,7 @@ msgid "Go Back" msgstr "Vissza" msgid "View Guide" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útmutató megtekintése" msgid "Load Game" msgstr "Játék betöltése" @@ -8610,30 +8610,30 @@ msgstr "" #, c-format msgid "Failure to load %zu game model(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%zu játékmodell betöltése sikertelen" #, c-format msgid "Failure to load textures for %zu model(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%zu játékmodell textúrájának betöltése sikertelen" #, c-format msgid "Failure to load model for %zu stat(s)" msgstr "" msgid "Warzone 2100 encountered error(s) loading game data:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A Warzone 2100 hibákba ütközött a játékadatok betöltése során:" msgid "Please try removing any new mods - they may have issues or be incompatible with this version." msgstr "" msgid "Loaded mod(s):" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Betöltött modok:" msgid "Base game files may be corrupt or outdated - please try reinstalling the game." msgstr "" msgid "Error Loading Game Data" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hiba a játékadatok betöltése során" msgid "Global Hotkeys" msgstr "Globális gyorsbillentyű" @@ -9419,10 +9419,10 @@ msgid "Power overwhelming" msgstr "Elsöprő erő" msgid "A power fantasy!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hatalmi fantázia!" msgid "Taking things easy!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Csak könnyedén!" msgid "Back to normality!" msgstr "Térj vissza a szabályokhoz!" @@ -9431,7 +9431,7 @@ msgid "Getting tricky!" msgstr "Trükkös dolog!" msgid "In a nightmare!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rémálom!" msgid "Twice as nice!" msgstr "Kétszer jobb!" @@ -9644,7 +9644,7 @@ msgid "QuickSave not allowed for multiplayer or tutorial games" msgstr "A gyors mentés nem engedélyezett a többjátékos vagy oktatójátékokban" msgid "QuickSave not allowed in Autosaves-Only mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A gyorsmentés nem engedélyezett a csak automatikus mentési módban" msgid "QuickSave failed" msgstr "Gyors mentés sikertelen" @@ -9653,7 +9653,7 @@ msgid "QuickLoad not allowed for multiplayer or tutorial games" msgstr "A gyors betöltés nem engedélyezett a többjátékos vagy oktatójátékokban" msgid "QuickLoad not allowed in Autosaves-Only mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A gyorstöltés nem engedélyezett a csak automatikus mentési módban" msgid "QuickSave file does not exist yet" msgstr "A gyors mentési fájl még nem létezik" @@ -10356,7 +10356,7 @@ msgid "Administrator has kicked you from the game." msgstr "A játékmester kirúgott a játékból." msgid "Search for map" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pálya keresése" msgid "Any number of players" msgstr "Nincs meghatározott játékos szám" @@ -10779,10 +10779,10 @@ msgid "Did not send message - free chat is disabled by host. Please use Quick Ch msgstr "Az üzenet nem lett elküldve – a házigazda letiltotta a szabad csevegést. Használd a gyors csevegést." msgid "See Also:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lásd még:" msgid "Game Guide" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Játékútmutató" msgid "Toggle Sidebar" msgstr "" @@ -10866,30 +10866,30 @@ msgid "Synchronizing data with host ..." msgstr "" msgid "Waiting for correct join password" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Várakozás a helyes csatlakozási jelszóra" msgid "Attempting to connect" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kapcsolódás megkísérlése" msgid "Establishing connection handshake" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kapcsolódás kézfogásának elvégzése" msgid "Coordinating join with host" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Koordinálás a házigazdával" msgid "Join attempt failed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A kapcsolódási kísérlet sikertelen" msgid "Host did not respond before timeout" msgstr "" #, c-format msgid "Failed at: [%s] - %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sikertelen: [%s] – %s" #, c-format msgid "Failed at: [%s]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sikertelen: [%s]" #, c-format msgid "Failed to open connection: [%d] %s" @@ -11148,26 +11148,26 @@ msgid "Tweak Options:" msgstr "" msgid "Reset to Defaults" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Visszaállítás alapértelmezettre" msgid "Command the forces of The Project in a battle to rebuild the world" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vezesse a Projekt erőit a csatába a világ újjáépítéséért" msgid "Warzone 2100 Universe" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A Warzone 2100 univerzum" msgid "WZ2100 Extended Universe" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A WZ2100 kibővített univerzum" msgid "Unique Universe" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Egyedi univerzum" #, c-format msgid "Requires %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s szükséges" msgid "Compatible" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kompatibilis" #, c-format msgid "Compatible %s" @@ -11180,13 +11180,13 @@ msgid "Grant power based on the remaining level timer, so there's no need to wai msgstr "" msgid "Classic Timers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Klasszikus időzítők" msgid "Alter / disable timers on specific levels, like the original release. (Allows power-cheating.)" msgstr "" msgid "40 Unit Limit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "40 egységes korlát" msgid "Lower the player's unit limit to 40, matching the original PS1 release." msgstr "" diff --git a/po/id.po b/po/id.po index d199c0f9ef2..a6936586272 100644 --- a/po/id.po +++ b/po/id.po @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: warzone2100\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: warzone2100-project@lists.sourceforge.net\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-01 21:02+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-03 18:07\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2025-01-18 02:21\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: Indonesian\n" "Language: id_ID\n" @@ -1800,7 +1800,7 @@ msgid "Destroy the Nexus HQ to disable the Nexus Intruder Program" msgstr "Hancurkan markas Nexus untuk mematikan Program Penyusup Nexus" msgid "Warning: HQ shielded against VTOL attacks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Peringatan: Markas terlindungi dari serangan VTOL" msgid "Research resistance circuits and survive the assault from Nexus" msgstr "Riset sirkuit resistansi dan terus bertahan dalam serbuan dari Nexus" @@ -2940,22 +2940,22 @@ msgid "System locale" msgstr "Sistem lokal" msgid "Failed to create port mapping" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagal membuat pemetaan port" #, c-format msgid "Manually configure your router/firewall to open port %d!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Konfigurasikan router/firewall Anda secara manual untuk membuka port %d!" #, c-format msgid "Port mapping opened external port: %d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pemetaan Port membuka port eksternal: %d" #, c-format msgid "Your external IP is: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "IP eksternal Anda adalah: %s" msgid "Failed to create port mapping (timeout)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagal membuat pemetaan port (waktu habis)" msgid "Client failed to ack player index swap" msgstr "Klien gagal mengenali pergantian indeks pemain" @@ -2971,6 +2971,10 @@ msgid "" "If you're using a router configure it to enable UPnP/NAT-PMP/PCP\n" " or to forward the port to your system." msgstr "" +"Kesalahan dalam menyambungkan ke lobby server: %s.\n" +"Pastikan port %d dapat menerima sambungan masuk.\n" +"Jika Anda menggunakan sebuah router harap disetel untuk menggunakan UPnP\n" +" atau untuk mem-forward port ke sistem Anda." msgid "Failed to get a lobby response!" msgstr "Gagal mendapatkan respons dari lobi!" @@ -3280,7 +3284,7 @@ msgid "Armed with Cyborg Flamer" msgstr "Dipersenjatai dengan Penyembur Api Cyborg" msgid "Armed with Cyborg Hyper Velocity Cannon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dipersenjatai dengan meriam velositas hiper" msgid "Armed with Cyborg Machinegun" msgstr "Dipersenjatai dengan Senapan Mesin Cyborg" @@ -3295,10 +3299,10 @@ msgid "Armed with Cyborg Scourge Missile Launcher" msgstr "Dipersenjatai dengan Peluncur Rudal \"Scourge\" Cyborg" msgid "Armed with Cyborg Tank Killer rocket" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dipersenjatai dengan Roket Pembunuh Tank" msgid "Armed with Cyborg Thermite flamer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dipersenjatai dengan Penyembur Api Termit Cyborg" msgid "Armed with Cyborg Thermite Flamer" msgstr "Dipersenjatai dengan Penyembur Api Termit Cyborg" @@ -3998,7 +4002,7 @@ msgid "Cyborg Superdense Thermal Armor" msgstr "Armor Termal Superpadat Cyborg" msgid "Cyborg Tank Killer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cyborg Pembunuh Tank" msgid "Cyborg Thermal Armor Mk2" msgstr "Armor Termal Cyborg Mk2" @@ -4010,7 +4014,7 @@ msgid "Cyborg Thermal Armor" msgstr "Armor Termal Cyborg" msgid "Cyborg Thermite" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cyborg Termit" msgid "Cyborg Transport Available" msgstr "Transporter Cyborg Tersedia" @@ -4055,7 +4059,7 @@ msgid "Depleted uranium kinetic energy bullets" msgstr "Peluru Energi Kinetik Uranium Terdeplesi" msgid "Depleted Uranium MG Bullets Mk3" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Peluru Senapan Mesin Uranium Terdeplesi" msgid "Depleted Uranium MG Bullets" msgstr "Peluru Senapan Mesin Uranium Terdeplesi" @@ -4242,7 +4246,7 @@ msgid "Flamer damage +25%" msgstr "Daya rusak penyembur api +25%" msgid "Flamer Fast Loader" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Penyembur Api Cepat" #, no-c-format msgid "Flamer reload time -15%" @@ -5995,7 +5999,7 @@ msgid "Ripple Rocket Battery" msgstr "Baterai Roket \"Ripple\"" msgid "Ripple Rocket Rapid Loader" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pengisi Cepat Roket Riak" msgid "Ripple Rockets" msgstr "Roket \"Ripple\"" @@ -6265,7 +6269,7 @@ msgid "Smashedwall" msgstr "Dinding rusak" msgid "Sniper Cyborg" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cyborg Penembak Jitu" msgid "Speed: Fast" msgstr "Kecepatan: Cepat" @@ -6424,7 +6428,7 @@ msgid "Systems Research Completed" msgstr "Riset Sistem Selesai" msgid "Tank Killer Cyborg" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cyborg Pembunuh Tank" msgid "Tank Killer Emplacement" msgstr "Emplasemen Roket Pembunuh Tank" @@ -6512,7 +6516,7 @@ msgid "Thermite Bomb Bay" msgstr "Bom Termit" msgid "Thermite Cyborg" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cybord Termit" msgid "Thermite Flamer Cyborg" msgstr "Cyborg Penyembur Api Termit" @@ -6804,7 +6808,7 @@ msgid "VTOL Heap Bomb Bay" msgstr "Bom HEAP VTOL" msgid "VTOL Heavy Cannon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VTOL Meriam Berat" msgid "VTOL Heavy Laser" msgstr "Laser Berat VTOL" @@ -6849,7 +6853,7 @@ msgid "VTOL Machinegun" msgstr "Senapan Mesin VTOL" msgid "VTOL Mini-Rocket AA" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VTOL Roket Mini" msgid "VTOL Mini-Rocket Scav" msgstr "VTOL Mini-Rocket Scav" @@ -7240,10 +7244,10 @@ msgid "port" msgstr "port" msgid "Enable / disable port mapping when hosting" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aktifkan / nonaktifkan pemetaan port saat hosting" msgid "[1, true, 0, false]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[1, benar, 0, salah]" msgid "Enable lobby slash commands (for connecting clients)" msgstr "Nyalakan perintah garis miring lobi (untuk menyambungkan klien)" @@ -7294,22 +7298,22 @@ msgid "number of minutes" msgstr "jumlah menit" msgid "Convert a specular-map .png to a luma, single-channel, grayscale .png (and exit)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ubah peta spekular .png menjadi luma, saluran tunggal, skala abu-abu .png (dan keluar)" msgid "Allow Vulkan implicit layers (that may be default-disabled due to potential crashes or bugs)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Izinkan lapisan implisit Vulkan (yang mungkin dinonaktifkan secara default karena potensi kerusakan atau bug)" msgid "Set the default hosting chat configuration / permissions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tetapkan konfigurasi / izin obrolan hosting default" msgid "Enable async join approval (for connecting clients)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aktifkan persetujuan penggabungan asinkron (untuk menghubungkan klien)" msgid "Base URL for on-demand video downloads" -msgstr "" +msgstr "URL dasar untuk unduhan video sesuai permintaan" msgid "Base video URL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "URL video dasar" msgid "Commander needs a higher level to command more units" msgstr "Komandan memerlukan level yang lebih tinggi untuk memimpin lebih banyak unit" @@ -7603,7 +7607,7 @@ msgstr "Tonton Tayangan Ulang" #, c-format msgid "TCP port %d must be opened in your firewall or router to host games!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Port TCP %d harus dibuka di firewall atau router Anda untuk meng-hosting permainan!" msgid "Load Multiplayer Replay" msgstr "Muat Tayangan Ulang Multipemain" @@ -7678,10 +7682,10 @@ msgid "On" msgstr "Nyala" msgid "Per Pixel" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Per Piksel" msgid "Lightmap" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Peta Cahaya" msgid "Rotating" msgstr "Berotasi" @@ -7702,49 +7706,49 @@ msgid "Default" msgstr "Default" msgid "Terrain quality mode not available." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mode kualitas medan tidak tersedia." msgid "Medium Quality" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kualitas sedang" msgid "High Quality" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kualitas Tinggi" msgid "Shadow mapping not available on this system." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pemetaan bayangan tidak tersedia pada sistem ini." msgid "Low" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rendah" msgid "Ultra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ultra" msgid "Shadow filtering not available on this system." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Penyaringan bayangan tidak tersedia pada sistem ini." msgid "Opacity: 50%" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Opasitas: 50%" msgid "* Takes effect on game restart" msgstr "* Efek dapat terlihat setelah memulai ulang permainan" msgid "Terrain Quality" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kualitas Medan" msgid "Terrain Shading" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Peneduh Medan" msgid "Shadows" msgstr "Bayangan" msgid "Shadow Resolution" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Resolusi Bayangan" msgid "Shadow Filtering" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Penyaringan Bayangan" msgid "Per Pixel point lights" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Titik lampu per piksel" msgid "LOD Distance" msgstr "Jarak tingkat detail (LOD)" @@ -7768,10 +7772,10 @@ msgid "Screen Shake" msgstr "Getaran Layar" msgid "Groups Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Menu Grup" msgid "Options Button" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tombol Opsi" msgid "GRAPHICS OPTIONS" msgstr "OPSI GRAFIK" @@ -7844,7 +7848,7 @@ msgid "Desktop Full" msgstr "Desktop Penuh" msgid "On (Fullscreen)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aktif (Layar Penuh)" msgid "Texture size" msgstr "Ukuran Tekstur" @@ -7862,10 +7866,10 @@ msgid "Graphics Backend*" msgstr "Back-end Grafis*" msgid "Min on Focus Loss" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Min pada Kehilangan Fokus" msgid "Whether the window should auto-minimize on focus loss" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Apakah jendela harus diminimalkan secara otomatis saat fokus hilang" msgid "Alt+Enter Toggle" msgstr "" @@ -8003,7 +8007,7 @@ msgid "Use PCP, NAT-PMP, or UPnP to help configure your router / firewall to all msgstr "" msgid "Chat" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Obrolan" msgid "Inactivity Timeout" msgstr "Batas Waktu Tidak Aktif" @@ -8123,7 +8127,7 @@ msgid "New Joins" msgstr "" msgid "Refresh" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Refresh" msgid "Host Chat Options" msgstr "" @@ -8147,7 +8151,7 @@ msgid "The host has globally muted 1+ players." msgstr "" msgid "Local" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lokal" msgid "Select / Assign Group Number: " msgstr "" @@ -8201,10 +8205,10 @@ msgid "Progress Bar" msgstr "Batang Progres" msgid "To:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kepada:" msgid "All" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Semua" msgid "Team" msgstr "Tim" @@ -8232,13 +8236,13 @@ msgid "Requests" msgstr "" msgid "Notices" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pemberitahuan" msgid "Reactions" msgstr "" msgid "Taunts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ejek" msgid "Coordination" msgstr "" @@ -8247,16 +8251,16 @@ msgid "Suggestions" msgstr "" msgid "Cheats" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Curang" msgid "End-Game" msgstr "" msgid "Host" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Host" msgid "Admin" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Admin" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed team of player (%s) to: %d" @@ -8341,7 +8345,7 @@ msgid "Almost ready" msgstr "" msgid "Ready" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Siap" msgid "Be right back" msgstr "" @@ -8350,19 +8354,19 @@ msgid "I'm back" msgstr "" msgid "Yes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ya" msgid "No" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tidak" msgid "Maybe" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mungkin" msgid "Not yet" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Belum" msgid "Soon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Segera" msgid "Thank you" msgstr "" @@ -8374,7 +8378,7 @@ msgid "Well-played" msgstr "" msgid "@#%*!