❝Where the infrastructure burns down to pure configurations(ashes)❞
Stove is an end-to-end testing framework that simplifies testing by managing physical dependencies and your application in a unified way. Write infrastructure-agnostic but component-aware tests in Kotlin, regardless of your JVM-based tech stack.
- 🚀 Zero Boilerplate: Write clean, focused tests without infrastructure setup code
- 🔌 Pluggable Architecture: Easily extend with custom infrastructure components
- 🐳 Docker-Based: Leverages Testcontainers for reliable, isolated test environments
- 🌐 Framework Agnostic: Works with Spring, Ktor, Micronaut and other JVM frameworks (up for grabs)
- 🔄 Physical Dependencies: Built-in support for Kafka, Couchbase, PostgreSQL, and more
- ⚡ Fast Development: On top of the boilerplate free testing, optional Reuse test containers for blazing-fast local development
Physical dependencies:
- ✅ Kafka
- ✅ Couchbase
- ✅ PostgreSQL
- ✅ ElasticSearch
- ✅ MongoDB
- ✅ Redis
- ✅ HTTP Client
- ✅ WireMock
- ✅ Spring
- ✅ Ktor
- ✅ Micronaut
- ✅ Quarkus (incubating)
// Add the following dependencies to your build.gradle.kts
// And the any of the following for the infrastructure you want to use, for example Kafka
// you can also use Couchbase, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, MongoDB, MSSQL, Redis, HTTP Client, WireMock
// as much as you want
// And Application Under Test (AUT)
// Or
TestSystem() {
if (isRunningLocally()) {
// this will keep the dependencies running
// after the tests are finished,
// so next run will be blazing fast :)
}.with {
// Enables http client
// to make real http calls
// against the application under test
httpClient {
baseUrl = "http://localhost:8001",
// Enables Couchbase physically
// and exposes the configuration
// to the application under test
couchbase {
defaultBucket = "Stove",
configureExposedConfiguration = { cfg -> listOf("couchbase.hosts=${cfg.hostsWithPort}") },
// Enables Kafka physically
// and exposes the configuration
// to the application under test
kafka {
configureExposedConfiguration = { cfg -> listOf("kafka.bootstrapServers=${cfg.boostrapServers}") },
// Enables Wiremock on the given port
// and provides configurable mock HTTP server
// for your external API calls
wiremock {
port = 9090,
removeStubAfterRequestMatched = true,
afterRequest = { e, _, _ ->
// The Application Under Test.
// Enables Spring Boot application
// to be run with the given parameters.
runner = { parameters ->
stove.spring.example.run(parameters) { it.addTestSystemDependencies() }
withParameters = listOf(
TestSystem.validate {
wiremock {
mockGet("/example-url", responseBody = None, statusCode = 200)
http {
get<String>("/hello/index") { actual ->
actual shouldContain "Hi from Stove framework"
couchbase {
shouldQuery<Any>("SELECT * FROM system:keyspaces") { actual ->
kafka {
shouldBePublished<ExampleMessage> {
actual.aggregateId == 123
&& metadata.topic = "example-topic"
&& metadata.headers["example-header"] == "example-value"
shouldBeConsumed<ExampleMessage> {
actual.aggregateId == 123
&& metadata.topic = "example-topic"
&& metadata.headers["example-header"] == "example-value"
couchbase {
save(collection = "Backlogs", id = "id-of-backlog", instance = Backlog("id-of-backlog"))
http {
postAndExpectBodilessResponse("/backlog/reserve") { actual ->
kafka {
shouldBeConsumed<ProductCreated> {
actual.aggregateId == expectedId
The JVM ecosystem lacks a unified approach to end-to-end testing. While tools like Testcontainers exist, developers still need to:
- Write extensive boilerplate code
- Complex setup code for each tech stack
- Create different testing setups for each framework
- Manage complex infrastructure configurations for each framework
This affects teams across many tech stacks:
- Kotlin with Spring Boot/Ktor
- Java with Spring Boot/Micronaut/Quarkus
- Scala with Spring Boot
Stove solves these challenges by providing:
- A unified testing API across all JVM stacks
- Built-in support for common infrastructure
- Clean, Kotlin-based test syntax
- Reusable test containers for fast local development
Stove unifies the testing experience across all JVM stacks, making it easier to write clean, focused tests.
While Stove is production-ready and extensively used, the API is not yet fully stabilized. Breaking changes may occur in minor releases, but migration guides will always be provided.
Contributions are welcome! Whether it's:
- 🐛 Bug reports
- 💡 Feature requests
- 📖 Documentation improvements
- 🚀 Code contributions
Stove is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.