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A simple Air Quality Index monitor, designed to work on the Raspberry Pi with the SDS011 Nova PM Sensor.





  • Python 3.9+


pip install aqimon

Running Aqimon

Aqimon is a simple web server. To start with all the defaults (assuming available SDS011 hardware on /dev/ttyUSB0), you can just run:


And then go to your browser at http://{serveraddress}:8000/ to view the UI.

If you don't have the requisite SDS011 hardware, you can use a mock data source via a mock reader.

Configure With Systemd

Generally, you'd want to run Aqimon as an always-on service, using systemd.

To do so, create a file at /etc/systemd/system/aqimin.service with the following contents:




And then run:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start aqimon


Aqimon uses environment variables for configuration, but all values should ship with sensible defaults.

Variable Default Description
AQIMON_DB_PATH ~/.aqimon/db.sqlite The path to the database file, where read information is stored. It should be an absolute path; user home expansion is supported.
AQIMON_POLL_FREQUENCY_SEC 900 (15 minutes) Sets how frequently to read from the device, in seconds.
AQIMON_RETENTION_MINUTES 10080 (1 week) Sets how long data will be kept in the database, in minutes.
AQIMON_READER_TYPE NOVAPM The reader type to use, either NOVAPM or MOCK.
AQIMON_USB_PATH /dev/ttyUSB0 The path to the USB device for the sensor.
AQIMON_SLEEP_SEC_BETWEEN_READS 5 The number of seconds to wait for between each read in a set of reads.
AQIMON_SAMPLE_COUNT_PER_READ 5 The number of reads to take with each sample.
AQIMON_WARM_UP_SEC 15 The number of seconds to wait for the device to warm up before reading.
AQIMON_COMMAND_WAIT_TIME 1 The number of seconds to wait for the device respond to a command.
AQIMON_EPA_LOOKBACK_MIN 60*8 The number of minutes to look back at read data to calculate the EPA AQI.
AQIMON_SERVER_PORT 8000 The port to run the server on.
AQIMON_SERVER_HOST The host to run the server on.



To start developing, you'll need to install the following tools:

Optionally, we have pre-commit hooks available as well. To install hooks, just run pre-commit install and then linters and autoformatting will be applied automatically on commit.


To build the project, and install all dev-dependencies, run:

just build

To start the server in develop mode, run:

poetry run aqimond

To compile elm changes, run:

just compile_elm

To manually run lint checks on the code, run:

just lint

To run auto-formatters, run:

just format

Using the Mock Reader

Aqimon ships with a mock reader class that you can use in the event that you don't have a reader available on your development computer. The mock reader just returns randomized reads. To use it, you can start the server like:

AQIMON_READER_TYPE=MOCK poetry run aqimon

Submitting a PR

Master branch is locked, but you can open a PR on the repo. Build checks must pass, and changes approved by a code owner, before merging.