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "@#%*!" msgid "Sorry, I don't understand. (Use Quick Chat?)" msgstr "" @@ -8509,10 +8513,10 @@ msgid "Ally progress" msgstr "Progres sekutu" msgid "Tanks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tank" msgid "Cyborgs" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cyborg" msgid "No teammates." msgstr "" @@ -8524,7 +8528,7 @@ msgid "Weapons:" msgstr "" msgid "Units:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Unit:" msgid "Resume Game" msgstr "Lanjutkan permainan" @@ -10796,7 +10800,7 @@ msgid "Click/Tap and Hold" msgstr "" msgid "Other" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lainnya" msgid "Interactions:" msgstr "" @@ -10814,7 +10818,7 @@ msgid "Connecting to Game" msgstr "" msgid "Status:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Status:" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Batal" @@ -10826,7 +10830,7 @@ msgid "Unable to Join Game" msgstr "" msgid "Error:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Error:" msgid "Join Attempt Rejected" msgstr "" @@ -10955,13 +10959,13 @@ msgid "Current Power / Power Per Second" msgstr "Daya Sekarang / Daya Per Detik" msgid "PwrLost" -msgstr "" +msgstr "PwrLost" msgid "PwrWon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "PwrWon" msgid "Lab Use" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Penggunaan Lab" msgid "Kinetic Armor" msgstr "Armor Kinetik" @@ -10970,31 +10974,31 @@ msgid "(Tanks / Cyborgs)" msgstr "(Tank / Cyborg)" msgid "Cannons" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Meriam" msgid "Mortars" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mortar" msgid "Missiles" msgstr "" msgid "Rockets" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Roket" msgid "Energy" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Energi" msgid "Gauss" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gauss" msgid "Flame" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Flame" msgid "Howitzers" msgstr "" msgid "MG" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Senapan Mesin" msgid "Machine Guns" msgstr "" @@ -11003,7 +11007,7 @@ msgid "Electronic" msgstr "" msgid "A-A" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Anti Udara" msgid "Anti-Air" msgstr "" @@ -11015,19 +11019,19 @@ msgid "Slow Rocket" msgstr "" msgid "Las-Sat" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Las-Sat" msgid "Laser Satellite" msgstr "" msgid "Bombs" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bom" msgid "Command" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Perintah" msgid "EMP" -msgstr "" +msgstr "EMP" msgid "Can't build any more units, Unit Limit Reached — Production Halted" msgstr "Tidak dapat membangun unit, Batas Unit Dicapai — Produksi Dihentikan" diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po index f732629c278..08c4627fe59 100644 --- a/po/it.po +++ b/po/it.po @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: warzone2100\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: warzone2100-project@lists.sourceforge.net\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-01 21:02+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-10 02:28\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2025-01-07 02:28\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: Italian\n" "Language: it_IT\n" @@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ msgid "Automated Vehicle Repair Mk3" msgstr "Riparazione automatizzata dei veicoli Mk3" msgid "Heavy Mobile Repair Turret" -msgstr "Torretta Riparatrice Mobile Pesante" +msgstr "Torretta riparatrice pesante mobile" msgid "Mobile Repair Upgrade" msgstr "Miglioramento della Riparazione Mobile" @@ -1800,13 +1800,13 @@ msgid "Destroy the Nexus HQ to disable the Nexus Intruder Program" msgstr "Distruggi il quartier generale di Nexus per disabilitare il Programma d'intrusione NEXUS" msgid "Warning: HQ shielded against VTOL attacks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Attenzione: QG schermato contro gli attacchi VTOL" msgid "Research resistance circuits and survive the assault from Nexus" msgstr "Ricerca i circuiti di resistenza e sopravvivi all'assalto del Nexus" msgid "Build a forward base at the silos" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci una base avanzata presso i silo" msgid "Protect the missile silos and research for the missile codes" msgstr "Proteggi i silos missilistici e ricerca i codici missilistici" @@ -2184,7 +2184,7 @@ msgid "This Nexus Intruder Program is a self-mutating computer parasite. This ma msgstr "Questo Programma Intruso Nexus è un parassita dei computer automutante. Questo rende difficile da eliminarlo dai sistemi una volta che è stato identificato." msgid "We have been unable to ascertain its ultimate goal or function. In its initial form it seeks out and isolates sections of memory from the rest of the invaded system. It then begins to mutate itself and data structures, effectively reprogramming the system from within." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Non siamo stati in grado di accertare il suo fine ultimo o la sua funzione. Nella sua forma iniziale ricerca e isola sezioni di memoria dal resto del sistema invaso. Poi inizia a mutare se stesso e le strutture dati, riprogrammando efficacemente il sistema dall'interno." msgid "Further analysis was prevented by the manual shutdown of the system by our technicians to prevent additional contamination by the Nexus Intruder Program." msgstr "Ulteriori analisi sono state impedite dallo spegnimento manuale del sistema eseguito dai nostri tecnici, per prevenire ulteriori contaminazioni da parte del Programma d'intrusione Nexus." @@ -2508,7 +2508,7 @@ msgid "Backed again by the military, Dr Reed began work on the NEXUS Intruder Pr msgstr "Supportato nuovamente dai militari, il dottor Reed iniziò a lavorare sul Programma d'intrusione NEXUS. Dopo 3 anni con pochi progressi, i militari abbandonarono il Progetto Nexus e tagliarono i fondi al dottor Reed." msgid "Reports from the time claim that Dr Reed was furious and vowed to have his revenge on all who got in his way." -msgstr "Rapporti del tempo dicono che il Dr Reed era furioso e che giurò vendetta a chiunque si fosse messo sulla sua strada." +msgstr "I rapporti dell'epoca affermano che il dottor Reed era furioso e che giurò di vendicarsi di chiunque si fosse messo sulla sua strada." msgid "It appears that Dr Reed may have succeeded in his goals and completed the Nexus Intruder Program." msgstr "Sembra che il dottor Reed possa essere riuscito nei suoi obiettivi e aver completato il Programma d'intrusione Nexus." @@ -2745,7 +2745,7 @@ msgid "Advanced Repair Facility Mk3" msgstr "Centro di riparazione avanzato Mk3" msgid "Heavy Repair Turret" -msgstr "Torretta Riparatrice Pesante" +msgstr "Torretta riparatrice pesante" msgid "Nexus Intruder Program" msgstr "Programma d'intrusione Nexus" @@ -2814,13 +2814,13 @@ msgid "Super Scourge Cyborg" msgstr "Super Cyborg con Scourge" msgid "Command Turret II" -msgstr "Torretta di comando MkII" +msgstr "Torretta di comando Mk II" msgid "Command Turret III" -msgstr "Torretta di comando MkIII" +msgstr "Torretta di comando Mk III" msgid "Command Turret IV" -msgstr "Torretta di comando MkIV" +msgstr "Torretta di comando Mk IV" msgid "Player" msgstr "Giocatore" @@ -2829,10 +2829,10 @@ msgid "Lost due to being inactive / playing passively." msgstr "Sconfitto a causa della modalità di gioco inattiva o passiva." msgid "Host-configured game time limit is approaching. If there is no winner within 10 minutes, the game will end." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Il limite di tempo di gioco configurato dall'host si avvicina. Se non c'è nessun vincitore entro 10 minuti, la partita finirà." msgid "Host-configured game time limit exceeded. Game is over." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Limite di tempo di gioco configurato dall'host superato. La partita è finita." msgid "Playing passively will lead to defeat. Actions that are considered:" msgstr "Giocare passivamente porterà alla sconfitta. Azioni che vengono considerate:" @@ -3284,7 +3284,7 @@ msgid "Armed with Cyborg Flamer" msgstr "Armato con Cyborg Lanciafiamme" msgid "Armed with Cyborg Hyper Velocity Cannon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Armato con Cannone ad Altissima Velocità per Cyborg" msgid "Armed with Cyborg Machinegun" msgstr "Armato con Mitragliatrice Cyborg" @@ -3299,10 +3299,10 @@ msgid "Armed with Cyborg Scourge Missile Launcher" msgstr "Armato con Lanciamissili Scourge per Cyborg" msgid "Armed with Cyborg Tank Killer rocket" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Armato con Razzi Tank Killer per Cyborg" msgid "Armed with Cyborg Thermite flamer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Armato con Lanciafiamme alla Termite per Cyborg" msgid "Armed with Cyborg Thermite Flamer" msgstr "Armato con Cyborg Lanciafiamme alla Termite" @@ -3370,7 +3370,7 @@ msgid "Armored bunker with Machinegun" msgstr "Bunker corazzato con mitragliatrice" msgid "Armored EMP Mortar battery pit" -msgstr "Fossa corazzata per batteria di mortaio EMP" +msgstr "Postazione corazzata con batteria di mortaio EMP" msgid "Armored guard tower with EMP Cannon" msgstr "Torre di guardia corazzata con cannone EMP" @@ -3430,7 +3430,7 @@ msgid "Armored hardpoint with Scourge AT Missile" msgstr "Postazione corazzata con missile anticarro Scourge" msgid "Armored Incendiary Mortar battery pit" -msgstr "Fossa per batteria di mortaio incendiario corazzato" +msgstr "Postazione corazzata con batteria di mortaio incendiario" msgid "Armored Mortar battery pit" msgstr "Postazione corazzata per batteria di Mortaio" @@ -3676,7 +3676,7 @@ msgid "Bomb Upgrade" msgstr "Miglioramento delle bombe" msgid "Bombard Cobra Half-tracks" -msgstr "Bombarda Cobra semicingolata" +msgstr "Cobra con bombarda su semicingoli" msgid "Bombard Pit" msgstr "Mortaio interrato" @@ -3691,7 +3691,7 @@ msgid "BoneCrusher!" msgstr "SpaccaOssa!" msgid "Bug" -msgstr "Coleottero" +msgstr "Bug" msgid "Buggy" msgstr "Buggy" @@ -3700,10 +3700,10 @@ msgid "Built-in diagnostic and repair systems" msgstr "Diagnostica e sistemi di riparazione integrati" msgid "Bunker Buster Cobra Hover" -msgstr "Cobra Hover con Bunker Buster" +msgstr "Cobra con bunker buster su hover" msgid "Bunker Buster Cobra Tracks" -msgstr "Bunker buster Cobra cingolato" +msgstr "Cobra bunker buster su cingoli" msgid "Bunker Buster Mantis Tracks" msgstr "Bunker buster Mantis cingolato" @@ -3814,7 +3814,7 @@ msgid "Cobra Flamer Tracks" msgstr "Cobra Lanciafiamme Cingoli" msgid "Cobra Medium Cannon Tracks" -msgstr "Cannone medio Cobra cingolato" +msgstr "Cobra con cannone medio su cingoli" msgid "Cobra Truck" msgstr "Camion Cobra" @@ -3829,7 +3829,7 @@ msgid "Collective CWall" msgstr "Angolo di Muro del Collective" msgid "Collective Heavy Body" -msgstr "Corpo pesante del Collettivo" +msgstr "Corpo pesante del Collective" msgid "Combat Engineer Cyborg" msgstr "Ingegnere da combattimento Cyborg" @@ -3841,7 +3841,7 @@ msgid "Combines standard, counter battery and VTOL sensors" msgstr "Combina sensori standard, contro-batteria e VTOL" msgid "Command Center" -msgstr "Centro di Comando" +msgstr "Centro di comando" msgid "Command Relay Center" msgstr "Centro Trasmissione Comandi" @@ -3850,28 +3850,28 @@ msgid "Command Relay Post" msgstr "Ripetitore di Comandi" msgid "Command Turret Cobra Half-tracks" -msgstr "Torretta di comando Cobra semicingolata" +msgstr "Cobra con torretta di comando su semicingoli" msgid "Command Turret Cobra Tracks" -msgstr "Torretta di comando Cobra cingolata" +msgstr "Cobra con torretta di comando su cingoli" msgid "Command Turret Mantis Tracks" -msgstr "Torretta di comando Mantis cingolata" +msgstr "Mantis con torretta di comando su cingoli" msgid "Command Turret Python Tracks" -msgstr "Torretta di comando Python cingolata" +msgstr "Python con torretta di comando su cingoli" msgid "Command Turret Scorpion Tracks" -msgstr "Torretta di comando Scorpion cingolata" +msgstr "Scorpion con torretta di comando su cingoli" msgid "Command Turret Upgrade" -msgstr "Aggiornamento Torre di Comando" +msgstr "Aggiornamento torre di comando" msgid "Command Turret Viper Tracks" -msgstr "Torretta di comando Viper cingolata" +msgstr "Viper con torretta di comando su cingoli" msgid "Command Turret" -msgstr "Torretta di Comando" +msgstr "Torretta di comando" msgid "Commander leads groups acts as factory delivery point" msgstr "Il comandante guida gruppi e agisce come punto di consegna di una fabbrica" @@ -4002,7 +4002,7 @@ msgid "Cyborg Superdense Thermal Armor" msgstr "Cyborg con armatura termica super densa" msgid "Cyborg Tank Killer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cyborg con Tank Killer" msgid "Cyborg Thermal Armor Mk2" msgstr "Armatura Termica Cyborg Mk2" @@ -4014,7 +4014,7 @@ msgid "Cyborg Thermal Armor" msgstr "Armatura Termica Cyborg" msgid "Cyborg Thermite" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Termite per Cyborg" msgid "Cyborg Transport Available" msgstr "Trasporto Cyborg disponibile" @@ -4059,7 +4059,7 @@ msgid "Depleted uranium kinetic energy bullets" msgstr "Proiettili ad energia cinetica ad uranio impoverito" msgid "Depleted Uranium MG Bullets Mk3" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Proiettili di Mitragliatrice a Uranio Impoverito Mk3" msgid "Depleted Uranium MG Bullets" msgstr "Proiettili della mitragliatrice a uranio impoverito" @@ -4080,7 +4080,7 @@ msgid "Downed Transport" msgstr "Trasporto abbattuto" msgid "Dragon" -msgstr "Dragone" +msgstr "Dragon" msgid "Drops high intensity Plasmite bombs" msgstr "Sgancia bombe alla Plasmite ad alta intensità" @@ -4107,7 +4107,7 @@ msgid "EMP Missile Launcher" msgstr "Lanciamissili EMP" msgid "EMP Mortar Pit" -msgstr "Fossa per mortaio EMP" +msgstr "Postazione con mortaio EMP" msgid "EMP Mortar" msgstr "Mortaio EMP" @@ -4246,7 +4246,7 @@ msgid "Flamer damage +25%" msgstr "Danni del Lanciafiamme +25%" msgid "Flamer Fast Loader" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Caricatore rapido per lanciafiamme" #, no-c-format msgid "Flamer reload time -15%" @@ -4392,7 +4392,7 @@ msgid "Hardcrete Gate" msgstr "Cancello di cemento" msgid "Hardcrete Wall" -msgstr "Muro di Cemento" +msgstr "Muro di cemento" msgid "Hardcrete" msgstr "Cemento" @@ -4410,7 +4410,7 @@ msgid "Hardened Flamer Guard Tower" msgstr "Torre di guardia con lanciafiamme rinforzata" msgid "Hardened Heavy Machinegun Guard Tower" -msgstr "Torre di Guardia con Mitragliatrice Pesante Rinforzata" +msgstr "Torre di guardia rinforzata con mitragliatrice pesante" msgid "Hardened MG Bullets" msgstr "Proiettili Rinforzati" @@ -4542,19 +4542,19 @@ msgid "Heavy anti-tank rocket" msgstr "Razzi anticarro pesanti" msgid "Heavy Body - Mantis" -msgstr "Corpo Pesante - Mantis" +msgstr "Corpo pesante - Mantis" msgid "Heavy Body - Python" -msgstr "Corpo Pesante - Python" +msgstr "Corpo pesante - Python" msgid "Heavy Body - Tiger" -msgstr "Corpo Pesante - Tiger" +msgstr "Corpo pesante - Tiger" msgid "Heavy Body - Vengeance" -msgstr "Corpo Pesante - Vengeance" +msgstr "Corpo pesante - Vengeance" msgid "Heavy Body - Wyvern" -msgstr "Corpo Pesante - Wyvern" +msgstr "Corpo pesante - Wyvern" msgid "Heavy body increases armor and body points" msgstr "Il corpo pesante aumenta i punti corazza e l'armatura" @@ -4611,37 +4611,37 @@ msgid "Heavy Laser" msgstr "Laser Pesante" msgid "Heavy Machinegun Cobra Half-tracks" -msgstr "Mitragliatrice pesante Cobra semicingolata" +msgstr "Cobra con mitragliatrice pesante su semicingoli" msgid "Heavy Machinegun Cobra Hover" -msgstr "Mitragliatrice Pesante Cobra Hover" +msgstr "Cobra con mitragliatrice pesante su hover" msgid "Heavy Machinegun Cobra Tracks" -msgstr "Mitragliatrice pesante Cobra cingolata" +msgstr "Cobra con mitragliatrice pesante su cingoli" msgid "Heavy Machinegun Cobra Wheels" -msgstr "Mitragliatrice pesante Cobra su ruote" +msgstr "Cobra con mitragliatrice pesante su ruote" msgid "Heavy Machinegun Hardpoint" msgstr "Postazione con mitragliatrice pesante" msgid "Heavy Machinegun Scorpion Half Tracks" -msgstr "Mitragliatrice pesante Scorpion semicingolata" +msgstr "Scorpion con mitragliatrice pesante su semicingoli" msgid "Heavy Machinegun Scorpion Tracks" -msgstr "Mitragliatrice pesante Scorpion cingolata" +msgstr "Scorpion con mitragliatrice pesante su cingoli" msgid "Heavy Machinegun Viper Half-tracks" -msgstr "Mitragliatrice pesante Viper semicingolata" +msgstr "Viper con mitragliatrice pesante su semicingoli" msgid "Heavy Machinegun Viper Tracks" -msgstr "Mitragliatrice pesante Viper cingolata" +msgstr "Viper con mitragliatrice pesante su cingoli" msgid "Heavy Machinegun Viper Wheels" -msgstr "Mitragliatrice pesante Viper su ruote" +msgstr "Viper con mitragliatrice pesante su ruote" msgid "Heavy Machinegun" -msgstr "Mitragliatrice Pesante" +msgstr "Mitragliatrice pesante" msgid "Heavy Mortar - Bombard" msgstr "Mortaio Pesante - Bombarda" @@ -4659,13 +4659,13 @@ msgid "Heavy rail gun firing large kinetic energy darts" msgstr "Cannone a rotaia pesante che spara grossi dardi ad energia cinetica" msgid "Heavy Repair Scorpion Hover" -msgstr "Torretta Riparatrice Pesante Scorpion Hover" +msgstr "Scorpion con torretta riparatrice pesante su hover" msgid "Heavy Repair Turret Cobra