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Releases: The64thGamer/Pneumagination-Old-Ver


28 Oct 23:47
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Added Settings Menu

Pneumagination will now support H-Trace as a lower-end option for the game. H-Trace has many drawbacks to accurately representing the scene compared to Raytracing, but is still fine enough to include.

Players can also now disable DLSS, change the samples and bounces in the scene, ect.


-WASD to move, CRTL to crouch, SPACE to jump, SHIFT to run.
-"E" to unlock your mouse cursor
-"Esc" to quit the game (as long as your cursor isn't unlocked)
-Scroll wheel to zoom in and out.
-TAB to switch to "Panoramic Mode". Hold left and right mouse buttons to pan and rotate.

Change Log

-Added Settings Menu
-Added H-Trace support
-Added new test animatronic to the maps, a body module that can tilt left and right.
-Added minor adjustments to maps
-Improved the audio syncing when playing the tape forwards.

Alpha 0.3

26 Oct 17:33
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Warning, this game uses Raytracing and DirectX12, this will not run on non-raytracing cards currently. (You can still probably run the name generator though in the main menu)

Welcome to version 0.3. This is mainly just an update to add the logos, update the title screen, and improve the maps some.


-WASD to move, CRTL to crouch, SPACE to jump, SHIFT to run.
-"E" to unlock your mouse cursor
-"Esc" to quit the game (as long as your cursor isn't unlocked)
-Scroll wheel to zoom in and out.
-TAB to switch to "Panoramic Mode". Hold left and right mouse buttons to pan and rotate.

Change Log

-Added 1 hour long day/night system.
-Added new title screen
-Added a second map, deemed the "Hard Mode Map"
-Added a panoramic view that can be toggled by holding TAB
-Added an RSHW converter inside the Unity editor
-Updated original map with more details and a sign
-Modified camera exposure settings
-Added barriers to the maps to prevent you falling off
-Added an invisible line of objects blocking the horizon so sunsets stop casting light just before sundown.
-Updated game logo.

Alpha 0.2

24 Oct 06:05
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Warning, this game uses Raytracing and DirectX12, this will not run on non-raytracing cards currently. (You can still probably run the name generator though in the main menu)


You Can Make Showtapes Now

Yep! Just on version 2, I think this beats out how long I took to get here in Replay? Only like 3 days of coding.

This build features a new UI menu for making showtapes! To access the buttons on the UI, hit the "E" key (for Editor) to unlock your mouse. To start a new show, head on over to the [ i ] button to bring up the Show Data popup. Here you can change the name, description ect, and add audio!

Now unlike RR Engine, you can basically throw any audio file you want at this, no more specific .wav format! You can then hit play and use the #0-9 keys to program the two default characters. Be sure to save your file!


-WASD to move, CRTL to crouch, SPACE to jump, SHIFT to run.
-"E" to unlock your mouse cursor
-"Esc" to quit the game (as long as your cursor isn't unlocked)
-Scroll wheel to zoom in and out.

Change Log

-Changed character to have physics, taken from Min-Max and modified.
-Camera can now be zoomed with scroll wheel
-Map now has more detail and textures
-Raytracing settings changed
-Added showtape recording and playback functionality
-Added UI to edit showtapes, save files, and load files.
-Added speaker objects for the DEAD_Engine to receive commands from
-Added another test animatronic to the scene
-Added randomized sun angle every time you're loaded in

Alpha 0.1

21 Oct 08:59
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Warning, this game uses Raytracing and DirectX12, this will not run on non-raytracing cards currently. (You can still probably run the name generator though in the main menu)

First release, all this includes in the Name Generator in the menu and a test scene with 2 animatronics.

Name Generator is just a fun little thing to mess with that generates random store names. It takes a full random name (or anything you type in) and spits out... the best it can. This is gonna be used later in the game for random NPC names and random business names for competing restaurants. I'm gonna have similar variants of the name generator for animatronic manufacturers and other specific named things.

The test scene depicts an extremely small location that will be runnable in the game, alongside 2 identical robots that are testing the first iteration of the DEAD Engine. Press #1-3 to move the first bot, and uhhhhh #4-5 aren't working on the other one but #6 does I guess. Current movements are just using basic animation, no air simulation yet.

Use WASD to move around and EQ to fly, just gonna be a simple fly camera for now until collision begins working n such.

If the scene starts to slowly darken that's cause a cloud is moving in front of the sun. Game's fully raytraced so stuff like that's gonna happen. The sun's position currently doesn't move though.
