Releases: TylerBarnes/gatsby-plugin-transition-link
I was so happy about the last release that I forgot to test using no layout component. This fixes that!
Add internal gatsby-plugin-layout support
Since it was finicky / hard getting layouts to work properly with this plugin (and even with no errors, transitions weren't working), I've integrated the code from gatsby-plugin-layout
into this plugin.
resolve: "gatsby-plugin-transition-link",
options: {
layout: require.resolve(`./src/components/Layout.jsx`)
Because of the way TransitionLink was delaying pages during transitions, it was accidentally preventing full SSR in the build step. This release fixes SSR
Fix IE missing array.includes
Prior to this release TransitionLink wasn't working in IE. Should be good in IE11 and maybe older versions.
Fixed babel browserlist
I had my babel config set up wrong and it wasn't building properly to support the same browsers as gatsby.
Updated docs
Added some really rough docs in the readme. I will be refining this and creating a docs site to make it easier to read in the near future.
This is the first stable release of gatsby-plugin-transition-link! A number of awesome improvements have been made but the readme needs to be updated and will be soon.
Overhaul of transition context + addition of exitState prop
Added transition statuses to the data that pages receive. ("exiting" and "entered")
Prior to this release, the entryState was available to both the exiting and entering pages. Now pages will only receive the relevant data to their transition status.
exitState has been added. It works the same as entryState but is of course applied to the exiting page.
There is now a component which can read the exit or entry state anywhere in your app.