Hover" -msgstr "Torretta Riparatrice Pesante Cobra Hover" +msgstr "Cobra con torretta riparatrice pesante su hover" msgid "Heavy Rocket Array" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Batteria di Razzi Pesanti" msgid "Heavy Rocket Bastion" msgstr "Bastione con Razzi Pesanti" @@ -5121,7 +5121,7 @@ msgid "Lancer" msgstr "Lanciatore" msgid "Large Super Heavy Body" -msgstr "Corpo Super Pesante Grande" +msgstr "Corpo grande super pesante" msgid "Laser - Flashlight" msgstr "Lanciatore - torcia" @@ -5160,28 +5160,28 @@ msgid "Layered composite alloys and energy-absorbing fibres" msgstr "Leghe composite stratificate e fibre ad assorbimento di energia" msgid "Leopard" -msgstr "Leopardo" +msgstr "Leopard" msgid "Less armor and body points than Python" msgstr "Minori punti corazza e armatura rispetto al Python" msgid "Light Body - Bug" -msgstr "Corpo Leggero - Bug" +msgstr "Corpo leggero - Bug" msgid "Light Body - Leopard" -msgstr "Corpo Leggero - Leopard" +msgstr "Corpo leggero - Leopard" msgid "Light Body - Retaliation" -msgstr "Corpo Leggero - Retaliation" +msgstr "Corpo leggero - Retaliation" msgid "Light Body - Viper" -msgstr "Corpo Leggero - Viper" +msgstr "Corpo leggero - Viper" msgid "Light body vulnerable to heavy weapons" msgstr "Corpo leggero vulnerabile alle armi pesanti" msgid "Light Cannon Bunker" -msgstr "Bunker con Cannone Leggero" +msgstr "Bunker con cannone leggero" msgid "Light Cannon Cobra Tracks" msgstr "Cannone leggero Cobra cingolato" @@ -5217,7 +5217,7 @@ msgid "Low yield thermonuclear warhead" msgstr "Testata termonucleare a basso potenziale" msgid "Machinegun Bunker" -msgstr "Bunker con Mitragliatrice" +msgstr "Bunker con mitragliatrice" #, no-c-format msgid "Machinegun damage +25%" @@ -5243,13 +5243,13 @@ msgid "Makes excellent scout vehicle" msgstr "Eccellente veicolo da esplorazione" msgid "Mantis" -msgstr "Mantide" +msgstr "Mantis" msgid "Mass Driver Fortress" -msgstr "Fortezza con Mass Driver" +msgstr "Fortezza con conduttore di massa" msgid "Mass Driver" -msgstr "Conduttore di Massa" +msgstr "Conduttore di massa" msgid "Maximum armor and body points" msgstr "Armatura e punti corazza massimi" @@ -5270,16 +5270,16 @@ msgid "Mechanic with repair ability" msgstr "Meccanico con abilità di riparazione" msgid "Medium Body - Cobra" -msgstr "Corpo Medio - Cobra" +msgstr "Corpo medio - Cobra" msgid "Medium Body - Panther" -msgstr "Corpo Medio - Panther" +msgstr "Corpo medio - Panther" msgid "Medium Body - Retribution" -msgstr "Corpo Medio - Retribution" +msgstr "Corpo medio - Retribution" msgid "Medium Body - Scorpion" -msgstr "Corpo Medio - Scorpion" +msgstr "Corpo medio - Scorpion" msgid "Medium body increases armor and body points" msgstr "Il corpo medio aumenta l'armatura e i punti corazza" @@ -5318,7 +5318,7 @@ msgid "Medium Cannon" msgstr "Cannone Medio" msgid "Medium Super Heavy Body" -msgstr "Corpo Super Pesante Medio" +msgstr "Corpo medio super pesante" msgid "Mini-rocket armored strongpoint" msgstr "Posizione corazzata con mini-razzi" @@ -5383,7 +5383,7 @@ msgid "Missile damage +25%" msgstr "Danni dei Missili +25%" msgid "Missile Fortress" -msgstr "Fortezza con Lanciamissili" +msgstr "Fortezza con lanciamissili" #, no-c-format msgid "Missile reload time -15%" @@ -5396,7 +5396,7 @@ msgid "Missiles detect and lock-on to targets while loading" msgstr "I missili rilevano e agganciano il bersaglio durante la ricarica" msgid "Mobile Repair Turret" -msgstr "Torretta Riparatrice Mobile" +msgstr "Torretta riparatrice mobile" msgid "More armor and body points than Python" msgstr "Punti corazza e armatura superiori al Python" @@ -5516,13 +5516,13 @@ msgid "New Missile Turret Available" msgstr "Nuova torretta con missili disponibile" msgid "New Paradigm Heavy Body" -msgstr "Corpo pesante del Nuovo Paradigma" +msgstr "Corpo pesante del New Paradigm" msgid "New Paradigm Light Body" -msgstr "Corpo leggero del Nuovo Paradigma" +msgstr "Corpo leggero del New Paradigm" msgid "New Paradigm Medium body" -msgstr "Corpo medio del Nuovo Paradigma" +msgstr "Corpo medio del New Paradigm" msgid "New power efficient propulsion" msgstr "Nuova propulsione energeticamente efficiente" @@ -5582,7 +5582,7 @@ msgid "NEXUS CWall" msgstr "Angolo di Muro di NEXUS" msgid "NEXUS Heavy Body" -msgstr "Corpo pesante di NEXUS" +msgstr "Corpo pesante del NEXUS" msgid "NEXUS Immunization System" msgstr "Sistema d'Immunizzazione NEXUS" @@ -5594,7 +5594,7 @@ msgid "NEXUS Intruder Program" msgstr "Programma d'Intrusione NEXUS" msgid "NEXUS Light Body" -msgstr "Corpo leggero di NEXUS" +msgstr "Corpo leggero del NEXUS" msgid "Nexus Link Tower" msgstr "Torre Collegamento Nexus" @@ -5603,7 +5603,7 @@ msgid "Nexus Link Turret" msgstr "Torretta collegamento Nexus" msgid "NEXUS Medium Body" -msgstr "Corpo medio di NEXUS" +msgstr "Corpo medio del NEXUS" msgid "Nexus Missile Silo" msgstr "Silo Missile Nexus" @@ -5666,7 +5666,7 @@ msgid "Original Skirmish" msgstr "Schermaglia originale" msgid "Panther" -msgstr "Pantera" +msgstr "Panther" msgid "Pepperpot Pit" msgstr "Fossa per Pepperpot" @@ -5770,13 +5770,13 @@ msgid "Professional and Regular rank units are protected" msgstr "Le unità di rango Professionista e Regolare sono protette" msgid "Project Heavy Body" -msgstr "Corpo pesante del Progetto" +msgstr "Corpo pesante del Project" msgid "Project Light Body" -msgstr "Corpo Leggero del Progetto" +msgstr "Corpo leggero del Project" msgid "Project Medium Body" -msgstr "Corpo medio del Progetto" +msgstr "Corpo medio del Project" msgid "Propylene Oxide gel treated to burn at higher temperatures" msgstr "Gel di ossido di propilene trattato in modo che bruci a temperature più elevate" @@ -5821,7 +5821,7 @@ msgid "Python Heavy Cannon Tracks" msgstr "Cannone pesante Python cingolato" msgid "Python" -msgstr "Pitone" +msgstr "Python" msgid "Quad 80mm Anti-Aircraft cannon" msgstr "Quadruplo cannone antiaereo da 80mm" @@ -5903,7 +5903,7 @@ msgid "Rearming speed +30%" msgstr "Velocità di riarmo +30%" msgid "Reduce Scavenger Flamer Range" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Riduci la gittata dei lanciafiamme degli Sciacalli" msgid "Reduced chance of NEXUS take-over" msgstr "Riduce le possibilità che NEXUS assuma il controllo" @@ -5930,29 +5930,29 @@ msgid "Repair Facility" msgstr "Centro di riparazione" msgid "Repair Scorpion Tracks" -msgstr "Ripara i cingoli Scorpion" +msgstr "Scorpion con torretta riparatrice su cingoli" #, no-c-format msgid "Repair Speed +100%" msgstr "Velocità di riparazione +100%" msgid "Repair Turret Cobra Tracks" -msgstr "Ripara i cingoli della torretta Cobra" +msgstr "Cobra con torretta riparatrice su cingoli" msgid "Repair Turret Mantis Tracks" -msgstr "Ripara i cingoli della torretta Mantis" +msgstr "Mantis con torretta riparatrice su cingoli" msgid "Repair Turret Viper Half-track" -msgstr "Torretta riparatrice Viper semicingolata" +msgstr "Viper con torretta riparatrice su semicingoli" msgid "Repair Turret Viper Half-tracks" -msgstr "Torretta riparatrice Viper semicingolata" +msgstr "Viper con torretta riparatrice su semicingoli" msgid "Repair Turret Viper Wheels" -msgstr "Torretta Riparatrice Viper Ruote" +msgstr "Viper con torretta riparatrice su ruote" msgid "Repair Turret" -msgstr "Torretta Riparatrice" +msgstr "Torretta riparatrice" msgid "Replaces all machineguns" msgstr "Rimpiazza tutte le mitragliatrici" @@ -5973,13 +5973,13 @@ msgid "Research makes additional Cyborgs available" msgstr "La ricerca sblocca altri Cyborg" msgid "Research Module Available" -msgstr "Modulo di Ricerca disponibile" +msgstr "Modulo di ricerca disponibile" msgid "Research module expands research facilities" msgstr "Il modulo di ricerca espande i centri di ricerca" msgid "Research Module" -msgstr "Modulo di Ricerca" +msgstr "Modulo di ricerca" #, no-c-format msgid "Research speed +30%" @@ -5990,7 +5990,7 @@ msgid "Research speed +85%" msgstr "Velocità di ricerca +85%" msgid "Retaliation" -msgstr "Ritorsione" +msgstr "Retaliation" msgid "Retribution" msgstr "Retribuzione" @@ -5999,7 +5999,7 @@ msgid "Ripple Rocket Battery" msgstr "Batteria di razzi Ripple" msgid "Ripple Rocket Rapid Loader" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Caricatore Rapido per Razzi Ripple" msgid "Ripple Rockets" msgstr "Razzi Ripple" @@ -6095,7 +6095,7 @@ msgid "Rotary Howitzer - Hellstorm" msgstr "Obice Rotante - Hellstorm" msgid "Rotary MG Bunker" -msgstr "Bunker con Mitragliatrice d'Assalto" +msgstr "Bunker con mitragliatrice d'assalto" msgid "Rotary Mortar - Pepperpot" msgstr "Mortaio rotante - Pepperpot" @@ -6167,7 +6167,7 @@ msgid "Scourge Cyborg" msgstr "Cyborg con Scourge" msgid "Scourge Mantis Hover" -msgstr "Hover con Calamità Mantide" +msgstr "Mantis hover con scourge" msgid "Scourge Mantis Tracks" msgstr "Scourge Mantis cingolata" @@ -6188,7 +6188,7 @@ msgid "Scourge Python Tracks" msgstr "Scourge Python cingolato" msgid "Scourge Retaliation VTOL" -msgstr "VTOL con Calamità Ritorsione" +msgstr "Retaliation VTOL con scourge" msgid "Scrambler Turret" msgstr "Torretta di Disturbo" @@ -6227,13 +6227,13 @@ msgid "Sensor Range +25%" msgstr "Raggio dei Sensori +25%" msgid "Sensor Turret Cobra Half-tracks" -msgstr "Torretta sensoria Cobra semicingolata" +msgstr "Cobra con torretta sensoria su semicingoli" msgid "Sensor Turret Viper Wheels" -msgstr "Torretta sensoria Viper su ruote" +msgstr "Viper con torretta sensoria su ruote" msgid "Sensor Turret" -msgstr "Torretta Sensoria" +msgstr "Torretta sensoria" msgid "Sensor Upgrade Mk2" msgstr "Miglioramento dei Sensori Mk2" @@ -6299,7 +6299,7 @@ msgid "Steals technology from structures and takes control of weapons" msgstr "Ruba tecnologie dalle strutture e prende il controllo delle armi" msgid "Steel Heavy Machinegun Guard Tower" -msgstr "Torre di Guardia con Mitragliatrice Pesante Rinforzata" +msgstr "Torre di guardia rinforzata con mitragliatrice pesante" msgid "Steel tower with flamer" msgstr "Torre d'acciaio con lanciafiamme" @@ -6326,7 +6326,7 @@ msgid "Strike mission continues until enemy destroyed or they retreat" msgstr "Le missioni d'attacco continuano fino a quando il nemico è distrutto o si ritira" msgid "Stronger Commander Turret Available for Design" -msgstr "Torretta di Comando Migliore Disponibile per la Progettazione" +msgstr "Torretta di comando migliorata disponibile per la progettazione" msgid "Structure Research Completed" msgstr "Ricerca della struttura completata" @@ -6428,7 +6428,7 @@ msgid "Systems Research Completed" msgstr "Ricerca dei sistemi completata" msgid "Tank Killer Cyborg" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cyborg con Tank Killer" msgid "Tank Killer Emplacement" msgstr "Fortificazione con Tank Killer" @@ -6516,7 +6516,7 @@ msgid "Thermite Bomb Bay" msgstr "Alloggiamento per bomba alla termite" msgid "Thermite Cyborg" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cyborg con Termite" msgid "Thermite Flamer Cyborg" msgstr "Cyborg con lanciafiamme alla termite" @@ -6615,7 +6615,7 @@ msgid "Twin Assault Gun" msgstr "Doppia mitragliatrice d'assalto" msgid "Twin Machinegun Bunker" -msgstr "Bunker con Doppia Mitragliatrice" +msgstr "Bunker con doppia mitragliatrice" msgid "Twin Machinegun Guard Tower" msgstr "Torre di Guardia con Doppia mitragliatrice" @@ -6645,7 +6645,7 @@ msgid "Two-faced" msgstr "Due facce" msgid "Undo Reduce Scavenger Flamer Range" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Annulla Riduci la gittata dei lanciafiamme degli Sciacalli" msgid "Unit Research Completed" msgstr "Ricerca delle unità completata" @@ -6715,7 +6715,7 @@ msgid "Vengeance Tracks Rail Gun" msgstr "Vengeance Cingoli Cannone a Massa" msgid "Vengeance" -msgstr "Vendetta" +msgstr "Vengeance" msgid "Vertical Take Off and Landing Propulsion" msgstr "Propulsione a decollo ed atterraggio verticale" @@ -6742,7 +6742,7 @@ msgid "Vindicator SAM" msgstr "SAM Vindicator" msgid "Viper" -msgstr "Vipera" +msgstr "Viper" msgid "VTOL Assault Cannon" msgstr "Cannone d'assalto per VTOL" @@ -6808,7 +6808,7 @@ msgid "VTOL Heap Bomb Bay" msgstr "Alloggiamento per bomba HEAP su VTOL" msgid "VTOL Heavy Cannon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cannone Pesante per VTOL" msgid "VTOL Heavy Laser" msgstr "Laser Pesante VTOL" @@ -6853,7 +6853,7 @@ msgid "VTOL Machinegun" msgstr "Mitragliatrice per VTOL" msgid "VTOL Mini-Rocket AA" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mini-razzi AA per VTOL" msgid "VTOL Mini-Rocket Scav" msgstr "Mini-Razzo VTOL Sciacalli" @@ -6898,10 +6898,10 @@ msgid "VTOL Strike Tower" msgstr "Torre d'attacco VTOL" msgid "VTOL Strike turret used to spot targets" -msgstr "La Torretta d'Attacco VTOL è usata per individuare i bersagli" +msgstr "La torretta d'attacco VTOL è usata per individuare i bersagli" msgid "VTOL Strike Turret" -msgstr "Torretta d'Attacco VTOL" +msgstr "Torretta d'attacco VTOL" msgid "VTOL Sunburst AA" msgstr "VTOL con antiaerea Splendente" @@ -6955,7 +6955,7 @@ msgid "Wide Spectrum Sensor Tower" msgstr "Torre sensoria ad ampio spettro" msgid "Wide Spectrum Sensor" -msgstr "Sensore ad Ampio Spettro" +msgstr "Sensore ad ampio spettro" msgid "Wreck" msgstr "Rottame" @@ -6973,7 +6973,7 @@ msgid "Wrecked Vehicle" msgstr "Veicolo distrutto" msgid "Wyvern" -msgstr "Viverna" +msgstr "Wyvern" msgctxt "rank" msgid "Elite" @@ -7280,7 +7280,7 @@ msgid "Game history log output mode(s)" msgstr "" msgid "Game history log output key" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tasto di output della cronologia di gioco" msgid "Game history log output naming" msgstr "" @@ -7292,7 +7292,7 @@ msgid "interval in seconds" msgstr "intervallo in secondi" msgid "Multiplayer game time limit (in minutes)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Limite tempo partita multi giocatore (in minuti)" msgid "number of minutes" msgstr "numero di minuti" @@ -7301,19 +7301,19 @@ msgid "Convert a specular-map .png to a luma, single-channel, grayscale .png (an msgstr "" msgid "Allow Vulkan implicit layers (that may be default-disabled due to potential crashes or bugs)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Consenti i layer Vulkan impliciti (potrebbero essere disabilitati di default a causa di potenziali crash o bug)" msgid "Set the default hosting chat configuration / permissions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Imposta la configurazione / i permessi predefiniti per la chat della partita ospitata" msgid "Enable async join approval (for connecting clients)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Abilita approvazione di adesione asincrona (per la connessione dei client)" msgid "Base URL for on-demand video downloads" -msgstr "" +msgstr "URL base per lo scaricamento a richiesta dei video" msgid "Base video URL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "URL base dei video" msgid "Commander needs a higher level to command more units" msgstr "Il comandante ha bisogno di un livello più elevato per comandare più unità" @@ -7613,7 +7613,7 @@ msgstr "Vedi replay" #, c-format msgid "TCP port %d must be opened in your firewall or router to host games!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "La porta TCP %s deve essere aperta nel firewall o nel router per ospitare le partite!" msgid "Load Multiplayer Replay" msgstr "Carica replay multigiocatore" @@ -7634,7 +7634,7 @@ msgid "Mouse Options" msgstr "Opzioni del mouse" msgid "Key Mappings" -msgstr "Mappature dei tasti" +msgstr "Mappature tasti" msgid "Music Manager" msgstr "Gestore della musica" @@ -7712,7 +7712,7 @@ msgid "Default" msgstr "Predefinita" msgid "Terrain quality mode not available." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Impostazione qualità del terreno non disponibile." msgid "Medium Quality" msgstr "Media qualità" @@ -7730,7 +7730,7 @@ msgid "Ultra" msgstr "Ultra" msgid "Shadow filtering not available on this system." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Filtro Ombreggiature non disponibile in questo sistema." msgid "Opacity: 50%" msgstr "Opacità: 50%" @@ -7748,10 +7748,10 @@ msgid "Shadows" msgstr "Ombre" msgid "Shadow Resolution" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Risoluzione ombre" msgid "Shadow Filtering" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Filtro Ombreggiature" msgid "Per Pixel point lights" msgstr "" @@ -7992,13 +7992,13 @@ msgid "Distribute to Team" msgstr "Distribuisci alla squadra" msgid "Destroy (Classic)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Distruggi (Classico)" msgid "Allow All" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Consenti Tutto" msgid "Quick Chat Only" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Solo Chat Veloce" msgid "Hosting Options:" msgstr "Opzioni di Hosting:" @@ -8010,7 +8010,7 @@ msgid "Port Mapping" msgstr "Mappatura porte" msgid "Use PCP, NAT-PMP, or UPnP to help configure your router / firewall to allow connections while hosting." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Usa PCP, NAT-PMP o UPnP per aiutare il tuo router/firewall a consentire le connessioni quando ospiti le partite." msgid "Chat" msgstr "Chat" @@ -8025,7 +8025,7 @@ msgid "Spectator Slots" msgstr "Slot Spettatore" msgid "On Player Leave" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Quando il Giocatore abbandona" msgid "Game Time Limit" msgstr "Limite tempo di gioco" @@ -8120,7 +8120,7 @@ msgid "" "Right-click to add to Favorites" msgstr "" "Mostro tutta la tecnologia\n" -"Tasto destro del mouse per aggiungere ai Preferiti" +"Tasto destro del mouse per aggiungere ai preferiti" msgid "" "Showing Only Favorite Tech\n" @@ -8130,13 +8130,13 @@ msgstr "" "Fai clic con il tasto destro del mouse per rimuoverle dai preferiti" msgid "New Joins" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nuovi Ingressi" msgid "Refresh" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ricarica" msgid "Host Chat Options" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Opzioni della chat per l'host" msgid "Global Options:" msgstr "Opzioni globali:" @@ -8151,16 +8151,16 @@ msgid "Chat Options" msgstr "Opzioni chat" msgid "Mute or configure player free chat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Silenzia o configura la chat libera." msgid "The host has globally muted 1+ players." -msgstr "" +msgstr "L'host ha mutato globalmente 1+ giocatori." msgid "Local" msgstr "Locale" msgid "Select / Assign Group Number: " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Seleziona / Assegna Numero del Gruppo: " #, c-format msgid "Group %u" @@ -8178,10 +8178,10 @@ msgid "Center Camera on this Group by clicking or tapping twice" msgstr "Centra la vista su questo gruppo facendo click o toccando due volte" msgid "View and configure groups of units, which can be quickly selected and ordered." