All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- more tests
renamed 'loaderGifBase64' to 'loaderImgSrc'
- build and testdbg npm tasks improved
- 'reason' variable in fail message and better default one
- add more valid http response codes
- tests! more coming
fix a bug to show loaders for embed methods
renamed 'parent' option to 'parentEl' for clarity removed unused 'oembedEndpoint' option
- loader image control (src and css)
- onFail callback with default function
- custom delay
- better dev server for the demo page (fastest way to test the options)
- various console.warn() to help you debug easily
- smarter loader and failing logic
- various bugs fixed
- more! check the readme
- using "use strict"
- added some [JSDoc] ( comments
- rename to
- add .tern-project file for easier js editing ternjs.
- cleanup some npm tasks
- using normal attr funcfions instead of dataset for better IE8 support
- proof of concept