This is an official implementation of Frequency Compensated Diffusion Model for Real-scene Dehazing by Pytorch.
This repo is a modification on the SR3 Repo.
Install third-party libraries.
pip install -r requirement.txt
Download train/eval data from the following links:
Training: RESIDE
Testing: I-Haze / O-Haze / Dense-Haze / Nh-Haze / RTTS
mkdir dataset
Re-organize the train/val images in the following file structure:
#Training data file structure
├── HR # ground-truth clear images.
├── HR_hazy_src # hazy images.
└── HR_depth # depth images (Generated by MonoDepth (
#Testing data (e.g. DenseHaze) file structure
├── HR # ground-truth images.
└── HR_hazy # hazy images.
then make sure the correct data paths ("dataroot") in config/framework_da.json.
We prepared the pretrained model at:
Type | Weights |
Generator | OneDrive |
Download the test set (e.g O-Haze). Simply put the test images in "dataroot" and set the correct path in config/framework_da.json about "dataroot";
Download the pretrained model and set the correct path in config/framework_da.json about "resume_state":
"path": {
"log": "logs",
"tb_logger": "tb_logger",
"results": "results",
"checkpoint": "checkpoint",
"resume_state": "./ddpm_fcb_230221_121802"
"val": {
"name": "dehaze_val",
"mode": "LRHR",
"dataroot": "dataset/O-HAZE-PROCESS",
# infer
python -c [config file]
The default config file is config/framework_da.json. The outputs images are located at /data/diffusion/results. One can change output path in core/
Prepare train dataset and set the correct paths in config/framework_da.json about "datasets";
If training from scratch, make sure "resume_state" is null in config/framework_da.json.
# infer
python -c [config file]
Quantitative comparison on real-world hazy data (RTTS). Bold and underline indicate the best and the second-best, respectively.
Upload configs and pretrained models
Upload evaluation scripts
Upload train scripts