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Visualizza e configura i Gruppi di Unità, che possono essere selezionati e ordinati rapidamente." msgid "Group buttons will glow red when units are lost (or taking lots of damage)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "I pulsanti dei Gruppi brillano di rosso quando le unità vengono perse (o subiscono molti danni)." msgid "Unit Groups" msgstr "Gruppi di unità" @@ -8190,10 +8190,10 @@ msgid "Select a Group" msgstr "Seleziona gruppo" msgid "Assign Selected Units to a Group" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Assegna le Unità Selezionate a un Gruppo" msgid "Center Camera on a Group by clicking or tapping twice on the group button" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Centra la vista su un Gruppo facendo click o toccando due volte sul pulsante del gruppo" msgid "Unit Groups:" msgstr "Gruppi di unità:" @@ -8242,16 +8242,16 @@ msgid "Requests" msgstr "Richieste" msgid "Notices" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Avvisi" msgid "Reactions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Reazioni" msgid "Taunts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Provocazioni" msgid "Coordination" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Coordinamento" msgid "Suggestions" msgstr "Suggerimenti" @@ -8270,25 +8270,25 @@ msgstr "Amministratore" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed team of player (%s) to: %d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s (%s) ha cambiato la squadra del giocatore (%s) a: %d" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed position of player (%s) to: %d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s (%s) ha cambiato la posizione del giocatore (%s) a: %d" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed color of player (%s) to: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s (%s) ha cambiato il colore del giocatore (%s) in: %s" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed faction of player (%s) to: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s (%s) ha cambiato fazione del giocatore (%s) a: %s" msgid "Can someone please transfer me some units?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Qualcuno può trasferirmi alcune unità, per favore?" msgid "Can someone please transfer me trucks so I can rebuild?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Qualcuno può per favore trasferirmi dei camion in modo da poter ricostruire?" msgid "Sorry, I don't understand. (Please use Quick Chat?)" msgstr "Mi dispiace, non capisco. (Puoi usare la chat rapida?)" @@ -8324,10 +8324,10 @@ msgid "I suggest: Capturing oil resources" msgstr "Suggerisco: Catturare le risorse petrolifere" msgid "Hey everyone!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ciao a tutti!" msgid "Welcome!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Benvenuto!" msgid "I want to spectate" msgstr "Vorrei essere uno spettatore" @@ -8399,109 +8399,109 @@ msgid "Barely a scratch!" msgstr "Appena un graffio!" msgid "Attack now?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Attacchiamo ora?" msgid "Group up" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Raggruppiamoci" msgid "Split up" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dividiamoci" msgid "Focus attacks where marked" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Focalizzare gli attacchi dove indicato" msgid "Retreat!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ritirata!" msgid "I need help!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mi serve aiuto!" msgid "Left side" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lato sinistro" msgid "Right side" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lato destro" msgid "Transfer Request: Units" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Richiesta Di Trasferimento: Unità" msgid "Transfer Request: Trucks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Richiesta Di Trasferimento: Camion" msgid "Attacking now!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sto attaccando ora!" msgid "On my way!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sto arrivando!" msgid "They're coming!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stanno arrivando!" msgid "I'm being attacked!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sono sotto attacco!" msgid "I'm rushing oils" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sto correndo al petrolio" msgid "They're rushing oils!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stanno correndo al petrolio" msgid "I don't have enough power" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Non ho abbastanza Energia" msgid "Build more units" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci più unità" msgid "Build different units" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci unità diverse" msgid "Check team strategy view" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Controlla la vista Strategia di Squadra" msgid "Research different tech" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ricerca una tecnologia diversa" msgid "Keep research centers busy" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mantieni i centri di ricerca occupati" msgid "Build anti-air" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci antiaeree" msgid "Repair your units" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ripara le tue unità" msgid "Build repair facilities" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci strutture di riparazione" msgid "Build power generators" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci generatori di energia" msgid "Capture oil resources" msgstr "Cattura risorse petrolifere" msgid "That didn't go well..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Non è andata bene..." msgid "I have another plan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho un altro piano" msgid "Good game" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bella partita" msgid "I give up" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mi arrendo" msgid "Sorry, I have to leave" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mi dispiace, devo lasciare" msgid "Message delivery failure - try again" msgstr "Invio del messaggio non riuscito - riprova" msgid "Map Downloaded" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mappa Scaricata" msgid "Admin modified a setting" -msgstr "" +msgstr "L'amministratore ha modificato un'impostazione" msgid "Bot Allies" msgstr "Bot alleati" @@ -8510,7 +8510,7 @@ msgid "Human Allies" msgstr "Umani alleati" msgid "You have sent too many messages in the last few seconds. Please wait and try again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hai inviato troppi messaggi negli ultimi secondi. Si prega di attendere e riprovare." msgid "Research Progress" msgstr "Progresso della ricerca" @@ -8528,7 +8528,7 @@ msgid "No teammates." msgstr "Nessun compagno di squadra." msgid "Waiting for other teams to finish planning." -msgstr "" +msgstr "In attesa che le altre squadre finiscano la pianificazione." msgid "Weapons:" msgstr "Armi:" @@ -8537,7 +8537,7 @@ msgid "Units:" msgstr "Unità:" msgid "Resume Game" -msgstr "Riprendi la partita" +msgstr "Riprendi partita" msgid "WARNING: You're the host. If you quit, the game ends for everyone!" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: sei l'ospitante. Se abbandoni, la partita termina per tutti!" @@ -8558,7 +8558,7 @@ msgid "View Guide" msgstr "Visualizza guida" msgid "Load Game" -msgstr "Carica Partita" +msgstr "Carica partita" msgid "Save Game" msgstr "Salva Partita" @@ -8591,7 +8591,7 @@ msgid "Audio Options" msgstr "Opzioni audio" msgid "View Key Mappings" -msgstr "Mostra le mappature dei tasti" +msgstr "Visualizza mappature tasti" msgid "Shake" msgstr "Scuoti" @@ -8614,21 +8614,21 @@ msgstr "" #, c-format msgid "Failure to load %zu game model(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Impossibile caricare i modelli di gioco %zu" #, c-format msgid "Failure to load textures for %zu model(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Impossibile caricare le texture per i modelli %zu" #, c-format msgid "Failure to load model for %zu stat(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Impossibile caricare il modello per le statistiche di %zu" msgid "Warzone 2100 encountered error(s) loading game data:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Warzone 2100 ha riscontrato degli errori nel caricamento dei dati del gioco:" msgid "Please try removing any new mods - they may have issues or be incompatible with this version." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Si prega di provare a rimuovere qualsiasi nuova mod - potrebbero avere problemi o essere incompatibili con questa versione." msgid "Loaded mod(s):" msgstr "Mod caricata/e:" @@ -8985,10 +8985,10 @@ msgid "Send Team Text Message" msgstr "Invia messaggio di testo alla squadra" msgid "Send Global Quick Chat" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Invia Messaggio Rapido Globale" msgid "Send Team Quick Chat" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Invia Messaggio Rapido di Squadra" msgid "Drop a beacon" msgstr "Lascia un segnale" @@ -9136,10 +9136,10 @@ msgid "Jump to next VTOL Factory" msgstr "Vai alla fabbrica di VTOL successiva" msgid "Toggle Debug Mappings" -msgstr "Cambia lo stato delle mappature di debug" +msgstr "Attiva/disattiva mappature di debug" msgid "Prioritize Debug Mappings" -msgstr "Priorità alle Mappature di Debug" +msgstr "Priorità alle mappature di debug" msgid "Toggle Level Editor" msgstr "Attiva/disattiva editor di livelli" @@ -9366,7 +9366,7 @@ msgid "Circle" msgstr "Sorvola" msgid "Accept Retreating Units" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Accetta Unità in ritirata" msgid "Sorry, that cheat is disabled in multiplayer games." msgstr "Spiacente, questo trucco è disabilitato nelle partite a più giocatori." @@ -9423,10 +9423,10 @@ msgid "Power overwhelming" msgstr "Energia schiacciante" msgid "A power fantasy!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Una fantasia di potere!" msgid "Taking things easy!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prendendo le cose con calma!" msgid "Back to normality!" msgstr "Ritorno alla normalità!" @@ -9435,7 +9435,7 @@ msgid "Getting tricky!" msgstr "Si sta facendo complicato!" msgid "In a nightmare!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "In un incubo!" msgid "Twice as nice!" msgstr "Due volte più bello!" @@ -9592,10 +9592,10 @@ msgid "Unable to locate HQ!" msgstr "Impossibile localizzare il Quartier Generale!" msgid "Formation speed limiting ON" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Abilita la limitazione della velocità di una formazione" msgid "Formation speed limiting OFF" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Disabilita la limitazione della velocità di una formazione" msgid "Vertical rotation direction: Normal" msgstr "Direzione di rotazione verticale: Normale" @@ -9648,7 +9648,7 @@ msgid "QuickSave not allowed for multiplayer or tutorial games" msgstr "Il salvataggio rapido non è permesso nelle partite a più giocatori o nelle esercitazioni" msgid "QuickSave not allowed in Autosaves-Only mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Salvataggio rapido non disponibile in modalità Solo Salvataggio Automatico" msgid "QuickSave failed" msgstr "Salvataggio rapido non riuscito" @@ -9657,7 +9657,7 @@ msgid "QuickLoad not allowed for multiplayer or tutorial games" msgstr "Il salvataggio rapido non è permesso nelle partite a più giocatori o nelle esercitazioni" msgid "QuickLoad not allowed in Autosaves-Only mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Caricamento Rapido non disponibile in modalità Solo Salvataggio Automatico" msgid "QuickSave file does not exist yet" msgstr "Il file del salvataggio rapido non esiste ancora" @@ -9704,10 +9704,10 @@ msgid "Load Transport" msgstr "Carica il trasporto" msgid "Shows the number of units currently loaded into the mission transporter, and the total capacity." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mostra il numero di unità attualmente caricate nel Trasporto della missione, e la sua capacità totale." msgid "Open the Transporter Load Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Apri il menu Carico del Trasporto" msgid "OBJECTIVE ACHIEVED by cheating!" msgstr "OBIETTIVO RAGGIUNTO barando!" @@ -9728,7 +9728,7 @@ msgid "Quit To Main Menu" msgstr "Esci al Menu Principale" msgid "Load Saved Game" -msgstr "Carica Partita" +msgstr "Carica partita salvata" msgid "GAME SAVED :" msgstr "PARTITA SALVATA!" @@ -9947,10 +9947,10 @@ msgstr "L'host ti ha cacciato dal gioco." #, c-format msgid "The host has banned %s from the game!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "L'host ha espulso %s dalla partita!" msgid "The host has banned you from the game." -msgstr "" +msgstr "L'host ti ha cacciato dalla partita." #, c-format msgid "Failed to move %s to Spectators" @@ -10013,7 +10013,7 @@ msgstr "Il giocatore %s si è spostato tra gli spettatori" #, c-format msgid "Unable to move %s to Players - no available slot" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Impossibile spostare %s nei giocatori - nessuno slot disponibile" msgid "Spectator would like to become a Player" msgstr "Lo spettatore vorrebbe diventare un giocatore" @@ -10074,7 +10074,7 @@ msgid "(none)" msgstr "(nessuno)" msgid "Alt Name:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nome alternativo:" msgid "Player rating:" msgstr "Valutazione giocatore:" @@ -10126,19 +10126,19 @@ msgid "Kicked from game" msgstr "Cacciato dal gioco" msgid "The host has disabled free chat. Please use Quick Chat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "L'host ha disabilitato la chat libera. Si prega di utilizzare la Chat Rapida." msgid "Quick Chat" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chat rapida" msgid "Press the Tab key to open Quick Chat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Premere il tasto Tab per aprire la chat rapida." msgid "The host has disabled free chat. Please use Quick Chat or /hostmsg commands." -msgstr "" +msgstr "L'host ha disabilitato la chat libera. Si prega di utilizzare la Chat Rapida o il comando /hostmsg." msgid "The host has enabled free chat for you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "L'host ha abilitato la chat libera per te." msgid "Copy Text to Clipboard" msgstr "Copia Testo negli Appunti" @@ -10155,10 +10155,10 @@ msgid "CHAT" msgstr "CHAT" msgid "Multiplayer Lobby Support Unavailable" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Supporto per le stanze multi-giocatore non disponibile" msgid "Your client cannot connect to the mutiplayer lobby." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Il tuo client non può connettersi alla stanza multigiocatore." msgid "Please click the button below for more information on how to fix it." msgstr "Fai clic sul pulsante qui sotto per ulteriori informazioni su come risolverlo." @@ -10190,11 +10190,11 @@ msgstr "L'host sta avviando la partita" #, c-format msgid "Host: Free chat enabled for: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Host: chat libera abilitata per: %s" #, c-format msgid "Host: Free chat muted for: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Host: chat libera mutata per: %s" #, c-format msgid "Moving %s to Spectators!" @@ -10202,16 +10202,16 @@ msgstr "Spostamento di %s a spettatore!" #, c-format msgid "Asking %s to move to Players..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chiedendo a %s di passare nei giocatori..." msgid "Disconnected from host:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Disconnesso dall'host:" msgid "Host supplied invalid options" msgstr "L'host ha fornito opzioni non valide" msgid "Host supplied invalid host config" -msgstr "" +msgstr "L'host ha fornito opzioni non valide" msgid "You have been kicked: " msgstr "Sei stato cacciato: " @@ -10251,10 +10251,10 @@ msgid "Port mapping disabled by user. Autoconfig of port %d will not happen." msgstr "Mappatura porte disattivata dall'utente. L'auto configurazione della porta %d non avverrà." msgid "Failed to load challenge:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Impossibile caricare la sfida:" msgid "Failed to load the challenge's map or config" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Impossibile caricare la mappa o la configurazione della sfida" msgid "Failed to process autohost config:" msgstr "" @@ -10309,7 +10309,7 @@ msgstr "%s ha abbandonato la partita" #, c-format msgid "%s joined the Game" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s è entrato nella partita" #, c-format msgid "File transfer has been aborted for %d." @@ -10360,7 +10360,7 @@ msgid "Administrator has kicked you from the game." msgstr "L'amministratore ti ha cacciato dalla partita." msgid "Search for map" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cerca mappa" msgid "Any number of players" msgstr "Qualsiasi numero di giocatori" @@ -10423,10 +10423,10 @@ msgid "Pack: %lu/%lu" msgstr "Pacchetto: %lu/%lu" msgid "Players View" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Visualizzazione Giocatori" msgid "Team Strategy" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Strategia di Squadra" #, c-format msgid "Changed structure limits [%d]:" @@ -10464,18 +10464,18 @@ msgid "Warning, HOST has altered the game code, and can't be trusted!" msgstr "Attenzione, l'host ha alterato il codice di gioco e non può essere ritenuto affidabile!" msgid "The host has enabled free chat for everyone." -msgstr "" +msgstr "L'host ha abilitato la chat libera per tutti." msgid "The host has muted free chat for everyone." -msgstr "" +msgstr "L'host ha silenziato la chat libera per tutti." #, c-format msgid "The host has enabled free chat for player: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "L'host ha abilitato la chat libera per il giocatore: %s" #, c-format msgid "The host has muted free chat for player: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "L'host ha silenziato la chat libera per il giocatore: %s" #, c-format msgid "Kicking player %s, because they tried to bypass data integrity check!" @@ -10578,15 +10578,15 @@ msgstr "%s (%d) ha permesso una modifica alla mappa. Totale: %d/%d" #, c-format msgid "A player voted FOR kicking: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un giocatore ha votato A FAVORE dell'espulsione: %s" #, c-format msgid "A player voted AGAINST kicking: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un giocatore ha votato CONTRO l'espulsione: %s" #, c-format msgid "A player's client ignored your vote to kick request (too frequent): %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Il client di un giocatore ha ignorato la tua votazione per espellere (troppo frequente): %s" msgid "Vote" msgstr "Vota" @@ -10595,46 +10595,46 @@ msgid "Allow host to change map or randomize?" msgstr "Consenti all'host di cambiare mappa o di renderla casuale?" msgid "A vote was started to kick you from the game." -msgstr "" +msgstr "È iniziata una votazione per espellerti dal gioco." #, c-format msgid "A vote was started to kick %s from the game." -msgstr "" +msgstr "È iniziata una votazione per espellere %s dalla partita." #, c-format msgid "Vote To Kick: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vota per espellere: %s" #, c-format msgid "Should player %s be kicked from the game?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Il giocatore %s dovrebbe essere espulso dal gioco?" msgid "Yes, Kick Them" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sì, cacciali" #, c-format msgid "The vote to kick player %s succeeded (sufficient votes in favor) - kicking" -msgstr "" +msgstr "La votazione per espellere %s è riuscita (voti a favore sufficienti) - Espulsione" #, c-format msgid "The vote to kick player %s failed (insufficient votes in favor)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "La votazione per espellere %s non è riuscita (voti a favore non sufficienti)" #, c-format msgid "The vote to kick player %s failed (insufficient votes before timeout)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "La votazione per espellere %s non è riuscita (voti non sufficienti prima del timeout)" #, c-format msgid "The vote to kick player %s failed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Votazione per espellere il giocatore %s non riuscita" #, c-format msgid "Cannot request vote to kick player %s yet - please wait a bit longer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Non è possibile richiedere il voto per espellere il giocatore %s - si prega di attendere un po' più a lungo" #, c-format msgid "Starting vote to kick player: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inizio votazione per espellere il giocatore: %s" msgid "NOW PLAYING" msgstr "IN RIPRODUZIONE" @@ -10768,10 +10768,10 @@ msgid "You cheated!" msgstr "Hai barato!" msgid "Use Quick Chat to chat with other players." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Usa la Chat Rapida per chattare con altri giocatori." msgid "The host has disabled free chat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "L'host ha disabilitato la chat libera per te." msgid "Chat: All" msgstr "Chat: Tutti" @@ -10780,7 +10780,7 @@ msgid "Chat: Team" msgstr "Chat: Squadra" msgid "Did not send message - free chat is disabled by host. Please use Quick Chat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Messaggio non inviato - la chat libera è disabilitata dall'host. Si prega di utilizzare la Chat Rapida." msgid "See Also:" msgstr "Vedi anche:" @@ -10792,7 +10792,7 @@ msgid "Toggle Sidebar" msgstr "Commuta barra laterale" msgid "Disable Topic Pop-ups" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Disabilita Pop-up contestuali" msgid "Close Help Mode" msgstr "Chiudi modalità aiuto" @@ -10807,13 +10807,13 @@ msgid "Click/Tap and Hold" msgstr "Clicka/tocca e tieni premuto" msgid "Other" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atro" msgid "Interactions:" msgstr "Interazioni:" msgid "Related Keymappings:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tasti correlati:" msgid "Enter password" msgstr "Inserisci password" @@ -10885,25 +10885,25 @@ msgid "Join attempt failed" msgstr "Tentativo di accesso fallito" msgid "Host did not respond before timeout" -msgstr "" +msgstr "L'host non ha risposto prima del timeout" #, c-format msgid "Failed at: [%s] - %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fallito a: [%s] - %s" #, c-format msgid "Failed at: [%s]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fallito a: [%s]" #, c-format msgid "Failed to open connection: [%d] %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Apertura della connessione non riuscita: [%d] %s" msgid "Establishing connection with host" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stabilendo la connessione con l'host" msgid "An internal error occurred" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Errore interno" msgid "Invalid host - disconnected" msgstr "Host non valido - disconnesso" @@ -10930,10 +10930,10 @@ msgid "Game will start in ..." msgstr "La partita inizierà in..." msgid "Waiting for other players ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "In attesa degli altri giocatori ..." msgid "Team Planning" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pianificazione di Squadra" msgid "Unable to locate any repair units!" msgstr "Impossibile localizzare un'unità di riparazione!" @@ -10966,13 +10966,13 @@ msgid "Current Power / Power Per Second" msgstr "Potenza Corrente / Potenza Per Secondo" msgid "PwrLost" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Potenza persa" msgid "PwrWon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Potenza distrutta" msgid "Lab Use" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uso dei laboratori" msgid "Kinetic Armor" msgstr "Armatura Cinetica" @@ -10999,10 +10999,10 @@ msgid "Gauss" msgstr "Gauss" msgid "Flame" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Incendiari" msgid "Howitzers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Obici" msgid "MG" msgstr "MG" @@ -11011,41 +11011,41 @@ msgid "Machine Guns" msgstr "Mitragliatrici" msgid "Electronic" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Elettroniche" msgid "A-A" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A-A" msgid "Anti-Air" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Antiaerea" msgid "Slow Missile" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Missile Lento" msgid "Slow Rocket" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Razzo Lento" msgid "Las-Sat" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Las-Sat" msgid "Laser Satellite" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Laser Satellitare" msgid "Bombs" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bombe" msgid "Command" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Comando" msgid "EMP" -msgstr "" +msgstr "EMP" msgid "Can't build any more units, Unit Limit Reached — Production Halted" msgstr "Impossibile costruire altre unità, Limite di Unità Raggiunto — Produzione Interrotta" #, c-format msgid "Can't build \"%s\" without a Command Relay Center — Production Halted" -msgstr "Impossibile costruire \"%s\" senza un Centro di Trasmissione Comandi — Produzione Interrotta" +msgstr "Impossibile costruire \"%s\" senza un centro trasmissione comandi — Produzione interrotta" #, c-format msgid "Can't build \"%s\", Commander Limit Reached — Production Halted" @@ -11056,7 +11056,7 @@ msgid "Can't build any more \"%s\", Construction Unit Limit Reached — Producti msgstr "Impossibile costruire altri \"%s\", Limite di Costruzione Unità Raggiunto — Produzione Interrotta" msgid "Laser Satellite is ready to fire!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Il Laser Satellitare è pronto a far fuoco!" #, c-format msgid "%s - %u Unit assigned - Hitpoints %d/%d" @@ -11140,108 +11140,108 @@ msgid "Repair Facility Award - Nothing" msgstr "Premio della struttura di riparazione - nessuno" msgid "Classic" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Classica" msgid "Additional Campaigns" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Campagne aggiuntive" msgid "Start Game" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Avvia la Partita" msgid "Tweak Options:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Modificatori:" msgid "Reset to Defaults" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ripristina Predefiniti" msgid "Command the forces of The Project in a battle to rebuild the world" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Comanda le forze del Progetto in una battaglia per ricostruire il mondo" msgid "Warzone 2100 Universe" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Universo di Warzone 2100" msgid "WZ2100 Extended Universe" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Universo esteso di Warzone 2100" msgid "Unique Universe" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Universo Unico" #, c-format msgid "Requires %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Richiede %s" msgid "Compatible" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Compatibile" #, c-format msgid "Compatible %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Compatibile %s" msgid "Timer Power Bonus" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bonus Energetico sul Timer" msgid "Grant power based on the remaining level timer, so there's no need to wait out the clock." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Concedi energia sulla base del tempo rimanente per il livello, quindi non c'è bisogno di aspettare che arrivi a zero." msgid "Classic Timers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Timer Classici" msgid "Alter / disable timers on specific levels, like the original release. (Allows power-cheating.)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Altera/disabilita i timer su livelli specifici, come nella versione originale. (Permette il power-cheating.)" msgid "40 Unit Limit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Limite di 40 Unità" msgid "Lower the player's unit limit to 40, matching the original PS1 release." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Abbassa il limite di unità del giocatore a 40, corrispondente alla versione originale per PS1." msgid "Autosaves-Only" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Solo salvataggi automatici" msgid "Disable the ability to manually save / quick-save, limit autosaves to the beginning of each level." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Disabilità i salvataggi manuali/rapidi, limita il salvataggio automatico all'inizio di ogni livello." msgid "PS1 Modifiers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Modificatori PS1" msgid "Reduces the damage the enemy deals to a third of the current difficulty modifier." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Riduce il danno che il nemico infligge a un terzo di quello della difficoltà attuale." msgid "A more relaxed playthrough - easier than easy" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un gioco più rilassato - più facile di \"Facile\"" msgid "A slightly easier challenge than Normal" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Una sfida leggermente più facile di Normale" msgid "A fun & challenging experience" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un'esperienza divertente e impegnativa" msgid "A challenge for players who have beaten the game" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Una sfida per i giocatori che hanno battuto il gioco" msgid "An unforgiving challenge for experienced players only" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Una sfida imperdibile solo per i giocatori esperti" msgid "\"Classic\" campaign balance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Difficoltà della campagna \"Classica\"" msgid "Remastered" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rimasterizzato" msgid "The remastered campaign experience" -msgstr "" +msgstr "L'esperienza della campagna rimasterizzata" msgid "Difficulty:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Difficoltà:" msgid "Balance:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bilanciamento" msgid "Start at:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inizia a:" msgid "Tweaks:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Modifiche:" msgid "CAMPAIGNS" msgstr "CAMPAGNE" @@ -11350,7 +11350,7 @@ msgid "Launch Transport" msgstr "Lancia il Trasporto" msgid "Launch the Transporter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lancia il Trasporto" msgid "There is not enough room in the Transport!" msgstr "Non c'è abbastanza spazio nel trasporto!" diff --git a/po/pt.po b/po/pt.po index ba748c9ee3a..8cc93a82bb8 100644 --- a/po/pt.po +++ b/po/pt.po @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: warzone2100\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: warzone2100-project@lists.sourceforge.net\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-01 21:02+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-03 18:07\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-12-16 02:33\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: Portuguese\n" "Language: pt_PT\n" @@ -7733,7 +7733,7 @@ msgid "Shadow filtering not available on this system." msgstr "" msgid "Opacity: 50%" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Opacidade: 50%" msgid "* Takes effect on game restart" msgstr "* Tem efeito quando o jogo for reiniciado" @@ -7781,7 +7781,7 @@ msgid "Groups Menu" msgstr "Menu de grupos" msgid "Options Button" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Botão de opções" msgid "GRAPHICS OPTIONS" msgstr "OPÇÕES DE GRÁFICOS" @@ -8097,10 +8097,10 @@ msgid "Player %u is cheating (debug menu) him/herself a new droid." msgstr "Jogador %u está a fazer batota (menu debug) para obter uma nova unidade." msgid "Open In-Game Options" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Abrir opções no jogo" msgid "Close In-Game Options" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fechar opções no jogo" msgid "Hiding Obsolete Tech" msgstr "Esconder Tecnologia Obsoleta" @@ -8263,26 +8263,26 @@ msgid "End-Game" msgstr "" msgid "Host" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Anfitrião" msgid "Admin" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Administrador" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed team of player (%s) to: %d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s (%s) mudou a equipa do jogador (%s) para: %d" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed position of player (%s) to: %d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s (%s) mudou a posição do jogador (%s) para: %d" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed color of player (%s) to: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s (%s) mudou a cor do jogador (%s) para: %s" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed faction of player (%s) to: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s (%s) mudou a fação do jogador (%s) para: %s" msgid "Can someone please transfer me some units?" msgstr "" @@ -8501,7 +8501,7 @@ msgid "Map Downloaded" msgstr "" msgid "Admin modified a setting" -msgstr "" +msgstr "O administrador alterou uma configuração" msgid "Bot Allies" msgstr "" @@ -10870,30 +10870,30 @@ msgid "Synchronizing data with host ..." msgstr "" msgid "Waiting for correct join password" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A aguardar a palavra-passe de acesso correta" msgid "Attempting to connect" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A tentar conectar" msgid "Establishing connection handshake" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Estabelecer o handshake da ligação" msgid "Coordinating join with host" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A coordenar juntar-se ao anfitrião" msgid "Join attempt failed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A tentativa de juntar-se falhou" msgid "Host did not respond before timeout" msgstr "" #, c-format msgid "Failed at: [%s] - %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Falha em: [%s] - %s" #, c-format msgid "Failed at: [%s]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Falha em: [%s]" #, c-format msgid "Failed to open connection: [%d] %s" diff --git a/po/ro.po b/po/ro.po index e6fa1d82cdd..f5c8af7701c 100644 --- a/po/ro.po +++ b/po/ro.po @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: warzone2100\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: warzone2100-project@lists.sourceforge.net\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-01 21:02+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-03 18:07\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2025-02-17 02:29\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: Romanian\n" "Language: ro_RO\n" @@ -897,10 +897,10 @@ msgid "Tornado Flak Turret" msgstr "Turela Anti-Aeriană Tornadă" msgid "Proximity Bomb Turret" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Turelă de Bombă cu Proximitate" msgid "Proximity Superbomb Turret" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Turelă de Super-bombă cu Proximitate" msgid "Bunker Blaster Cyborg" msgstr "Cyborg cu Bunker Buster" @@ -3723,7 +3723,7 @@ msgid "Bunker Buster Viper Wheels" msgstr "Rachete Anti-Buncăr pe şasiu Viperă cu Roți" msgid "Bunker Buster" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rachetă Anti-Buncăr" msgid "Burns oil more efficiently" msgstr "Combustibilul este consumat mai eficient" @@ -8318,7 +8318,7 @@ msgid "I suggest: Capturing oil resources" msgstr "Sugerez: Să capturăm resurse de petrol" msgid "Hey everyone!" -msgstr "Salut, toată lumea!" +msgstr "Salutare tuturor!" msgid "Welcome!" msgstr "Bun venit!" @@ -11135,87 +11135,87 @@ msgid "Repair Facility Award - Nothing" msgstr "Răsplată de Reparații - Nimic" msgid "Classic" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Clasic" msgid "Additional Campaigns" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Campanii Adiționale" msgid "Start Game" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Începe jocul" msgid "Tweak Options:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Modifică Opțiuni:" msgid "Reset to Defaults" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Resetare la Valorile Implicite" msgid "Command the forces of The Project in a battle to rebuild the world" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Comandă forțele Proiectului într-o luptă pentru a reconstrui lumea" msgid "Warzone 2100 Universe" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Universul Warzone 2100" msgid "WZ2100 Extended Universe" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Universul Extins WZ2100" msgid "Unique Universe" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Univers Unic" #, c-format msgid "Requires %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Necesită %s" msgid "Compatible" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Compatibil" #, c-format msgid "Compatible %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Compatibil %s" msgid "Timer Power Bonus" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bonus Energie Cronometru" msgid "Grant power based on the remaining level timer, so there's no need to wait out the clock." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Acorda energie in funcție de timpul rămas după fiecare nivel, încât sa nu fie nevoie sa aștepți sa se termine timpul." msgid "Classic Timers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cronometru Clasic" msgid "Alter / disable timers on specific levels, like the original release. (Allows power-cheating.)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Alterează / modifica cronometrul in anumite nivele, exact ca in versiunea originala (Permite trișarea energiei)" msgid "40 Unit Limit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Limită de 40 Unități" msgid "Lower the player's unit limit to 40, matching the original PS1 release." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Redu limita de unități la 40, corespunzător versiunii originale de PS1." msgid "Autosaves-Only" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Doar Auto-Salvări" msgid "Disable the ability to manually save / quick-save, limit autosaves to the beginning of each level." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dezactivează capabilitatea de a salva manual, limitează auto-salvările la începutul fiecărui nivel." msgid "PS1 Modifiers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Modificatori PS1" msgid "Reduces the damage the enemy deals to a third of the current difficulty modifier." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Reduce daunele pe care inamicul le face pentru o treime din actuala dificultate de modificare." msgid "A more relaxed playthrough - easier than easy" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un joc mai relaxat - mai ușor decât ușor" msgid "A slightly easier challenge than Normal" -msgstr "" +msgstr "O provocare mai ușoară decât Normală" msgid "A fun & challenging experience" -msgstr "" +msgstr "O experiență distractivă și provocatoare" msgid "A challenge for players who have beaten the game" -msgstr "" +msgstr "O provocare pentru jucătorii care au învins jocul" msgid "An unforgiving challenge for experienced players only" -msgstr "" +msgstr "O provocare care nu iartă, doar pentru jucătorii experimentați" msgid "\"Classic\" campaign balance" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po index b8f6741abb4..ea5d622700f 100644 --- a/po/ru.po +++ b/po/ru.po @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: warzone2100\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: warzone2100-project@lists.sourceforge.net\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-01 21:02+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-06 02:25\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2025-02-10 02:27\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: Russian\n" "Language: ru_RU\n" @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ msgid "Scavenger raiders are approaching our base." msgstr "Мусорщики приближаются к нашей базе." msgid "Defend the base then destroy the Scavenger camps." -msgstr "Защитите базу, затем уничтожьте лагеря мусорщиков." +msgstr "Защитите базу, затем уничтожьте лагеря Мусорщиков." msgid "ALPHA BASE MISSION: Power Surge Detected" msgstr "МИССИЯ НА БАЗЕ АЛЬФА: Обнаружен выброс энергии" @@ -1242,7 +1242,7 @@ msgid "Defensive Strength: High" msgstr "Сила защиты: высокая" msgid "Armored strongpoint with Inferno Flamer" -msgstr "Укреплённая установка с огнемётом Инферно" +msgstr "Усиленная точка с огнемётом Инферно" msgid "Armored strongpoint with Assault Cannon" msgstr "Укреплённая установка с роторной пушкой" @@ -3260,7 +3260,7 @@ msgid "APFSDS Cannon Rounds Mk2" msgstr "Стреловидные снаряды Mk2" msgid "APFSDS Cannon Rounds Mk3" -msgstr "Стреловидные снаряды Mk3" +msgstr "Подкалиберные снаряды для пушки Mk3" msgid "APFSDS Cannon Rounds" msgstr "Стреловидные снаряды" @@ -3762,13 +3762,13 @@ msgid "Cannon Laser Rangefinder" msgstr "Лазерный дальномер пушки" msgid "Cannon Rapid Loader Mk2" -msgstr "Быстрая зарядка пушки Мk2" +msgstr "Автомат заряжания Пушки Мk2" msgid "Cannon Rapid Loader Mk3" -msgstr "Быстрая зарядка пушки Мk3" +msgstr "Автомат заряжания Пушки Мk3" msgid "Cannon Rapid Loader" -msgstr "Быстрая зарядка пушки" +msgstr "Автомат заряжания Пушки" #, no-c-format msgid "Cannon reload time -10%" @@ -4521,13 +4521,13 @@ msgid "HEAP Mortar Shells" msgstr "Бронебойные снаряды миномёта" msgid "HEAT Cannon Shells Mk2" -msgstr "Противотанковые снаряды Mk2" +msgstr "Кумулятивные снаряды Mk2" msgid "HEAT Cannon Shells Mk3" -msgstr "Противотанковые снаряды Mk3" +msgstr "Кумулятивные снаряды Mk3" msgid "HEAT Cannon Shells" -msgstr "Противотанковые снаряды" +msgstr "Кумулятивные снаряды" msgid "HEAT Rocket Warhead Mk2" msgstr "Противотанковая боеголовка Мk2" @@ -8303,7 +8303,7 @@ msgid "Can someone please transfer me trucks so I can rebuild?" msgstr "Может кто-нибудь передать мне грузовики для перестройки?" msgid "Sorry, I don't understand. (Please use Quick Chat?)" -msgstr "Извините, я не понимаю. (Пожалуйста, используйте Быстрые сообщения)" +msgstr "Извините, я не понимаю. (Пожалуйста, используйте Быстрый чат?)" msgid "I suggest: Building more units" msgstr "Я предлагаю: Строить больше юнитов" diff --git a/po/sk.po b/po/sk.po index 0923753eef2..3ffe30f1fb5 100644 --- a/po/sk.po +++ b/po/sk.po @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: warzone2100\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: warzone2100-project@lists.sourceforge.net\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-01 21:02+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-03 18:07\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2025-02-26 02:37\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: Slovak\n" "Language: sk_SK\n" @@ -21,16 +21,16 @@ msgid "OBJECTIVE: Locate and recover neural synapse technology" msgstr "CIEĽ: Nájsť a získať technológiu neurálnych synapsií" msgid "Establish a base, then search for a Pre-Collapse structure." -msgstr "Založte základňu, potom nájdite stavbu spred kolapsu." +msgstr "Založ základňu, potom vyhľadaj stavbu spred kolapsu." msgid "This structure contains technology vital for the success of the Project." msgstr "Táto budova obsahuje technológie dôležité pre úspech Projektu." msgid "ALPHA BASE MISSION: Scavenger Raiders" -msgstr "MISIA ZÁKLADNE ALFA: Nájazdnícki Smetiari" +msgstr "MISIA ZÁKLADNE ALFA: Nájazdníci" msgid "Scavenger raiders are approaching our base." -msgstr "Nájzadníckí smetiari sa približujú k tvojej základni." +msgstr "Nájazdníci sa blížia k našej základni." msgid "Defend the base then destroy the Scavenger camps." msgstr "Obráň základňu a následne znič tábory nájazdníkov." @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ msgid "TRANSPORT MISSION: Encoded Signals Detected" msgstr "PREPRAVNÁ MISIA: Zistené zakódované signály" msgid "Take a scout force to investigate these signals." -msgstr "Pre kontrolu týchto signálov použi prieskumné jednotky." +msgstr "Pre prieskum týchto signálov použi prieskumné jednotky." msgid "Use your trucks to build defenses at your LZ." msgstr "Pre výstavbu obrany na svojom MV použi nákladné autá." @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ msgid "There is a better equipped force operating in this area." msgstr "V oblasti operuje lepšie vyzbrojená jednotka." msgid "TEAM GAMMA UPDATE" -msgstr "AKTUALIZÁCIA PRE TÍM GAMA" +msgstr "AKTUALIZÁCIA TÍMU GAMA" msgid "Nothing to report." msgstr "Nič pre nahlásenie." @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ msgid "PRIMARY OBJECTIVE" msgstr "HLAVNÝ CIEĽ" msgid "This structure is your primary objective." -msgstr "Táto budova je Váš hlavný cieľ." +msgstr "Táto budova je tvoj hlavný cieľ." msgid "Search for and recover any artifacts here." msgstr "Vyhľadaj a získaj všetky artefakty." @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ msgid "ENEMY LZ" msgstr "NEPRIATEĽSKÉ MV" msgid "Destroy this LZ to prevent enemy landings." -msgstr "Zničte toto MV pre to, aby ste zabránili nepriateľom pristáť." +msgstr "Znič toto MV pre zabránenie nepriateľským výsadkom." msgid "ALPHA BASE INTELLIGENCE REPORT: NEXUS" msgstr "SPRÁVA ROZVIEDKY ZÁKLADNE ALFA: NEXUS" @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ msgid "Destroy Enemy Base" msgstr "Znič nepriateľskú základňu" msgid "Assemble an attack force and board the transport." -msgstr "Zostavte útočnú jednotku a nastúpte na transportér." +msgstr "Zostav útočnú jednotku a nastúp na transportér." msgid "Destroy the base and recover any artifacts present." msgstr "Zničte základňu a získajte všetky artefakty, ktoré sa v nej nachádzajú." @@ -264,10 +264,10 @@ msgid "Then use a truck to upgrade your power generator with the module." msgstr "Následne použi kamión pre vylepšenie generátora pomocou modulu." msgid "SCAVENGER BASE DETECTED" -msgstr "ZISTENÁ ZÁKLADŇA SMETIAROV" +msgstr "ZISTENÁ ZÁKLADŇA NÁJAZDNÍKOV" msgid "Defeat the scavengers and retrieve any artifacts." -msgstr "Poraz smetiarov a získaj artefakty." +msgstr "Poraz nájazdníkov a získaj artefakty." msgid "Congratulations on defeating the New Paradigm, this sector is now secure." msgstr "Gratulujeme k porazeniu Novej Paradigmy, táto oblasť je teraz bezpečná." @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ msgid "You are to rescue the civilians." msgstr "Budeš zachraňovať civilistov." msgid "Then destroy the camp." -msgstr "Potom zničte kemp." +msgstr "Potom znič kemp." msgid "BETA BASE MISSION: Destroy Enemy Air Base and Recover VTOLs." msgstr "MISIA ZÁKLADNE BETA: Znič nepriateľskú leteckú základňu a získaj VTOLy." @@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ msgid "Congratulations on your successful evacuation of Beta Base." msgstr "Gratulujeme k úspešnej evakuácii základne Beta." msgid "NEXUS has gained access to nuclear weapons and is determined to destroy the Project." -msgstr "" +msgstr "NEXUS získal prístup k nukleárnym zbraniam a je rozhodnutý zničiť Projekt." msgid "Take your forces to the Northern Sector" msgstr "Zober tvoje jednotky do severného sektora" @@ -561,13 +561,13 @@ msgid "NORTHERN SECTOR MISSION: Nuclear Blast" msgstr "MISIA SEVERNÉHO SEKTORA: Nukleárny výbuch" msgid "All units must escape the area before the warhead detonates." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Všetky jednotky musia uniknúť z oblasti pred výbuchom hlavice." msgid "Air-lift by transport is not possible. You'll have to head overland." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Transport pomocou vzdušného výťahu nie je možný. Musíš pokračovať po zemi." msgid "The mountain range to the east should shield you from the blast." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Horský masív na východe by ťa mal ochrániť pred výbuchom." msgid "The valley is your only chance of escape." msgstr "Údolie je tvojou jedinou šancou na únik." @@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ msgid "AWAY TEAM UPDATE" msgstr "AKTUALIZÁCIA PRE VÝSADKOVÝ TÍM" msgid "All communication with the away team was lost after the nuclear explosions." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Všetka komunikácia s výsadkovým tímom bola prerušená po nukleárnych výbuchoch." msgid "Their last transmission indicated they were heading back to base." msgstr "Ich posledné hlásenie naznačovalo, že smerovali späť na základňu." @@ -2376,7 +2376,7 @@ msgid "NORTHERN SECTOR" msgstr "SEVERNÝ SEKTOR" msgid "Dusk, December 3rd, 2100" -msgstr "Podvečer, 3. December, 2100" +msgstr "Súmrak, 3. December, 2100" msgid "In-flight to Northern Sector" msgstr "" @@ -2550,13 +2550,13 @@ msgid "...cannot hold out much longer. Repeat, please help, we cannot hold out msgstr "" msgid "Dusk, November 3rd, 2085" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Súmrak, 3. November 2085" msgid "Earth, High Orbit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zem, vysoká orbita" msgid "The Collapse" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kolaps" msgid "January 19th, 2086" msgstr "19. Január 2086" @@ -2568,7 +2568,7 @@ msgid "Nuclear Winter" msgstr "Nukleárna zima" msgid "Midnight, April 10th, 2086" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Polnoc, 10. Apríl 2086" msgid "Rocky Mountains" msgstr "Skalnaté vrchy" @@ -2577,7 +2577,7 @@ msgid "Safety" msgstr "Bezpečie" msgid "Dawn, April 4th, 2100" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Úsvit, 4. Apríl 2100" msgid "A New Beginning" msgstr "Nový začiatok" @@ -2844,10 +2844,10 @@ msgid "Ultimate Scavengers" msgstr "" msgid "Scavengers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nájazdníci" msgid "No Scavengers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Žiadni nájazdníci" msgid "No Alliances" msgstr "Bez spojenectiev" @@ -3652,7 +3652,7 @@ msgid "Beta Campaign" msgstr "" msgid "Beta" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beta" msgid "Body Points and Speed Increased" msgstr "" @@ -4279,10 +4279,10 @@ msgid "Fuel Injection Engine" msgstr "" msgid "Gamma Campaign" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kampaň Gama" msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gama" msgid "Gas turbine boosts power output" msgstr "" @@ -4808,7 +4808,7 @@ msgid "Hurricane AA Turret" msgstr "" msgid "Hut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chatrč" msgid "HVAPFSDS Cannon Rounds Mk2" msgstr "" @@ -5033,7 +5033,7 @@ msgid "Inferno Python Hover" msgstr "" msgid "Inferno" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inferno" msgid "Intruder parasite isolated" msgstr "" @@ -5048,7 +5048,7 @@ msgid "Jammer Turret" msgstr "" msgid "Jeep" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jeep" msgid "Jump Cyborgs can now be researched" msgstr "" @@ -5233,7 +5233,7 @@ msgid "Makes excellent scout vehicle" msgstr "" msgid "Mantis" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Modlivka" msgid "Mass Driver Fortress" msgstr "" @@ -6106,7 +6106,7 @@ msgid "Scavenger AT-Rocket Pit" msgstr "" msgid "Scavenger Bunker" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bunker nájazdníkov" msgid "Scavenger Chopper Factory" msgstr "" @@ -6142,7 +6142,7 @@ msgid "Scavenger Rocket Pit" msgstr "" msgid "Scavenger" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nájazdník" msgid "scavengernexuslinkturret" msgstr "" @@ -6442,10 +6442,10 @@ msgid "Tank Killer Vengeance Tracks" msgstr "" msgid "Tank Killer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zabijak tankov" msgid "Tank Traps" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Protitankové prekážky" msgid "Target Acquisition Artillery Shells Mk2" msgstr "" @@ -6659,7 +6659,7 @@ msgid "Use the Command Console to send units back for repair" msgstr "" msgid "Uses advanced cannon technology" -msgstr "Použivá pokročilú technológiu kanónov" +msgstr "Používa pokročilú technológiu kanónov" msgid "Uses advanced mass driver railgun technology" msgstr "" @@ -6948,19 +6948,19 @@ msgid "Wide Spectrum Sensor" msgstr "" msgid "Wreck" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vrak" msgid "Wrecked Bridge" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zničený most" msgid "Wrecked Tanker" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zničená cisterna" msgid "Wrecked Van" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zničená dodávka" msgid "Wrecked Vehicle" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zničené vozidlo" msgid "Wyvern" msgstr "" @@ -6983,7 +6983,7 @@ msgstr "Profesionál" msgctxt "rank" msgid "Regular" -msgstr "Základné" +msgstr "Štandardný" msgctxt "rank" msgid "Rookie" @@ -6991,11 +6991,11 @@ msgstr "Nováčik" msgctxt "rank" msgid "Special" -msgstr "Špeciálne" +msgstr "Špeciálny" msgctxt "rank" msgid "Trained" -msgstr "Trénované" +msgstr "Trénovaný" msgctxt "rank" msgid "Veteran" @@ -7024,13 +7024,13 @@ msgid "Warzone 2100 Global Mod File" msgstr "" msgid "Warzone" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Warzone" msgid "Warzone 2100 Music Mod File" msgstr "" msgid "Postnuclear realtime strategy" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Postnukleárna realtime stratégia" msgid "Strategy Game" msgstr "Strategická hra" @@ -7096,7 +7096,7 @@ msgid "Flush all debug output written to stderr" msgstr "" msgid "Play in fullscreen mode" -msgstr "Hrať v celoobrazovkovom režime" +msgstr "Hrať v režime celej obrazovky" msgid "Load a specific game mode" msgstr "" @@ -7120,7 +7120,7 @@ msgid "Enable a multiplay only mod" msgstr "" msgid "Disable asserts" -msgstr "Vypnút hlásenia" +msgstr "Zakázať asserty" msgid "Causes a crash to test the crash handler" msgstr "" @@ -7177,10 +7177,10 @@ msgid "Go directly to host screen" msgstr "" msgid "Enable texture compression" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zapnúť kompresiu textúr" msgid "Disable texture compression" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vypnúť kompresiu textúr" msgid "Set gfx backend" msgstr "" @@ -7231,7 +7231,7 @@ msgid "Set game server port" msgstr "" msgid "port" -msgstr "" +msgstr "port" msgid "Enable / disable port mapping when hosting" msgstr "" @@ -7444,7 +7444,7 @@ msgstr "Budova obnovená" #, c-format msgid "%u unit selected" msgid_plural "%u units selected" -msgstr[0] "%u vybraná jednotka" +msgstr[0] "jednotka %u vybraná" msgstr[1] "%u jednotky vybrány" msgstr[2] "%u jednotek vybráno" msgstr[3] "%u jednotek vybráno" @@ -8582,7 +8582,7 @@ msgid "--> QUIT <--" msgstr "--> KONIEC <--" msgid "Audio Options" -msgstr "Zvukové nastavanie" +msgstr "Nastavenia zvuku" msgid "View Key Mappings" msgstr "" @@ -8652,7 +8652,7 @@ msgid "Manufacture" msgstr "" msgid "Research" -msgstr "Výzkum" +msgstr "Výskum" msgid "Build" msgstr "Stavať" @@ -8682,7 +8682,7 @@ msgid "Toggle Damage Bars On/Off" msgstr "" msgid "Take Screen Shot" -msgstr "Odfotiť obrazovku" +msgstr "Spraviť snímku obrazovky" msgid "Toggle Formation Speed Limiting" msgstr "" @@ -8877,7 +8877,7 @@ msgid "Increase Game Speed" msgstr "Zvýšiť rýchlosť hry" msgid "Reset Game Speed" -msgstr "Resetovat rýchlosť hry" +msgstr "Resetovať rýchlosť hry" msgid "View North" msgstr "Pohľad na sever" @@ -8928,7 +8928,7 @@ msgid "Hold Fire" msgstr "Nestrieľaj" msgid "View Unassigned Units" -msgstr "Zobraz nezačlenené jednotky" +msgstr "Zobraz nepriradené jednotky" msgid "Return Fire" msgstr "Opätuj paľbu" @@ -8940,13 +8940,13 @@ msgid "Guard Position" msgstr "Bráň pozíciu" msgid "Return to HQ" -msgstr "Zpäť na HQ" +msgstr "Späť na veliteľstvo" msgid "Hold Position" msgstr "Drž pozíciu" msgid "Optimum Range" -msgstr "Oprimálny dostrel" +msgstr "Oprimálny dosah" msgid "Short Range" msgstr "Krátky dostrel" @@ -9097,7 +9097,7 @@ msgid "Select all Trucks" msgstr "" msgid "Select next Factory" -msgstr "Vybrať dalšiu továrňu" +msgstr "Vybrať dalšiu továreň" msgid "Select next Research Facility" msgstr "Vybrať dalšie výskumné zariadenie" @@ -9360,7 +9360,7 @@ msgid "Accept Retreating Units" msgstr "" msgid "Sorry, that cheat is disabled in multiplayer games." -msgstr "Ospravedlňujeme sa, ale cheaty sú vypnuté pre hru viacerých hráčov." +msgstr "Ospravedlňujeme sa, ale tento cheat je vypnutý pre hru viacerých hráčov." msgid "Warning! This cheat is buggy. We recommend to NOT use it." msgstr "" @@ -9405,7 +9405,7 @@ msgid "(Player %u) is using cheat :%s" msgstr "" msgid "Hard as nails!!!" -msgstr "Tvrdo ako kladivo!!!" +msgstr "Tvrdý ako kameň!!!" msgid "1000 big ones!!!" msgstr "" @@ -9692,7 +9692,7 @@ msgid "Could not save game!" msgstr "Nemožno uložiť hru!" msgid "Load Transport" -msgstr "Naložit transport" +msgstr "Naložiť transport" msgid "Shows the number of units currently loaded into the mission transporter, and the total capacity." msgstr "" @@ -9722,7 +9722,7 @@ msgid "Load Saved Game" msgstr "Nahrať uloženú hru" msgid "GAME SAVED :" -msgstr "HRA ULOŽENÁ!" +msgstr "HRA ULOŽENÁ :" #, c-format msgid "You found %u power in an oil drum." @@ -10173,7 +10173,7 @@ msgid "This is a random map, it can vary your playing experience!" msgstr "" msgid "Host is Starting Game" -msgstr "Hostiteľ začíná hru" +msgstr "Hostiteľ začína hru" #, c-format msgid "Host: Free chat enabled for: %s" @@ -10544,7 +10544,7 @@ msgid "Bright blue" msgstr "Svetlomodrá" msgid "Neon green" -msgstr "Neónová zelená" +msgstr "Neónovo zelená" msgid "Infrared" msgstr "Infračervená" diff --git a/po/uk_UA.po b/po/uk_UA.po index e2d3eeb8262..5b157c4a560 100644 --- a/po/uk_UA.po +++ b/po/uk_UA.po @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: warzone2100\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: warzone2100-project@lists.sourceforge.net\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-01 21:02+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-03 18:07\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2025-02-18 02:26\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: Ukrainian\n" "Language: uk_UA\n" @@ -1800,7 +1800,7 @@ msgid "Destroy the Nexus HQ to disable the Nexus Intruder Program" msgstr "Знищіть КК НЕКСУСу, щоб вимкнути Вірусну Програму Nexus" msgid "Warning: HQ shielded against VTOL attacks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Увага: Штаб-квартира захищена від атак ВЗІП" msgid "Research resistance circuits and survive the assault from Nexus" msgstr "Дослідити схеми опору та пережити напад з Нексуса" @@ -2942,11 +2942,11 @@ msgid "System locale" msgstr "Мова локалізації системи" msgid "Failed to create port mapping" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Не вдалося прив'язати порт" #, c-format msgid "Manually configure your router/firewall to open port %d!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Налаштуйте маршрутизатор/брандмауер вручну для відкриття порту %d!" #, c-format msgid "Port mapping opened external port: %d" @@ -2957,7 +2957,7 @@ msgid "Your external IP is: %s" msgstr "Ваша зовнішня IP-адреса: %s" msgid "Failed to create port mapping (timeout)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Не вдалося прив'язати порт (вичерпано час очікування)" msgid "Client failed to ack player index swap" msgstr "Клієнт не зміг отримати підкачування індексу гравця" @@ -2973,6 +2973,9 @@ msgid "" "If you're using a router configure it to enable UPnP/NAT-PMP/PCP\n" " or to forward the port to your system." msgstr "" +"Помилка підключення до сервера лоббі: %s.\n" +"Переконайтеся, що порт %d може приймати вхідні з'єднання.\n" +"Якщо ви використовуєте маршрутизатор, налаштуйте його для увімкнення UPnP/NAT-PMP/PCP або для перенаправлення порту на вашу систему." msgid "Failed to get a lobby response!" msgstr "Не вдалося отримати відповідь у лобі!" @@ -3318,7 +3321,7 @@ msgid "Armed with hyper velocity cannon" msgstr "Кіборг озброєний гіпер-швидкісною гарматою" msgid "Armed with hyper velocity quad-barrel automatic-cannon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Озброєний гіпершвидкісною чотирьохствольною автоматичною гарматою" msgid "Armed with Lancer anti-tank missile" msgstr "Кіборг озброєний протитанковою пусковою установкою 'Спис'" @@ -4057,7 +4060,7 @@ msgid "Depleted uranium kinetic energy bullets" msgstr "Кулі з кінетичною енергією розщепленого урану" msgid "Depleted Uranium MG Bullets Mk3" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Кулі для кулемета зі збідненого урану Mk3" msgid "Depleted Uranium MG Bullets" msgstr "Кулеметні Кулі з Розщепленого Урану" @@ -4111,7 +4114,7 @@ msgid "EMP Mortar" msgstr "ЕМІ Мортира" msgid "Enables Hardcrete gates" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Дозволяє будувати Залізобетонні Стіни" msgid "Enables Hardcrete walls" msgstr "Дозволяє будувати Залізобетонні Стіни" @@ -4244,7 +4247,7 @@ msgid "Flamer damage +25%" msgstr "Сила Вогнемету +25%" msgid "Flamer Fast Loader" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Швидкий Зарядник Вогнемету" #, no-c-format msgid "Flamer reload time -15%" @@ -4663,13 +4666,13 @@ msgid "Heavy Repair Turret Cobra Hover" msgstr "Всюдихідна Кобра з Важкою Ремонтною Баштою" msgid "Heavy Rocket Array" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Важка Ракетна Система" msgid "Heavy Rocket Bastion" msgstr "Важкий Ракетний Бастіон" msgid "Heavy Rocket Battery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Важка Ракетна Батарея" msgid "Heavy surface-to-air missile" msgstr "Важка ракета класу земля-повітря" @@ -5448,7 +5451,7 @@ msgid "Multi-barrel, rapid-fire machinegun" msgstr "Бататоствольний швидкострільний кулемет" msgid "Must be built to produce commanders" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Необхідно побудувати для створення командирів" msgid "Nanolab" msgstr "Нанолабораторія" @@ -5997,7 +6000,7 @@ msgid "Ripple Rocket Battery" msgstr "Ракетна Батарея 'Хвиля'" msgid "Ripple Rocket Rapid Loader" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Прискорювач перезаряджання Ракетної Батареї 'Хвиля'" msgid "Ripple Rockets" msgstr "ПУ 'Хвиля' " @@ -6297,7 +6300,7 @@ msgid "Steals technology from structures and takes control of weapons" msgstr "Краде технології з будівель та перебирає контроль над озброєнням" msgid "Steel Heavy Machinegun Guard Tower" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Сталева Вартова Вежа з Важким Кулеметом" msgid "Steel tower with flamer" msgstr "Сталева вежа з Вогнеметом" @@ -6532,7 +6535,7 @@ msgid "Tiger" msgstr "Тигр" msgid "Titanium-reinforced concrete gate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Титаново-армовані бетонні ворота" msgid "Titanium-reinforced concrete" msgstr "Бетон армований титаном" @@ -7227,7 +7230,7 @@ msgid "autohost" msgstr "автопост" msgid "Query ratings from given server url, when hosting" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Запит рейтингів із заданого url сервера під час хостингу" msgid "autorating" msgstr "авторейтинг" @@ -7242,7 +7245,7 @@ msgid "port" msgstr "порт" msgid "Enable / disable port mapping when hosting" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Увімкнути / вимкнути мапування портів під час хостингу" msgid "[1, true, 0, false]" msgstr "" @@ -7275,19 +7278,19 @@ msgid "startplayers" msgstr "Початківці" msgid "Game history log output mode(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Журнал історії гри Режим(и) виводу" msgid "Game history log output key" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Журнал історії гри Ключ виводу" msgid "Game history log output naming" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Журнал історії гри Найменування виводу" msgid "Game history log frame interval" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Журнал історії гри Інтервал кадрів" msgid "interval in seconds" -msgstr "" +msgstr "інтервал в секундах" msgid "Multiplayer game time limit (in minutes)" msgstr "Ліміт часу багатокористувацької гри (у хвилинах)" @@ -7299,19 +7302,19 @@ msgid "Convert a specular-map .png to a luma, single-channel, grayscale .png (an msgstr "" msgid "Allow Vulkan implicit layers (that may be default-disabled due to potential crashes or bugs)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Дозволити неявні шари Vulkan (які можуть бути вимкнені за замовчуванням через можливі збої або помилки)" msgid "Set the default hosting chat configuration / permissions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Задати конфігурацію та або дозволи чату для хостингу за замовчуванням" msgid "Enable async join approval (for connecting clients)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Увімкнути асинхронне схвалення приєднання (для клієнтів, що підключаються)" msgid "Base URL for on-demand video downloads" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Базова URL-адреса для завантаження відео на вимогу" msgid "Base video URL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Базова URL-адреса відео" msgid "Commander needs a higher level to command more units" msgstr "Командиру потрібен більш високий рівень для керування більше одиниць" @@ -7412,7 +7415,7 @@ msgstr "%s - Гітпункти %d/%d - Досвід %.1f, %s, вбиває %d" #, c-format msgid "%s - Hitpoints %d/%d - ID %d - %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s - Пошкодження %d/%d - ID %d - %s" #, c-format msgid "(Enemy!) %s - Hitpoints %d/%d - ID %d - experience %f, %s - order %s - action %s - sensor range %d - ECM %d - pitch %.0f" @@ -7623,7 +7626,7 @@ msgstr "Дивитись повтор" #, c-format msgid "TCP port %d must be opened in your firewall or router to host games!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "TCP-порт %d має бути відкритий у вашому брандмауері або маршрутизаторі для хостингу ігор!" msgid "Load Multiplayer Replay" msgstr "Завантажити повтор мережевої гри" @@ -7698,7 +7701,7 @@ msgid "On" msgstr "Ввімкнено" msgid "Per Pixel" -msgstr "" +msgstr "На піксель" msgid "Lightmap" msgstr "" @@ -7716,13 +7719,13 @@ msgid "Tracked" msgstr "Відстежується" msgid "High" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Високий" msgid "Default" msgstr "За умовчанням" msgid "Terrain quality mode not available." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Режим якості рельєфу недоступний." msgid "Medium Quality" msgstr "Середня якість" @@ -7731,19 +7734,19 @@ msgid "High Quality" msgstr "Висока якість" msgid "Shadow mapping not available on this system." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Тіньове картографування недоступне в цій системі." msgid "Low" msgstr "Низький" msgid "Ultra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ультра" msgid "Shadow filtering not available on this system." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Фільтрація тіней недоступна на цій системі." msgid "Opacity: 50%" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Непрозорість: 50%" msgid "* Takes effect on game restart" msgstr "* Зміни всупають в силу після перезавантаження гри" @@ -7752,22 +7755,22 @@ msgid "Terrain Quality" msgstr "Якість Ландшафту" msgid "Terrain Shading" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Затінення рельєфу" msgid "Shadows" msgstr "Тіні" msgid "Shadow Resolution" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Роздільна здатність тіней" msgid "Shadow Filtering" msgstr "Фільтрація Тіней" msgid "Per Pixel point lights" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Точкове освітлення на піксель" msgid "LOD Distance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Дистанція рівня деталізації LOD" msgid "Fog" msgstr "Туман" @@ -7791,7 +7794,7 @@ msgid "Groups Menu" msgstr "Меню підрозділів" msgid "Options Button" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Кнопка Параметри" msgid "GRAPHICS OPTIONS" msgstr "ОПЦІЇ ГРАФІКИ" @@ -7882,16 +7885,16 @@ msgid "Graphics Backend*" msgstr "Графічний інтерфейс програми*" msgid "Min on Focus Loss" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Мінімізувати при втраті фокусу" msgid "Whether the window should auto-minimize on focus loss" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Чи слід автоматично мінімізувати вікно при втраті фокусу" msgid "Alt+Enter Toggle" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Alt+Enter Перемикач" msgid "The fullscreen mode used when toggling with keys: Alt + Enter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Повноекранний режим використовується, при перемиканні клавішами: Alt + Enter" msgid "VIDEO OPTIONS" msgstr "ОПЦІЇ ВІДЕО" @@ -8005,7 +8008,7 @@ msgid "Destroy (Classic)" msgstr "Зруйнувати (Класичний метод)" msgid "Allow All" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Дозволити Все" msgid "Quick Chat Only" msgstr "Тільки Швидкий Чат" @@ -8017,7 +8020,7 @@ msgid "Game Port" msgstr "Порт гри" msgid "Port Mapping" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Мапування Портів" msgid "Use PCP, NAT-PMP, or UPnP to help configure your router / firewall to allow connections while hosting." msgstr "" @@ -8041,7 +8044,7 @@ msgid "Game Time Limit" msgstr "Ліміт часу гри" msgid "Enable Rating" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Увімкнути Рейтинг" msgid "MULTIPLAY OPTIONS" msgstr "Опції мультиплеєру" @@ -8107,10 +8110,10 @@ msgid "Player %u is cheating (debug menu) him/herself a new droid." msgstr "Гравець %u за допомогою шахрайства (меню налагодження) здобув(ла) нову одиницю : ." msgid "Open In-Game Options" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Відкрити налаштування гри" msgid "Close In-Game Options" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Закрити налаштування гри" msgid "Hiding Obsolete Tech" msgstr "Хідінг застаріла технології" @@ -8140,22 +8143,22 @@ msgstr "" "натисніть правою кнопкою миші, щоб видалити з уподобань" msgid "New Joins" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Нові Підключення" msgid "Refresh" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Оновити" msgid "Host Chat Options" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Параметри чату хосту" msgid "Global Options:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Глобальні параметри:" msgid "Enable All" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Увімкнути Все" msgid "Disable All" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Вимкнути Все" msgid "Chat Options" msgstr "Налаштування чату" @@ -8167,10 +8170,10 @@ msgid "The host has globally muted 1+ players." msgstr "" msgid "Local" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Локальний" msgid "Select / Assign Group Number: " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Вибрати / Призначити номер групи: " #, c-format msgid "Group %u" @@ -8237,10 +8240,10 @@ msgstr "Союзники-Боти" #, c-format msgid "%u players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%u гравці" msgid "Choose a recipient" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Виберіть одержувача" msgid "Quick Chat:" msgstr "Швидкий чат:" @@ -8252,7 +8255,7 @@ msgid "Requests" msgstr "Запити" msgid "Notices" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Примітки" msgid "Reactions" msgstr "Реакції" @@ -8273,10 +8276,10 @@ msgid "End-Game" msgstr "Ендшпиль" msgid "Host" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Хост" msgid "Admin" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Адміністратор" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed team of player (%s) to: %d" @@ -8406,7 +8409,7 @@ msgid "You're going to regret that" msgstr "Ви пожалкуєте про це" msgid "Barely a scratch!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Лише подряпина!" msgid "Attack now?" msgstr "Атакувати зараз?" @@ -8568,7 +8571,7 @@ msgid "View Guide" msgstr "Переглянути Посібник" msgid "Load Game" -msgstr "Завнтажити Гру" +msgstr "Завантажити Гру" msgid "Save Game" msgstr "Зберегти Гру" @@ -9917,7 +9920,7 @@ msgid "Starts with advantages" msgstr "" msgid "CHOOSE AI" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ВИБРАТИ ШІ" msgid "Allow human players to join in this slot" msgstr "" @@ -10087,7 +10090,7 @@ msgid "Alt Name:" msgstr "" msgid "Player rating:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Рейтинг Гравця:" msgid "Host provided" msgstr "" @@ -11108,7 +11111,7 @@ msgstr "" #, c-format msgid "%s - Connected %u of %u - Hitpoints %d/%d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s - З'єднано %u з %u - Пошкодження %d/%d" #, c-format msgid "ID %u - Multiplier: %u" diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po index 4ad9cb058ea..f1960da3523 100644 --- a/po/zh_CN.po +++ b/po/zh_CN.po @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: warzone2100\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: warzone2100-project@lists.sourceforge.net\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-01 21:02+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-09 02:23\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2025-01-22 02:26\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: Chinese Simplified\n" "Language: zh_CN\n" @@ -6542,7 +6542,7 @@ msgid "Titanium-reinforced concrete" msgstr "钛钢筋强化混凝土" msgid "Tower wars AI, based on NullBot" -msgstr "塔防人工智能,基于 NullBot" +msgstr "NullBot 塔防战争" msgid "Tracked Propulsion" msgstr "推进动力:履带" @@ -6644,7 +6644,7 @@ msgid "Twin Multi-barrel, rapid-fire machinegun" msgstr "双管多膛快速击发的机枪" msgid "Two-faced" -msgstr "两面夹击" +msgstr "双面夹击" msgid "Undo Reduce Scavenger Flamer Range" msgstr "撤销减少拾荒者喷火器射程" @@ -7064,11 +7064,11 @@ msgstr "旁观者" #, c-format msgid "%s wants to enable debug mode. Enabled: %s, Disabled: %s." -msgstr "%s 想启用调试模式,激活:%s,关闭:%s。" +msgstr "%s 想启用调试模式,已启用:%s,已禁用:%s。" #, c-format msgid "%s wants to disable debug mode. Enabled: %s, Disabled: %s." -msgstr "%s 不希望使用调试模式。激活:%s,关闭:%s。" +msgstr "%s 想禁用调试模式,已启用:%s,已禁用:%s。" msgid "Debug mode now enabled!" msgstr "调试模式开启" @@ -7369,7 +7369,7 @@ msgid "Sensor Range" msgstr "雷达可视距离" msgid "ECM Power" -msgstr "电子对抗功率" +msgstr "ECM 功率" msgid "Build Points" msgstr "建筑物耐久度" @@ -7412,23 +7412,23 @@ msgstr "油田燃烧中,无法建造钻油井" #, c-format msgid "%s - Hitpoints %d/%d - Experience %.1f, %s, Kills %d" -msgstr "%s - 耐久度 %d/%d - 经验 %.1f,%s,杀敌 %d" +msgstr "%s - 生命值 %d/%d - 经验值 %.1f,%s,击杀数 %d" #, c-format msgid "%s - Hitpoints %d/%d - ID %d - %s" -msgstr "%s - 耐久度 %d/%d - ID %d - %s" +msgstr "%s - 生命值 %d/%d - ID %d - %s" #, c-format msgid "(Enemy!) %s - Hitpoints %d/%d - ID %d - experience %f, %s - order %s - action %s - sensor range %d - ECM %d - pitch %.0f" -msgstr "(敌人!) %s - 耐久度 %d/%d - ID %d - 经验 %f,%s - 命令 %s - 动作 %s - 传感器范围 %d - 电子对抗 %d - 仰角 %.0f" +msgstr "(敌人!) %s - 生命值 %d/%d - ID %d - 经验值 %f, %s - 命令 %s - 动作 %s - 雷达范围 %d - ECM %d - 俯仰角 %.0f" #, c-format msgid "%s - Allied - Hitpoints %d/%d - Experience %d, %s" -msgstr "%s - 盟军 - 耐久度 - %d/%d - 经验 %d, %s" +msgstr "%s - 联盟 - 生命值 %d/%d - 经验值 %d, %s" #, c-format msgid "(Enemy!) %s, ref: %d, ID: %d Hitpoints: %d/%d" -msgstr "(敌人!) %s,建筑类型索引:%d,ID: %d 耐久度: %d/%d" +msgstr "(敌人!) %s,索引:%d,ID:%d 生命值:%d/%d" msgid "Player left" msgstr "玩家已经离开" @@ -7651,7 +7651,7 @@ msgid "Configuration directory is reported as:" msgstr "配置目录为:" msgid "If running inside a container / isolated environment, this may differ from the actual path on disk." -msgstr "如果在容器/孤立环境中运行,这可能不同于磁盘上的实际路径。" +msgstr "如果在容器/隔离环境中运行,实际磁盘路径可能与此不同。" msgid "Please see the documentation for more information on how to locate it manually." msgstr "请参阅文档以获取有关如何手动定位的更多信息。" @@ -7777,7 +7777,7 @@ msgid "Groups Menu" msgstr "编队菜单" msgid "Options Button" -msgstr "选项按钮" +msgstr "选项" msgid "GRAPHICS OPTIONS" msgstr "图形选项" @@ -7871,7 +7871,7 @@ msgid "Min on Focus Loss" msgstr "在失去焦点时最小化" msgid "Whether the window should auto-minimize on focus loss" -msgstr "失去焦点时是否自动最小化窗口" +msgstr "窗口是否应在失去焦点时自动最小化" msgid "Alt+Enter Toggle" msgstr "Alt+Enter 切换" @@ -7889,7 +7889,7 @@ msgid "" "Warzone failed to change the Vertical Sync mode.\n" "Your system / drivers may not support other modes." msgstr "" -"Warzone 更改垂直同步模式失败。\n" +"Warzone 无法更改垂直同步模式。\n" "您的系统/驱动程序可能不支持其他模式。" msgid "Middle Mouse" @@ -8006,7 +8006,7 @@ msgid "Port Mapping" msgstr "端口映射" msgid "Use PCP, NAT-PMP, or UPnP to help configure your router / firewall to allow connections while hosting." -msgstr "使用 PCP、NAT-PMP 或 UPnP 来帮助配置您的路由器/防火墙,以便在作为主机时允许连接。" +msgstr "使用 PCP、NAT-PMP 或 UPnP 帮助配置您的路由器/防火墙,以便作为主机时允许连接。" msgid "Chat" msgstr "聊天" @@ -8015,7 +8015,7 @@ msgid "Inactivity Timeout" msgstr "挂机超时" msgid "Lag Kick" -msgstr "踢出延迟玩家" +msgstr "延迟踢出" msgid "Spectator Slots" msgstr "旁观者槽位" @@ -8078,7 +8078,7 @@ msgstr "游戏已保存: " #, c-format msgid "Player %u is cheating (debug menu) him/herself a new structure: %s." -msgstr "玩家 %u 利用作弊 (调试菜单) 模式建立了一个新建筑物: %s." +msgstr "玩家 %u 正在作弊(调试菜单),为他/她自己建造了一个新建筑:%s。" #, c-format msgid "Player %u is cheating (debug menu) him/herself a new feature: %s." @@ -8086,11 +8086,11 @@ msgstr "玩家%u 利用作弊 (调试菜单) 模式建立了一个新的地表 #, c-format msgid "Player %u is cheating (debug menu) him/herself a new droid: %s." -msgstr "玩家 %u 利用作弊 (调式菜单) 模式建立了一个新单位:%s." +msgstr "玩家 %u 正在作弊(调试菜单),为他/她自己建造了一个新机器人:%s。" #, c-format msgid "Player %u is cheating (debug menu) him/herself a new droid." -msgstr "玩家 %u 利用作弊 (调式菜单) 模式建立了一个新机器人" +msgstr "玩家 %u 正在作弊(调试菜单),为他/她自己建造了一个新机器人。" msgid "Open In-Game Options" msgstr "打开游戏菜单" @@ -8126,7 +8126,7 @@ msgstr "" "右键从收藏中移除" msgid "New Joins" -msgstr "新加入玩家" +msgstr "新加入者" msgid "Refresh" msgstr "刷新" @@ -8266,7 +8266,7 @@ msgstr "管理员" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed team of player (%s) to: %d" -msgstr "%s (%s) 将玩家 (%s) 的团队更改为: %d" +msgstr "%s (%s) 将玩家 (%s) 的队伍更改为:%d" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed position of player (%s) to: %d" @@ -8281,13 +8281,13 @@ msgid "%s (%s) changed faction of player (%s) to: %s" msgstr "%s (%s) 将玩家 (%s) 的阵营更改为: %s" msgid "Can someone please transfer me some units?" -msgstr "有人能给我一些单位吗?" +msgstr "有人能给我输送一些单位吗?" msgid "Can someone please transfer me trucks so I can rebuild?" -msgstr "有人能给我工程车让我重建吗?" +msgstr "有人能给我输送一些卡车,以便我重建吗?" msgid "Sorry, I don't understand. (Please use Quick Chat?)" -msgstr "对不起,我不明白。(请使用快速聊天?)" +msgstr "抱歉,我不太明白。(请使用快速聊天吗?)" msgid "I suggest: Building more units" msgstr "我建议:造更多单位" @@ -8368,7 +8368,7 @@ msgid "Not yet" msgstr "还不行" msgid "Soon" -msgstr "马上" +msgstr "很快" msgid "Thank you" msgstr "谢谢你" @@ -8377,13 +8377,13 @@ msgid "No problem" msgstr "没问题" msgid "Well-played" -msgstr "干的漂亮" +msgstr "玩的很棒" msgid "@#%*!" msgstr "@#%*!" msgid "Sorry, I don't understand. (Use Quick Chat?)" -msgstr "对不起,我不明白。(使用快速聊天?)" +msgstr "抱歉,我不太明白。(使用快速聊天吗?)" msgid "Get ready..." msgstr "做好准备..." @@ -8398,13 +8398,13 @@ msgid "Attack now?" msgstr "现在攻击吗?" msgid "Group up" -msgstr "一起上" +msgstr "集结队伍" msgid "Split up" msgstr "分头行动" msgid "Focus attacks where marked" -msgstr "集中攻击标记位置" +msgstr "集中攻击标记的地方" msgid "Retreat!" msgstr "撤退!" @@ -8437,13 +8437,13 @@ msgid "I'm being attacked!" msgstr "我正遭到攻击!" msgid "I'm rushing oils" -msgstr "我去摧毁钻油井" +msgstr "我正在抢夺油田!" msgid "They're rushing oils!" -msgstr "他们正在摧毁钻油井!" +msgstr "他们正在抢夺油田!" msgid "I don't have enough power" -msgstr "我的能源不够" +msgstr "我的能源不足!" msgid "Build more units" msgstr "生产更多单位" @@ -8476,13 +8476,13 @@ msgid "Capture oil resources" msgstr "夺取石油资源" msgid "That didn't go well..." -msgstr "大事不妙……" +msgstr "大事不妙…" msgid "I have another plan" msgstr "我有另一个计划" msgid "Good game" -msgstr "好游戏" +msgstr "精彩!" msgid "I give up" msgstr "我投降了" @@ -8524,7 +8524,7 @@ msgid "No teammates." msgstr "没有队友。" msgid "Waiting for other teams to finish planning." -msgstr "正在等待其他队伍完成计划。" +msgstr "等待其他队伍完成计划。" msgid "Weapons:" msgstr "武器:" @@ -8542,10 +8542,10 @@ msgid "Host Quit" msgstr "主机退出" msgid "Tactical UI (Target Origin Icon): Show" -msgstr "战术界面 (原始目标图标) :显示" +msgstr "战术界面(目标来源图标):显示" msgid "Tactical UI (Target Origin Icon): Hide" -msgstr "战术界面 (原始目标图标) :隐藏" +msgstr "战术界面(目标来源图标):隐藏" msgid "Go Back" msgstr "返回" @@ -8604,21 +8604,21 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Warzone will try to load the game without it." msgstr "" -"这个模组不能加载: %s\n" +"无法加载所需的模组:%s\n" "\n" -"Warzone 将尝试继续加载游戏" +"Warzone 将尝试在没有该模组的情况下加载游戏。" #, c-format msgid "Failure to load %zu game model(s)" -msgstr "%zu 个游戏模型加载失败" +msgstr "无法加载 %zu 个模组" #, c-format msgid "Failure to load textures for %zu model(s)" -msgstr "%zu 个模型的纹理加载失败" +msgstr "无法加载 %zu 个模组纹理" #, c-format msgid "Failure to load model for %zu stat(s)" -msgstr "%zu 个状态的模型加载失败" +msgstr "无法加载 %zu 个状态模组" msgid "Warzone 2100 encountered error(s) loading game data:" msgstr "Warzone 2100 在加载游戏数据时遇到错误:" @@ -8837,7 +8837,7 @@ msgid "Move Camera Left" msgstr "镜头左移" msgid "Snap View to North" -msgstr "吸附视图到北方" +msgstr "视角对准北方" msgid "Toggle Tracking Camera" msgstr "开启或关闭追踪视角" @@ -8915,10 +8915,10 @@ msgid "Toggle Overlays" msgstr "开启或关闭叠层显示" msgid "Toggle Console History " -msgstr "切换控制台历史 " +msgstr "切换控制台历史记录 " msgid "Toggle Team Chat History" -msgstr "切换队伍聊天历史" +msgstr "切换队伍聊天记录" msgid "Rotate Building Clockwise" msgstr "顺时针旋转建筑" @@ -8966,7 +8966,7 @@ msgid "Return For Repair" msgstr "返回修理" msgid "Stop Droid" -msgstr "停止单位" +msgstr "停止机器人" msgid "Go to Transport" msgstr "前往运输舰" @@ -9002,7 +9002,7 @@ msgid "Toggle ally-enemy radar view" msgstr "切换 盟友-敌人 雷达视图" msgid "Show all keyboard mappings" -msgstr "显示所有按键映射" +msgstr "显示所有键盘映射" msgid "Retreat at Medium Damage" msgstr "中度损伤时撤退" @@ -9066,7 +9066,7 @@ msgid "Show frame rate" msgstr "显示帧率" msgid "Select all units with the same components" -msgstr "选择所有具有相同组件的部队" +msgstr "选择所有相同组件的单位" msgid "Select all Combat Cyborgs" msgstr "选择所有正在战斗的半机械人" @@ -9135,7 +9135,7 @@ msgid "Toggle Debug Mappings" msgstr "切换调试映射" msgid "Prioritize Debug Mappings" -msgstr "优先处理调试用按键映射" +msgstr "优先考虑调试映射" msgid "Toggle Level Editor" msgstr "切换关卡编辑器" @@ -9211,19 +9211,19 @@ msgid "Discord: Can't Join Game" msgstr "Discord:无法加入游戏" msgid "You can't join a game while you're in a game. Please save / quit your current game, exit to the main menu, and try again." -msgstr "在游戏中不能再加入游戏,请保存/退出当前游戏,退出至主菜单,然后重试。" +msgstr "您无法在游戏进行时加入另一场游戏。请保存/退出当前游戏,返回主菜单,然后再试一次。" msgid "Discord: Finding & Connecting to Game" msgstr "Discord:查找并连接到游戏" msgid "Attempting to find & connect to the game specified by the Discord invite." -msgstr "尝试查找并连接到 Discord 邀请中指定的游戏。" +msgstr "正在尝试找到并连接到由 Discord 邀请指定的游戏。" msgid "This may take a moment..." msgstr "这可能需要一些时间..." msgid "Failed to find game in the lobby server: " -msgstr "在大厅服务器中寻找游戏失败: " +msgstr "未能在大厅服务器中找到游戏: " msgid "The game may have already started, or the host may have disbanded the game lobby." msgstr "游戏可能已经开始,或者主机已经解散游戏大厅。" @@ -9232,7 +9232,7 @@ msgid "Failed to Find Game" msgstr "无法查找游戏" msgid "Failed to join the game from the specified invite link, with error:" -msgstr "从指定的邀请链接加入游戏出错:" +msgstr "未能从指定的邀请链接加入游戏,错误信息:" msgid "Failed to Join Game" msgstr "无法加入游戏" @@ -9403,7 +9403,7 @@ msgstr "视角对准西方" #, c-format msgid "Player %u is cheating a new droid army of: %d × %s." -msgstr "玩家 %u 使用作弊批量建立单位: %d × %s。" +msgstr "玩家 %u 正在作弊,创建了一个新的机器人军队:%d × %s。" #, c-format msgid "(Player %u) is using cheat :%s" @@ -9422,7 +9422,7 @@ msgid "A power fantasy!" msgstr "力量幻想!" msgid "Taking things easy!" -msgstr "让事情变简单!" +msgstr "轻松应对!" msgid "Back to normality!" msgstr "回到正常状态" @@ -9443,10 +9443,10 @@ msgid "FPS display is disabled." msgstr "FPS显示关闭" msgid "Unit count display is enabled." -msgstr "单位数量显示已启用。" +msgstr "单位计数显示已启用。" msgid "Unit count display is disabled." -msgstr "单位数量显示已禁用。" +msgstr "单位计数显示已禁用。" #, c-format msgid "(Player %u) is using a cheat :Num Droids: %d Num Structures: %d Num Features: %d" @@ -9459,13 +9459,13 @@ msgid "Infinite power enabled" msgstr "无限制能源:开" msgid "Lighting values for all tiles recalculated" -msgstr "重新计算的所有格子的亮度值" +msgstr "所有格子的高度已重新计算。" msgid "All items made available" msgstr "可使用所有的项目" msgid "Tile info dumped into log" -msgstr "地图区块信息已导出到日志" +msgstr "信息已导出到日志。" msgid "Fog on" msgstr "战争迷雾开启" @@ -9475,10 +9475,10 @@ msgstr "战争迷雾关闭" #, c-format msgid "Setting radar zoom to %u" -msgstr "设置雷达缩放为 %u" +msgstr "将雷达缩放设置为 %u" msgid "Toggling debug mapping priority: " -msgstr "切换调试按键映射优先级: " +msgstr "切换调试映射优先级: " msgid "Disabling level editor" msgstr "禁用关卡编辑器" @@ -9588,10 +9588,10 @@ msgid "Unable to locate HQ!" msgstr "无法定位到指挥中心!" msgid "Formation speed limiting ON" -msgstr "队形速度限制打开" +msgstr "阵型速度限制已开启" msgid "Formation speed limiting OFF" -msgstr "队形速度限制关闭" +msgstr "阵型速度限制已关闭" msgid "Vertical rotation direction: Normal" msgstr "上下垂直方向:正常" @@ -9638,22 +9638,22 @@ msgid "Radar showing height" msgstr "雷达显示高度" msgid "Asserts turned off" -msgstr "断言关闭" +msgstr "关闭断言" msgid "QuickSave not allowed for multiplayer or tutorial games" -msgstr "多人游戏或教程游戏不允许快速保存" +msgstr "多人游戏或教程游戏中不允许快速保存" msgid "QuickSave not allowed in Autosaves-Only mode" -msgstr "仅自动存档模式下不允许快速保存" +msgstr "在仅自动存档模式下不允许快速保存" msgid "QuickSave failed" msgstr "快速保存失败" msgid "QuickLoad not allowed for multiplayer or tutorial games" -msgstr "多人游戏或教程游戏不允许快速加载" +msgstr "多人游戏或教程游戏中不允许快速加载" msgid "QuickLoad not allowed in Autosaves-Only mode" -msgstr "仅自动存档模式下不允许快速加载" +msgstr "在仅自动存档模式下不允许快速加载" msgid "QuickSave file does not exist yet" msgstr "快速存档文件不存在" @@ -9805,10 +9805,10 @@ msgid "Laser Satellite disabled." msgstr "激光卫星损坏" msgid "Structure Limits Enforced." -msgstr "执行建筑数量限制。" +msgstr "已执行建筑数量限制。" msgid "Not enough votes to randomize or change the map." -msgstr "没有足够的选票来随机或更改地图。" +msgstr "投票不足,无法随机或更改地图。" msgid "Select Game Name" msgstr "选择游戏名称" @@ -9824,7 +9824,7 @@ msgid "" "Can be blocked by players' votes" msgstr "" "选择地图\n" -"可以通过玩家投票阻止" +"玩家可以投票阻止" msgid "Map-Mod!" msgstr "地图模组!" @@ -9873,16 +9873,16 @@ msgid "Tech" msgstr "技术水平" msgid "Technology Level 1" -msgstr "技术级别 1" +msgstr "一阶" msgid "Technology Level 2" -msgstr "技术级别 2" +msgstr "二阶" msgid "Technology Level 3" -msgstr "技术级别 3" +msgstr "三阶" msgid "Technology Level 4" -msgstr "技术级别 4" +msgstr "四阶" msgid "Start Hosting Game" msgstr "开始游戏" @@ -9891,7 +9891,7 @@ msgid "DIFFICULTY" msgstr "难度" msgid "Starts disadvantaged" -msgstr "以劣势开局" +msgstr "劣势开局" msgid "Plays nice" msgstr "玩得好" @@ -9912,7 +9912,7 @@ msgid "Leave this slot unused" msgstr "不使用此位置" msgid "Allow spectators to join in this slot" -msgstr "允许旁观者加入此槽位" +msgstr "允许观众加入" msgid "Click to change to this slot" msgstr "切到此处" @@ -10973,7 +10973,7 @@ msgid "Kinetic Armor" msgstr "动能装甲" msgid "(Tanks / Cyborgs)" -msgstr "(坦克/半机械人)" +msgstr "(坦克/机器人)" msgid "Cannons" msgstr "加农炮" @@ -11036,19 +11036,19 @@ msgid "EMP" msgstr "电磁脉冲" msgid "Can't build any more units, Unit Limit Reached — Production Halted" -msgstr "无法建造更多部队,单位数量已达上限 -- 生产停止" +msgstr "无法再建造任何单位,已达到单位上限 — 生产暂停" #, c-format msgid "Can't build \"%s\" without a Command Relay Center — Production Halted" -msgstr "没有命令中继中心无法制造“%s” -- 生产停止" +msgstr "无法在没有指挥中继中心的情况下建造 “%s” — 生产暂停" #, c-format msgid "Can't build \"%s\", Commander Limit Reached — Production Halted" -msgstr "无法制造“%s”,指挥官数量已达上限 -- 生产停止" +msgstr "无法建造 “%s”,指挥官上限已达到 — 生产暂停" #, c-format msgid "Can't build any more \"%s\", Construction Unit Limit Reached — Production Halted" -msgstr "无法制造“%s”,建造单位数量已达上线 -- 生产停止" +msgstr "无法建造 “%s”,建造单位数量已达上线 -- 生产停止" msgid "Laser Satellite is ready to fire!" msgstr "激光卫星已准备好开火!" @@ -11056,20 +11056,20 @@ msgstr "激光卫星已准备好开火!" #, c-format msgid "%s - %u Unit assigned - Hitpoints %d/%d" msgid_plural "%s - %u Units assigned - Hitpoints %d/%d" -msgstr[0] "%s - %u 已分配单位 - 耐久度 %d/%d" +msgstr[0] "%s - %u 单位分配 - 生命值 %d/%d" #, c-format msgid "ID %d - sensor range %d - ECM %d" -msgstr "ID %d - 传感器范围 %d - 电子对抗 %d" +msgstr "ID %d - 探测范围 %d - 电子对抗 %d" #, c-format msgid "%s - %u Unit assigned - Damage %d/%d" msgid_plural "%s - %u Units assigned - Hitpoints %d/%d" -msgstr[0] "%s - %u 已分配单位 - 耐久度 %d/%d" +msgstr[0] "%s - %u 单位分配 - 伤害 %d/%d" #, c-format msgid "%s - Hitpoints %d/%d" -msgstr "%s - 耐久度 %d/%d" +msgstr "%s - 生命值 %d/%d" #, c-format msgid "ID %d - armour %d|%d - sensor range %d - ECM %d - born %u - depth %.02f" @@ -11085,7 +11085,7 @@ msgstr "ID %d - %s" #, c-format msgid "%s - Connected %u of %u - Hitpoints %d/%d" -msgstr "%s - 连接 %u of %u - 耐久度 %d/%d" +msgstr "%s - 已连接 %u / %u - 生命值 %d/%d" #, c-format msgid "ID %u - Multiplier: %u" @@ -11105,7 +11105,7 @@ msgstr "坐标 %d,%d - 补给目标 %s" #, c-format msgid "ID %u - sensor range %d - ECM %d" -msgstr "ID %u - 传感器范围 %d - 电子干扰 %d" +msgstr "ID %u - 探测范围 %d - 电子对抗 %d" #, c-format msgid "%s - Electronically Damaged"